eternal life...

Sure he does, and while he sits there talking to you, thousands perish. You must be so proud to take up his time like that and have all that blood on your hands. Feels so good, eh Lori?

Why don't you tell your fucking god to feed the children, Lori? Why does he not do that? He feeds you and yours and other good Christians. Why not them, Lori?

Or, will you once again ignore a question you can't answer and turn it back on me?

Btw, no you don't.

i feel like i'm talking to a 5 year old here. god is omnipresent, and omnipotent. which means that the "time" he spends with me, doesn't detract from anything else he does. he told me "there is no time here".

and god tells me "YOU feed the children", and i do. do you?
i feel like i'm talking to a 5 year old here. god is omnipresent, and omnipotent. which means that the "time" he spends with me, doesn't detract from anything else he does. he told me "there is no time here".

Oh I see now, he is intentionally murdering those children by not feeding them and would much rather talk to you about locusts and aliens. Clearly, he has his priorities straight.

and god tells me "YOU feed the children", and i do. do you?

You see, there's the contradiction you fail or refuse to understand. Why would your god feed you and then tell you to feed others? He can feed the others just as easy as he feeds you rather than letting them starve to death.

Truly sickening and psychotic, your belief system. But, lets hear more of your loving god and his mass murdering ways.
Oh I see now, he is intentionally murdering those children by not feeding them and would much rather talk to you about locusts and aliens. Clearly, he has his priorities straight.

You see, there's the contradiction you fail or refuse to understand. Why would your god feed you and then tell you to feed others? He can feed the others just as easy as he feeds you rather than letting them starve to death.

Truly sickening and psychotic, your belief system. But, lets hear more of your loving god and his mass murdering ways.

god's never magically produced food to feed me. you've lost your fucking mind.
loving god and his mass murdering ways. .

Why is murder bad , why is death bad.

Now answer truly objectively; scientifically. With no emotion and sentiment from the theist influenced culture that we live in
*awaits Q's answer with bated breath*

i don't think he can do it...
that's why it's such a terrible thing...having your spirit trapped in your body. normally, if an astroid falls on your head, you die, and your spirit goes somewhere else. but if you can't or won't die...that's gonna hurt.

How are you not going to die? Indestructible bodies? If a body is indestructible then there is no destructive stimulus to cause pain. Maybe its regenerating bodies? That of course would not survive the 500 million year mark on earth.
How are you not going to die? Indestructible bodies? If a body is indestructible then there is no destructive stimulus to cause pain. Maybe its regenerating bodies? That of course would not survive the 500 million year mark on earth.

i don't know, but i get the impression of a spirit being tied to a body instead of to god...trapped in the flesh.

and if those bodies were to burn, would the spirit feel that flame forever?

it reminds me of a guy who described his NDE as a trip to hell. he said that it was entirely dark where he was, but he felt pain, and like what should be his body if he wasn't dead was being ripped to shreds by the other beings there. and he said that he didn't understand how it could go on and on like it there shouldn't be anything left of him to hurt after some point.
it reminds me of a guy who described his NDE as a trip to hell. he said that it was entirely dark where he was, but he felt pain, and like what should be his body if he wasn't dead was being ripped to shreds by the other beings there. and he said that he didn't understand how it could go on and on like it there shouldn't be anything left of him to hurt after some point.

Such a loving God to set this up for those who don't follow him. :bugeye:
Such a loving God to set this up for those who don't follow him. :bugeye:

he said he knew why he was there, and he called on jesus to come and get him out and jesus did. i've told you this story before...

remember, after i saw it i asked god why the other beings didn't ask jesus to take them out of there too?
Then, once again you don't believe your own beliefs or the bible or your god.

i don't believe in magic, and nothing about god or the bible substantiates a belief in magic.
he said he knew why he was there, and he called on jesus to come and get him out and jesus did. i've told you this story before...

remember, after i saw it i asked god why the other beings didn't ask jesus to take them out of there too?

yeah, I remember. I guess I'm just still stunned how you think what the Biblical God set up is "Ok". Pain and torture were this Biblical God's design to inflict on non-believers. Twisted...just twisted. The Biblical God just needs to chill out man. :m:
Sorry if my answer didn't include aliens, genetics and your psychotic god. I'm sure then it would have made more sense to you. LOL!

I never said it was bad. I said your god is a mass murderer, hence he is not a loving or compassionate god. He is a despot.

you're seriously losing it. :crazy:
yeah, I remember. I guess I'm just still stunned how you think what the Biblical God set up is "Ok". Pain and torture were this Biblical God's design to inflict on non-believers. Twisted...just twisted. The Biblical God just needs to chill out man. :m:

it was the other beings there that were inflicting torture on him and each other.