For Muslims only !! Very powerful supplication .

Arditezza said:
While it is true that PM does not respect others religions and does indeed make some hateful comments, look at you all ganging up on him. Does it take 20 people to effectively debunk one man? He has seen more hate from a lot of you than he has spread here at the forums. While he generally hates, you all specifically hate him for doing so. Where does that get us? Do you think that people like PM will respect us more if we keep paying attention to his hate, and respond in kind tenfold?

You see, the term HATE varies from culture to culture, what might be hate for you might be something else for me and vice versa.

I dont hate any one nor do I hate any religion, I hate the haters and the liars who bash and hate Islam, if this is hate then I am proud hater.

The problem is as you said, all of them are ganing against me !! make you wonder what sort of ''formidable debater'' I am that I need 20 hater to put up a good fight !! :p
We all hate something. What is unethical is promoting hatred for fellow human beings.

And, uh...there is something formidable with PM. ;)
Arditezza said:
While it is true that PM does not respect others religions and does indeed make some hateful comments, look at you all ganging up on him. Does it take 20 people to effectively debunk one man? He has seen more hate from a lot of you than he has spread here at the forums. While he generally hates, you all specifically hate him for doing so. Where does that get us? Do you think that people like PM will respect us more if we keep paying attention to his hate, and respond in kind tenfold?

It is okay for him to be a proud muslim, as it is for me to be proud of my atheism. While I don't spread the idea of atheism around, most muslims and christians do. Christians, Muslims and Atheists alike will tell you how great it is to be them and why, all the while hating anyone who isn't them. Not all are like this, but I would venture to say most. We will never truly understand each other, but what we can do is not return hate for hate, blow for blow in this world. We can temper hatred with tolerance. We can educate ourselfs, and arm ourselves with wisdom and not anger, knowledge not ignorance and love not hate. I do not hate religion, as I think it is a good moral compass for a lot of people. I do also think that religion is a catalyst for gross misunderstandings and war.

Your actions towards PM are indicative of what's going on in the world today. Because you are mocked for being proud to be American, or white, or intelligent, or tall, or privileged you in return, mock with a vengence. Hateful words are not easy to ignore, but they are easy to overwrite when you can replace them with truth and wisdom. But to do this, you have to find a place of mutual respect for one another. PM may have burned his bridges here, but maybe when the next person comes along we can learn from our mistakes here and begin it differently. I don't blame PM for being hateful and angry, look at what's going on in his world, and the way he is being treated here. The muslim world, like the christian world and the jewish world is full of ignorance and misunderstanding that may or may not ever go away. It only takes one to begin a new thread, however. It only takes one understanding to spread more. It only takes replacing one ignorant belief with the truth to begin a fire of attempting to understand one another.

ahh you have just restored my faith in humans. your anti-bigot / anti-hate dialogue is most excellent. i wish i could have put it so eloquently.
I am appalled at the provocation and bigotry of some on this board.
Bells said:
Yes PM, we are often appalled by you.

OH MY GOD !! are you suggesting c20H25N3o is me ??? this is grave insult for this wonderful lady ( c20H25N3o ) !!!

Bells, you are sad creature ! you cant believe someone is siding with the truth ! you cant believe someone is exposing your hatred and bigotry !!

Proud_Muslim said:
OH MY GOD !! are you suggesting c20H25N3o is me ??? this is grave insult for this wonderful lady ( c20H25N3o ) !!!

Bells, you are sad creature ! you cant believe someone is siding with me ! you cant believe someone is exposing your hatred and bigotry !!


i am a man :D
i cannot stand hypocrisy, bigotry and hatred. I would have no problem disagreeing with PM or pointing out his hypocrisy if it were so but he would at least have an excuse i.e he is always provoked.
Thank you SIR !! haters here think I am always wrong and it is always my fault, they think they are sinless angels !! go figure !! :rolleyes:
While I don't spread the idea of atheism around, most muslims and christians do. Christians, Muslims and Atheists alike will tell you how great it is to be them and why, all the while hating anyone who isn't them.
I would only tell how great it is to be an atheist if somebody tried to convert me or wished for the discussion, i wouldnt go and spread it or start the discussion for no reason, i dont get any enjoyment out of it unless it is wanted or needed to set someone straight on my views. And to correct you most christians/muslims/atheists do not hate anyone who doesnt share their views, i've had many friends from different religions, i dont hate any of them, i have a christian girlfriend and i certainly dont hate her, and im not the only one like that, you are mistaken im afraid and it really is the few that make the many look bad. But other than that pretty sound post, unfortunately you are right PMs bridges are burning, i believe its because he generalises too much and assumes when we disagree with him we hate islam, though i can only speak for myself, i dont hate his views or beliefs, i hate the way he puts them across, i've seen him actually make one or two good posts but he gets caught up trying to hate the haters(or what he percieves to be a hater) too much, and i think a couple times he has been the one doing the provoking, perhaps consideration on both sides would be fair?
Proud_Muslim said:
Oh really ?? what about you ?? you are an angel I guess !!
um... I don't really believe in angels, so I don't know what you are trying to say there. :confused: Please rephrase and explain
(and yes I expressed my feelings nicely, please do the same to everyone, it never hurts to be NICE, even to your "enemies")
Porfiry said:
If the content is not intended for discussion, then do not post it on a discussion forum. Consider this a warning.

PM it is not an argument but a simple dua. No need to post it in this forum. Forum is for discussion not to read and learn duas.

Wa Salaam.
eddymrsci said:
um... I don't really believe in angels, so I don't know what you are trying to say there. :confused: Please rephrase and explain
(and yes I expressed my feelings nicely, please do the same to everyone, it never hurts to be NICE, even to your "enemies")

I meant by asking are an angel is that are you sinless ? are you better ? how can you preach to others what you dont practice yourself ?

By the way, your advice will be taken more seriously if you directed at the bigots and the haters here.
"By the way, your advice will be taken more seriously if you directed at the bigots and the haters here." - PM

"I am proud hater." - PM

so your saying he should direct it at you??
alain said:
"By the way, your advice will be taken more seriously if you directed at the bigots and the haters here." - PM

"I am proud hater." - PM

so your saying he should direct it at you??

You are so funny, you only took half of my sentence, why you did that ? :rolleyes:

I said if hating the haters and the liars is hate then I am proud hater !! quote right next time so people will not laugh at you, you moron.
Lemming3k said:
lol, he's been caught out with his hypocrisy again.

LOL ! You are another moron who follow blindly without checking what the other moron has just quoted !! :p
Proud_Muslim said:
LOL ! You are another moron who follow blindly without checking what the other moron has just quoted !! :p

Rule No 2. No Personal comments are allowed.

I would think calling someone a moron as an argument falls within this rule.
I would think calling someone a moron as an argument falls within this rule.
I wouldnt worry, he ignores all my other arguements along with everyone elses(apart from the haters he has an excuse to abuse), its the only arguement he has left, and you only need to look at the 1st page of this religious forum to see he is a hater, 8 threads started out of the 20 on the page and the majority are hateful at some point, he insults people when he has nothing else left to argue with.

Markx said:
PM it is not an argument but a simple dua. No need to post it in this forum. Forum is for discussion not to read and learn duas.

Wa Salaam.

your thoughts on this? i respectfully insist on a reply.
spuriousmonkey said:
Yes indeed PM you are quite right about that!


I meant stacy..

So are you saying me using another nickname called stacy ?
