For Muslims only !! Very powerful supplication .

so your still calling them one and the same then??


well, i ask the moderator to check the IP's of path and vienna, if they are different, PM will be banned (by his own argument)
lol, i just suggest stacy take a long hard look at how she wishes to be percieved on the forums, she's welcome to agree with PM but she must back it up and not run away from the issues, especially since PM does.
Lemming3k said:
lol, i just suggest stacy take a long hard look at how she wishes to be percieved on the forums, she's welcome to agree with PM but she must back it up and not run away from the issues, especially since PM does.
We must accept that PM rarely ever answers questions that he knows will show that it is he who is wrong. Pakman asked him a question in one thread a couple of weeks ago and he still ignores it. It will be sad if Stacy follows in PM's shadow because she/he will destroy any credibility they may have had. Much as PM has done countless of times.

And now to Stacy

stacy said:
such sick people! so according to your small knowledge, PROUD MUSLIM is using 2 diffrent nicks loll sounds so funny, it,s been 3 months since i join this forum,i don,t participate here much cause of my busy schedules
Ah so you weren't here long enough to know that PM has been known to have different names on here?

spuriousmonkey you are accusing him for using two diffrent nicks,you are jealous just cause PM make a lot of sense just cause you guys can,t beat him in an argument..just cause he is a pious man a proud muslim with strong religious beliefs everyone here is against him his views ...
Laughs till I snort.. Ok Stacy, are you blinded by the fame that is PM? You think Spurious is jealous? LMAO! Jealous of what exactly?

PM is rarely known to make any sense, let alone 'a lot of sense'. And the simple fact of the matter is that PM doesn't stick around long enough for anyone to 'beat him in an argument'. If he sees that he's been proven wrong, he starts ranting "LIAR".. "LIES".. "HATER".. "ISLAMOPHOBE".. etc. And you call PM pious? Ah so then if he was so pious, why does he call a fellow Muslim sister a slut and a whore? If he's so pious, why is he not modest as his religion deems? Why is he so vain? Why does he have absolutely no humility or compassion? If PM were indeed pious as you think he is, you'd think he'd at least have a few of these qualities don't you?

this clearly shows how much hatred you all hold against him..
You're right. I do have an huge dislike for PM. Do you want to know why? Because no matter how much you may defend his religion, disagree with him once and you will be labelled a hater and a liar. I dislike PM because of the way that he denigrates the religions and beliefs of others while demanding that those very same people show great respect to his religion. He tells a Christian member on these forums that she is respected because she is a Christian and therefore a person of the book. However later on the same page he makes a comment that today's Christianity is a false religion. He has made such comments often. He has abused the memories of millions of dead people by calling their horror and their pain a hoax. All this has just been in the last week. If I had to list them all I'd be typing for a month if not more. If PM is hated or disliked, it's because he brings it on himself.

Sure there are many members in here who hate Islam, based on whatever reasons they may personally have. But personally, I don't hate Islam or Muslims. I have defended their religion on here many times against the people who hate the religion or the people, just because they are Muslim. But I also defend Christians and Jews for the same reasons against people who hate their religion just to hate. But frankly, I just hate PM because of the way I have seen him behave in here and the things he has said. Luckily I don't look at the individual few members and judge the religion. If I did, then I'd probably be one of those people who hate Islam.

if u guys can't be kind, atleast have the decenciy to be vague..
Be kind? We have been kind on several occasions, only to be kicked in the head for our efforts. And you want us to be vague? Vague how? Be a sheep and just agree with everything he may spout, no matter how hateful? We have PM who is vague enough for all of us put together. If PM can't substantiate any argument, if he must run each time he realises that he is wrong, then I think that such behaviour is vague enough. The rest of us need only to sit and watch PM's vagueness.

anyways muslims are used to such biased hypocrisy..and im sure whatever crap most of you create against him it does,nt influence PM one iota..cause he is a PROUD MUSLIM.
You fail to understand stacy. Most of us don't hate Muslims or Islam. We just hate PM. Hell I know of several Muslim members who've made comments about PM's behaviour and believe me, they weren't kind. We don't have to create crap against PM, he creates it all himself. We just point out his mistakes and he does what he always does... rant "LIAR" ... "LIES".. etc and then he runs and never touches the thread again, nor does he answer the questions. Then he idiotically starts to say that he's defeated the person in an argument, when he's done nothing but run like a coward. And you're right, we can't influence PM in any way. You want to know why? Because unlike his Muslim brothers and sisters who are suffering true pain and horror and who are fighting for their very lives against oppressors, PM's a PROUD COWARDLY MUSLIM.
Proud_Muslim said:
Strangly enough, Vienna disappeared after that totally !! :p
So you are still accusing me of what others are accusing you of and you are getting so upset about?
Proud_Muslim said:
Oh yes !! let us talk about atheists going to hell according to the Noble Quran
again, PM, athiests are not hopeless, athiests are not going to hell, because they don't believe in hell or heaven, I don't get why you are so against Christians, athiests, and even jews now, should that be called "hate", is that how the Qu'ran tells you to promote or defend Islam?
I don't get why you are so against Christians, athiests, and even jews now,
Simple, because they arnt muslim, and yes it is hate, and no that isnt how the Qu'ran tells them to promote or defend islam, they are supposed to defend against oppressors only(and nobody here is opressing him), and not promote their beliefs but respect other peoples beliefs.
yeah totally,
I don't think anybody here called Islam a false religion, or directly offended the religion, but PM called Christianity a "false" religion numerous times, he said athiests are going to hell simply because they don't believe in Islam, and now he is talking about HOLOHOAX, if this kind of behaviour does not represent hatred, I don't know what does. and doesn't Islam, like other religions, teach people to love each other, not to hate one another?

""I don't think anybody here called Islam a false religion, or directly offended the religion""
are you sure?
I am not absolutely 100% sure, but as far as I can remember, I don't recall any behaviour of this kind. Of course, I can be wrong, I may have read it and forgot about it, if you could be kind enough to show me where such action was performed, it would be greatly appreciated
my point is, even if someone called Islam a false religion, is it right for PM to simply do the same thing to Chrisitianity? is it right for him to call other religions "false"? two wrongs don't make a right, if a christian called Islam "false", that's because he/she is ignorant, but by calling Christianity "false" after that only proves that PM is ignorant too
it's wrong and offensive to call any religion false, under any circumstance
(I am not a christian)
eddymrsci said:
"'s wrong and offensive to call any religion false, under any circumstance (I am not a christian)."
M*W: I've been contemplating how to best answer this quote in your reply. If someone has neither learned nor does not know nor understands the fundamental tenets and dogma of someone else's religion, then I would say they are out of line by calling it a false religion, since their comments are based on their own ignorance.

However, when someone has studied, researched, belonged to, interacted with, and participated, in the doctrine and sacraments of a specific religion, and THEN calls it false, their comments would come from a place of knowledge. In this case, I believe it would be wrong and offensive NOT to teach Christians that their belief system is flawed.

Most people blindly believe in some things and are not willing to hear the truth. It's like the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes." The king had some weavers to weave him the most beautiful raiment for the upcoming parade. He paid lots of money to have the finest of the fine cloth to wear. The weavers, who were in it for themselves, went to the palace to show the Emperor what they had made for him, but the box appeared to be empty. The tailors assured the King that the cloth was so fine that he just couldn't see it but that it was really there. So they dressed the Emperor in what he believed to be the most luxurious fabrics only fit for a King. Then off he went to the grand parade proudly wearing the elegant clothes. His subjects were too afraid to say anything to him that he was actually naked and parading around the kingdom. He thought all was well. He was ignorant that the weavers had duped him, and he believed them just because they said it was so.

I believe we have a responsibility to our fellow human being to tell them the truth, whatever that truth may be. I am not able to criticize Judaism or Islam or Buddhism. I simply do not know enough about them to make a valid point. However, I do know Christianity, because I lived it, I believed it, and I would have died for it. Then I found out the truth about Christianity, and I believe I have a responsibility to tell Christians the truth about their false religion, so they will cease parading around blindly and recapture their lost soul.
Proud_Muslim said:
Strangly enough, Vienna disappeared after that totally !! :p

Wrong muslim! - I'm still here.

I read your posts - and I will reply when YOU have something worthwhile to say.

Till then....
To paraphrase the Rolling Stones - you can't always get what you want, might find - you get what you need. Detachment is needed here;In all human endeavour by far one of the most overlooked is detachment. It is a peek behind the curtain into this stage of life, where the poor player struts & so on... It is irresponsible for any teacher of 'truth',in whatever form, to do so without teaching detachment. Any who do intend you to live on a crutch of their design. Now detachment dosen't mean discarding, it's taking a step back to see the picture you're painting. It is how you will you know your perception from what IS. The masterpiece from the scribble. How the trick is performed upon the stage.
Hypocrite - You are allowed on this forum yet you insult every religion going apart from Islam - And you have the nerve to attack the owner of this forum.

Just who the hell do you think you are...... ?

Don't answer that - We already know.

Also I don't use any other ID's, nicknames or whatever on this or any other forum - up yours idiot.
sorry i couldnt help it, i heard there was a vacancy for a replacement PM for a few days, this forum feels empty without hearin those words now and again.....;)
Lemming3k said:
sorry i couldnt help it, i heard there was a vacancy for a replacement PM for a few days, this forum feels empty without hearin those words now and again.....;)


There will also be another vacancy soon in the UK for another Abu Hamza (God (if there is one) forbid). Strange don't you think, that the Americans took the initiative in bringing this man to justice rather than the British Law. It stinks - that man commited treason and yet was free to walk the streets here in the UK. I'm sure if I preached hatred in this country on the same level as that man I would be locked up in an instant.
Although the things he says are hateful, he actually doesnt have as many followers as the media would have us believe.
Lemming3k said:
Although the things he says are hateful, he actually doesnt have as many followers as the media would have us believe.

Who knows how many followers he has?