eternal life...

so i'll just spill what god told me...

he said that aliens were the locusts from the pit in the book of revelations. and that their sting (like that of a scorpion) was the mark of the beast.

he said that aliens would claim to be our creators, and our saviors.

that they would perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and the false prophet and the mark of the beast.

and that this mark would be a genetic alteration, that would kill us spiritually while making the life of this vile flesh immortal.

killing us spiritually means that it would cut us off entirely from the holy spirit. just as the fall of man in genesis inhibited that communication, the mark of the beast would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak...that coffin being our flesh.
so i'll just spill what god told me...

he said that aliens were the locusts from the pit in the book of revelations. and that their sting (like that of a scorpion) was the mark of the beast.

he said that aliens would claim to be our creators, and our saviors.

that they would perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and the false prophet and the mark of the beast.

and that this mark would be a genetic alteration, that would kill us spiritually while making the life of this vile flesh immortal.

killing us spiritually means that it would cut us off entirely from the holy spirit. just as the fall of man in genesis inhibited that communication, the mark of the beast would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak...that coffin being our flesh.

all right guys..ignore the 'he said' part and entertain the notion..

i would believe 'god showed' me over 'god told me'..
'god told me' is not right..isnt there scripture about gods voice? something about if we actually hear it we would die?
and i do believe god will give you those eureka moments..(scales will be lifted from your eyes)

but i digress...

hmm..that lines up with mine about aliens being here from the time of neandratols and modern our dna has since combined so that we cannot tell the differance between aliens and humans.(i wonder if they can?)
all right guys..ignore the 'he said' part and entertain the notion..

i would believe 'god showed' me over 'god told me'..
'god told me' is not right..isnt there scripture about gods voice? something about if we actually hear it we would die?
and i do believe god will give you those eureka moments..(scales will be lifted from your eyes)

but i digress...

hmm..that lines up with mine about aliens being here from the time of neandratols and modern our dna has since combined so that we cannot tell the differance between aliens and humans.(i wonder if they can?)

i think that aliens are the nephilim. demonic genetic concoctions.
I have heard a variation of this in a christian forum about aliens not really being aliens but being demons in disguise masquerading as aliens to hide their real nature. I thought it was very far fetched.

I do not know what the nature of the scorpion type beats that will rise from the pit shall be. All i know is that their sting will be like the sting of a scorpion and they will attack mankind for 5 months.

As for the hearing God and dieing observation. That is not correct. It was seeing Gods face that would cause someone to die.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
so i'll just spill what god told me...

he said that aliens were the locusts from the pit in the book of revelations. and that their sting (like that of a scorpion) was the mark of the beast.

he said that aliens would claim to be our creators, and our saviors.

that they would perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and the false prophet and the mark of the beast.

and that this mark would be a genetic alteration, that would kill us spiritually while making the life of this vile flesh immortal.

killing us spiritually means that it would cut us off entirely from the holy spirit. just as the fall of man in genesis inhibited that communication, the mark of the beast would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak...that coffin being our flesh.

So, when you dream up these fantasies, have you been smoking pot or doing some other drugs? Or, is it a lack of drugs; ie, medication?

But, if you really believe you had this conversation with your god, did you also know that during that time, he allowed at least ten thousand children to die of starvation? That must make you feel so special that your god would spend time revealing those things to you while others suffered in abject poverty.

Well done, Lori. :bravo:
So, when you dream up these fantasies, have you been smoking pot or doing some other drugs? Or, is it a lack of drugs; ie, medication?

well make up your mind mr. know-it-all, because it really doesn't matter what you know or what you don't know when you're in denial. does it?

But, if you really believe you had this conversation with your god, did you also know that during that time, he allowed at least ten thousand children to die of starvation? That must make you feel so special that your god would spend time revealing those things to you while others suffered in abject poverty.

Well done, Lori. :bravo:

what are you doing to feed hungry kids Q? i'd really like to know.

i'd also like to point out that's it's fairly imbecilic for you to suggest that god is subject to time constraints.
what are you doing to feed hungry kids Q? i'd really like to know.

Well, Christians pray and thank their gods for all they have. Of course, this is diametrically opposed to those who starve to death every day, something the good Christians feel they can ignore.

Christians believe god created people. Yet, tens of thousands of his creations die every day without barely having experienced a life at all, and the life they have experienced is abject poverty, unlike the good Christians who have abundance.

So, the real question is, what are Christians doing about feeding those children who their god seems to ignore while he provides for their every whim? When will the good Christians begin praying to Jeebus to save the children? When will Jeebus begin to listen? When will Jeebus stop spending so much time with Lori and start doing the right thing?
you prefer to choke on it someday. :)

Unfortunately, we are all forced to choke on the garbage of believers, and then we are forced to respect that garbage while we're choking on it.
Well, Christians pray and thank their gods for all they have. Of course, this is diametrically opposed to those who starve to death every day, something the good Christians feel they can ignore.

Christians believe god created people. Yet, tens of thousands of his creations die every day without barely having experienced a life at all, and the life they have experienced is abject poverty, unlike the good Christians who have abundance.

So, the real question is, what are Christians doing about feeding those children who their god seems to ignore while he provides for their every whim? When will the good Christians begin praying to Jeebus to save the children? When will Jeebus begin to listen? When will Jeebus stop spending so much time with Lori and start doing the right thing?

you didn't answer the question i asked you. you answer mine, and i'll answer yours.
Unfortunately, we are all forced to choke on the garbage of believers, and then we are forced to respect that garbage while we're choking on it.

nobody's force feeding you; you're engaging. and all that crow you're creating is going to be really hard for you to get down one day. think of me on that day and remember i love you. XO
you didn't answer the question i asked you. you answer mine, and i'll answer yours.

Your question isn't a question, Lori, it is an excuse for ignoring the hypocrisy of Christians.
Your question isn't a question, Lori, it is an excuse for ignoring the hypocrisy of Christians.

and the hypocrisy of christians is your excuse for not answering the question.
and all that crow you're creating is going to be really hard for you to get down one day. think of me on that day and remember i love you. XO

And, there it is, the passive-aggressive attack of the believer to tell us how to live, or else.