Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian

TruthSeeker said:
I'm happy that you recognize that.

I understand that you are a muslim and I respect your religion as much as mine. I have noted that sometimes you write in big red words and sometimes it feels like you have some hatred inside yourself. I'm not saying that you hate, but it makes me feel a little bit umcomfortable with talking with you.


About the red fonts, i hate pale colours, I hate black and white colours, I like life to be colourful, that is why I use red, it has nothing to do with hate ! dont you know that red is the symbol of love ??

Here is what they say about red roses:

Red Love, beauty, courage and respect, romantic love, congratulations, I Love You, job well done, sincere love, respect, courage & passion

Proud_Muslim said:
You don't really atribute the changes of the site to your influence, right? You were just kidding, right?

About the red fonts, i hate pale colours, I hate black and white colours, I like life to be colourful, that is why I use red, it has nothing to do with hate ! dont you know that red is the symbol of love ??
Yeah, I know. I like red too. But when you use it to talk about your religion as compared to others and talk about others, it makes me feel... umcomfortable. I propose you to search your heart and be honest about your intentions and feelings. Hating is not good for you. It is not good for anyody. And I understand some people in the forums are inconvinient, but rather than get mad at them, maybe you could accept the fact that everyone is imperfect and love people not by who they are or what they do, but just because they exist. Forgive people for their imperfections. I'm not perfect. You are not perfect. Nobody is perfect. So love people unconditionally. Not because they are nice to you, but just because they exist. Recognize that you are not perfect either and that you would still like to be loved, so retribute that love and forgive people for their imperfections. The secret of unconditional love... ;)

And don't forget that it is our differences that makes life interesting. If people were all alike, the world would be a very boring place... ;)
TruthSeeker said:
You don't really atribute the changes of the site to your influence, right? You were just kidding, right?

Well, this question should be directed to the admins of this site.

Yeah, I know. I like red too. But when you use it to talk about your religion as compared to others and talk about others, it makes me feel... umcomfortable. I propose you to search your heart and be honest about your intentions and feelings. Hating is not good for you.

Hating is not good for you as well !! first you have to prove I am hater to give me this advice, dont you think ?

It is not good for anyody. And I understand some people in the forums are inconvinient, but rather than get mad at them, maybe you could accept the fact that everyone is imperfect and love people not by who they are or what they do, but just because they exist. Forgive people for their imperfections.

I do, but will the haters forgive my imperfection ???

And don't forget that it is our differences that makes life interesting. If people were all alike, the world would be a very boring place... ;)

I totally agree, in fact, haters here make my days all the time ! :D
Proud_Muslim said:
Well, this question should be directed to the admins of this site.
It's irrelevant.

Hating is not good for you as well !! first you have to prove I am hater to give me this advice, dont you think ?
I don't want to prove you are a hater. In fact, I don't say you are a hater, since I don't want to be judgemental.

I do, but will the haters forgive my imperfection ???
Is that important? It is up to you to make a difference. If they hate you and you hate them back, nothing good is going to happen.

I totally agree, in fact, haters here make my days all the time ! :D
Well... try taking sciforumers less seriously. A lot of them are just plain silly. :D
Proud_Muslim said:
True truth, very true, most of them here are social outcasts. :D
Don't take them to seriously ;)
And in case of any critics on you or your religion or whatever, don't take it personally.

There are a lot of factors that make people say something as opposed to other.
TruthSeeker said:
Don't take them to seriously ;)
And in case of any critics on you or your religion or whatever, don't take it personally.

There are a lot of factors that make people say something as opposed to other.
It's funny you should say that Truth. I say the same thing to people as well, not to take it all so seriously on here. But after these last couple of weeks and especially, after the last couple of days, after reading the things PM has said, he's actually made me not want to ever post on here again. I wouldn't be suprised if this is the last thing I post on here for a long long time. I used to enjoy this site and the discussions that took place here and PM's actually turned me right off. He blames others for hating, but his hate has permeated everything. I've never called anyone evil before in my life, but if I ever had to lable someone as evil, PM would be right up there on the top of the list. Quite simply I've had enough of the disgusting things he's been saying. The 'holohoax' statement was just the rancid icing on the stale cake.
"I do, but will the haters forgive my imperfection ???"

i will forgive you the day you apologizize wholeheartedly to the Ziononist Jews
alain said:
"I do, but will the haters forgive my imperfection ???"

i will forgive you the day you apologizize wholeheartedly to the Ziononist Jews

Screw the zionist jews, the killers, the sadistic nazi murderers, the barbarians of the 21th century, the thieves of my land, the animals who terrorize my people.

''Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs, we come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we came here and stole their country. Why should they accept that?”

-David Ben-Gurion,
former “Israeli” Prime Minister, quoted in The Jewish Paradox by Nathan Goldman, former president of the World Jewish Congress.

''There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."
-Golda Meir, Former “Israeli” Prime Minister in her statement to The Sunday Times, June 15, 1969.

Who should really apologize for who??

check my gift to you:
Proud_Muslim said:
Screw the zionist jews, the killers, the sadistic nazi murderers, the barbarians of the 21th century, the thieves of my land, the animals who terrorize my people.

I know that I should read the newspaper more often. Hence I am surprised to learn that Irael has invaded Syria.

Has the UN responded already?
That was in 1967 when the nazi zionist jews invaded Syria and occupied my SYRIAN land and uprooted half a million of my fellow citizens, The UN responded by issuing numerous resolutions against Israel, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED !

  • Resolution N° 2725 of 4 July 1967 concerning the respect of human rights in the occupied Arab territories, and that Israel should guarantee security and safety of population of such territories.

    Resolution N° 2443 dated 19 December 1968 concerning the establishment of a committee to investigate into the Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the population of the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 2452 dated 19 December 1968 requesting Israel to immediately arrange for the return of the refugees who fled the occupied territories and extending the term of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA ).

    Resolution N° 2649 dated 30 November 1970 about legitimacy of struggle of population under colonial and foreign control, condemning denial of the self-determination right particularly for peoples of South Africa and Palestine.

    Resolution N° 2851 dated 20 December 1971 strictly requesting Israel to cancel all procedures of annexation or settlement in the occupied territories, and requesting the Special Committee to continue its job.

    General Assembly N° 1441 dated 15 December 1975 : The report of the Special Committee for investigating into the Israeli practices of the human rights of the population of the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 1531 dated 22 December 1976 providing assistance to the immigrants due to Israeli aggressive activities of 1967.

    Resolution N° 638 dated 9 November 1976 : Reiterating the right of the population, refugees and immigrants to return to their homes and camps in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967.

    Resolution N° 31/106 dated 16 December 1976 on the Israeli practices of the human rights of the population of the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 31/186 dated 21 December 1976 on permanent control over the national resources in the occupied Arab territories.

    Resolution N° 32/90 dated 23 December 1977 on providing assistance to the immigrants due to warfare activities of June 1967.

    Resolution N° 32/161 dated 19 December 1977 on permanent control over the national resources in the occupied Arab territories.

    Resolution N° 33/12 of December 1967.

    Resolution N° 33/113 dated 08 December 1978 condemning the Israeli practices against human rights in the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 34/52 dated 23 November 1979 about assistance to Palestinian refugees and requesting all governments to exert their best efforts to meet the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA ) expected requirements and requesting Israel to take immediate procedures in order to secure the return of all the immigrant.

    Resolution N° 34/90 dated 12 December 1979 condemning continuous Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 34/136 dated 14 December 1979 reiterating the rights of the whole and permanent sovereignty of Arab States and Peoples whose territories are under Israeli occupation on their natural resources.

    Resolution N° 7/12 dated 29 July 1980 ( of the 7th Extraordinary Assembly ) requesting Israel to commence, before 15 November 1980, its withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories since June 1967.

    Resolution N° 35/13 dated 3 November 1980 on supporting the assistance to the Palestinian refugees , extending the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ( UNRWA ) term until 30 June 1984 and requesting Israel to take immediate procedures in order to return all immigrant population.

    Resolution N° 35/110 dated 5 December 1980 on reiterating the rights of the whole and permanent sovereignty of Arab States and Peoples whose territories are under Israeli occupation on their natural resources.

    Resolution N° 35/122 dated 11 December 1980 condemning Israel for imposing a legislation implying changes of condition and nature of the occupied Syrian Arab Occupied Golan population.

    Resolution N° 35/207 dated 16 December 1980 strictly condemns the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and the Palestinian, and reiterating, once more, the strict rejection of Israel’s decision to annex the Arab Jerusalem.

    Resolution N° 36/226 dated 17 December 1981 considering the Strategic Cooperation Agreements signed between Israel and the USA on 30 November 1981 as an encouragement to Israel’s aggressive policy in the territories occupied since 1967 including Jerusalem and a threat to the whole regional security.

    Resolution N° 36/147 dated 16 December 1980 condemning the Israeli policy against Palestinian students and teachers, schools and teaching institutions of the occupied Palestinian territories. Particularly shooting at the unarmed students, and the strict condemnation of Israel for its attempts and procedures to compulsorily impose the Israeli nationality on the Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan.

    Resolution N° 36/146 dated 16 December 1981 concerning the refugee since 1967 and their inalienable right of return to their homeland.

    Resolution N° 36/173 dated 17 December 1981 reiterating that all measures taken by Israel to exploit human and natural resources, fortunes and economical activities of the occupied Arab territories as illegal, and Israel is requested to immediately and ultimately terminate such measures.

    Resolution of the 9th Extraordinary Session dated 5 February 1982 on complete boycott of Israel, condemnation of the USA veto as regards the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan, and that such decision is a void aggressive action. It calls upon all State Members of UN to boycott Israel; politically, economically, military and diplomatically and severely condemns the American veto against the corresponding Security Council Resolution.

    Resolution N° 42/69 dated 2 December 1987 concerning the provision of assistance to the immigrant Palestinians due to Israeli aggressive activities of 1967 and afterward.

    Resolution N° 42/160 dated 8 December 1987 condemning Israel for changing the of physical, natural and demographic structure, organizational scheme and legal position of the occupied Syrian Golan in the Middle East, condemning the Israeli policy in the occupied territories, requesting Israel to completely withdraw and requesting all Member-Nations to stop providing Israel with assistance.

    Resolution N° 43/58 dated 6 December 1988 on Israel’s policy concerning the human rights in the occupied territories, condemning Israel for its policies of annexation and settlement it is exercising in the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 43/57 dated 6 December 1988 on providing assistance to the immigrants due to Israeli aggressive activities of 1967 and thereafter.

    Resolution N° 44/40 dated 4 December 1988 on calling for an international conference on peace in the Middle East. Condemning Israel’s policy in the occupied territories, requesting Israel to completely withdraw therefrom, requesting all Member-Nations to terminate providing Israel with assistance, proclaiming the need of acknowledging the Palestinian People’s right of self-determination and establishing its independent State.

    Resolution N° 44/48 dated 8 December 1989 condemning Israel for its policies of annexation and settlement it is exercising in the occupied territories, reiterating anew that the 4th Geneva Convention is applicable on the Arabs detained by it, and condemning the Israeli practices concerning the human rights in the occupied territories. .

    Resolution N° 44/47 dated 8 December 1989 concerning the return of the population, refugees and immigrants since 1967.

    Resolution N° 45/74 dated 11 December 1990 condemning Israel for its policies of annexation and settlement and the procedures it takes against civil and teaching freedoms , expelling the Palestinian chiefs, condemning the Israeli practices concerning the human rights in the occupied territories, reiterating anew that the 4th Geneva Convention is applicable on the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 45/73 dated 11 December 1990 concerning the return of the population, refugees and immigrants since 1967 and providing them with assistance.

    Resolution N° 45/83 dated 13 December 1990 condemning Israel for carrying on its occupation to the Syrian Arab Golan.

    Resolution N° 46/47 dated 9 December 1991 requesting Israel to release the Arabs detained by it, condemning Israel for its policies of annexation and settlement, eliminating the Israeli practices concerning the human rights in the occupied territories, reiterating anew that the 4th Geneva Convention is applicable on the occupied territories.

    Resolution N° 46/46 dated 9 December 1991 about the return of the population, refugees and immigrants since 1967 and providing them with assistance.
