eternal life...

Why is the 'prospect' of eternal biological life needed to bring up this question??

you think overpopulation is already an issue in today's world? i know you do, but if you add immortality to the mix, the issue compounds greatly.
If such a way to achieve eternal biological life was discovered by science, then evolution would no longer be possible. The flaws would therefore not be addressed.

With noone dying population would spiral out of control leading to destruction of all... therefore this is an impossibility.

by impossibility you mean failure right?

what if the overpopulation problem was addressed? it still seems like you think we would be cheating ourselves out of a better existence because of our flaws.
Well life on this world falls far short of what Eternity with God will be and i cannot wait for the end of the world as it is now to end. But life with its trials and tribulations is nothing compared to the torments in the lake of fire.

From Revelation i cannot see how the medical advance you are thinking of can fit into it. It says:

Revelation 6
9 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.

It says even though they will seek to die they will not be able to end their lives. If medical science could stop the ageing process it still could not stop you from grabbing a grenade and pulling it's pin and holding the grenade to your face. I don't think such an advance could keep you alive when the top half of your body is missing.

Anyone can commit suicide when they get sick of living. Does not matter if life is temporary or extended.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

normally when we die physically, our spirit leaves our body, but what determines when that happens and why?

i think that, just as the fall of man inhibited our communion with god, this mark will severe it completely.

so perhaps our spirits would be tied to these bodies indefinitely, no matter what physical condition they're in. it would make sense for those who think that flesh is all we are, and all there is.
you think overpopulation is already an issue in today's world?
Umm, yes. And the threat of it is an even bigger issue.
If no one would die anymore we would just get there faster, it does nothing to make the problem more severe.

i know you do, but if you add immortality to the mix, the issue compounds greatly.
How do you mean? It could be said that it is immoral to have any kids at all at this point.
Umm, yes. And the threat of it is an even bigger issue.
If no one would die anymore we would just get there faster, it does nothing to make the problem more severe.

How do you mean? It could be said that it is immoral to have any kids at all at this point.

or ever. let's just clone immortal beings instead. we can stop cloning whenever we want. we can make people...genetically engineer them.
I disagree. There's nothing wrong with a small human population that keeps its size in check.


why do we genetically engineer things? to make them "better". you could make them sterile.
normally when we die physically, our spirit leaves our body, but what determines when that happens and why?

The psychotic ramblings of those who believe such garbage, of course.

so perhaps our spirits would be tied to these bodies indefinitely, no matter what physical condition they're in. it would make sense for those who think that flesh is all we are, and all there is.

Make sense? LOL! :roflmao:
why do we genetically engineer things? to make them "better". you could make them sterile.
And you think that's a good idea?

By the way, so you are against abortion but for human cloning...(including genetically engineering them)???

Selfish as in; overpopulation is bad for the planet and society as a whole, yet people want to have children for personal gratification. The selfless thing to do would be to forego having children for the greater good of society, the selfish thing to have as many children as one desires.

This however is not immoral IMO.
And you think that's a good idea?

By the way, so you are against abortion but for human cloning...(including genetically engineering them)???

no, i'm just playing devil's advocate. i mean, it is possible.
Selfish as in; overpopulation is bad for the planet and society as a whole, yet people want to have children for personal gratification. The selfless thing to do would be to forego having children for the greater good of society, the selfish thing to have as many children as one desires.

This however is not immoral IMO.
I don't care if it's bad for society. I think it is immoral to put more people on the planet knowing that our already incredible number is wrecking this planets ecosystems as we speak.
makes me wonder, if they actually made us immortal..would kids be outlawed?..

also, i think its in the foundation series by Asmivov, where earth had discovered immortality and space was colonized..when they found some of those colonies humans had developed an isolationist attitude, each one had their own planet,they lived alone,no kids, no wife, just robots to assist,they did have a limited social life,they had vid screens to talk with each other, but they were rarely used..

i think this is foundation and earth, but im not sure,i think they were looking for gaia and found the colonies..
(gonna have to read them again...)
(BTW,IMO, best scifi series EVER!)(the robot series comes in second.)
makes me wonder, if they actually made us immortal..would kids be outlawed?..

there are legal restrictions placed in some areas now, and getting rid of unwanted children is not a problem in today's society.