Communicating With Extraterrestrials

Notwithstanding your penchant for exposing people, I think the fact that Payne has revealed his name and credentials is clear indication that he is not attempting to pass himself off as something he is not. His CV and background is apparently accessible to anyone who wishes to do so, as you have so amply proved.

The same cannot be said for everyone who posts in this forum, so I fail to see why you are so excited. You can argue the points he is making rather than attack him personally.:bugeye:
From the online prospectus:

If you were really interested in establishing yourself as a true professional in
Metaphysics, would you want someone to check on your background and then
spread the word that you had never studied anything at any time and that all you did was to send away a few dollars to some diploma mill ministry? Such
operations come and go quickly. We have seen them follow this pattern year
after year.
As you are most likely a person of integrity with a sincere interest in the field of Metaphysics, we are sure that you agree that this would be no way to enter this field professionally. Oh yes, some offer to “sell” you a doctoral degree. Would you want others to know that all you did to get a doctoral degree was to send in money, with no study and that you “bought a title?” Of course not. Many have had their work ruined and reputations lost in this way.
Again, this would not be the way to get off to a good start as a professional in Holistic, New Thought Metaphysics, nor to maintain a good professional image if you are already practicing professionally in the field. It would be even more of a shame if you had studied on your own for years and actually earned your knowledge, to have someone try to discredit you and claim that you’re not qualified because you received your papers from a diploma mill. We are certain that you can see the picture clearly."
Is it me, or does nowhere in the claim for legitimacy above does it actually state that it is NOT doing what it says others do?
All it says, if I interpret it correctly, is: "Scams scam you... and we're certain you see the picture clearly."
But of course, one must read the fine print and take it for what it's worth:

"Metaphysics, as it is commonly taught—that is, along spiritual lines–has not been a part of the academic community, again because it is spiritual in nature. Metaphysics is taught in Philosophy courses at academic universities as a branch of “Speculative Philosophy,” which is not the method of teaching commonly used by practitioners of Metaphysics.
Therefore, Metaphysics, as it is popularly taught today, does not fit into the mold of the academic community. Because of this, your doctoral degree in Holistic, New Thought Metaphysics, while completely legal in every way, is not 23 considered an academic degree but a doctoral degree in a specialized area of Religion. Credit and recognition for metaphysical study alone – which is what we are dealing with – is therefore, placed in a positive perspective, as it should be.
Notwithstanding your penchant for exposing people, I think the fact that Payne has revealed his name and credentials is clear indication that he is not attempting to pass himself off as something he is not. His CV and background is apparently accessible to anyone who wishes to do so, as you have so amply proved.

The same cannot be said for everyone who posts in this forum, so I fail to see why you are so excited. You can argue the points he is making rather than attack him personally.:bugeye:

If you haven't figured it out already, as you often don't, I AM arguing the points he is making, in regards to his alleged education and his gratuitous use of the title, "Doctor."

Did you know that the University of Sedona, although is located somewhere in Arizona, doesn't even have an address on it's website?
If you haven't figured it out already, as you often don't, I AM arguing the points he is making, in regards to his alleged education and his gratuitous use of the title, "Doctor."

Did you know that the University of Sedona, although is located somewhere in Arizona, doesn't even have an address on it's website?

Neither does IGNOU. :shrug:

They have addresses for study centres but thats probably because they are so huge.

Anyway, my point was he could remain anonymous and you would be none the wiser, so is there any point to this?
I think the fact that Payne has revealed his name and credentials is clear indication that he is not attempting to pass himself off as something he is not.

Actually, he IS trying to pass himself off as a PhD, or didn't you figure that out?
Actually, he IS trying to pass himself off as a PhD, or didn't you figure that out?

What does that matter? There are PhDs and there are PhDs. This is a discussion forum not a job application.

Most of us here discuss stuff we don't know about, people are still debating evolution with accredited biologists; so why should communication with extraterrestrials suddenly require a PhD?

Anyway please feel free to ignore my two cents, which is all they are.
Don't mock our ancient rituals. You myuunitarians are so backward. Thats why we have the aliens.:rolleyes:

Watchoo say? Please. We have tons of aliens; and not just ghey crappy goatsuckers, either, but the nifty world-dominating kind. Half our membership are Lizardoids! (The other half are just regular Republicans.) You're going to compare our top-rated Rubber-Mask Conspiracy to a furry, half-human creature that runs around in the dark sucking on things?

...Say, whatever happened to Michael Jackson anyway?
Watchoo say? Please. We have tons of aliens; and not just ghey crappy goatsuckers, either, but the nifty world-dominating kind. Half our membership are Lizardoids! (The other half are just regular Republicans.) You're going to compare our top-rated Rubber-Mask Conspiracy to a furry, half-human creature that runs around in the dark sucking on things?

...Say, whatever happened to Michael Jackson anyway?

I meant real aliens sucker, like ones without DNA.

Gawd, myuurons are so teduus
What does that matter? There are PhDs and there are PhDs. This is a discussion forum not a job application.

Most of us here discuss stuff we don't know about, people are still debating evolution with accredited biologists; so why should communication with extraterrestrials suddenly require a PhD?

Anyway please feel free to ignore my two cents, which is all they are.

I will do so, But, to be clear, there are many people who frequent this forum, and when someone is calling themselves a doctor and boasting their PhD, it's important to clarify they bought it from a diploma mill. In other words, they were scammed and are now trying to scam others.

If you think that doesn't matter, then you are condoning the scam.
I will do so, But, to be clear, there are many people who frequent this forum, and when someone is calling themselves a doctor and boasting their PhD, it's important to clarify they bought it from a diploma mill. In other words, they were scammed and are now trying to scam others.

If you think that doesn't matter, then you are condoning the scam.

Oh, so do you examine the credentials of every person you know and encounter? And if its from an accredited university does that mean you believe every word they say?

I take people based on what they are, not what they have. So it really does not matter what you think I condone.:rolleyes:
Oh, so do you examine the credentials of every person you know and encounter? And if its from an accredited university does that mean you believe every word they say?

I take people based on what they are, not what they have. So it really does not matter what you think I condone.

You are creating strawman arguments. If you take people based on what they are, do you take Payne as a scammer or something else?
You are creating strawman arguments. If you take people based on what they are, do you take Payne as a scammer or something else?

None of your business now, is it? Seeing as you require rigorous vetting to communicate with extraterrestrials, I wish you happy hunting.
SAM is right, wether his PhD is valid or not, it doesn´t make a difference here. Lets hear what the dude has got to say, and each one of us can reach his own conclusions.
Why make fun of it and be so judgemental about it? I know this kinds of stuff make some people sensitive, but this is just a weakness that needs to be overcomed.
SAM is right, wether his PhD is valid or not, it doesn´t make a difference here. Lets hear what the dude has got to say, and each one of us can reach his own conclusions.
Why make fun of it and be so judgemental about it? I know this kinds of stuff make some people sensitive, but this is just a weakness that needs to be overcomed.

No, it is fraud, not a weakness.
None of your business now, is it? Seeing as you require rigorous vetting to communicate with extraterrestrials, I wish you happy hunting.

I'm rather shocked, sam, you're a moderator here and yet you are defending a scammer? Curious...
I'm rather shocked, sam, you're a moderator here and yet you are defending a scammer? Curious...

Oh pooh, try that with someone who cares. :p

If he was from Harvard, would you be expecting to speak with extraterrestrials anon? :D
SAM is right, wether his PhD is valid or not, it doesn´t make a difference here.
He is asking us to believe some fairly weird shit. He has already indicated he is unlikely to offer us any solid evidence. We have to accept or reject his statements on the basis of how credible we find him and his tales.

Therefore, it is wholly relevant as to the nature of his Ph.D. If it is from a 'diploma mill' then that speaks of a person who uses deceit to achieve their objectives. Would we then be inclined to believe the word of someone on any topic, when they have already demonstrated an inherent dishonesty in this important area of academic qualifications.

Why make fun of it and be so judgemental about it?
Because he gives all the appearance of being a dishonest, deceitful, scam artist. Such people can either be exposed and condemned for their lies, or ridiculed and lampooned for their insincerity.
It is necessary to be judgemental to protect casual readers who may be taken in by their lies.
He is asking us to believe some fairly weird shit. He has already indicated he is unlikely to offer us any solid evidence. We have to accept or reject his statements on the basis of how credible we find him and his tales.

Therefore, it is wholly relevant as to the nature of his Ph.D. If it is from a 'diploma mill' then that speaks of a person who uses deceit to achieve their objectives. Would we then be inclined to believe the word of someone on any topic, when they have already demonstrated an inherent dishonesty in this important area of academic qualifications.

Because he gives all the appearance of being a dishonest, deceitful, scam artist. Such people can either be exposed and condemned for their lies, or ridiculed and lampooned for their insincerity.
It is necessary to be judgemental to protect casual readers who may be taken in by their lies.

So if you did not have his name and credentials, the casual reader would have to suck it up? :p
"Our Seven Principles
These are the 7 principles of the Fellowship: 1. We believe in a loving Universal Spirit; 2. We believe that all creation is a manifestation of the Universal Spirit; 3. We believe in soul reincarnation and the law of karma; 4. We believe in ascended soul beings who work to lead us into wisdom and truth; 5. We believe it is possible to have contact with these ascended beings; 6. We believe that all creation is inherently sacred; and, 7. We believe in the final reunion of all creation with the Spirit."

This is just Hinduism!

Why do we need ETs to teach this?!