Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian


If God is above human traits, Why there is so-called slaves & servants of God.? Slavery & the need for servants are human traits, namely, human perversion & human weakness, respectively.
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And why does god need constant praise if he is the ONLY and KNOWS he is great and has no equal. Does he have an inferiority complex or is he just vain?
Think of it this way.

We were created to share a relationship with God. He is certainly self-sufficient. But how much more meaningful is a relationship with a loving and faithful wife who wants to be with you than a cloned sex slave? This might be a strange analogy, but it makes God happy to have people who love Him.

Those who love God praise Him because of the incredible sacrifice he made on the cross. Like it says in a popular Christian song:

And I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

You really don't. And unless you spent an eternity in hell, you wouldn't.

We praise God for his mercy because He took our sins upon Himself to save humanity. Like I've said before, you don't really realize the penalty that we would have to have paid if God punished us. One split second in hell is more pain and suffering than you will ever experience in your life, infinity-fold. Feel that for eternity? That is what we were up against until Jesus won the ultimate victory against sin on the cross.

Yours in Christ,

Hitler wasn't "a" Christian, he believed in every religion as he was a fanatic of the occult. He went seeking myths, objects, and other beliefs of the past to try and gain an edge and have ultimate power as well as used the bad parts of each religion or other beliefs to justify his killing of whomever it may have been.

Referring to the "almighty creator" and "Lord" doesn't automatically mean one is Christian -- those terms are generic ones of almost every religion as well as some people's individual beliefs that aren't part of any mainstream religion.

When you believe in darned near every and anything, as Hitler did, almost anything one does can be justifiable in the names of ones religious beliefs. Talk about a get out of jail free card. :p

- N
Proud_Muslim said:
... your christian background is heavily influencing your understanding of God.

Don't attempt this with me.

You know nothing about me but what I've chosen to write out for you.

Therefore, you, effectively, have no data with which to perform your amature psychoanalysis.

God has NO human face, he is NOT human, he created humanity, he CANT be equal to his creation, how many times I need to exlain that to you ??

No humanity, correct?

Allah has NO humanity because he is NOT human, He loves his creation equally ( if I will make it simple for you to understand) but his love is DIFFERENT from our love, he is GOD, we are his servants.

According to you "love" is a human trait.
God is not bound to human traits, though, according to you.

Therefore, God doesn't love. He has his own special thing, and I'll call it "bove".

God boves me, and expects me to love him in return?

But why's that? It might not be a fair exchange. His bove might not be worth my love, or vice versa.

Is God tryin' to scam me?

Personally, I don't want to be scammed.
I have limited amounts off love to give. Why should I give it to this guy who's not even going to give me the same thing back?
Rappaccini said:
Don't attempt this with me.
You know nothing about me but what I've chosen to write out for you.

Therefore, you, effectively, have no data with which to perform your amature psychoanalysis.

What are you ? cow worshipper or something ???? :rolleyes:

According to you "love" is a human trait.
God is not bound to human traits, though, according to you.
Therefore, God doesn't love. He has his own special thing, and I'll call it "bove".

You can call it what you like as long as you remain hopeless, this is what matter !!

God boves me, and expects me to love him in return?

No, he does not expect you to love him in return beause he has given you FREE WILL.

But why's that? It might not be a fair exchange. His bove might not be worth my love, or vice versa.

Is God tryin' to scam me?

Or maybe your brain need to be scanned !!!

Personally, I don't want to be scammed.
I have limited amounts off love to give. Why should I give it to this guy who's not even going to give me the same thing back?

You see !! you refered to god as GUY !! it tells all !! discussion closed, too primitive to continue. :rolleyes:
everneo said:

If God is above human traits, Why there is so-called slaves & servants of God.? Slavery & the need for servants are human traits, namely, human perversion & human weakness, respectively.

Slaves and servant of God does not mean you are really slave in the human term of the word.
Hitler used religion as long as it served his savage ends, same as Saddam, same as PMS (within the limited scope of his keyboard).
spidergoat said:
Hitler used religion as long as it served his savage ends, same as Saddam, same as PMS (within the limited scope of his keyboard).

More like twisted it.

Like when women PMS they tend to turn a small dip in mood into an excuse to be a huge bitch for a week. :)
Proud_Muslim said:
What are you ? cow worshipper or something ???? :rolleyes:
What is wrong with cow worship.? How are you sure that Allah is not a super invisible cow ? cow is most beneficial in small scale .!!! :p
Proud_Muslim said:
What are you ? cow worshipper or something ???? :rolleyes:

What makes you think that?

Quit using the "rolleyes" emoticon so much. It makes you look like a teenage girl.

You can call it what you like as long as you remain hopeless, this is what matter !!

Can you rephrase that in English?
I'm sorry but I'm not fluent in "stupid".

No, he does not expect you to love him in return beause he has given you FREE WILL.

So, can I just take his "bove" and ignore him from then on, no catch?

You're telling me I can scam Allah out of his bove?

Or maybe your brain need to be scanned !!!

Using more than one exclamation point makes you look like you're twelve. Have some dignity.

You see !! you refered to god as GUY !! it tells all !! discussion closed, too primitive to continue. :rolleyes:

Again with the rolling of the eyes...

Too primitive?
So you'd rather me just go ignorant of Allah?
Are you refusing to teach me?
Are you denying me knowledge of Allah?

Isn't that a sin?!!!!????!!!! ? !!!???!!!!!? :rolleyes: ! !!!!!!!???????!!!!!!?
JesusisLord51 said:
M*W: I realize you were answering another post. I'm concerned about you are attempting to speak for the entire human race in what is your perception of "God" our Creator.
M*W: You said: "We were created to share a relationship with God."
M*W: I tend to agree with this statement but not in the way you do. I believe we were created ONLY for the sole purpose of glorifying our Creator. In that, the only reason we are here on Planet Earth is to be a vessel for the One Spirit of God. Essentially, we are God's eyes, hands, feet, heart, mind and soul on Earth. We are One with God.
You said: "He is certainly self-sufficient.
M*W: It is true, our Creator is surely self-sufficient, but that is why we were created--to be here in physical form (in our Earthsuit) to carry the One Spirit of God across the face of the Earth. For whatever reasons we do not understand, God may have been self-sufficient, alright, but God becomes omnipotent dwelling in humanity.
M*W: You said: "But how much more meaningful is a relationship with a loving and faithful wife who wants to be with you than a cloned sex slave?
M*W: This analogy doesn't make a bit of sense when talking about our relationship with our Creator. Having a loving and faithful wife who wants to be with you than a cloned sex slave." Having a "wife who wants to be with you" as compared to God who IS with you, is redundant. Having a "cloned sex slave" want to be with you is another thing entirely. There is no comparison to our relationship with our Creator. We were created for a purpose, and that purpose was to carry the One Spirit of God on Earth. There is no other reason we're here. Free-will is rather moot. Anyone can "reject" this reason, but the fact remains that "the kingdom of God is WITHIN." Humanity is filled with the One Spirit of God, yet some believe they have the choice to accept or reject this spiritual responsibility. Without carrying the One Spirit of God throughout our lives, we would simply die, for there would be no purpose for our life. On the other hand, it is our spirit which is one-with-God may choose to shed the Earthsuit before we make the choice to do so. In that, I mean the departure of a young life.
You said: "This might be a strange analogy, but it makes God happy to have people who love Him.
M*W: God doesn't NEED people to "love him." Only humans have emotions like this as well as some of the more evolved mammals. God IS LOVE, and the One Spirit of God dwelling within us is what makes our lives worth living. The point I'm trying to make is that since God dwells within humanity, we should get along with our fellow human beings. This is how God works. When you look in the eyes of a Muslim, a Jew, a Jehovah's Witness, or an Atheist, you should recognize they contain the One Spirit of God just like you do. Our Creator dwells within us all. Whether we know or understand it makes no difference.
You said: "Those who love God praise Him because of the incredible sacrifice he made on the cross.
M*W: Let's back up here a minute. No one can say they love God if they don't love each other. One man dying on a cross or by lethal injection does not save anyone, since we are all WORTHY to be here. If we weren't WORTHY of the One Spirit of God, we simply would NOT BE HERE! This whole "I'm not worthy enough for Jesus" crap has blinded humanity for 2000 years! We ARE worthy. That's why we're here!
You said: "Like it says in a popular Christian song:

And I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross"
M*W: Why is it more important for you to believe that someone else died for you, when God created all of us equally to contain the One Spirit of God throughout our existence?
You said: "You really don't. And unless you spent an eternity in hell, you wouldn't."

We praise God for his mercy because He took our sins upon Himself to save humanity."
M*W: No one saved humanity from our sins. Hell is nothing more than what we make of it--this is where free-will comes into the picture.
You said: "Like I've said before, you don't really realize the penalty that we would have to have paid if God punished us. One split second in hell is more pain and suffering than you will ever experience in your life, infinity-fold. Feel that for eternity? That is what we were up against until Jesus won the ultimate victory against sin on the cross.
M*W: The only penalty we would be subjected to is if for whatever reason we didn't carry the One Spirit of God througout our lives. That is my concept of hell. Hell is not a place you go to for being bad, it's a place within your soul where you choose to reject the One Spirit of God. Why should we live in fear of "eternal punishment?" That's not what our Creator created us for! Our "ultimate victory" won't be won until all of humanity sees each other as who we really are--God on Earth. And, just a side note: there is no proof that Jesus ever existed much less proof that he was born of a virgin, was crucified, died and was buried, and on the third day, rose again. There are many pre-Biblical stories of creation where they believed in a dying demigod pseudosavior just like Jesus. I don't want to burst your Biblical bubble, but no one died for your sins or my sins. I don't know about you, but I won't accept the blame for that one. So, when you're posting, please realize that not everyone believes like you do, and hey, we're still here. No one has been struck dead for not believing in Jesus. If anything, they realize that live in the Spriit is more abundant.
One split second in hell is more pain and suffering than you will ever experience in your life, infinity-fold.

How could you possibly know that? I thought hell was a haven for those not interested in talking with gods.
JesusisLord51 said:
I speak for those who have accepted truth, medicine woman.
M*W: But what if it isn't the truth? Then you're spreading lies, eternal lies, that mean nothing, absolutely nothing. Why would you want to spread lies?
Proud_Muslim said:

Who said I hate the jews and the west ??? I hate zionist jews who stole my land,
so you hate only Israeli jews, how can you tell the diff?

yes, I hate the westerners who are killing my brothers and sisters in Iraq
I don't agree with the war, but now that Saddam is gone, is that a good thing or not? would you have him back in power, all is forgiven?

and Afghanistan,
so, you liked the Taliban? are you Taliban?

but I dont hate every single westerner..this is BULLSHIT.
ok, so you hate most of them; that leaves Germany, France, Russia, yes?

WAOOOOOOOOOOO, You dont condemn the actions of Hitler ???? you dont condemn the holocaust ???? surely, you must be anti-semitic !! :D but I will leave that to our jewish posters here to use the anti semitism card, they are the most experienced in doing so !!!
always have to stick the knife into jews , any topic, any where, good ol' Proud, you make us so proud, those imans & mullahs taught you well, another medrussa eduaction put to good use!

We dont beg for our rights, we fight for them.
oh, so muslims are "REAL" men, never begging, that is an interesting insight into the muslim mind

Oh I see, you want people to equate Muslims with nazis, right ??
some muslims are nazis, some jews are nazis, the point is hatred, do you hate the jews so much, that you can not deal fairly with them, hear them, understand their POV? I don't agree with their taking Palestine, but you can see why they did it? or are you too blind?
The point is this: Hitler was christian, he was hater, he was killer, do we blame all christians for his crime ? No so shut the hell up and never ever again bring up so called islamic terrorism again!!!