Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian

"Salihuddini - Who crushed the Christian and Roman Crusaders."
my history books told me that the crusders went in and took over all yout cities
wonder whose is more biased...
friend of mine read mien kemph
(not actually a friend, but a guy in my school)
he's one of those freaks who read heaps of war books and is obsessed with death
munim_786 said:
no hero's? achieved nothing? are you forgetting that Muslims have ruled a part of the world with are empires twice. we have crushed many opposing empires. to see a map of how much land Muslims ruled over go to (non Muclim source);

these are people off the top of my head there are HUNDREDS more


1) Muhammed (saw) the person who started Islam by converting one person (his wife) which later lead to 1.4 Billion Muslims today.

2) Calipah Abu bakar who lead the Islamic Conquest and in ONLY 2 years united the ENTIRE Arab Peninsula.3) Calipah Umar who led Arab raids into both the Roman and the Sassanid empires. Both were successful. Apparently both the Romans and the Sassanians were much weaker than the Arabs thought they were.

4) Calipah Uthman and his army organized a real campaign, and by 651 AD they took over most of Western Asia, from the Mediterranean coast to eastern Iran.

5) Calipah Ali Under Ali, the soldiers of the Islamic Empire fought their way through Egypt and North Africa, and although Ali was assassinated in 661, the armies continued and then crossed the Straits of Gibraltar to attack Spain in 710 AD.

6) Salihuddini - Who crushed the Christian and Roman Crusaders.

Munim can you tell me was all this conquest in the name of islam good while all conquest in the name of the church bad?? Do you believe that muslims should be proud of the history of their jihads while christians should be ashamed of the history of their crusades? just curious
James R said:
Let's consider this for a minute. You seem to be arguing that anybody who dies in a horrible way is therefore not one of God's people. Is that right? I'm sure that many thousands of Muslims have died in horrible ways. Does that mean that Muslims are not Allah's people, then?

I hope you can clear this up for me.

Sure James, my point was to refute this fallacy that the Jews were GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE, this is what this pathetic christian meant, he did not mean all of us are God's people, he was refering SPECIFICALLY to the Jews as God's people which is really comic.
The same argument says that Muslims are not God's chosen people either. I suppose you agree with that, then. Ok.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Thanks, P_M for the photos. They confirm what I said a good while back, but I was called a "liar" by okinrus, I think, who said the Catholic Church had no affiliation with Hitler or the Nazis

You are very welcome lady, you can save these valuable pictures for further reference specially when dealing with pathetic lying christians. :)
James R said:
The same argument says that Muslims are not God's chosen people either. I suppose you agree with that, then. Ok.

Yes, Muslims are NOT God's chosen people, this whole idea about God's chosen people is rather PATHETIC, do you think God is RACIST to chose and prefer one of his creation over another ???
Proud_Muslim said:
Yes, Muslims are NOT God's chosen people, this whole idea about God's chosen people is rather PATHETIC, do you think God is RACIST to chose and prefer one of his creation over another ???
M*W: The way I understand it is that God DID NOT CHOOSE the Jews as his "chosen people." It was the Jews who CHOSE GOD that made them the "chosen people." However, this option IS NOT reserved for only the Jews. Anyone can choose God, then they would be God's "chosen people." It just so happens that when the story was told about God's CHOSEN PEOPLE, it just happened that it was a story about the Jews. It was like an example for all people to choose God, because after all, all of humanity was created in God's image, not just the Jews. In essence, we are all God's chosen people.
Would you people realise that there is no GOD as we know it. Religions are a wrong depiction of what GOD is. Man, snap out of it.
Every religion on Earth is based on Assumptions.

* Chrisitians assume that there was a wonder worker called Jesus.

* Muslims assume that Mohammad didnt lie when he appointed himself prophet of God.

* Hindus assume that the older the belief the truer the belief
canxbluest said:
Would you people realise that there is no GOD as we know it. Religions are a wrong depiction of what GOD is. Man, snap out of it.
M*W: You are right about this, and that is why there is so much confusion and hatred between religions. Most people think they know who/what God is, but they don't. God is a positive force of energy, and in that respect, energy creates and energy destroys. Understanding God as a force of positive energy removes the male persona. Religions are truly wrong about what they preach God is. I'm opposed to any organized religion. Organized religions remove the One Spirit of God from humanity and put it into their religious understanding. That's wrong. Humanity is God on Earth. Until all 'religions' start recognizing this, there will always be wars, famine and disease.
Proud_Muslim said:
Contrary to popular beliefs, One of the most Evil men of our times, Adolf Hitler was actually a Bible believing Christian...But not only was Hitler a Christian, but he used Christianity to justify the evil he did against Jews and other people...

If you look at what Hitler did you will see that he used his research of the scriptures for a particular purpose. The Jewish people were/are waiting for an Elijah like one and the NT tells that an Elijah like one will come before the Messiah. Hitler would have known this, why else would he attempt to eraticate an entire generation of Jewish people, other than he believed the Elijah like one would come from the Jewish tribes of a particular generation.

He had some of his calculations correct, just not all of it.

This would be the same mentality that fed the Inquisition and the Crusade.
JesusisLord51 said:

You have gone too far. Is Osama bin Laden a good muslim, killing thousands of innocent americans then dancing in joy? It's sickening. You're going to tremendous heights to try to make Jesus look bad. Hitler used Christianity as an excuse to kill God's people. He wasn't a Christian, otherwise the Nazis would have been missionaries. You can't say things like that.

Yours in Christ,


you dont get the point of PM's message. no one is saying that Hitler is a good Christian. and no one is making Jesus look bad becasue jesus is one of are most respected prophets. i think the point of the message is Hitler killed loads of people and he did it in the name of God and Hitler was an evil man but that doesn't mean Christians are evil and Christianty is preaaching Killing.
no one is even linking Hitlers actions with Christianity even though he did it in the name of God but Osama Binladen is doing the same thing but in Allah's name. but that doesn't mean Islam is a religion like that and it doest mean all Muslims are violent but people are saying it does even though there are evil Christians who do things in the name of God and no one says anything.
James R said:
So, God loves Jews just as much as Muslims, then?

Ka-ching, James. The big point we've all been waiting for. I could almost physically FEEL that. :D

-- Long live the Female Messiah!
path said:
Munim can you tell me was all this conquest in the name of islam good while all conquest in the name of the church bad?? Do you believe that muslims should be proud of the history of their jihads while christians should be ashamed of the history of their crusades? just curious

firstly i didnt say they were bad. next thing why are these evil Jiahds. they were simply conquest for land as the romans, british, chinese, muggles, persians etc. did. and these conquests had MORE BENEFITS to the conquered countires because of the rights given to the people and the advancements of Science, Technology and Astronomy.

and next thing Islam made treaties with Non Muslim and lived with them pecafully. anyone who dared say anything against the church however, got burnt alive. anyone who thought too much about science got burnt alive. on thge other hand Muslims made great advancemtns in Science, Maths, technology and Science, medicine. the British empire (who were Christians) looted out land and stole all money from trades. they even went as far as to cutting of the thumbs of weavers so they couldn;t weave and so that the British would have less competition.

And did Muslims barabaricaly take over these lands? no they were ordered not to kill women, children, elderly, animals not to damage crops or cut off water etc. it fought in many ways that are EQUAL to the geniva convention and the laws of war. All the other empires such as Roman or Viking's strategy of war was to fight barbarically while the Bristish empire was built by making arguments and fights between two countires so these countires have a fight and in the middle of it all the Bristish stepped in and attacked. Christians these days still dont fight according to the laws of the Genive convention.
alain said:
"Salihuddini - Who crushed the Christian and Roman Crusaders."
my history books told me that the crusders went in and took over all yout cities
wonder whose is more biased...
friend of mine read mien kemph
(not actually a friend, but a guy in my school)
he's one of those freaks who read heaps of war books and is obsessed with death

no book is biased, you proabaly didnt understand it. the Crusaders went in and destroyed some cities and then Salihudini came.

just use your head. the Muslims Killafah broke up officaily in 1924 (80 years ago) and the Muslim empire started to fall about 100 years prior to that. if the crusades were succesful then why didn't the Islamic empire fall 700 years ago at the time of the crusade and not just 80 years ago? well?

and the crusaders went to Palestine, then why was Palestine taken from Muslims only in 1947? well?

if the crusade were succesful then why are the 300 Million plus Muslims in the Arab lands they should all be Christian?

also the Muslim empire was STRONGEST and OWNED the most land at about the year 1500 C.E onwards.

Yes, I didn't think PM would respond to that. He painted himself into a corner there.
The thing with hitler is that he may have come from a christian background and socialized with christians while in power but I don't think he ever used any real quotes from the bible to justify his thirst for world domination. But osama and others directly take passages from the koran in their own interpreted way as justifying their war against their enemies. Their reward in heaven of sitting on the right hand side of allah instead of the left (hmmm why did allah make his "left" to be inferior to his "right"?...does that mean the left side of god or heaven is inferior to the right side?) and having a harem of 40 virgins or so is a big motivation.