For Muslims only !! Very powerful supplication .


You and I both know you are lying. What would Allah think of that?

Earthquakes are increasing and you could not refute it,

I refuted it, and you know it. Have you forgotten my statistics from the US Geological Survey? perhaps you should write things down in future, so you can remember.

the Space scientist was provided and you ranted about him not being serious,

Not at all. He was quite serious, but he never said the sun would ever rise in the west. The article you provided did not address that point at all. I'm still waiting to see if you can produce anything relevant. I'm sure you can't.

the only issue you are so pathetically still fighting for is the ice melting in the northern pole....shame really james !! GIVE IT

That fight was over long ago. It's only you flogging the dead horse here.

THE FACTS ARE CLEAR for everyone to see.

Indeed they are. You are a poor example for Muslims, PM.
"Again James !! the evidence was damming, the rates of suicide ARE increasing, I proved to you and you did not contest it, Earthquakes are increasing and you could not refute it, the Space scientist was provided and you ranted about him not being serious, the only issue you are so pathetically still fighting for is the ice melting in the northern pole....shame really james !! GIVE IT UP !! THE FACTS ARE CLEAR for everyone to see"

Earthquakes arent going to destroy society, suicide wont end society, ice melting on the north (and south) pole can at most wipe out a few island countries and costal cities, this STILL wont end society
Lemming3k said:
I thought it was saladin, but im sure PM will enlighten us.

Yes, the great muslim leader who showed great tolerance towards christians and crushed the christian crusaders at the same time!
Proud_Muslim said:
When some pathetic christians come here to bash Islam, they will be bashed in is only common sense my dear lady !!
I have a question to ask. What of the new Christian member who does not hate or bash Islam and this poor member logs into the religious forum and the first thing they read is you saying that Christianity is the false religion? In such a case, it would be common sense for that member to reciprocate, wouldn't you say?

Paula said:
You never respect anyone else of their faith, so how can you make such a one-sided demand?
Because unfortunately in PM's mind, he deems it to be so. There have been many occasions where PM has had to defend his beliefs against people who hate Islam, and quite rightly so. But what PM does not seem to understand is that when he abuses or disrespects others in turn, he does not base his abuse against the one who abused him in the first instance. He groups all in the same category. A Christian abuses him, he then groups all Christians in the same boat. He then becomes who he hates. He becomes a hater and while he calls others Islamophobes, he becomes a Christianophobe. It's a vicious circle and while PM could have maintained the moral high ground in the battle, he instead lowers himself down to the same level as the 'haters and Islamophobes', in fact he goes even lower than that (as an example, lets look at his 'holohoax' statement). When he faces further abuse because of such statements, he feels justified that because he is hated, therefore all Muslims are hated. I actually think that it is a sense of pride for him, sets him apart. As I said, he becomes what he calls others... the 'hater'.
Proud muslims,As always your posts are thought-provoking and informative.Really appriciated,i was in search of such articles,

Thanks for sharing:m:
stacy said:
Proud muslims,As always your posts are thought-provoking and informative.Really appriciated,i was in search of such articles,

Thanks for sharing:m:

Yes indeed PM you are quite right about that!


I meant stacy..
Yes, the great muslim leader who showed great tolerance towards christians and crushed the christian crusaders at the same time!
From what i know he was more tolerant than they were, but was far from being forgiving or anything good, both religions were fairly barbaric back then, but he's a hero for defending muslim lands against an invader, similar to charles martel is for the west.
stacy said:
Proud muslims,As always your posts are thought-provoking and informative.Really appriciated,i was in search of such articles,

Thanks for sharing:m:

Thank you, you are very welcome to share my posts with others.

PM, what hamster is in control of you head lately?
I could swear that you're starting to slide into (deeper) lunacy...

Oh, and have you STILL not grasped the possibility that not everyone believes in a god?
The world can't be split into Christians and Muslims.
And who IS the fellow with the tent pole sticking out of the top of his bonce?

Praise Alan!

You have to admit though, most of the West doesn't know who Charles Martel was.
I think most people know the name but little else, but if they did know all they would regard him as one of the greatest heroes of the west, i'd regard anyone who defended the country i live in as a hero, its just the same everywhere else, and i'd understand if PM wanted to be just like saladin, unfortunately we arnt invading the holy land in a crusade, in fact most people are tolerant of different religions and we dont fight against a religion but a country, i think he needs to learn this and that a few on both sides make a mockery of their own religions.
Its funny but nobody I know would ever put their faith to shame in such a way by being such a poor representative of its truths. I am talking about proud Muslims as well. 'Truly' proud Muslims who work hard and love others. They tend to their elderly with respect and care. They are at peace with 'men' because they have peace in their hearts.
I pray you find peace in your heart Proud Muslim.


EDIT - I have taken time to read PM's posts in some detail now. Whilst he has risen to the bait and displayed great heat in some of his replies, the provacation from haters and bigots makes it all understandable.
Blessed are the persecuted.
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That'll never happen... too bad too -- maybe if he did he could start actually representing islam
It is in Arabic & other texts the dangers of observation & identification without detachment - fanaticism is the usual result. All are subject to this error, for we live in an age where knowledge by observation is the creed of our society.
ddovala said:
That'll never happen... too bad too -- maybe if he did he could start actually representing islam

Said the one who onces suggested nuking the middle east ?? what a filthy hypocrite !! :rolleyes:
While it is true that PM does not respect others religions and does indeed make some hateful comments, look at you all ganging up on him. Does it take 20 people to effectively debunk one man? He has seen more hate from a lot of you than he has spread here at the forums. While he generally hates, you all specifically hate him for doing so. Where does that get us? Do you think that people like PM will respect us more if we keep paying attention to his hate, and respond in kind tenfold?

It is okay for him to be a proud muslim, as it is for me to be proud of my atheism. While I don't spread the idea of atheism around, most muslims and christians do. Christians, Muslims and Atheists alike will tell you how great it is to be them and why, all the while hating anyone who isn't them. Not all are like this, but I would venture to say most. We will never truly understand each other, but what we can do is not return hate for hate, blow for blow in this world. We can temper hatred with tolerance. We can educate ourselfs, and arm ourselves with wisdom and not anger, knowledge not ignorance and love not hate. I do not hate religion, as I think it is a good moral compass for a lot of people. I do also think that religion is a catalyst for gross misunderstandings and war.

Your actions towards PM are indicative of what's going on in the world today. Because you are mocked for being proud to be American, or white, or intelligent, or tall, or privileged you in return, mock with a vengence. Hateful words are not easy to ignore, but they are easy to overwrite when you can replace them with truth and wisdom. But to do this, you have to find a place of mutual respect for one another. PM may have burned his bridges here, but maybe when the next person comes along we can learn from our mistakes here and begin it differently. I don't blame PM for being hateful and angry, look at what's going on in his world, and the way he is being treated here. The muslim world, like the christian world and the jewish world is full of ignorance and misunderstanding that may or may not ever go away. It only takes one to begin a new thread, however. It only takes one understanding to spread more. It only takes replacing one ignorant belief with the truth to begin a fire of attempting to understand one another.
I think its quite silly to hate Proud Muslim. He is the one making this place a lively joint. :D