For Muslims only !! Very powerful supplication .

spuriousmonkey said:
Wat an interesting discussion on religion. Do you have anything intellectual to contribute to this thread?
His sole claim to intellectual fame monkey is that he is able to spell "LIE" and "LIES" properly. He has failed to support any of his arguments. Anytime he's confronted with the truth he either ignores it or runs away.

It's funny, he'd really started to annoy me so much that I didn't want to come back to this place. But then I realised, why should I let some bum like PM take away my relaxation time on here. It's fun watching him dig bigger holes for himself. I've discovered a new form of relaxation. :D
Yazan said:
très Merci frère Proud_Muslim
éblouissant lieu

Vous êtes très bienvenu, des menteurs doivent être exposés. L'Islam est la vérité, la lumière et la seule manière, Ils biseautent l'Islam de défaite, Ils avaient essayé pendant 1400 années, Et comme Allah a dit dans le Quran noble: 9:32

''Ils veulent éteindre avec leurs bouches la lumière d'Allah, alors qu'Allah ne veut que parachever Sa lumière, quelque répulsion qu'en aient les mécréants.''
let us translate that will we (well a computer did):

'You are very welcome, liars must be exposed. The islam is the truth, the light and it alone manner, They mark the defeat islam, They had tried for 1400 years, And as Allah said in the noble Quran'

how nice of you.
Proud_Muslim said:
The monkey accused me of using multiple nicknames, now, i am sure my IP will be in VERY different COUNTRY than Stacy IP !! how can one person use 2 different PC in 2 different countries ? :rolleyes:

Monkey should be banned for false accusations.

Again it would be very easy to log in to another computer in another country remotely. Hackers do it all the time. I am not debating the argument between you and spurious, that is between the two of you. I am merely pointing out that your 'evidence' does not hold water ;)
Ah so you're saying that Islam is the only way. Therefore you in effect do not have any respect for any religion even if it is 'of the book'? Yet you expect people to respect your religion? Quelle hypocrisie! Et un hypocrite de la plus mauvaise sorte. Vous êtes répugnant.
c20H25N3o said:
Again it would be very easy to log in to another computer in another country remotely. Hackers do it all the time. I am not debating the argument between you and spurious, that is between the two of you. I am merely pointing out that your 'evidence' does not hold water ;)

c20H25N3o, I would like to make a sidenote on this topic if I may:

The real point is actually that it doesn't matter even if stacy is him or not. It could be him, a friend, someone thinking along the same lines. The real point is that a view in a discussion does not become more relevant by increased support. In essence stacy could have been the same person or a different one and it wouldn't matter.
Proud_Muslim said:
So are you saying me using another nickname called stacy ?


OMG LOL! such sick people! so according to your small knowledge, PROUD MUSLIM is using 2 diffrent nicks loll sounds so funny, it,s been 3 months since i join this forum,i don,t participate here much cause of my busy schedules,and just cause i agree with most of his views,spuriousmonkey
you are accusing him for using two diffrent nicks,you are jealous just cause PM make a lot of sense just cause you guys can,t beat him in an argument..just cause he is a pious man a proud muslim with strong religious beliefs everyone here is against him his views ... ,this clearly shows how much hatred you all hold against him.. if u guys can't be kind, atleast have the decenciy to be vague..anyways muslims are used to such biased hypocrisy..and im sure whatever crap most of you create against him it does,nt influence PM one iota..cause he is a PROUD MUSLIM.
stacy said:
OMG LOL! such sick people! so according to your small knowledge, PROUD MUSLIM is using 2 diffrent nicks loll sounds so funny, it,s been 3 months since i join this forum,i don,t participate here much cause of my busy schedules,and just cause i agree with most of his views,spuriousmonkey
you are accusing him for using two diffrent nicks,you are jealous just cause PM make a lot of sense just cause you guys can,t beat him in an argument..just cause he is a pious man a proud muslim with strong religious beliefs everyone here is against him his views ... ,this clearly shows how much hatred you all hold against him.. if u guys can't be kind, atleast have the decenciy to be vague..anyways muslims are used to such biased hypocrisy..and im sure whatever crap most of you create against him it does,nt influence PM one iota..cause he is a PROUD MUSLIM.

Don't we all make a lot of fuzz about nothing. Could it be because we (stacy and PM) have nothing interesting to say on the topic of religion other than quoting propaganda thread and agreeing with each other? Read my previous post in this thread please.
spuriousmonkey said:
c20H25N3o, I would like to make a sidenote on this topic if I may:

The real point is actually that it doesn't matter even if stacy is him or not. It could be him, a friend, someone thinking along the same lines. The real point is that a view in a discussion does not become more relevant by increased support. In essence stacy could have been the same person or a different one and it wouldn't matter.

I understand the issue. I am just a computer geek who hates to see IP addresses being used as 'conclusive' evidence ;)
stacy said:
OMG LOL! such sick people! so according to your small knowledge, PROUD MUSLIM is using 2 diffrent nicks loll sounds so funny, it,s been 3 months since i join this forum,i don,t participate here much cause of my busy schedules,and just cause i agree with most of his views,spuriousmonkey
you are accusing him for using two diffrent nicks,you are jealous just cause PM make a lot of sense just cause you guys can,t beat him in an argument..just cause he is a pious man a proud muslim with strong religious beliefs everyone here is against him his views ... ,this clearly shows how much hatred you all hold against him.. if u guys can't be kind, atleast have the decenciy to be vague..anyways muslims are used to such biased hypocrisy..and im sure whatever crap most of you create against him it does,nt influence PM one iota..cause he is a PROUD MUSLIM.

Well said sister !! very well said ! the problem with those bigots and haters is that they are not here to learn, they are here just to bash and rant against Islam and Muslims and not only this, they are expecting muslims to agree with them !!

As you said, the more they attack me, the more satisfied I get with my work, if my posts and replies were not damming and defeating, they wont be attacking me so viciously as they do now, as the japanese say:

''You dont kick dead cat ''

You see sister, they cant take it that others are agreeing with me, I am getting a lot of private messages from people who dont participate in the debate but like to read what I post, they always tell me to continue posting no matter what, some of them are even non muslims.

By the way, I now started my own forum with the help of another brother who own website , you can join me there as well:

The above forum is desigend to expose the hate and the lies coming from christians specifically and I also made a space for atheists and other misguided souls.

everyone is welcome.

oh man, im going to that forum, maybe i can talk to some muslims without getting insulted, itll be fun

i hope, PM, that being as you are allowed on sciforums, christians will be allowed on your forum??
of course, everyone is allowed as long as you DONT bash or ridicule Islam, you are very welcome to ask as much questions as you want, raise as much issues as you want about Islam, we are there to answer you.
Proud_Muslim said:
Well said sister !! very well said ! the problem with those bigots and haters is that they are not here to learn, they are here just to bash and rant against Islam and Muslims and not only this, they are expecting muslims to agree with them !!

As you said, the more they attack me, the more satisfied I get with my work, if my posts and replies were not damming and defeating, they wont be attacking me so viciously as they do now, as the japanese say:

''You dont kick dead cat ''

You see sister, they cant take it that others are agreeing with me, I am getting a lot of private messages from people who dont participate in the debate but like to read what I post, they always tell me to continue posting no matter what, some of them are even non muslims.

By the way, I now started my own forum with the help of another brother who own website , you can join me there as well:

The above forum is desigend to expose the hate and the lies coming from christians specifically and I also made a space for atheists and other misguided souls.

everyone is welcome.


PM do you remember for about a month straight you accused me of being Vienna! You are SUCH a hypocrit!