Malaysia bans the word Allah from bibles

Oh. Sorry, then, shadow. I think the definition of racism does change among certain speakers.
Just call it democracy. It sounds better and you can attach electrodes to their genitals, tie their thumbs together behind their backs and string them up till their ribs crack and pierce their lungs.

And its all A-okay
As long as they call it democracy, they can throw them to the lions and its all fine.

So define how the latter invalidates the concept of voting and the equality of citizens before the law. Did the ancient Greeks consider slaves to be citizens? Succeeding events are merely refinements of the concept.
You're right, shadow: Sam and I should perhaps move this discussion elsewhere. Sam?

Imagine there was a person (we'll call him Person R) who was taught that Black people were inferior. Imagine this Person R was taught that Black people shouldn't marry White people.
Imagine that a Black person did marry a White.
Suppose this marriage really pissed off Person R and Person R went over and burned down the house of the Black and White married couple.

Now, to me it's very clear that Person R thinks like this because Person R was taught a racist ideology when he was a child. Not every person taught racism acts like Person R. But some do. And I don't see anything good about teaching people racist-like ideology, so, why do it?

Now, there are a lot of people who have been raised to be racists and they are appalled with the actions of Person R. Actually, they are pretty decent people. But, they can't accept that racism leads to violence for some people. We'll call them Person Q. So, Person Q sticks their head deep in their arse and instead of accepting reality, try to make up some other reason for the actions of Person R. Like: Nationalism. Yes, Nationalism is obscure enough to blur reality to the point of acceptance. So, it's wasn't racism at all. Nope. It was all the fault of Nationalism.

Or better yet. Even when Person R is saying: Hey, I'm a racist and I did it for my Race, what does Person Q say, nope, Person R isn't a "Real" Racist. Not one at all. Because Racism is and can Only be Peaceful. Actually, Racism means Peace. We Racists are just about protecting the White Race from being watered downed by inferior Dark people.

Now, imagine that the world is moving past Person Q's ideology. They're tired of Racism. I've even heard that some have taken steps to stop some Racists from wearing their KKK white Klanshood. Gee, that'll probably rile up the racists even more and we'll have to put up with more "radicalized" "fundamental" racists. And it'll all be the fault of the "West" boo hoo. Yup, the "West's" fault, not anything to do with the inherently intolerant Ideology. Yup, everytime a racist burns down a building are destroys some stuff - it's all the fault of anything and everything except that they were taught to be racists.

Now, Shadow1, I don't believe in Race. You could call me a Race Atheist. I think Racism isn't really a good way to think. Kids shouldn't be taught Racism. Don't you agree Shadow1?
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We're simply tired of Racist-Like Ideologies Shadow1. As I understand it, the following clothing is generally not liked by most people living in Western Nations:



Maybe this comparison seems uncomfortable? Why? The people in one group think Only they are Gods chosen people, they often try to only associate with other of God's chosen people, they think Only their Ideology is the truth path of God. Only their religious books is true. Their language is God's language. Their Book is the only True Book of God. They are following the true belief. Protecting their people. While many people in their group are very very very peaceful, some do kill in the name of God and their ideology. Which group is which?

Why perpetuate this sort of ideology?

Go back and read about the KKK that burned down the houses of Blacks that Married Whites. Now, think about what type of people these are. Think about the people that burned down the Churches for using the word Allah. They are the SAME TYPE OF PEOPLE.
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It should be noted, not too many WASPs go out and harm black people. 99.9% of WASP white supremacists are peaceful. But, it's also not that uncommon that some WASP white supremacists DO harm non-whites. Like the pregnant Portuguese woman who was knifed on her way home by some skin heads. These skin heads are basically Terrorists. But, why? How did they come to be murder that woman? Could it just maybe have something to do with their intolerant ideology of White Supremacy?

Again most KKK members are not violent people. That's because most people aren't violent. But, don't kid yourself, the ideology often leads to violence for people who take it very seriously. And for that small population of people in ANY society that are violent. Sometimes these people feel like they are all alone and then comes this big ideology that makes them feel secure and for the first time in their lives, a part of a group. It's the same story over and over. Any psychologist will tell you that such a person may kill for this ideology. It happens again and again.

AND my main point is WHY perpetuate this ideology??? It doesn't so any good and, in our multicultural societies, is actually bad.

Maybe there are some WASPs who look at the KKK klanhood and feel fine, comfortable? Then there are many others who don't feel so comfortable? Why? They are mostly peaceful people right? Minding their own business - well, except when they build a Kaln Hall in your neighborhood and teach their kids you are inferior and will probably burn in Hell. Likewise, many people look at the two Muslim girls and feel fine. And likewise, many see them and feel uncomfortable. Why?

What about this outfit:

I wonder how people feel? Most people see Buddhists are peaceful people because their ideology is generally accommodating of other people's belief systems without being all that insulting. At least for most Westerners. So? Why not built on this system? Why not make something new that's open minded and tolerant. A belief whereby people can say: You know, maybe I am wrong and maybe you are right?
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No clue. Is it really banned now, or is the debate still going on? If it's banned, then that would be institutionalised religious discrimination, or wouldn't it?

It actually surprised me that people were going so far as to reserve the usage of a certain term just for themselves. But as I've read somewhere the Muslims, who are in favour for the ban, fear that the Christian use of "Allah" would lead to confusion amongst Muslims, and encourage their conversion to Christianity. I don't really see a problem with that. It would just indicate that those who converted weren't obviously enough Muslim to stay Muslim. Good riddance, no?

yeah, i agree,
also, i don't why do some muslim girls coer their hall face and wear on ly in black, you're not the only people who had this question,
even many people here, if you ask him, he will tell you, i don't know,
i mean, there's many muslim girls, and most of muslim girls don't wear this hijab that it's always black and coer the face, they just wear good clothes, strict, but colerful, and some fashionebal, happily, it's a minority that wear this kind of hijab, here in north africa, women don't wear this hijab that cover the face, they wear stric beautifull clothes,
in north africa, we're are arabs, and muslims, and i didnt see anywomen here wearing this kind of hijab,

also, the bad racism exits every where around the world, for exampel here, if some one white, call him A, and some one black call him B1
if that some one B1, insulted the A because of his colour or race, another B2, will cick the B1's ass, before that the black guy do it,
effcorse, there's some people who don't like other colours, but most of them are socially failed,
^ Are you trying to draw parallels between racially motivated hate terms, and ...the usage of religious terms? o_O

And about the women you mentioned who wear the veil, or burka, or whatever..well I presume it's fear. Some sort of fear.

about what do i feal if i saw those two girls wearing like that, or a budha guy, wearing like that, i may find it weird, but, not like i feal i'm superious, we humans, have to learn one thing, we are all ecaul, ALL,
doesnt matter the cloth, the race, or even the culture, even islam calls for the ecaulity, beleive it or not, the propblem of some racists muslims, not their relegion is their problem, but what they learned of it is the problem, in islam, you cant keep things, and forget things, cause if muslim really applied islam as it really is, none of those problems will even exists, i know that when you see those people, you think, their relegion is bad, vioelnt and stuff, i mean it's normal to think so after some things you see, in the negative side, but when you look at the basics and the rules of the relgion islam, all of them,not taking a part, and leave another, you should take it as it is, or don't,
toaday, the relegion muslims racist people, have those problems, cause they take soem parts, and ignore other parts,
islam, as a relegion calls, for ecaulity, calls for knoledge, to do teh best you can, and to work the hardest you can, so you can get the knoledge, and the wealth, to don't force people,...i'll make a topic about that

about some sorts of fear, yeah maybe, like fealing insecure, or having some sicologic problems, or going to deep in the relegion,
islam also calls, to not go to far into the relegion, also into life, to ecaulize between both, to be good at life, and to do your best, have fun, but with limits, and without forgetting your relegion

hmm, propably, i don't know, but not always have to leave a blood line behind it, simply, i don't know