Malaysia bans the word Allah from bibles

Thanks Baftan. Your explanation offers some light on the situation but I am truly surprised that they would go so far as to ban the books. I mean if the christian malay's have been using the term for a long time I wonder what has now changed in Malaysia to move them into action now this time. Basically I would think there are more important things to worry about than the use of the term in the bible and by other things I mean not upsetting the delicate social-cultural balance in their society. I mean its not as if they are maligning god. Does anyone know enough about Malaysia to offer some explanation of what has changed in their society?

i believe i heard this in malaysia almost a year ago. it was said that the world allah should not be used in any non-muslim religious publications. i don't know why but it seems that they sorted out the issue then.

christians in indonesia (apart from jw) also used the word allah in their bible and religious publications. _so far_ no muslim here in indonesia complains about that. in fact most of us laugh at malaysians when we heard the news back then.
It just seems obvious to me that a Christian bible using the (exclusively Islamic) word 'Allah' to refer to the Christian God would sooner be upsetting to Christians reading that bible than to Muslims.

Please note: I am not saying that the word 'Allah' is exclusively reserved for Islam. Seems to me that 'Allah' just means 'God' in Arabic.

Dear god people.
Yes, you are right.
i have a question, i feel that you feal that the western world(europe and north america and autrelia) are the best humans

:bugeye: "Best humans"?

i think that you don't want to admit that we're normal people just like you, just a maybe

Yeees....:shrug: I certainly think you are normal people. What I criticize is the treatment of minority religions, women and homosexuals there. I think you're reading hyperbole into my arguments that isn't there.

cause i don't know to say more, i said all i have, and you still asking the same questions

Well, you're not giving real answers to the facts, which are pretty indisputable, really. All societies have their failings, of course. One way to stop me criticizing you would be to admit such failings and adopt a model of equality and tolerance of minority religions - not just tolerance of their existence, but of their right to exist, and of the right of people to convert, etc. Most Muslims don't mind this overtly, but there's a hardened significant minority of conservatives that do mind quite a bit.

I wish you the best of luck in your efforts.

i agree about that every society have it's fails, our fails are, that most of us don't allow and don't agree on the homosexuality(gays marriage, gay rights...)
you're right
your life style, having sex each time you go to party, drink alcoholick drink intell you get drunk, you have sex even at the age of 16 or 17, a girl get predment sometime, even at 18, or 19,
here, we have our life style, we don't have sex intell marriage, (ps: not all, some do have sex, some)
that doesnt mean that we don't know how to do sex, or have 0 expericance, we know about it, and how, and ways, and ... :p but we don't have it in real life, .going to party for us, is to dance, have fun, no to go in a room upstares and start :shake: Hahahah, no, and that doesnt include dirty dance,
about sex talk, yeah it exists,

about the relgion converting, most muslims don't convert from islam, cause they are very sure of it, not like christians(no offence) their relegion doesnt mean anything to them,
but for us it is, that you may call it a prob,
those peopel who didnt convert, not because of laws, or society, or like you say men, or anything of that,
why will he change his relegion anyway,
let me ask you a question, christians, do they convert for no reason? no, i think they convert if they we'rent sure of their relgion, and was convenced by another relgion,
we, are like that, we are convinced by our relgion, by it's miracles, by it's reality ... the islam miracles, you call them, lies, i mean, you say that they don't really exist in islam, like the solar system planet's roation, the sun is a star, not a planet, but a star, a big ball of fire, worholes, the univerce expansion, life on other planets, volcanos, earthquackes, tornados, (the middle east didnt know any of earthquackes or tornados in that time) ...
that's why we love our relgion and very sure of it, you can search google about scientific miracles of islam,

about the cloth, i already said it not all girls wear it,
and if hey weard it they wear it free, about that hjab that cover even the face, i respect alot those womens, and also, i wonder, why do they cover they faces, and alwasy wear in black, soemtimes, it's for sicologic reasons, not always, some others, thoghts, some others, very strict, and self controlled, ...
here in north africa, i never saw a women wear like that, they wear normal but with somethign cover the hair, also, not all teen girls wear it, who wear it, as i said, wear normal clothes, and something to covers the hair,

and i'm sure i'm saying how things are truly, i don't know how you think us,
and why do you think that my answers are not true? for the weird examples? liek i have a gf, we go to he cinema, play video games, heheheh, those examples are to show the things that you propably think that we never do,

so what are your questions? about why i'm saying the truth? and what are our fails, i cant's know what are those fails because this our life style that you consider it a fail, so i can also say what are your fails, and you cant, and you can say what are our fails and you cant say what are your fails, cause it's your life style, and find it pretty much normal
So it seems Malaysia has lifted the ban. Muslims have started to vandalize churches. Over the name they give to a non-existent diety, based on the same mythology from the same area.
What is it about Islam that brings about such violent reactions in a minority of the population?
It tells them defense of the religion is like war, and it's a virtue.
Is it really this simple? Just remove these few corrupted passages from the Qur'an and no more Islamic Fundamentalists murdering innocent bystanders? Fire bombing churches for daring to call magical Allah .... Allah?

I say start printing the new Qur'an!

no, islam dont encourage vilance, and dont say defencd on your relegion by war, defending a relegion, is like this way that i'm using to defencd myne,

and give me prrove from wuran that prroves that islam encorage vilance
and do you say that it encourage vilance?

also, if you didnt know, that islam means peace, when two muslims meat, they say "salam" it means peace, also, the wars in the past, in the begenning of islam, it was there two, the first one isnt exactly a war , it's when the non-muslim arabs in the midle east, in the islam first days, where it started, the arabs of that time, the rich arabs, didnt like that relgion, cause it call for the ecaulize between all people,rich or poor, and give rights, and forbiden the slave trade and stuff, so the original arabs, teh non muslim of that time, th rich one, tryed to stop this relegion, cause it makes their buisness lower, and stop their controlling or every thing, so those people, tryed to kill, to make muslims, convert, to the statues relgion, that think that a statue is a god, so those muslims, left to a christian city, arabian too, a christian arabian city, their leader is known by his kindness, and the good judjement, islam, if you didnt know, mention the christ, more than his mentions "mohamed", thos muslims live with chritians for a while, intill they built thei own city, when they built the city, they maked a contract for 10 years of peace, with those other people that they want to kill them,
when the muslims built their armies, went back to that citythe city of mecka, and when they arrived, they didnt kill anyone, didnt harm any animal, or plant, they didnt destroy any door, they arrived, and won the people's hearts, not the people's land, they teached them about islam, let them know what really is islam, those people liked those rights, to be ecaule, to stop slaiving, and stuff,

also, there's a part of the quran says, (walé takoul liommika offon wa le tanhar welidaika ihsenan) this oen means ( dont say bad things to your parents, help them when they become old, they they helped when you was young, do never treat them bad, do never yell at them) does this calls violence???!!!
another one, it's about, when some one tell you bad things for example (f**k y**) no offence, don't tell him back, (no f**k, y**) tell him something good, or ignore him, cause if you replied with the same, he will also replie more, finally it will reach a fight, and it want be good,, does this considered violence???!!! should we change those lines???!!!

about war, (do never never attack, or make war, only to deffend your land no more)

when arabs came to north africa, what do you think they do to make them muslims, i think that you think they had wars, and killings,
actually, no, when arabs first came to north africa, they built a city, "kairouan" to be like a trade center betwen africa, middle-east ,and europe,

when they came there, they didnt kill the original people of that area, wich they calls berber, you can find some of their old houses, in matmata in tunisia, when arabs came there, they tryed to get mixed with the original people, to live with them, to be one people, so they produced a new generation between arabs and the original people, so there's no more arabs, and there's no more berbers, their's both in a one generation, those original people didnt had a relegion, they teached them islam, they liked it, so they took it as their relgion,

does that calls violence???!!!

here those are arguments from history and the quran,
so why don't you tell me, how does it encourage on vilence, i want clear answers, the answears that you are giving, are nopt for someone who built his reasons on facts, bu who built it on an idea or a picture that he saw it on t.v or his had it in his mind,

so pelas, give an answer, with arguments,

i want you to prove me that islam encourage vilence,
Is it really this simple? Just remove these few corrupted passages from the Qur'an and no more Islamic Fundamentalists murdering innocent bystanders? Fire bombing churches for daring to call magical Allah .... Allah?

I say start printing the new Qur'an!

what do you mean? give me arguments about that islam encourage violence, and encourage dominating of a relgion, and what firbombing churches, if you were talking about the terrorsists, the terrorists of middle-east, we don't call them muslims, and they don't defend or spread islam, they are sicologicly ill, and criminals, worce than any other criminals, cause they do crimes, by the name of god and islam and blablabla, to make a clear picture, thoise terrorists are not considered muslims for us, the terrorism have no relegion,

and what firebombing churches,

also, islam don't say force every body to be muslims, but it says, you must respect other relgions, and not offend them, or anything that offend them, and i don't think that you apply that rule, there's a line in islam, says, (lana dinouna, walakom dinoukom) we have our relegion, and you have your relgion, also if you search in the muslims history, you'll see that chirtians and jews communties lived inside muslims comunitys, and those muslims gave them protection ,and all their rights like anyother human,
if you're not convinced try to make a little search, to know what is islam, does islam encourage vilence? what do islam says about wars, try those questions, and don't build your desition on a one articale,

i don't know what's wrong with your thinking, before you make judgments, and stuff, try to be sure of it, and built on an actual base, and arguments,

i'm asking for arguments sence the begenning, and none of you gave me one
so pelas, i want to hear some arguments, that prrove your point of view
I think Allah in Hebrew just means "From Up", which is approximately what it means in Arabic.

-.- You deserve a slap in the face. It's plainly ONLY an Arab word that means something close to "Almighty". I don't know why you'd think it's Hebrew :shrug:
about the relgion converting, most muslims don't convert from islam, cause they are very sure of it, not like christians(no offence) their relegion doesnt mean anything to them

Actually, it's estimated that as many as 25% of Muslims in Britain have abandoned Islam within a single generation. This, and the persecution of apostates, does not suggest much surity to me. No offence.

As for the scientific miracles of Islam: bunk. Nonsense. I've examined - as have many here - a number of them, and it always works out to sheer, accidental happenstance.

and i'm sure i'm saying how things are truly, i don't know how you think us,
and why do you think that my answers are not true? for the weird examples? liek i have a gf, we go to he cinema, play video games, heheheh, those examples are to show the things that you propably think that we never do,

??? Where, exactly, have I insinuated any comment about any of the above? Why would I possibly believe that you not do any of the above? You should try to keep your comments topical, and related to the actual content of the thread. I'm not sure why you would think these things about my argument.

so what are your questions? about why i'm saying the truth?

If you'd read the posts, you would see the questions. You don't seem to be doing this.

no, islam dont encourage vilance, and dont say defencd on your relegion by war, defending a relegion, is like this way that i'm using to defencd myne, and give me prrove from wuran that prroves that islam encorage vilance
and do you say that it encourage vilance?

Most of Sura 9, a fair part of Sura 2, among others.

also, if you didnt know, that islam means peace, when two muslims meat, they say "salam" it means peace

That's fine - and what about when a Muslim and non-Muslim meet? Actually, I'm sure they say "salaam", but this issue speaks to the kind of religious differences that underlie the entire problem: you think first to post an example of two Muslims interacting with the word "peace", but not of an example of a Muslim just offering peace to everyone. Perhaps I'm being too picky, but it just strikes a chord that suggests my argument again.

teh non muslim of that time, th rich one, tryed to stop this relegion, cause it makes their buisness lower, and stop their controlling or every thing, so those people, tryed to kill, to make muslims, convert, to the statues relgion, that think that a statue is a god

But this, too, is what you've been told. It's a story. Is it true? How do you know? If the non-Muslims had won, you'd exult at the crushing of an upstart cult led by a bandit named Mohammed. How do you know that your version is so? I ask because you seem to be proposing it as evidence of the inherent humanitarianism of Islam.

when arabs came to north africa, what do you think they do to make them muslims, i think that you think they had wars, and killings,
actually, no, when arabs first came to north africa, they built a city, "kairouan" to be like a trade center betwen africa, middle-east ,and europe,

Shadow, again you're getting off topic: first, there were indeed wars to establish Islam in North Africa, which I would expect you to have heard of. But never mind that: the initial establishment of Cairo by the Islamic invaders had little to do with outreach to the rest of the world. I think you've been content to accept a fairy story of history, rather than owning up - so much as an inheritor of history rather than an actor in it can be expected to do - to some of its faults. I don't deny that my civilization has had and has now many faults. It makes no sense for you to not do likewise.

what do you mean? give me arguments about that islam encourage violence, and encourage dominating of a relgion, and what firbombing churches

also, islam don't say force every body to be muslims, but it says, you must respect other relgions, and not offend them, or anything that offend them, and i don't think that you apply that rule

Actually, it mostly seems to be applied to the respect and protection of Islam, specifically. It would be easier to believe your argument if one religion were not so dominant, and if Q 9:29 did not exist - or most of Sura 9, to be fair - and if there were any examples of a Muslim being arrested and charged for cruelty or insult to someone of any other religion. Yet I suppose such examples would exist, if your argument is true. Do they?

-.- You deserve a slap in the face. It's plainly ONLY an Arab word that means something close to "Almighty". I don't know why you'd think it's Hebrew :shrug:

actually, hebrew, and arabic have the same origine, wich it is an ancient language calls "Samia"
also, some arabic words, look like some hebrew words,

and allah in arabic simply means god, that's all
Actually, it's estimated that as many as 25% of Muslims in Britain have abandoned Islam within a single generation. This, and the persecution of apostates, does not suggest much surity to me. No offence.

As for the scientific miracles of Islam: bunk. Nonsense. I've examined - as have many here - a number of them, and it always works out to sheer, accidental happenstance.

??? Where, exactly, have I insinuated any comment about any of the above? Why would I possibly believe that you not do any of the above? You should try to keep your comments topical, and related to the actual content of the thread. I'm not sure why you would think these things about my argument.

If you'd read the posts, you would see the questions. You don't seem to be doing this.

Most of Sura 9, a fair part of Sura 2, among others.

That's fine - and what about when a Muslim and non-Muslim meet? Actually, I'm sure they say "salaam", but this issue speaks to the kind of religious differences that underlie the entire problem: you think first to post an example of two Muslims interacting with the word "peace", but not of an example of a Muslim just offering peace to everyone. Perhaps I'm being too picky, but it just strikes a chord that suggests my argument again.

But this, too, is what you've been told. It's a story. Is it true? How do you know? If the non-Muslims had won, you'd exult at the crushing of an upstart cult led by a bandit named Mohammed. How do you know that your version is so? I ask because you seem to be proposing it as evidence of the inherent humanitarianism of Islam.

Shadow, again you're getting off topic: first, there were indeed wars to establish Islam in North Africa, which I would expect you to have heard of. But never mind that: the initial establishment of Cairo by the Islamic invaders had little to do with outreach to the rest of the world. I think you've been content to accept a fairy story of history, rather than owning up - so much as an inheritor of history rather than an actor in it can be expected to do - to some of its faults. I don't deny that my civilization has had and has now many faults. It makes no sense for you to not do likewise.

Actually, it mostly seems to be applied to the respect and protection of Islam, specifically. It would be easier to believe your argument if one religion were not so dominant, and if Q 9:29 did not exist - or most of Sura 9, to be fair - and if there were any examples of a Muslim being arrested and charged for cruelty or insult to someone of any other religion. Yet I suppose such examples would exist, if your argument is true. Do they?

does the jews really existed? maybe it's a fairy story, and, ibrahim, noa, i think you know those people, they are already mentioned in quran, the christ is also mentioned more than mohamed, maybe those are imaginary stories? i don't think so,
and yes, i'm not going to say that we didnt have any wars you know, as you said every nation had wars, eveyr nations, had it's negatives, ok let's say that all those stories are facke, it's ok, that want affect on this discussion, after all, every nation ,and every human on earth did, it's mistackes, israeil, kill palastenians every day, in the past, americans killed all the red indians, attacked india, africa and all the world, not olny americans, all europeans,

also, some things are mentioned in the quran, and the quran is the same sence 1000 years ago, and 1400 years ago, you can find soem quran books from that time, and you'll see that they are the same sence the begenning,

i asked you about arguments that islam encourage vilence, i told you arguments from the book, arguments from the quran, not from the malysians,
and the thing that malysian did, for churches, you also did it for muslims, don't tell me that there's no one of you, ever did bad things to muslim girl a boy, don't tell me that no oen of you, had ever burned a quran book, and did a pee on it and all the things that you can imagine and not, i already saw two videos of it, what about the insulting pictures to "mohamed"
so, don't tell me that you didnt do the same
actually, we are the same, we are all humans, we all make mistakes, but if some of you did those things, that doesnt mean that all of you do those things, am i right? it's the same here,
and obviously, i'm not defending on people, i'm defending on the relegion, so can you show me lines from quran that encourage vilence,

i'll give you another example, there's a line in the jews book, says that a jew shouldnt steel from another jew, but he can steel from non-jews,

i know that those people who attacked some churches, are sicologcily ill, and racists, and i don't think that they even go to the mosque, to be honest , i dont' too, just some times, in the holy days, like eid,

about the relation between muslims, and non-muslims, for example, my uncle is married to another arabic woman, and she's christian, also another uncle of myne, his wife is christian,
we just live together normally, and i supose thatmalysians too,
i don't know anything about malysia actually, and i didnt even know that they ae muslims before, and here, i'm concntrating on the arabic world, and muslims too, effcorse,

another guy in a previous comment, said , that they should remove the passages that encourage violence, and i'm asking, what are thos passages in the quran, can you show them to me?

and now about the converting muslims, supose, a christian family, lived in an islamic contry, all muslims, what do you think that the next generation, most time, will be, propably they will be muslims, the same, a muslim parents, living in a christian contry, their children, we'll have their social life in that community, so they learn that community's habits life style, and all the other things, so he's used to be christian, to be a muslim there, for a teen, is for some people his hard, you know, the offences sometimes, not doing sex, in his early age, not drinking alcohoolik drinks, and other stuff, so he cannot not do those things, cause he lived in those envirements, and when he's a child and a teen, he always tryes, to be like all the others, try to do what all the others did,... anyway, you get it, so it's normal, that he chooses chiristanity as his relgion, esspecially that it makes him free to have sex, drink, alcoholics, .. wich almost all christians don't applytheir relgion rules,
does the jews really existed? maybe it's a fairy story, and, ibrahim, noa, i think you know those people, they are already mentioned in quran, the christ is also mentioned more than mohamed, maybe those are imaginary stories? i don't think so,

And you know that the history played out as written - how? Are you sure? Is it not possible it was presented in a different light? The victor writes the history, generally.

and yes, i'm not going to say that we didnt have any wars you know, as you said every nation had wars, eveyr nations, had it's negatives, ok let's say that all those stories are facke, it's ok, that want affect on this discussion, after all, every nation ,and every human on earth did, it's mistackes, israeil, kill palastenians every day, in the past, americans killed all the red indians, attacked india, africa and all the world, not olny americans, all europeans,

Actually the US didn't attack India, so far as I recall. They didn't kill all North American natives, but they did kill very, very many. These facts are not in dispute. Are you saying then that yes, Islam has not always been positive for religious minorities, and frequently very repressive, to the point of culturide or genocide? This would be very forward-thinking of you, and I would naturally applaud you for it. I think it's best to address history with our eyes open.

also, some things are mentioned in the quran, and the quran is the same sence 1000 years ago, and 1400 years ago, you can find soem quran books from that time, and you'll see that they are the same sence the begenning,

That's probably generally true, although I did hear about some unearthed Qurans that were actually dissimilar to those being used now. Anyway: this is a side-issue, as I'm sure you know.

asked you about arguments that islam encourage vilence, i told you arguments from the book, arguments from the quran

Yes: and I was kind enough to respond in kind. No worries.

and the thing that malysian did, for churches, you also did it for muslims

Interesting. Which mosques have been burned in the past few years, and where? In which nation is a significant minority of Muslims threatened with death, the extermination of their communities and the suppression of their culture? I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with your current examples.

, don't tell me that there's no one of you, ever did bad things to muslim girl a boy, don't tell me that no oen of you, had ever burned a quran book, and did a pee on it and all the things that you can imagine and not, i already saw two videos of it, what about the insulting pictures to "mohamed"
so, don't tell me that you didnt do the same

Well, several of the insulting pictures of Mohammed - I'm not sure which you were shown, of course - were actually produced by a pair of Muslim imams in Denmark for the purposes of inciting hatred and violence. Some insulting pictures were indeed produced by various artists, in order to address the subtle hints that the depiction of Mohammed was forbidden. In our nations, we may produce insulting/satirical pictures of religious icons, even of Jesus and Abraham and Mohamed. We expect people to understand that a wider range of free speech is permitted, and not to use it as a justification for violence.

and obviously, i'm not defending on people, i'm defending on the relegion, so can you show me lines from quran that encourage vilence,

Yes. I've already done so, actually: Sura 9. Most of it, I would say. Sort of "violence and what to do with the pillage".

i'll give you another example, there's a line in the jews book, says that a jew shouldnt steel from another jew, but he can steel from non-jews,

"The Jews' Book"? The Torah, I assume. I've heard of this line, but it's canonicity is disputed; moreover, have you heard of people stealing and citing this as a reason they steal?

i know that those people who attacked some churches, are sicologcily ill

I am glad that you think so. I certainly agree; but I expect we disagree about some of the root causes.

about the relation between muslims, and non-muslims, for example, my uncle is married to another arabic woman, and she's christian, also another uncle of myne, his wife is christian,

Interesting. Do you have any aunts who are married to Christian men?

and now about the converting muslims, supose, a christian family, lived in an islamic contry, all muslims, what do you think that the next generation, most time, will be, propably they will be muslims, the same, a muslim parents, living in a christian contry, their children, we'll have their social life in that community, so they learn that community's habits life style

Possibly so. We permit much freedom here in association and religion and social behaviour. Still, it does make one wonder what many Muslims would choose to be, if they had the choice.

Best regards,


i'm glad that you started to understand how do i think, well, in my family, i don't have an ant who married with a non-muslim man, but i know some who did, some of them, their husband's converted to islam, some of them stayed muslim, and her husband is still chrisitian, they tell their children about their relgion, and when they grow up, they choose wich one would they choose,
and some of women, converted from islam,

and about the violence in quran, i'm notof it, i'm sure that you understand it wrong, cause there's some words, and some expressions in arabic, when you translate it to english, it seems to be stupid, or foolich, or like you said violence,
if you make a little search, you'll see that islam is one of the most peacfull relegions,

and about burning masques, in the western world, no iddint heard of, but i heard of burning qurans and insulting muslims, sometimes,
in palastine, :tempted: all the time, all the time mosques are destroyed, well not all the time, i mean in all the times of war attacks days,

and the forced entrings to the jerusalam doom, wich it belongs to muslims, to jews and to chirtians, it actually belongs to every body, and i dont know why they want it so much, i mean, why do jews want their lands back, after 1400 years, i mean, they say before 1400 they were our lands, so we came after 610 years, to take it back, also in that case, if things happens like that, chiristians should say those our land! so as the budhaisme, so anyother relegion that existed in the city, (((ps: those palastinians that you see them fight, you cant call them terrorists, cause they defend on their familyes, their contry, at least they are doing something, not just giving-up, maybe there's some people wich they are criminals, but they fight for their contry, imagine, that your contry is at war, you country, didnt had an army, the attackers attack all the time, no presedent is there, just a destroyed contry, what do you think that people will do, don't you think they will fight, and i think, that those wars, causes in some people, some sicologic ills, imagine if you were at war, you family dies one by one, every day your friends and people dies, how do you think you'll feel, you'll feal very sad at first, then very angry, then fealing nothing, have a fealing between sad, anger, and lolines, so he says, what am i going to lose, i have nothing left, why wouldnt i fight, maybe i'll help my contry)))

well, i'm off topic, :p

anyway you get the point, and actually those attacks on the churches, are not reasons that the quran encourage violence, also, it's the first time i actually hear of those racist attackings on the churches in malisya, i'm sure that this never happened in teh arabic world,
such things happens in malisya, cause of their bad goverment, and the less of the democracy,

i know soem people from malisya by chat, they say that it's the gverment problem, the goverment is racist, and when you make the identety card, they have to put what relegion do they have, some their put islam, cause it's easier to put it, and to stay more free, so it's their goverment's prob. their bad policies,

and i agree that soem of the arabic contires are nto very democracy, i don't mean that people say their opinion, they can say what ever they like, their opinions, publish whatever they want, well, not totally, they shouldn publich insulting posts, and i agree on that, also people can elect, men ad women are ecquale in work, school, job, ... actullay, here in tunisia, there's more women than men, :p the hoole in our democracy is that we don't agree on the gay rights and marriage, (no offence, i agree either, it's not reseneball to marriage the same sexe, no offence) but there's the liberty of sex, and to do anything you want, there's another law either, that if a criminl judged with 1 year jail, he don't go to jail, but he make a year of community survice, and get sicologic treatment, also there's a law against saying bad words in street, but they don't really apply it, at least at the importante places, like the presidential and govermental places, and cort and stuff, and no smoking is allowed in the street, also, it's not really applide, i can see peopel smoke, :p off-topic too, hehehehehe, sorry, just when i start writing, don't stop, XD

mohamed, sometimes they call me Mo hehehehe :)
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Is it really this simple? Just remove these few corrupted passages from the Qur'an and no more Islamic Fundamentalists murdering innocent bystanders? Fire bombing churches for daring to call magical Allah .... Allah?

I say start printing the new Qur'an!

The trouble is these passages far outnumber the few that enourage mulitculturalism (and even that only with fellow believers). They aren't corrupt, they were intentional. And, according to Muslims, the Quran is the perfect word of God, who doesn't make mistakes.
and about the violence in quran, i'm notof it, i'm sure that you understand it wrong, cause there's some words, and some expressions in arabic, when you translate it to english, it seems to be stupid, or foolich, or like you said violence,

Well, I'm sorry, but it's interpreted by conservatives in that way. That's not my fault, as I'm sure you'll appreciate.

if you make a little search, you'll see that islam is one of the most peacfull relegions,

Well, I wonder if that would be true these days.

and about burning masques, in the western world, no iddint heard of, but i heard of burning qurans and insulting muslims, sometimes,

But this is what riots are founded on, Shadow: your gullibility in believing whatever rumour that someone might spin in order to rile you up, and to paint the culture of your neighbours in an unpleasant light. Whenever these events come to light, it's almost inevitably found later that it was a complete falsehood. Yet, have you heard of the situation of the Copts in Egypt, only a nation or two away? I'm willing to bet that you haven't.

and the forced entrings to the jerusalam doom, wich it belongs to muslims, to jews and to chirtians, it actually belongs to every body, and i dont know why they want it so much, i mean, why do jews want their lands back, after 1400 years

First: I doubt very much that Jewish people want to restrict the access of anyone. But they do want to excavate for the purposes of finding out more about their culture, which was long scattered to the winds.

Now, whether they come back after 140 years or 14,000 years, they do have something of an arguable claim to the region. Yet they've also suffered under the new tenants - Romans, later Christians, and then Muslims. It's only now that they're really in a position to return. Had they come before, who would have helped them against Arab intolerance?

anyway you get the point, and actually those attacks on the churches, are not reasons that the quran encourage violence, also, it's the first time i actually hear of those racist attackings on the churches in malisya, i'm sure that this never happened in teh arabic world,
such things happens in malisya, cause of their bad goverment, and the less of the democracy,

Such things, Shadow, happen in Egypt, in Turkey, in Iraq, in Iran, Pakistan, and much of the Islamic world. This suggests to me at least a partial religious basis. It might be the government - but the effect of this Islamic governance is biased against non-Muslims, as you can see.

Best regards,

if you make a little search, you'll see that islam is one of the most peacfull relegions,

Damnation through faint praise?

For comparison: the most peaceful nation-states, the most peaceful empires, the most peaceful armies... systems of large-scale social organization inevitably produce casualties - especially when they're successful.