For Muslims only !! Very powerful supplication .

Originally Posted by Proud_Muslim
You guys are so weak, you cant defeat me in any argument, you are now trying to ban me !! ”


Thank you for admiting that ! :)
Proud_Muslim said:
You guys are so weak, you cant defeat me in any argument, you are now trying to ban me !!
Yeah we're still waiting for you to defeat us all in the 'Signs of the last hour' thread :rolleyes:. And why would we want to ban you? You amuse the shit out of us. We keep you around for amusement value... :D
Say PM is this supplication powerful enough to get the jam stains out of my white shirts??
path said:
Say PM is this supplication powerful enough to get the jam stains out of my white shirts??
Probably yes path. It's called soaking your white shirts in bleach. :D
Bells said:
Yeah we're still waiting for you to defeat us all in the 'Signs of the last hour' thread :rolleyes:. And why would we want to ban you? You amuse the shit out of us. We keep you around for amusement value..

You were defeated in the signs of the last hour thread ! it was colourful DEFEAT !!! :D

As to the amusement ! well, it is my pleasure !! I will keep amusing you all the time ! :p
I don't know why Muslims think they are always right. I think it is the problem with all religious people here.
Why don't you people just live in peace? Why do you have to point out weaknesses in each other's religion and claim that your religion is the best?
Proud_Muslim said:
You were defeated in the signs of the last hour thread ! it was colourful DEFEAT !!!

As to the amusement ! well, it is my pleasure !! I will keep amusing you all the time !
Colourful because of your tendency to use 'purdy' colours :D? Heh! No, I'm still waiting for you to tell us how sea ice melting can raise sea levels. Since it appears you failed to do so... well the defeat is still coming and will keep on coming on that particular issue.

And yes you do keep amusing me. ;)

PrinceOfDarkness said:
I don't know why Muslims think they are always right. I think it is the problem with all religious people here.
Well said dark. Muslims aren't the only ones who always think they are always right. Christians and Jews are known to be the same.

Why don't you people just live in peace? Why do you have to point out weaknesses in each other's religion and claim that your religion is the best?
Because people are dumb basically. All have a complex of superiority and so to reiterate that superiority, they claim their religion to be superior. Instead of just respecting the beliefs of others and the religions of others, all claim that their own is superior. It's one of the reasons why there wont be peace in the world as each group tries to assert their authority through their religion over the will and religions of others.
PrinceOfDarkness said:
Why don't you people just live in peace? Why do you have to point out weaknesses in each other's religion and claim that your religion is the best?
This is the main problem with religious dogma the fact that someone else believes in something different by it's very nature threatens your own personal belief system. People with enough faith in their beliefs aren't threatened by it but I think it is painfully obvious that there are very few followers of any religion with enough faith to just truly be at peace with themselves and others. You are new here fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride, pay special attention to Proud Muslim he's not just a forumite he's an experience :D

You were defeated in the signs of the last hour thread ! it was colourful DEFEAT !!!

How are those answers to my questions in that thread coming along, Proud_Muslim? Have you made any progress, or do you give up? (Please answer in the appropriate thread.)
The topic is over James, you were defeated astounding defeat, shame really for not admiting it !!

''You’ve got to learn to survive a defeat. That’s when you develop character. ''

Richard M. Nixon
James i'd give up trying to explain it to him he clearly didnt get it and anybody whos read the thread and has some scientific knowledge knows your points are correct.
Proud_Muslim said:
''You’ve got to learn to survive a defeat. That’s when you develop character. ''

Richard M. Nixon

It's ironic and telling, you know, you quoting one of the biggest scumbags that ever walked the planet.
Rappaccini said:
It's ironic and telling, you know, you quoting one of the biggest scumbags that ever walked the planet.
Heh! I was just thinking that. But lets just be thankful it was not quoted in the pretty colours that he's known to use.
Again James !! the evidence was damming, the rates of suicide ARE increasing, I proved to you and you did not contest it, Earthquakes are increasing and you could not refute it, the Space scientist was provided and you ranted about him not being serious, the only issue you are so pathetically still fighting for is the ice melting in the northern pole....shame really james !! GIVE IT UP !! THE FACTS ARE CLEAR for everyone to see.