Malaysia bans the word Allah from bibles


i reject, it's not based on non-muslims, if it was prove it, well, what i'm really sure of, is that in the maghreb union it's not based on such things like prefering muslims on other non-muslims, or to be a relegion racists

and about the israeil case, if they only want to discover their old culture, why don't they just ask permission to make reaserches, also, what's the point of colonizing palastine, and kill their people, and steal their lands, couldnt they just ask???!!! to make reaserches, it's not just about discovergin their culture,

also, if you didnt know, in the islamic golden ages, muslims gave protection to jews and chritians who ben living between them, and at the age of the collapse of the arabic empire, every thing collapsed, churches, jews temple(don't know what it calls) mosques, so at the collapse age, a relegion and political war happened, destroyed all the balence, also, that was because of the bad goveners of that time, who passed their times and intention and concentration, on having fun in their palaces, stealing money, and having such bad things, that age was the collapse of the arabic empire, entile that day, but the arabs,
(((((((((started to awake again at the world wars, when they saw what technologies the west reached, so they fixed their educational programs, and here we are toaday, tunisia in the most tourisitc contry in north africa, and in the exportings too, and it will the most important economoic, financial and industrual center in the medeterrenian sea, it will also be the capital of the maghreb union, not just tunisia, also the other contries like moroco and algeria, also tunisia is ranked amon the best 30 life pleasure and satesfied in the world, also the among the best fly companies in the world, and the second exporter for the chemical and organic soil fertilizers and also the "fusfat" and the olive oil)))))))))))

i'm sure that you know what are the inventions of the arabs in their golden ages, that changed the world, in science, mecaniques, poetry, astronomy, ... i'll make a topic about that,
Muslims allowed Jews and Christians to live among them only as a barely tolerated minority, there are enumerous cases of pogroms and violence against them. Do you think the Germans invented the yellow star for Jews to wear? No, that started in Baghdad.
also, islam don't say force every body to be muslims, but it says, you must respect other relgions, and not offend them, or anything that offend them, and i don't think that you apply that rule, there's a line in islam, says, (lana dinouna, walakom dinoukom) we have our relegion, and you have your relgion, also if you search in the muslims history, you'll see that chirtians and jews communties lived inside muslims comunitys, and those muslims gave them protection ,and all their rights like anyother human,
if you're not convinced try to make a little search, to know what is islam, does islam encourage vilence? what do islam says about wars, try those questions, and don't build your desition on a one articale,
When Mohammad "conquered" Mecca did he respect the rights of polytheistic Arabs to worship their various Gods?

Think about this. If Islam was purely peaceful then Mohammad would have shown up in Mecca alone by himself and simply preached the words of Allah and some of the Arabs living in Mecca may have converted. THAT'S what a peaceful person would do. But, that's not what history says happened. Mohammad showed up with an army of Muslims.

I don't know about you, but, when I see an army on my doorstep, I'm inclined to think "peace" isn't the first thing on their minds - it's violence.

So, with this in mind, it's really not all that hard to see what's going on here.
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i reject, it's not based on non-muslims, if it was prove it, well, what i'm really sure of, is that in the maghreb union it's not based on such things like prefering muslims on other non-muslims, or to be a relegion racists

You don't think Sura 9 is about oppressing other religious cultures? You don't think it's about non-Muslims?

and about the israeil case, if they only want to discover their old culture, why don't they just ask permission to make reaserches

Because such requests would be flatly denied. It's my belief that much of the religious establishment of Muslim Jerusalem sees Jews the way they did a millenium ago: as lessers who shouldn't be in charge of anything. "Take not the Jews for your friends". Why don't the Muslims who visit the Dome also request permission for its usage? (They might, although I rather doubt it.)

also, if you didnt know, in the islamic golden ages, muslims gave protection to jews and chritians who ben living between them

So long as the dhimmis knew their place. Did you read the links I posted? I'm starting to suspect I'm nearly the only person in this old argument that does so. There was exploitation and violent oppression then too: when one people is put "in charge" of another, this kind of thing will happen.

i'm sure that you know what are the inventions of the arabs in their golden ages, that changed the world, in science, mecaniques, poetry, astronomy, ... i'll make a topic about that,

I do; some of this is debated as having filtered through the Greeks, although I consider this kind of a cynical perspective. You seem to be taking this discussion very hard - my advice is: "don't". There are things wrong with Islamic society as there are things wrong with many societies, although we can't turn a blind eye to these problems.

As for the ineffable tolerance of the Magreb union, you might want to check the newspaper.

Islamists loot and burn protestant church in Algeria

Islamists looted and burned a Protestant church in Algeria, the congregation's leader said Monday, suggesting they were inspired by a recent wave of religious intolerance in the Arab and Muslim world.

The church - hosted in an apartment block in the city of Tizi Ouzou some 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of Algiers, the Algerian capital - was ransacked and set ablaze on Saturday night, several Algerian newspapers said.

The independent El Watan daily published a picture of a smoldering pile of pulpits and desks that had been brought outside for destruction. It quoted the pastor of the local Pentecostal community, Mustapha Krireche, as saying worshippers fled the temple because local police had left a gathering of anti-Christian rioters unchecked.


Note the caption on the picture: all to stop the nasty Protestants within from using the word Allah.

And this:

An overwhelmingly Muslim nation where Islam is the religion of state, Algeria allows the practice of other faiths in authorized venues. A few Roman Catholic churches are still open, left over from the French colonial era.

But small Protestant groups have been accused of proselytizing, or trying to convert Muslims to Christianity, which is illegal in Algeria. Several Protestants were prosecuted last year for illegally carrying Bibles or converting people to Christianity.

Wow. The next time someone starts trying to talk to me about anti-Muslim sentiment outside the Islamic world, I'll send them this article. And note that the police just went and left. Given the loving treatment of Copts in Egypt, one starts to sense a pattern about official "protection" and its extent.
Subversive literature?


The Quran

You know, I totally missed the context of one thing I posted:

Several Protestants were prosecuted last year for illegally carrying Bibles or converting people to Christianity.

Illegally carrying Bibles. Do you follow me, Shadow? Because they might, you know, explode I guess. Or maybe they could go off and make someone rethink things. Dangerous indeed!
Some comments:

Might that be because they speak Arabic in Malaysia, while they do not in the US?

Nope, the Malay speak Malay (Melayu) which is very similar to our language (Indonesian). We (Indonesian) and Malaysian understand each other's language almost over 90%.

Enmos said:
'Allah' is simply Arabic for 'God'. Other than that Arabic speaking countries are often Islamic the word itself is not in principle referring to the Islamic God.

This is true. Most muslims in Indonesia that I know alse use the word interchangably. Sometimes we call it Allah, God, or Tuhan. In Malaysia, the term Allah is more commonly used by the muslims, and Tuhan by the Christians. In their English, the Malay muslims still call it Allah, the Indonesian muslims call it God. In Indonesia, I say "Oh, my God!". In Germany, I say, "O meine Gottin!" (my Goddess!) j/k :p.
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As mentioned in the thread linked to by Kira, although the interpretations of the concept are different, christian use of the word "Allah" predates the use of the word by Islam by several centuries anyway.
-.- You deserve a slap in the face. It's plainly ONLY an Arab word that means something close to "Almighty". I don't know why you'd think it's Hebrew :shrug:

Actually CheskiChips is almost right.

Allah (as I understand it) is a contraction of al-'Ilah, 'Ilah being cognate with 'eloh, both of which have their origins in protosemitic ʾ-l, which means god.

Hence the first statement of shahadah - "ʾašhadu ʾan laa ilāha illa (A)llāh": "There is no ʾilāh but al-Lāh".

does any one ever wondered what is the "al" that many arabic words start with, well, "al" simply means the
Shadow, did you have a chance to review the links I posted? I realize that this may be something of a painful revelation.
Not to beat a now-dead horse, but this interesting tidbit came up also:

Egypt's soccer boss says piety key to making team

Really? How so, I wonder?


Associated Press Writer

The coach of Egypt's national soccer team says he only wants players who observe Islam and the selection of his squad is based equally on religious piety and skill.

The comments by Hassan Shehata, published Thursday in Egyptian newspapers, show how sports and religion are increasingly mixing in the overwhelmingly Muslim nation of some 80 million.

The intrusion of religion into sports is part of the country's gradual movement toward religious conservatism over the last few decades, with more people praying at mosques, most women adopting the Islamic veil in public and diminishing tolerance for secular Muslims or minority Christians. There are no Christians in the current national soccer squad.

For years, Egyptian athletes have demonstrated their religious piety in front of fans and the media - kneeling down to offer a prayer of thanks after scoring a goal or winning a game, or praying before games to implore God to come to their team's aid.

But Shehata's comments take religion in sports to a whole new level.

He was quoted by several Cairo newspapers as saying skill alone won't guarantee anyone a place on the national team, which is currently defending its African continental title in Angola.

He said "pious behavior" was the main category for selection.


Hmm. Curious. Even if you were for some reason to dismiss the innumerable atheists and agnostics who might want to play, why does Shehata seem to be implying that of all those Abrahamic types, only Muslims are really pious? Strange indeed.
the islamic golden ages,
I really think Arab Golden Age would be a little more appropriate. Islamic Golden Age is propaganda.

Anyway, I was wondering, other than Baghdad (which is 20 mins from the ancient Capitol if Persia), what major cities were founded by and built by Arabs?

It's my opinion that Arabs and people's of the Mediterranean were much more creative pre-Islam. I think Islam actually stunted the development of the Middle East. Sure, there were some advancements made, but geesh, given 400 years of peace I'd kind of expect something a little more significant - like a train or at least electricity or something :shrug:

Did Muslims ever completely ban Slavery during the Arab Golden Age? If not, I think this is one of the reasons we don't see the rapid development that occurred in Europe.
For years, Egyptian athletes have demonstrated their religious piety in front of fans and the media - kneeling down to offer a prayer of thanks after scoring a goal or winning a game, or praying before games to implore God to come to their team's aid.

Hasnt worked - Egypt are crap

about egypt teamn, praying to win, that's there thinking, did they hearted anyone, why do you critikize everything, if you want to start the cretekizing game, i can come up and find thousand of bad stuff about western world, so you can find about us,

about the peopel that attcked a church in algeria, i already said, those people are sicologecly ill, and get all the facts wrong, just like some of other people,

also, chritians also attacked mosques,


and now about that arabs and muslims never invented anything,
let's see

you can see more at youtube, and some more google search

about arabs never built their own city,
they did,
Kairouan, it's a big city, but it have been destroyed since the continued collapses of the arabic islamic empire, but it still exists,
you can also see at google, the old city is no very big toaday, but it's surouned by the new one,
i live in Kairouan actuallt, not in the old part, and actually it's very beatifull as all Tunisia

also, Tunisia, and most of the other maghreb contries are liberal islamic contry, wear what you want and choose what you want, but recently, they made a law against the hijab, but it's not appllied, police men and security people don't bother with it,
and that hijab that cover all the body with the face, we dont wear it here, and it's originally from pearsia, from the chia'a islam way, but it's used in the middle east, like saudy arabia

sorry for not replying all that long time, i was very busy with school and my social activities

i'll make a topic next time about the arab ancient inventions, wich you said, we had never inveneted anything

also, most of your inventions, werent during the christian ruling, but in the time when relegion don't mean much,
as i know, when europe was under the christiand churches ruling, it had the dark ages, while the arabs, when the had islam, they had a lightening ages,

there's an ancien arabic saying, says, search for knoledge and learning even if you reached china,
china was teh farest place ar that time

i have one simple question

why cant you accept that we are good people too, that we have history, heritage, culture, and why do you always try to do your best to convince that we are bad people, and to convicne people with the picture that you have in you mind, nad that you got it from the media???

i jusy want a simple question,

no truns
Muslims certainly have an interesting history, full of scientific discoveries, grand architecture, and beautiful artwork. They also follow a violent, arrogant, and irrational ideology, although it's not a whole lot more crazy than every other religion.

yes, exactly, every culture had it's good things and it's good things,
you think that your relegion is perfect, and i think my relegion is perfect
and about the violence in the quran, can you prove it to me?
also, in the quran, you should never read it and understand it exactly as you read it,
even a regular muslim, and arab, cant understand the quran much, even that it's in arabic, that's why, there's some people specialized at this, like the priests of you churches, also, the means, can be changed from arabic to english, cause we have some words, you don't even have it in your dictionary, like "jihed" it means, to fight for you contry, to defend it from the invaders, not to attack other contries like terrorists, just defend,
words in arabic are very plastic, i mean, most words, it's meanings changes by the tence of the phrase, also the type of the texte, that why i get 8/20 at the arabic poetry subject at school, :p , icant understand a word of it

some things, when you read it you think it's violence, but not
like, you should never kill, inless it was to defend your life, you your family's life, or to save some one, that he's not a murder or something
also, is lam encourage people to not reply with bad words,
when some budy tell you bad things " ************** " you should tell him somethign good, cause if you said bad things back, it will be a fight,
also, there's another one says, killing a human, is like killings the hall humanity, (unless it was to defend your self or something like i said before)
also, it's forbiden, to make people hate their relegion or to say bad things about it, wich that's what soem of your media is doing, saying bad things and showing bad stuff about us

if you don't beleive what am i saying, or you think that i'm saying that just to prove that it's a vilence relegion, try to make a search, (and ignore those insulting sites)

after all, no one is perfect, every budy makes mistackes, if you want a comparing between muslims and christians, you'll see the same in both sides,
all the relegions are to fixe the community, i consider my relegion is perfect, you consider your relegion is perefect, he consider that his relegion is perefect,
no oen is perfect, if you can see, i can see things worst than terrorists in the western world, and i can wonderfull and very good things, that's the same about every culture, every contry, and every race,
there's always good and bad in anywhere you go,
Japan, u.s.a, u.k, u.a.e., Egypt, France, Italy, Fiji, Hawaii, .....

and also you're not the only people who hates terrorists, arabs and muslims too, also, those aracist people, that attack other relegions, are ill, as the same in the western world, racists are very where, and every kind of racism,

But still there good and wonderfull people and understanding, more than bad people,

after all, WE ARE ALL HUMANS!!!!
We all came from a one source,
if you want to say god, ok
if you want to say evolution, ok
if you want to say magic, ok
anything you thing about, means one source, we are all one

i cant deny that there's vilence in any culture and any society,
arabs, muslims, chirsitans, asians, europeans, americans, jews
but the image in your head depends on the media
actually, i cant deny that i have bad feelings to some israelians, no that doesnt mean to hitt some one when i see him or somethng, or saying bad things, but i just avoid them.
not jews, israelians
jews come to my contry to the island of Djerba, to go to their special temple, that they go to each year, like muslims, go to mecca, to kaaba, once in his life time,

i don't hate jews, but i don't like israleians, and for good reason, israel troops are killing palastenian people every day, kids and even women

no offence, i don't hate anyone, i just dont like israeilan,
not all, i have a friend that he's originally from israeil,
i chat with him,
as i said, there's always good and bad