Malaysia bans the word Allah from bibles

It's a rather widespread belief, and has been for a couple of thousand years, that the Jews were complete failures in following the teachings of the prophets, that although they kept the books and read the words, they abandoned the spirit and just didn't get it.

Sorry but what does this have to do with the topic at hand? :shrug:

Oh ok. Well I'm not sure of the religious war angle as far as Malaysia is concerned (too early to tell) but maybe the christians should just change the term to 'god'? I think the fight to keep it may be just as unproductive as the fight to get rid of the term 'allah'. But I'm not religious so its easy for me to respond like this.
Shadow: whether you personally embrace one or another philosophy is good and well with respect to your own ethics and morality. But unfortunately it would be hard to ignore or deny - although many people certainly do, which is among the strongest arguments against the universal right to vote and reproduce - the comprehensive struggle that minority religions face in the Islamic world. I would hazard that conversion from Islam is illegal in your country, and that those doing could receive a stiff fine if not imprisonment. Or possibly not: Tunisia is among the more liberal Islamic nations. But this is true for the majority of such countries. I applaud your personal devotion to equanimity and equality, but what should we make of the fate of religious minorities in your world, or the curious way in which their treatment mimics conservative religious guidelines for dealings with "the other"?

well, in the maghreb union, in north africa, is liberal, also sirya and lebanon, in the middle east, on the medeterrenean sea, also, no one is forced to stay in a relegion,every one is free to choose any relgion, and what i'm sure of, there's no law in the arabic world, that says who convert from islam go to jail or do something like social service or something, there's no law like this, and if some one converted from islam, he want go to jail or killed or i don't know what are you thinking of, but it's kinda refused, or unliked, by the comunities, not the goverment, not the law, not a king if it was there one( toaday, in teh arabic world, if there's a king like in u.a.e and morroco and saudi arabia, he's not free to do or judge anythung, there's laws, constitution, (the book of laws, in teh democratic system) the onyl difference is that people dont vote ofr the leader, it's the king) anyway, about the forced woman to wear that black hijab, actually, no they are not forced too, they do it by their own will, what you understand, in these people, that they are forced and dont have rights or stuff, but actually no, they have everything, and they wear the hijab by their own, and not all wear that black hijab, some people, are very relegious and strict, so some of these people, because he concentrate much on relegion, he become kinda extremist, but when you talk to them, they are normal, some funny, some good, like a normal pearson, (islam says, that a human must never concentrate on relegion and forget the life, and must never consentrate on life, and forget his relegion, a human must be good at both relegion, and life,
that doesn mean, to real only quran all the time, and stay at the mosque all the time, on the contrary, who works, and who do his best, in his life, to help some one, or to take kare of his family, is better than some one who pass all his time at the mosque) and not all the girls wear that very strict cloth, some wear normal clothes, but those wich cover body, for example a jean pants, and they wear a hijab on their heads, or a hat, or anything they cover their hair with, their hair, don't cover their faces,

some are kinda forced, but not by law, goverment, king, presedent, or anything from those things, but some do it because of the community, girls that are not respected, and treated because of their beauty, goes strait, to be respected as a pearson, not a dall, or a b**ch, and actually, i'm pround of them, but i don't like the hijab, that black one, in the middle east,

so, not everything you see, and you donn't like it, that means that they are not free but they are forced,

for example, in tunisia, and many other islamic contires, they don't agree on teh gay marriage, me too actually, no offence, but it's not ollwed in those contires, why? because people and community don't like it, and don't agree it, if peopel accepted this idea, they may accept this kinda marriage, but it's wrong to do, in our relgion, and it's not resenebal that a man have sex with a man, again, no offence,
we don't have to be like you, so we can be evovled, in matter in fact, tunisia will be the most important industrual hub in the medeterrenian, better han france, italy, or any other contry in the area, also, tunisia's capital tunis, is planned to be the capital of the maghreb union, so, the maghreb union, in the next 10 or 15 years, will be as a one contry, like u.s.a

imagine, what could all these contries do together, if each one had a big importance,

my point is, we don't have to be like you, so we can be like you technologely, medicaly,and stuff, tunisia and other arabic contries, already invented many things, in these few years, in maths, a 19 years old boy, invented a new mthemathic rules, while he was doing he's homework, to make it shorter, and medecine, and in NASA, and in france, many of arab scientists from the maghreb are there, and actually it's sad that all our scientists, and students, not all, most, go to the other contires of europe to study, and sta there,
not all stays, who don't come back, dont cause he cant find the job that he needs in his mother contry, like space agency, or high-teck, whatever, the arab union, (all the arab contires together) will soon have an international space agency to be like NASA, to attrackt the arab scientists,

i have a question, what do you mean with treating the other? ;)
do you mean treating non-muslim and stuff...

ah,i cant explain everything, i don't know how to explain it, cause it's expleaneball, well, we treat them normal, how do you suppose we treat them, we treat them as a pearson, and as a muslim, what's the difference, he speaks arabic, he's from the same country, the only difference is relegion, or race whatever, we don't have racism anyway, is some one mocked from a black pearson here, not the black guy will hitt him, but the white guy will,
(some people are rasist, i cant deny, there's always some of everythinhg and in al around the world in any country, muslim, christian, jew, budha,....english, japanese, chinese, french, gearman, american, africa, ...)
there's no law in the arabic world, that says who convert from islam go to jail or do something like social service or something, there's no law like this, and if some one converted from islam, he want go to jail or killed or i don't know what are you thinking of, but it's kinda refused, or unliked, by the comunities, not the goverment, not the law

That is incorrect.

In five states [in Malaysia]— Perak, Malacca, Sabah, Terengganu, and Pahang — conversion is a criminal offense which can be punished by a fine or jail term. In Pahang, convicted converts may also be punished with up to six strokes of the cane.

If women are forced to wear the hajib, not by law but by the people (men), then what's the difference? Either way they are not free.
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first, women are not forced, and here, about the hijab thing, i'm talking about the middle east, that means those oil contries and oman and yaman,
and when i say society, i'm talking about forced by men, they don't force her, she wear it by her own will, if she was forced, it's because her thinking, and the relgion in that area, an arabic show, asked some girls about to be forced the hijab or what, and the answer is no, they wear it by their own will, and for things that you can never never understand, some of relegion stuff, and being strict and straight... bla bla bla

that doesnt include north africa, or the maghreb union,

secondary, malysia is not an arabic contry, it's a muslim contry but not arabic,

i'm talking about arabic contires
Yeah, it's psychological coercion rather than physical, but I guarantee it would get physical soon enough if a woman were to ignore it.
first, women are not forced, and here, about the hijab thing, i'm talking about the middle east...secondary, malysia is not an arabic contry, it's a muslim contry but not arabic,

i'm talking about arabic contires

Actually, one can encounter societal and legal pressure to wear the hijab in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, and so forth. Your presumption is not correct. So it's not strictly a matter of choice at all.
i have a question, what do you mean with treating the other? ;)
do you mean treating non-muslim and stuff...


ah,i cant explain everything, i don't know how to explain it, cause it's expleaneball, well, we treat them normal, how do you suppose we treat them, we treat them as a pearson

You might personally, but it's hardly an equal treatment overall. The Copts have a solid foundation of experience in this area.

ah, i want bather my self to explain anything again,
it's useless

i admit, i cant say more things to convence anyone, i said all i have, and i answered those questions that you already still askign about it,
if you don't beleive it's ok,
it's your opinion anyway
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i have a question, i feel that you feal that the western world(europe and north america and autrelia) are the best humans
i think that you don't want to admit that we're normal people just like you, just a maybe
cause i don't know to say more, i said all i have, and you still asking the same questions, if you really want to see by your eyes, come to the maghreb or to syria, lebanon or jordan, or other middle east contries

i don't know how to prove you that we're not like you think ...
None of the above is reflected in my previous post. Neither did I claim that I'd get thrown in jail just by visiting an Islamic country.

The only one who's been insulting Middle Eastern people in this thread was you. At least on this page. Then you proceeded with presumptuous and insulting statements against me (and probably other users who partook in this thread).

Thank you for your insightful comments, and the interesting facts about your people you've shared with us. Honestly, I didn't know that Middle Eastern people eat dirt, live on trees, are all terrorists, are savage, and so on. Well, your description of your folk certainly didn't leave a good impression on me. I'll take all of this in account the next time I come across other posts of yours, and will try to adapt my posts to your level, so that even people who eat dirt, who live on trees, who are savage, and like to practice terrorism will understand the content of my post. Sorry for the discrepancies.:m:

no no no no, i didnt said that, i didnt, i said, that's what you think about us,
that's what some of you in the western people think abouts the arabs, that's what i said, don't get me wrong, sorry i was mad that's all , cause each time, i answer everything and i make everything clear, they say, no you are and you are and you are, i didnt insult them, i said, what you think about us(arabs) is, that WE eat dirt and ...

and sorry if i went off of your topic, sorry

i'm really really sorry, i really didnt mean to insult anyone, and i didnt insult them, what i said is that you think that we are ... well not all you, some of you

i'm really sorry if you get me wrong,
really sorry,

i was just mad at that moment i i wroght without thinking