Communicating With Extraterrestrials

Your stance is on the record. I have no beef with you, nor will I discuss this particular issue further.

This is not a stance or a beef.

But, what does need to be on record is the fact that you purchased a fraudulent diploma and you have no education whatsoever.

You call yourself a Doctor as much as I can call myself an Admiral. By doing so, you insult doctors everywhere.

Obviously, from your posts, you appear to care less that you embarrass yourself.
Dear Dr. Payne,

Greetings and salutations. MYUU and I were very upset that you didn't respond to our posting of friendship. Did we offend you somehow? We would like to discuss our extraterrestrial experience with you, and possibly also charitable donations.

Best regards,

Geoff P, Emissary and Godhead
First Myuunitarian Church...of Myuu!
Sure haven't you heard of the Gangotri glacier? It feeds the holy Ganges River. :itold:

I wonder if aliens have something to do with that. :eek:


I hope Jebus smites you. All right, has India got a chupacabra? Does it? Does it? Does it? Neh, thought not.

Go in the disgust of Myuu.

Geoff P, Emissary and Godhead
First Myuunitarian Church...of Myuu!
Ha! Stumped her. She's frantically Googling now, calling friends and taking soil samples. Ye'll niver ge' one, yer Subcontinental Silly.

We should do a thread about this.
Ha! Stumped her. She's frantically Googling now, calling friends and taking soil samples. Ye'll niver ge' one, yer Subcontinental Silly.

We should do a thread about this.


We have more than chupacabras, we have aliens yetis and living dinosaurs. The chupacabra too has moved to India.
In the late 1990's reported sightings began in the US and Chile. In recent times they have appeared in Nicaragua and India

I´d still like to hear about what they said. All this superficial talk is useless unless we can hear what those aliens had to say.
Damn. Anyway, I don't believe your report.

2001,100 people in New Dehli, were attacked by an animal with similarities to the Chupacabra.

That's just an impossible number to attack on one day. 2 million people. And the comma isn't even right. Do they have math in India? :bugeye: Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Sure, fifty or so I could believe, if there were some kind of "Monster Brawl" or something.
Damn. Anyway, I don't believe your report.

That's just an impossible number to attack on one day. 2 million people. And the comma isn't even right. Do they have math in India? :bugeye: Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Sure, fifty or so I could believe, if there were some kind of "Monster Brawl" or something.

You might try reading the whole sentence Myuudoit.

On May 15, 2001,100 people in New Dehli, were attacked by an animal with similarities to the Chupacabra.

Its 152 million.:bugeye:
Oh, you're right. I was confused by the extra zero.

Still, that's 152 million people sexually assaulted by the chupacabra in May alone. That's over 3 million a day. You'd think there'd be pictures or Indian movies with line-dancing about it. (And what, exactly, is up with that?)
Oh, you're right. I was confused by the extra zero.

Still, that's 152 million people sexually assaulted by the chupacabra in May alone. That's over 3 million a day. You'd think there'd be pictures or Indian movies with line-dancing about it. (And what, exactly, is up with that?)

Don't mock our ancient rituals. You myuunitarians are so backward. Thats why we have the aliens.:rolleyes:
My PhD is from the University of Sedona. My major was Pastoral Counseling Psychology. My dissertation can be requested from the University.
Sedona is a wonderful place. If you are coming into it from the south on 179, there are some shops - lot of touristy things - on the right hand side. One of them is an excellent second hand book shop. What is its name? I've been trying to recall for ages.
From the online prospectus:

If you were really interested in establishing yourself as a true professional in
Metaphysics, would you want someone to check on your background and then
spread the word that you had never studied anything at any time and that all you did was to send away a few dollars to some diploma mill ministry? Such
operations come and go quickly. We have seen them follow this pattern year
after year.
As you are most likely a person of integrity with a sincere interest in the field of Metaphysics, we are sure that you agree that this would be no way to enter this field professionally. Oh yes, some offer to “sell” you a doctoral degree. Would you want others to know that all you did to get a doctoral degree was to send in money, with no study and that you “bought a title?” Of course not. Many have had their work ruined and reputations lost in this way.
Again, this would not be the way to get off to a good start as a professional in Holistic, New Thought Metaphysics, nor to maintain a good professional image if you are already practicing professionally in the field. It would be even more of a shame if you had studied on your own for years and actually earned your knowledge, to have someone try to discredit you and claim that you’re not qualified because you received your papers from a diploma mill. We are certain that you can see the picture clearly."
They've go it all figured out for you.

"This is an ever-expanding metaphysical market, thanks to cassette recordings and CD’s. Most everyone owns a cassette recorder or CD player today or can purchase one inexpensively. The average cassette tape in metaphysics today retails for $9.95. We will round out that figure to $10.00, as we are taking an average. Cassette duplicating companies vary considerably in their prices, but the average duplication cost for a cassette tape is about $2.00, when ordered in small quantities. That leaves a profit of $8.00 per tape, less the cost of advertising or promotion and mailing costs if sales are by mail order. You can figure that about half of your profit or $4.00 will go towards this, leaving you with $4.00 as an average profit per tape. If you sell through stores, you would generally give them 40% of the retail price. However, because of a larger volume through store sales, your cost of reproduction would drop to approximately $1.00 leaving you with a profit of $5.00 per tape. If you were to sell 100 tapes per week, you could expect to earn a weekly profit of about $500.00. Not much, agreed, but if you were to put out a series of tapes (let us say five), and all were selling 100 copies per week, that could net you a total of $2,500.00 each week. Again, our universities cannot guarantee this will happen, but it has been done by others. In recent years, CD sales have overtaken cassette tape sales. That is a very good thing because the profit margin is much higher. The average CD in the holistic metaphysical field today retails for about $16.00. Cost in fully packaged CD’s from duplicators generally run about $3.00 in small quantities. That leaves a $13.00 margin between cost and retail. Figure $3.00
per CD towards promotion leaves you with a $9.00 profit per CD. If you were to sell 100 CD’s per week, that would equal $900.00 per week. If you were to sell to stores, less 40% or $6.40for their profit, you would be left with $8.60, less your cost of $3.00 leaves $5.60. If you had recorded 5 CD’s and they all sold 100 copies per week your profit would be $2,800 per week. No guarantee can be made as to how much you would earn—but the profit potential can be enormous. DVD’s and Videos can be produced in relatively small quantities including packaging from $3.00 to $5.00. The average DVD or Video in the Holistic New Thought Metaphysical field retails for $19.95 or $20.00 rounded. That leaves a margin of $15.00 to $18.00 if you are selling by yourself. Figure about $3.00 promotional cost per unit leaves you with $12.00 to $15.00 net per unit. Sales of only 50 weekly could net $600.00 to $900.00 weekly. Sales to stores offered at 40% off wholesale on $8.00 would still leave you with $7.00 to $9.00 each profit. The potential earnings from having just a few titles out in stores can be outstanding."
You too can 'pretend' to be a doctor, and establish credibility in the minds of those you fleece:

Immediately you are established as a true professional in the field of Holistic, New Thought Metaphysics. Many people practicing today have a ministerial status but very few have a doctoral degree. Obtaining their degree from a diploma mill, makes the degree suspect and casts doubt on their qualifications to practice professionally.
Your degree serves you well, should you write a book, give public lectures, etc. because you will be received as a “Doctor” of your subject. In many instances, along these lines 22 or others that you might wish to pursue, your title of “Doctor” alone could make the difference between dismal failure and glowing success.
Your degree gives you dignity in practicing counseling, since people going to see a counselor tend to think of it as “seeing their Doctor.” Your degree provides greater substance to any practice of Spiritual Healing in which you may become engaged. Psychologically, the title of “Doctor” and healing has a natural affinity in one’s mind."