eternal life...

Sorry if my answer didn't include aliens, genetics and your psychotic god. I'm sure then it would have made more sense to you. LOL!

i wanted to ask you, and anyone else who this might be relevant to, if you were to find out that aliens really did a mass landing...with global and popular recognition, and they really did suggest a genetic alteration of some sort, and they claim to be our creators, and our saviors for upcoming cataclysmic earth changes,

would that cause you to question your beliefs about god and christ?

i mean, if you could be that wrong about one thing, you could be that wrong about another.
i wanted to ask you, and anyone else who this might be relevant to, if you were to find out that aliens really did a mass landing...with global and popular recognition, and they really did suggest a genetic alteration of some sort, and they claim to be our creators, and our saviors for upcoming cataclysmic earth changes,

would that cause you to question your beliefs about god and christ?

Your insanity is not shared by me, Lori. We can invent millions upon millions of ridiculous scenarios just like that and they mean absolutely nothing.

i mean, if you could be that wrong about one thing, you could be that wrong about another.

And, if you're insane about that stuff, you're probably insane about other stuff, too. :D
Your insanity is not shared by me, Lori. We can invent millions upon millions of ridiculous scenarios just like that and they mean absolutely nothing.

And, if you're insane about that stuff, you're probably insane about other stuff, too. :D

and yet again, you didn't answer the question.
i don't know, but i get the impression of a spirit being tied to a body instead of to god...trapped in the flesh.

Assuming some entity called a spirit really existed, eventually in this scenario there would be no more "flesh"... i.e. nothing to be trapped to.

and if those bodies were to burn, would the spirit feel that flame forever?

Anesthetic injection removes pain. Severing a spinal chord removes pain. You need nerves to feel in other words and there is no spirit involved.

it reminds me of a guy who described his NDE as a trip to hell. he said that it was entirely dark where he was, but he felt pain, and like what should be his body if he wasn't dead was being ripped to shreds by the other beings there. and he said that he didn't understand how it could go on and on like it there shouldn't be anything left of him to hurt after some point.

The brain does funny things when it's under extreme stress (ex. stress of dying). Very likely this was just a dream, a threat simulation because they body could tell it was having bad problems.
title: Naturally, traditionally, very large families are still for today too.

I don't care if it's bad for society. I think it is immoral to put more people on the planet knowing that our already incredible number is wrecking this planets ecosystems as we speak.

No, it is generous to spread human life, because more and more people would be glad to live. Contraceptives have terrible side effects, and so-called more natural methods such as rhythm and early withdrawal, require too much self-control. The most natural and pro-life method, is the "no method" method, of inviting children to come alive, and just let babies push out, welcoming families to just grow and grow however large God allows.

Adding more people to the planet, is good for those additional individuals, who could live no other way. Enlarging our population size, is also good for society, as there's then more "society" to experience life. It's also good for parents who want or end up having children. People should be encouraged to have big families, so that the parents raising children are experienced, and so the benefit of nurturing children who love children, to enjoy having many children.

How can parents keep enjoying having their precious darling babies, in a world of so many people alive already? Isn't it obvious? Let the planet grow naturally denser and denser with people. There can come to be more places with lots of people, and fewer places far away from lots of people. Welcome cities and towns and villages, to grow larger and closer together. We need not have "crowding," but we could need some urban sprawl, additional suburbs, here and there, to insure a place for everybody.

Now about the question of increased longevity (which isn't really "eternity"), it's a misconception that it would somehow require birthrates to be more restricted. Not at all. If we only added people to the planet, and then they stay and stay, it doesn't really make that much difference, in how fast population numbers may spiral, in fact, it should be even better. Birthrates may still remain natural and "unrestrained," allowing population to accumulate and accumulate. Did you know that for each death, currently 3 more people are born to replace that lost person? Babies enter the world nearly 3 times as fast as people die. So if people stop leaving, it really doesn't add much more to those numbers. It's generally old people who pass on of natural causes, or perhaps of the problems of a corrupt greedy Big Pharma system. But it's the younger generations of people who are having the children, and who in many regions of the world, are more populous generations than the older people who were born when the world's population was billions less than it is now. If people were to stop dying, and live to many 100s of years old, surely that would correspond to a reduction of people requiring costly medical care and costly nursing home care?

So death control without birth control, is even more ideal.

Our incredible number is God's doing, for didn't God promise Abraham descendants so numerous as to be nearly as uncountable as the stars of the sky, the grains of sand on a seashore, or of the grains of dust? Apparently, God wasn't joking, as it was God who designed humans to multiply exponentially.

It's also very moral, to respect the body's natural reproductive rhythms, to welcome babies to come alive and be born, and to make no effort to hinder the natural spread of human life within responsible and stable marriages/families. We have no obligation to pollute our bodies directly with either nasty cancer stick cigarettes, nor with the awful unnatural anti-life contraceptives. Letting the sperm spurt naturally onto the eggs, is natural, and proper, and does not assure pregnancy. But if a pregnancy does start, so much the better for the progress and spread of the human race. There's a reason they call it natural increase. It's natural and to-be-expected, and thus, to be planned for and welcomed.
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I think eternal life would be problematic. To paraphrase Schopenhauer, this life already has its attendant miseries in myriad forms. Who would want to prolong it indefinitely? Even if life could somehow be prolonged for a very long period of time, would our minds be able to cope? Countless millions of people each year develop horrible mental illnesses based on the traumas arising from the difficulties of life. Then there is the boredom and sense of futility that may come from living on and on and on; some people remark rightly of being 'tired of life.'

Also eternal life might strip us of the incentive to work and achieve anything. If you had an infinite amount of time before you, what is the point of doing anything, when you could leave it off again and again?

On the other hand, a very long life, with enhanced opportunities to learn, is very attractive. I would not mind living for 2-300 years, if I could enhance my cognitive abilities and senses to understand advanced physics, mathematics, cosmology and astrophysics. The universe is extremely interesting and complex, and I doubt several lifetimes would be enough to exhaust its depths.

I think eternal life, at least in this universe, and in the current fragile human form, is not attractive. But a long life, provided the problems of scarcity (i.e. needing to support yourself through productive work), mortality, and genetic limits on cognition and the senses (i.e. ageing, poor eyesight, poor mathematical ability, etc) could be removed by technology, would be attractive in some situations.