Yes, Hitler was indeed a Bible-Believing Christian

James R said:

Yes, I didn't think PM would respond to that. He painted himself into a corner there.

Why ????????? Are you guys thinking you put me into a corner or something ?????? I already answered you !! :p
PM, you slipped up by comparing musilms to a race, making an erroneous response to why you're not chosen. God can, indeed, say that Musilms are his chosen people without division into race.
MW said "Thanks, P_M for the photos. They confirm what I said a good while back, but I was called a "liar" by okinrus, I think, who said the Catholic Church had no affiliation with Hitler or the Nazis"

i will say this plain and true, the Catholic church had no affiliation with Hitler or the Nazis.

Hitler created some puppet bishop, who was acting without support from the actual church, and worshipped in his temple, it is called propoganda, military dictators were very good at it, it was used to gather support.
James R : So, God loves Jews just as much as Muslims, then?

PM : Yes, he does.

1. Does Allah love Jews just as much as Muslims?
(in case if you consider 'God' as God of Jews)

2. If YES, you are cornered in hell for your hatred for Jews in defiance of Allah's will.

3. If NO, there is no guarantee that Allah still loves muslims for he did stop loving Jews that are once loved by him in the past.

Peace be upon you and jews. :m:
everneo said:

1. Does Allah love Jews just as much as Muslims?
(in case if you consider 'God' as God of Jews)

2. If YES, you are cornered in hell for your hatred for Jews in defiance of Allah's will.

But who the hell told you I hate jews ??? I hate ZIONIST JEWS, there is MASSIVE difference between the two: ( please get some education ) :rolleyes:

3. If NO, there is no guarantee that Allah still loves muslims for he did stop loving Jews that are once loved by him in the past.

I already answered that Allah loves ALL his creation ( Jews, christians,Muslims, etc ) do you understand english ??????? :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
But who the hell told you I hate jews ???

You see, no one need to tell that you hate jews. Its as clearly visible as the mid-day sun over the desert.

I hate ZIONIST JEWS, there is MASSIVE difference between the two: ( please get some education ) :rolleyes:
O ye highly educated one,
Is there any 'zionist christian' or 'zionist buddhist' or 'zionist hindu' or 'zionist taoist'.?

No.? right.? then just plainly call those 'zionists jews' as 'zionists', instead of just 'jews'. If you would like to know how many times you poured out against 'jews' (not 'zionist jews'), i might take the painful journey of going thro' your past meaningless hate posts on this forum.

I already answered that Allah loves ALL his creation ( Jews, christians,Muslims, etc ) do you understand english ??????? :rolleyes:
Can you please tell me, sheikh, where exactly in Quran Allah told He loves Kafirs.?

I am just curious, why did you get screwed up with my previous post.? Had i said anything disrespectful / abusive.? The mention of 'cornered in Hell' is just a kidding. Don't get scared, you have ample time left out to make peace with Allah. :m:
I'm not sure why PM hates zionist Jews. In fact, zionism was spurred by anti-semetic Europeans, and now just about all Jews are zionist, seeing both Arabs and Jews living in Isreal peacefully. Before WWII the Jews who were not zionist were mainly rich Germain Jews who believed a Jewish homeland would cause them to be charged with disloyality. This is not the case now, though.

Since England was in control over Palestine and gave the Jews the Balfour agreement, the Jews did have a original claim to the land, not to mention there was always a small Jewish population living in Isreal.
everneo said:

You see, no one need to tell that you hate jews. Its as clearly visible as the mid-day sun over the desert.

I dont know you have desert sun glasses !! :rolleyes:

O ye highly educated one,
Is there any 'zionist christian' or 'zionist buddhist' or 'zionist hindu' or 'zionist taoist'.?

Keep reading, you are still in the beginning.

Can you please tell me, sheikh, where exactly in Quran Allah told He loves Kafirs.?

Love is human trait, you can not bring God to your primite level of understanding !! :rolleyes:
I meant Allah is the one who created humanity, he cant be restricted by laws and traits he created for humanity.
Proud_Muslim said:
I already answered that Allah loves ALL his creation ( Jews, christians,Muslims, etc ) do you understand english ??????? :rolleyes:

Lovely God.!

Proud_Muslim said:
Love is human trait, you can not bring God to your primite level of understanding !! :rolleyes:

God is exempted.!

Proud_Muslim said:
Allah is the one who created humanity, he cant be restricted by laws and traits he created for humanity.

God is completely out of the loop now.!

Great spritual evolution, within few posts.
Proud_Muslim said:
I meant Allah is the one who created humanity, he cant be restricted by laws and traits he created for humanity.

So, he transcends humanity and, thus, has none, right?

Proud_Muslim said:
I already answered that Allah loves ALL his creation ( Jews, christians,Muslims, etc )...


Proud_Muslim said:
I meant Allah is the one who created humanity, he cant be restricted by laws and traits he created for humanity.
... and...
Proud_Muslim said:
You are still thinking in earthy terms, after all, LOVE is human trait.

Therefore, Allah has no humanity whatsoever and loves nobody and nothing, correct?
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munim_786 said:
Music is more popular than ever and is a part of everyday life, but what really lies behind the lyrics?


Backtracking, or backmasking is the form of inserting hidden messages into blah blah blah conspiracy conspiracy evil west, satanic west, etc etc...

Munim I don't know what you are smoking but I don't think your imam would approve, but DON*T throw it out there are some forumers here without the constraints of religion who would appreciate it ;)
Rappaccini said:
So, he transcends humanity and, thus, has none, right?

Despite the fact that you may not be christian, your christian background is heavily influencing your understanding of God.

God has NO human face, he is NOT human, he created humanity, he CANT be equal to his creation, how many times I need to exlain that to you ?? :rolleyes:

The Noble Quran 57:

1. Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allâh, and He is the All-Mighty, All-Wise.

2. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.

3. He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of every thing.

4. He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then rose over the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allâh is the All-Seer of what you do.

5. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allâh return all the matters (for decision).

6. He merges night into day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night is added into the hours of the day), and merges day into night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day is added into the hours of the night), and He has full knowledge of whatsoever is in the breasts.

Therefore, Allah has no humanity whatsoever and loves nobody and nothing, correct?

UNBELIEVABLE !! Allah has NO humanity because he is NOT human, He loves his creation equally ( if I will make it simple for you to understand) but his love is DIFFERENT from our love, he is GOD, we are his servants.