Malaysia bans the word Allah from bibles

But isn't Islam the world's fastest growing religion?
by birth rate perhaps, but, is this a good thing? When there's 10 trillion Muslims packed in Pakistan ... well see if that's a good thing.

Buddhism is the fastest growing religion in AU.
Islamic ideology encourages this sort of religious intolerance.

I don't think Islam will compete well in the modern world and you'll probably see more and more Muslims either denouncing Islam or converting to the more "peaceful" Xianity. Xianity has had more time to accommodate and has evolved to better serve modern civilizations. Trying to prevent Muslims from converting to xianity is a big concern of many Muslim leaders. Removing the word Allah is one of those preventative steps.

No big surprise really.

I met up with a Muslim friend of mine for a long time. I hadn't seen him much in the last year or so. yesterday he said, look, I just can't believe any of this any more. I'm not Muslim. Pretty much fits the demography of 25-35 year olds. That generation is leaving religion in droves.

LOL. What do you believe in again?
So what has happened to the liberal multicultural society in Malaysia?

"The Malaysian government has refused to release 10,000 Bibles which it seized because they contained the word Allah to refer to God."

If allah merely refers to 'god' as in any god how can it offend muslims?

“Bibles in [the Malay language] have been used since before the independence of our country and have never been the cause of any public disorder,” he added.

Good :)

I am glad they will not allow the name of an arabian idol to be used as a name for God. I wish all muslim countries would do the same thing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The local party line from the Muslim clerics in my area has been that "Allah" is just Arabic for "God", in the same way that "Dios" is Spanish for "God".

That's been the steady message for several years now.
Hey, I think I just read this morning on my Internet provider homepage that the word/name "Allah" is now okayed by ...whoever. It seems that they changed their minds about it and everything is wonderful now and the world is once again happy and contented and satisfied. What more could anyone want?

For those of you who will ask for exidence or a link, I don't have one and even if I did, I don't know how to post a link. But it was a news story, so surely you can find it if you're better than me on Internet searches. If I search for, say, death and dismemberment crimes, I find porno sites!! ...LOL!

Baron Max
Hey, I think I just read this morning on my Internet provider homepage that the word/name "Allah" is now okayed by ...whoever. It seems that they changed their minds about it and everything is wonderful now and the world is once again happy and contented and satisfied. What more could anyone want?

For those of you who will ask for exidence or a link, I don't have one and even if I did, I don't know how to post a link. But it was a news story, so surely you can find it if you're better than me on Internet searches. If I search for, say, death and dismemberment crimes, I find porno sites!! ...LOL!

Baron Max

True but there is supposed to be an appeal. At the moment they can keep 'allah' but it isn't allowed to be distributed to muslims in the country. Evidently they are afraid of muslims converting to christianity and they say its 'confusing'.
well, i don't know if you know that, but sadly, some muslim people, understand islm wrong, cause they go too deep in the relegious side and they forget the real life, in that case they go wrong from the two sides,
i'm a muslim too, and islam, had never ignored the other relegiouses, in the first years of islam, when the muslim new city, attacked the city of "maqua" in saudy arabia(the first place where islam appeared) when the troops entered the city, they didnt kill anyone, they didnt harm any object, they didnt destroy any house or anydoor, even that they had ennormace troops, in an after ages, christians and jews lived together with muslims, and muslims in that time, in their golden ages, provided them security, and their total freedom, while those people were living in their lands with them as one nation,

now about the islam basics, islam mean peace, their a famos words in islam wich they are "you have your relegious, and we have our relegious" your free with your mind, you may choose any relegion, no one will harm you or judge, it between you and god, god will judge on you...
also islam is built, on peace, for example, the eid, is like your thanksgiven, we put sheep's meat on the barbQ, we give some of it for poor people, who cant afford it, theirs anotheir eid too, people donate to poor people and for the people who are in need, they donate to them money, clothes, toys, or whatever it can be good,

about the famous sayings that islam is the terrorism relegion and the war relegion, infortunaly, soem terrorism groups, like mafias, have been implanted with a wrong ideas about islam, they went too deep in the relegion, they had hard lifes, very unorgenized, i mean, those kind of cases are spreaded all over the world, not just muslims, duuh, even they understand islam with wrong ideas, cause islam says, if it was there soemone with no relegion, try to learn him about islam, maybe he'll like it, and be one, and he's free to choose effcorse, and those groops understand all wrong, they want to force every body, if they cant, they want to bomb them or something,

about the case of palastine, or iraq, in palastine, you cant call those people who defends their lands as terrorits, i mean, if a country attacked yours, your country was weak, cant handle it, you family died, every body you love died, what are you going to do, you're going to fight, to defend, some of you may not undertsand those words but i do.

you cant judge on all muslims by one picture in your head,

i see jews in israeil kill muslims in palastine every day, but that doesnt mean all jews are bad, there's an other side, wich they are good understanding people, i see some christians insult muslims, hitt them, or leing news insulting them, that doesnt mean they are all bad, you get my point? we are human we are not perfect, we will never be, we have too sides, there's the good side, and the bad side,

and try to make a little search about islam, to know what is it, what are it's basics, what is it's meanings, and you'll see all clear,

those people who want to spread their relegion by force, and by non democracy, are sicologecly ill,

and about islam, that it want continue, toaday, islam is the second relegion in the world, and by 2030 it will be the first, in u.s between 2000 and 1000 become muslims each year, europe also, and i'm not justtalking about the growing muslim populations, im talking about who converted, i watched a video, saying to the americans , watch out americans, it's time to fight, and to stop it, they went too dar from the red line now...
in other words, to stopd the spreading of islam, the image of islam in your head is a extremists relegion people, actually, no, we're not extrimest, some are,
even our reegion says that a pearsons shouldnt be an extremest about relegion, and forget the real life, and also, he musnt forget his relegion, it must be balance, live your life, and don't forget your relegion, that's one of the basic rules
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and about islam, that it want continue, toaday, islam is the second relegion in the world, and by 2030 it will be the first, in u.s between 2000 and 1000 become muslims each year, europe also, and i'm not justtalking about the growing muslim populations, im talking about who converted, i watched a video, saying to the americans , watch out americans, it's time to fight, and to stop it, they went too dar from the red line now...
in other words, to stopd the spreading of islam, the image of islam in your head is a extremists relegion people, actually, no, we're not extrimest, some are,
even our reegion says that a pearsons shouldnt be an extremest about relegion, and forget the real life, and also, he musnt forget his relegion, it must be balance, live your life, and don't forget your relegion, that's one of the basic rules

Well I understand the points you are making but it does little to enlighten me on why Malaysia is all of a sudden making the 'allah' in their christian malay bible an issue at this time. The christian malay's have used the term 'allah' in their bibles for decades without issue. If muslims want non-muslims to not think their religion extreme then they have to stop taking extreme action. I know very well their are moderate muslims, but instead of them trying to defend everything in Islam they should be trying to control extremism in their own society and religion instead of blaming the West for not understanding their religion. Its not our job to understand your religion but unfortunately we are now in a position where we have to deal with violent jihadist, fundies and extremists...not just in the West but elsewhere as well like the Philippines, Thailand, China, and now it seems Malaysia. Can you think of an viable reason why Malaysian muslims or the muslim majority government would take this kind of action against their christian minority if its not a sign of intolerance? Malays whether christian or muslim are indigenous to Malaysia so its not like they are dealing with a group of people that they do not share many things in common.
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i know some muslims from malysia, and it's not their idea or fault, it's the goverment, also, allah simply means god, allah is in arabic, i don't know why they added the word god to the bible by arabic, allah,
i'm from north africa, we're nor like the rest of africa, i'm talking about tha maghreb union, we are not black, we're arabs, we wear normal, we dont wear the white robs and the black clothe like in midle east, we're economecly good, we have our importance, industrually and economecly..., we don't have much oil, we're different from the middle east, but we have very same culture cause of islam, we don't have any of those prob. about rlegion, every budy have the right to choose the relegion that he like

we're are sunstable, sunstable developement, and growing industural emportance just a few prob. between algeria and egypt because some of a barbarian egytian group that make some disturbs, but the prob is not that much dangerous, just some missunderstanding,

i think every country should be like that, i mean, to leave the relegion on the other side, not to ingnore it, but to let people free, to choose what ever they want, or what relegious they do, but it's not wrong to try to make it's people know about their relegion and understnd it better, for example here, we study the rlegion in school, but that doesnt mean you have to be muslim, you're free to choose, and you're free to beleive and to think, it's democracy, if nations continued forcing their relegion, we'll finally get into a war, (not like iraq and palastine, that's another matter, a political stuff)
i mean even my relegion islam, says that you should never force anyone to any rlegion, they are free, to choose, and you don't have to force him to do anything, maybe some talking and some informations, to make him know that thing better, and after that, he's free to choose what ever he want, the malysian people ,are not who desided to put the word allah into the bibel, it's a goverment matte,r and after all, why would you even care about them, also, this word doesnt make the bible wrong, if they wanted to ad allah, that bibel should be in arabic, if it was in english, they say god, and so on... it's the same meaning of god after all, but people when they hear allah, they say, ooh terrorists...
anyway, it's their goverment, and their prob. i don't think it's a good idea to enter to their prob.
It's best to eliminate religion from society once and for all.

if we used that advice, maybe we should eliminate oil from ower lifes too,
nnot if we had problems in something that means we should eleminate it, maybe we should eliminate power plants cause it harms envirement, maybe we should get rid of cars cause it causes accidents...

you get my point, elimenate don't solve the prob. if you want to fix something, first understand it, try to see how both sides see it,
only then, you can fix it, exactly like fixing a car, first you should know what's the problem, then to know how to fix it, and after, start to fix it, and finally it will be fixed..
i know some muslims from malysia, and it's not their idea or fault, it's the goverment, also, allah simply means god, allah is in arabic, i don't know why they added the word god to the bible by arabic, allah,

Well, I'm sorry that you don't know. The suspicion is that it's an Islamist fundamentalist movement, and that seems to be borne out by the evidence.

but we have very same culture cause of islam, we don't have any of those prob. about rlegion, every budy have the right to choose the relegion that he like

I would be interested to see some evidence of this, because Islamic society and law often puts great pressures on Muslims to remain Muslim, and frequently penalizes those who convert. It's considered the worst offense that a Muslim can commit, in a variety of quarters.

i think every country should be like that, i mean, to leave the relegion on the other side, not to ingnore it, but to let people free, to choose what ever they want

Well, the atheists here would have a problem with your injunction about not ignoring it. They would prefer to do so - to ignore it. Why should they not? What happens if, in extremis, they do persist in ignoring it? What ought to happen? These are my questions.

i mean even my relegion islam, says that you should never force anyone to any rlegion, they are free, to choose,

Yes and no. If you're referring to Q 2: 256, some translations say that "there is no compulsion in religion, because the right hand is distinct from error": that, in effect, you can't force someone to believe something because no one could sensibly be forced to believe the truth. And this is the way that many Islamic conservatives appear to take it. I could also point to the legal restrictions on religion and conversion in any number of Islamic countries - about 64 of them, by count.

the malysian people ,are not who desided to put the word allah into the bibel, it's a goverment matte,r

?? How so? The government of Malaysia decided to put "Allah" in the Bible? And why should they not do so?

and after all, why would you even care about them, also, this word doesnt make the bible wrong, if they wanted to ad allah, that bibel should be in arabic, if it was in english, they say god, and so on... it's the same meaning of god after all, but people when they hear allah, they say, ooh terrorists...

And so? Perhaps the use of Allah by Malay Christians - or by anyone else - would allay such fears. Perhaps it would foster dialogue. But I suspect that dialogue is not being sought here. You can't honestly argue against it because terrorists pronounce "Allah" as well. Should not all Muslims then stop using "Allah" also?

anyway, it's their goverment, and their prob. i don't think it's a good idea to enter to their prob.

We should ignore the works of tyrants when they do not touch us? I certainly hope you haven't been criticizing any developments outside of North Africa, then. Honestly, sir, this is the lamest dog of arguments.

ok, let me start

first, about forcing relegion, and here i'm talking about my area, cause i know it well,
we have chrisitians, jews, and muslims, and soem others, some people, don't beleive in god, some others do, ok, i don't know how should explain more, or to tell you more aboit the north africa
which you should call it, the maghreb

the maghreb, is an arab union, that contain, tunisia, algeria, moroco, libya, and muritania, those countires, have almost ecal economies, toaday, we're trying to make our economies, better in corporations, making programs, and companys, that belong to all the contires of the maghreb, also, tunis the capital of tunisia is suposed to be the capital of the future arab maghreb union, wich we already have one, but we still not united in the borders, and the politics, i mean, as one presedent,

anyway,about the right of choosing relegion, it's in our law, the constitution, the north african contires are democratic, exept moroco, tunisia is the most democratic, i also studyed it at school, at the social studies class,
that's why, there's christians, jews, muslims, none-relegion, ...
there's soem chirches, some jews temples or something, not very much, mosques aret he most cause between 98 and 97 percent are muslims
this is a site about tunisia's news, it's an example of all the other maghreb contires,
now out of north africa, let's talk about lebanon, lebanon, are arab, are democratic, but soem politic prob. cause of the neaby wars, they have propably 50 percent christians and 50 percent muslims, not exactly this number, also syria, and the nearby contries that they are not in war,

try to make a little efforte and make a search about the north africa, relegion in there, sex freedom, ...
i cant tell everything you know, after all, i know that you want change that picture in your head, that muslims forces their relegion to every one, islam is the relegion of terrorism, it's teh relegion of extremists, ... and so on :mad:

if you didnt get that, then there's no need o expalin more, this what do you want to think, you know i cant convince someone who have a stuck idea in his head, so pelas, don't just from the first look, ok?

ok, you said you're sure, that we don't have a citizen develpement,
the human developement in jordan,( wich it's an arabic country )is hight, also the north africa, not like the advanced countires, but it's hight, we have teh woman freedom, to have sex, to wear anything, to say anything, to work, to study,... and all the democratic stuff,
you think that you are alone in the world, that you have democracy and develepoed and freedom and bla bla bla
the prob. that you know and black wear is in the middle east, also, that black wear, not all women decide to wear like that, i know soem girls from there, and i asked them, why do you wear this black wear? are you forced to? she said no, also not all of them wear it, also, don't cover their faces, but some do, not all,
about that wear stuff, in north africa, and in syria lebanon, and those places, wear normal, even girls that wear hijab, wear it on normal clothes, but liek a fashionebal way, try to search google or something and deferently not those tents, no offence, also, not all girls wear hijab anyway, not most, don't wear, and not least don't wear, (THEY ARE FREE, REPETE, FREE, TO WEAR IT, repeat AGAIN, FREE, TOTAL FREEE)
actually, i have a girl friend, :) and pretty, hehehehe

god, what should i do to correct your thinking, try to make a search, try to explore, dude! you cant just judge and say stuff without being sure of it, hey dude! try to educate your self a little bet, i'm 15 years old, and i know much more that you,
i feal so offended by your saying that arabs are always undeveleoped, citizens and stuff,
and extremists, my point here, is not about the word of allah or relegion in malysia, i actually don't kare now, i changed my mind,

i know that your trying to give your opion, and say what do you think, and actually i'm very glad cause you talked honestly, :)

as i said, try to make a search, about human, and countries develepement,

tunisia, by 2016, will be the most important industrual hib in the medeterrenian sea, and toaday, tunisia is the highes exporter in south medeterrenian sea, also, north africa, will provide europe with electricty, bu the desert solar power, also it's own cities,

also, in Abudhabi, wich it's 100 percent arabs, i mùean not liek dubai, most are not arabs, in abudhabi, they are going to make a space agency like NASA, to attract back the arab scientis, not one, not twon many and many and O many, we're not less than you, are you're not higher place from us, also, this agency, and other scientifics, jobs, and future projects, all around the arab world, to stop the immegration of the minds to the developed contires, i know a guy, he's my neightbour actually, he's name is "mohamed awset ayari) he went to u.s many years ago, and he works at the NASA, you can find him at google search,

about sociaty, we are actually like you, we go to the cinema, we go to the cafe, we go to the games center, we plany video games, we listen to songs, rock, pop, house, techno or whatever you know, we go to music concerts, we have talent shows, we go to schoo, go to colledge, we make girlfriends, and bla bla blaand defferently not having sex, lol
i'm only 15, they have sex if they were fianceys, or those bad guys, :) and b**ch*** ,

and defferently we dont have that big hair ball under our faces, some do, those who are what we call, cheiks, like preasts in christanity, not just tunisia, all the north africa countries,
Well here you have it:

"Four Christian churches in Malaysia have been attacked amid tensions over the use of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims in the country.

Attackers threw a molotov cocktail which failed to ignite at a church in the state of Selangor on Friday afternoon, media reports said.

The incident comes hours after a petrol bomb was thrown at a church in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, as well as attackers trying to set another two ablaze in a nearby suburb.

Police also recieved reports of cars displaying Christian symbols having their windscreens smashed in the suburb of Bangsar."

Still want to say its the government Shadow and not the people? If France or Switzerland had reacted in this manner they would have been called all sorts of names like 'intolerant' etc.

What is different now in Malaysia that there is this much controversy for a word that christian malay's have been using all along?
This means Malay Muslims are trying to separate their religion from Judaism and Christianity even though main stream Islam accepts them as the people of the Book.
It's a rather widespread belief, and has been for a couple of thousand years, that the Jews were complete failures in following the teachings of the prophets, that although they kept the books and read the words, they abandoned the spirit and just didn't get it.