Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian

Rappaccini said:
What makes you think that?

Quit using the "rolleyes" emoticon so much. It makes you look like a teenage girl.

Quti asking stuip questions so much, it makes you look like a fool.

Can you rephrase that in English?
I'm sorry but I'm not fluent in "stupid".

My ass, I speak 4 LANGUAGES, how many you speak apart from English ??? :rolleyes:

You're telling me I can scam Allah out of his bove?

Sure, you can scam him for now, but later, you will be scammed for eternity.

When Carl Marx was alive he used to laugh and say: there is no God, when he died, God turned to his angels and asked them: WHERE IS HE NOW !! :p

Too primitive?
So you'd rather me just go ignorant of Allah?
Are you refusing to teach me?
Are you denying me knowledge of Allah?

Again, you are too primitive to continue with, beside, you are very insultive, I read what you wrote about bombing the mosque in the world events thread, so be grateful I am giving you some consideration so far...but dont bother after this post.
For every act of Islamic terrorism there is another nail driven into the coffin of Islam. And don't bother telling me that Islam is growing. there is always a rush of life before the final curtain.
do we blame all christians for his crime ?
In a sense, yes, we have all Christians to blame for slandering the role of Jesus' fellow Jews in his death, while minimizing the central role of the Romans. I think its doubtful that Hitler was a Christian, if he was, then he was the biggest hypocrite on the planet, but Christianity did contribute to the underlying resentment against Jews in Europe.

I don't think Christianity represents the teachings of Jesus.

yes, I hate the westerners who are killing my brothers and sisters in Iraq
What about your brothers and sisters that were killing your other brothers and sisters during the reign of Saddam?
Proud_Muslim said:
Quti asking stuip questions so much, it makes you look like a fool.

"What makes you think that" is a stuip question?

That's odd. I'm afraid I've never seen that term.

What does it mean, exactly?

What about that imperative verb, as I would assume it is, quti, what does that mean?

My ass, I speak 4 LANGUAGES, how many you speak apart from English ??? :rolleyes:

Again with the eye-rolling...

I can speak one more and write/read another.

OMG U ownxorr my bases!!!!!!!!!! U r uber leet langooge mastah!!!!!!!!!

I didn't ask you about your uber linguistic skill, though, PM.
Why not just rephrase the statement in English, as I requested?

Better yet, why not blind me with the brilliance of Allah, like Saul on the road to Damascus... or whatever?

Are you able to do that, or does it require a gold membership card?

Sure, you can scam him for now, but later, you will be scammed for eternity.
Really? So it's a buy now pay later scheme?

Who's going to scam me "for eternity"? The police? The angels?
Won't they get tired after awhile?

When Carl Marx was alive he used to laugh and say: there is no God, when he died, God turned to his angels and asked them: WHERE IS HE NOW !! :p

Were you there to see this?
Did you get photos?
Did you buy the tee shirt?

So Allah used two exclamation points, for certain? How old is he again, twelve?

Allah sounds very petty to me.
I don't want to worship a petty god. He might do something petty to me.

Again, you are too primitive to continue with, beside, you are very insultive, I read what you wrote about bombing the mosque in the world events thread, so be grateful I am giving you some consideration so far...but dont bother after this post.

I don't see how what I wrote there affects your duty to tell me all about Allah.

It is your duty, correct? You're not supposed to just abandon me, right?

If you leave me here all alone with my amazing, sincere curiosity, you'll be sinning, right?

You don't want to sin, do you?

The police might scam you for eternity. That would be a tragedy, considering your uber linguistic skill.
Good uber Rappaccini OLL! :D

That was one hilarious post, my stuip fell over it's Quti with laughing.

:D :D
Perhaps you have forgotten the work and writings of Alfred Rosenberg and Himmler. Both of them were occultists and/or Asatru, dedicated to destroying the church.

These aren't the exact quotes, only what I remember:

"The cross shall be replaced with the swastika, and the bible shall be replaced with Mein Kampf."- Alfred Rosenberg.

"What is a Christian but a baptized Jew?"- Hitler

Take into account the fact that Hitler had shut down every Catholic church in Germany by the end of the war. He initially allowed protestant churches, but they too were shut down because one of the priests denounced the Nazis as pagans.

We also know that Martin Hediegger, Nietzsche, and Carl Jung were all large inspirations to Nazi thought and all three rejected Christianity.
"Hitler used religion as long as it served his savage ends, same as Saddam, same as PMS (within the limited scope of his keyboard)."

nice, with one line, you insulted PM, and summed up the argument against him
Not to mention the many theologians who were condemned to death by Hitler for opposing his Nasional Socialism. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was imprisoned for helping a group of Jews escape to Switzerland, and hanged at Flossenbürg when it became evident that Hitler would lose the war.
God ('s) created us as a slave race. Nothing else. All of this striving to be better what we see of ourselves today is just due to the lack of Godly presence for a good couple thousands of years. If we didn't have this freedom as we do now, we'd still be slaves. Why else would our demi-god (not almighty creator of all) require us to worship only one Lord and everything else we're supposed to do in regards to him/her/them? Everything points to us being property.

Sorry, may as well add in something else besides all the darn Islamic and Christianity talk. :p

- N
Slaves to what? Maybe now we're just slaves to freedom, as ironic as it sounds. Those who believe in God are his property - He bought us back from being owned by death. For that we owe Him everything. Those who don't believe in Him don't belong to Him, so they either have nothing to worry about or everything to worry about.
Proud_Muslim said:
Those athiest nuts are slaves to their illusion and morally void meaningless lives !!

What would it matter to one who likes nuts?

I happen to revere cashews.

Anyway, sir Uberlinguist, I would like to remind you that between the punctuation mark(s) and the last word there are no (0) spaces.

You tell 'em, Isllama.
Proud_Muslim said:
The point is this: Hitler was christian,
no wonder muslims have such a hard time understanding things, listen, & listen real good, being a Westerner does not make you a 'christian', you are not born a 'christian', maybe half of the people you meet at UofA are not christian, maybe more, they may even be 'American', ask first, don't assume. being from the West, just means they are Westerners, you must stop equating the two, hitler was no more chrisitian than you are, are you christian?

he was hater,

he was killer,

do we blame all christians for his crime ?
some may, because of the underlying anti-semetism of the West at the time, but they've managed to get rid of that, too bad muslims picked up, where the West left off

No so shut the hell up and never ever again bring up so called islamic terrorism again!!!
you have several problems [which have been deleted by the moderator, since they do not advance the discussion in any useful way]. I would put you on my "ignore" list, but people have to stop your BIG LIE propaganda machine, otherwise some people will start to believe it, just like they did with Hitler
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James R said:
Interesting. Why do you think the lives of atheists are morally void, PM?

He's just trying out his new catch phrase.

From now on, he's probably going to zealously calumniate everything from ding dongs to Star Wars as "morally void," but don't worry 'bout it!

It's not like he knows what it means.
JesusisLord51 said:
What would it matter to one who likes nuts?

I happen to revere cashews.

Anyway, sir Uberlinguist, I would like to remind you that between the punctuation mark(s) and the last word there are no (0) spaces.

You tell 'em, Isllama.

I am still waiting your answer in my thread titled '' saying you fool will take you to hell according to the bible ''

It seems you could not find an answer !! hey, dont worry: JESUS LOVES YOU !

James R said:
Interesting. Why do you think the lives of atheists are morally void, PM?

Athiests are like cars without fuel ( humans without religion ) to supply them with morales and guidance, since religion is the source of morales, athiests are void of any morales.
He's right. Morality is grounded in religion, but it depends on the religion and popular perceptions of that religion. Romans called the Christians and Jews atheists, because their religion was not based on earthly properties (the gods were revealed through the changing seasons and such, where the jewish god was found only through faith.) They said "There are people among us that do not beleive in the gods, but they beleive in the divinity of the world. They are not atheists like the Christians."
Proud_Muslim said:
Athiests are like cars without fuel ... to supply them with morales and guidance, since religion is the source of morales, athiests are void of any morales.

You must mean morals.

Prove that morality requires Allah.

Furthermore, if you feel like it, prove that man requires morality.
Proud_Muslim said:
Contrary to popular beliefs, One of the most Evil men of our times, Adolf Hitler was actually a Bible believing Christian. Simply reading his book Mein Kampf sent chills down my spine. Many Christians will vehemently deny this, but they are in clear denial of the historical truths and clear facts. Some, will even go so far as to declare Hitler was an Atheist! In fact, Ann Coulter, a Christian extremist who has made hate filled, bigoted comments towards Islam, stated:

"this was the approach of all the great mass murderers of the last century -- all of whom were atheists: Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot"

But not only was Hitler a Christian, but he used Christianity to justify the evil he did against Jews and other people. This is very relevant for today’s time, because this is there are lunatics who are Muslim like Osama Bin Laden who use Islam to justify their acts of evil. Here are some excerpts from Adolf Hilter’s book, Mein Kamph (italics are ours):

''Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.''

This is the biggest load of bullshit i have ever come across hitler was an atheist he outlawed religion
mind you anybody can say anything to get there point across you insult us you fool