Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian

Athiests are like cars without fuel ( humans without religion ) to supply them with morales and guidance, since religion is the source of morales, athiests are void of any morales.

I disagree with you that religion is the source of morality. I think this is worth discussing in a separate thread, which I will start.
mustafhakofi said:
This is the biggest load of bullshit i have ever come across hitler was an atheist he outlawed religion
mind you anybody can say anything to get there point across you insult us you fool

Perhaps you ought to look at the pictures I posted in the first 1 or 2 pages of this thread.
the writings and pictures are all well and good they prove nothing he made his church his own with a hatred for all others (just like all the strange religions we have now days like moonys scientologists for example)
he was never a christian now was he.
he certainly showed christian virtues(sarcasm)
if he'd had won he would have killed everybody who did not circum to his will so think yourself lucky that you have the right to speak you mind
every religion has it's good and bad points so stop trying to condem all the others all you do is make ours become foolish
you've got it right on mustafha the other fellow seems to have a chip on his shoulder
by read ing some of his threads
You guys are living in state of self denial, Hitler was CHRISTIAN as Bin laden is Muslim, get over it !!

''Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.'' Adolf Hitler
Proud_Muslim said:
But not only was Hitler a Christian, but he used Christianity to justify the evil he did against Jews and other people. This is very relevant for today’s time, because this is there are lunatics who are Muslim like Osama Bin Laden who use Islam to justify their acts of evil.
Neither religion nor money is necesasrily evil. However, the way we deal with them can be quite evil. Hitler wasn't a Christian in the true sense. A real Christian cannot hate because that's against the Law of God, which is simply "love one another". I believe the same is true to Islam. You shouldn't hate anybody. You should love evryone regardless of their religion or whatever. Love them not for what they are but simoply because they are a creation of God. Wheter God is "Jehovah" (which is not His real "Christian" name) or Allah, that doesn't matter. What it really matters is that we follow the real and only Law:
"Love one another"
If you don't follow that Law, you don't follow God.

So the bottom-line is: even if Hittler said "I'm a Christian", that doesn't mean that he followed the Law of God. He wasn't really a Christian. And if he thought he was, then he didn't understand the essence of Christianism.
I hate to beat a dead horse, but I couldn't resist. I consulted The Straight Dope on this topic and I thought their answer was rather good:
Know what? Hitler was a vegetarian! Oooh, those evil vegetarians! He also recommended that parents give their children milk to drink instead of beer and started the first anti-smoking campaign. (So by the "reasoning" used in these types of arguments, if you are truly anti-Hitler, you should smoke heavily and only give your baby beer!) Better watch out, though he was an oxygen-breather, too!​
"As one put it, you could certainly make the argument that he was a firm believer in God, if by 'God' you mean 'Adolf Hitler.'"
Proud_Muslim said:
You guys are living in state of self denial, Hitler was CHRISTIAN as Bin laden is Muslim, get over it !!
One could also reply and state that Bin Laden was not a true Muslim as a true Muslim would not do what he has done. I'd don't see Bin Laden as a Muslim. His actions has proven him to be the total opposite of what a Muslim should be. The same can be said for Hitler if he was indeed a Christian. He was not a true Christian as a true Christian would never do what he has done.

This whole thread is a silly argument because one shouldn't blame the whole religion for the actions of the few who belongs to that religion.
TruthSeeker said:
Hitler wasn't a Christian in the true sense. A real Christian cannot hate because that's against the Law of God

Three words: No. True. Scotsman.

...which is simply "love one another". I believe the same is true to Islam. You shouldn't hate anybody. You should love evryone regardless of their religion or whatever. Love them not for what they are but simoply because they are a creation of God. Wheter God is "Jehovah" (which is not His real "Christian" name) or Allah, that doesn't matter. What it really matters is that we follow the real and only Law:
"Love one another"

How is it that you know this is the one true "Law?" Does this make all other laws completely irrelevent? If this has been divinely revealed to you, from where? I hate to break it to you, but "Love one another" is not the "only Law" in the Bible, Qu'ran, or any other holy scripture I can think of. It isn't even specified as the most important law. It's just another one of them.

Also, it's so fake to say, or even pretend, that you can love everybody. That's pretty much an impossibility. Love those who are close to you, and be friendly to those who are not: that is a much better, and feasible, guideline for living 'good.'
TheERK said:
How is it that you know this is the one true "Law?"
It's written:

John 13:35
"By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

John 15:12
"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. "

John 15:17
"This I command you, that you love one another. "

1 Peter 1:22
Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from [Two early mss read a clean heart] the heart,

1 John 4:11
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

1 John 4:12
No one has seen God at any time; if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us.

1 John 4:7
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.


2 John 1:5
Now I ask you, lady, not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.

1 John 3:11
For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another;

It's the same commandment that God gave to Moses. Why? Keep reading...


Romans 13:8
Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.

Why love fulfills the law? Remember the 10 laws? Pick any law. Now apply love to it. For example "thou shall not kill". If you love your neighbour, would you kill him?

Jesus came to simplify the Law once again. God gave us 10 simple laws. By the time Jesus came, there were thousands more that we invented. Jesus broke all the laws of men (maybe not all, but many). For example, men said that we shouldn't perform miracles in the Sabath. What Jesus did? Exactly that. Men puts boundaries in the power of God, but God doesn't care about such things.

Does this make all other laws completely irrelevent?
No, it fulfills the 10 "original" laws tha God gave to Moses. Does it make the laws of men irrelevant? Yes.

If this has been divinely revealed to you, from where?
This was revealed about 2,000 years ago, and peple still don't get it.

I hate to break it to you, but "Love one another" is not the "only Law" in the Bible, Qu'ran, or any other holy scripture I can think of.

1 Corinthians 16
14 Let all that you do be done in love.

Sounds like the only Law to me-e.

It isn't even specified as the most important law. It's just another one of them.

Romans 13:8
Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.

Also, it's so fake to say, or even pretend, that you can love everybody. That's pretty much an impossibility.
Why? Maybe it is pretty hard in a way. If youcould love evrybody, you would become a perfect person. So, yes, it is pretty hard. But even if you don't get that far, at least you should try to strive for perfection, right? Or you just say "oh man, I can't be perfect, so I won't even try"?

Love those who are close to you, and be friendly to those who are not: that is a much better, and feasible, guideline for living 'good.'
What is the definition of love?

Source of scriptures:
PM, i lived a perfectly happy atheist life for 14 years, found religion and im no morally superior or happier now then before
You obviously possess a level of humility and maturity that PM lacks alain. I thought actually pride was sinful even in islam, isn't it?
TruthSeeker said:
Neither religion nor money is necesasrily evil. However, the way we deal with them can be quite evil. Hitler wasn't a Christian in the true sense. A real Christian cannot hate because that's against the Law of God, which is simply "love one another". I believe the same is true to Islam. You shouldn't hate anybody. You should love evryone regardless of their religion or whatever. Love them not for what they are but simoply because they are a creation of God. Wheter God is "Jehovah" (which is not His real "Christian" name) or Allah, that doesn't matter. What it really matters is that we follow the real and only Law:
"Love one another"
If you don't follow that Law, you don't follow God.

So the bottom-line is: even if Hittler said "I'm a Christian", that doesn't mean that he followed the Law of God. He wasn't really a Christian. And if he thought he was, then he didn't understand the essence of Christianism.

I agree with you, I am not saying christianity is evil because Hitler was christian, I am just comparing my reaction to the reaction of those haters who say Islam is evil because bin laden is Muslim !!!
path said:
You obviously possess a level of humility and maturity that PM lacks alain. I thought actually pride was sinful even in islam, isn't it?
Just because he said that, that doesn't mean that he is pride. He is simply self-disclosing, talking about his situation. Maybe he is honest, maybe that is indeed the situation. So what? Do you think he/she shouldn't have been happy and moraly right before finding religion?

In our western culture, it is wrong to say that you are good at something. But why it is that way? It is true that pride is not good, but we shouldn't repress our qualities, should we?
alain said:
PM, i lived a perfectly happy atheist life for 14 years, found religion and im no morally superior or happier now then before
I understand that. I have a similar experience. But finding religion made me more aware of some things that I didn't note before. ;)
Proud_Muslim said:
I agree with you, I am not saying christianity is evil because Hitler was christian, I am just comparing my reaction to the reaction of those haters who say Islam is evil because bin laden is Muslim !!!
I'm happy that you recognize that.

I understand that you are a muslim and I respect your religion as much as mine. I have noted that sometimes you write in big red words and sometimes it feels like you have some hatred inside yourself. I'm not saying that you hate, but it makes me feel a little bit umcomfortable with talking with you. So it seems to me that you are either afraid of being proven wrong, or that you simply don't know how to pass your point across in a more friendly way. Which is ok. Learning is a process that never ends. I'm learning a lot too. So I hope you don't write with huge red letters anymore and that you think more how you approach and how you say things. I trust you.

From your Christian friend,
well, you still havent proved that Hitler is actually evil and wasnt just pretending to be for propoganda purposes, regardless, out of everyone in this discussion, the only one i can remember openly admiting that they hate a certain religion is...


cant remember the name of the religion that you hate, some type of Jewish religion i think