Communicating With Extraterrestrials


And a degree in "pastoral counselling" qualifies you how exactly to distinguish between the first three (confirmed and real occurrences) and the fourth (unconfirmed and probably unreal)?

How aware of the difference between these phenomona were you at the age of four?

Well, a degree in pastoral counseling qualifies me to distinguish those things because I learned about them during my PhD studies. I was not aware of anything but my experience at the age of four. I do not believe I ever said I had PhD level awareness at the age of four.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
I met with Gabriel and Yeshua initially aboard their craft. The craft was trinagular in shape, almost completely black on the outside except for three orange lights on the corners of the triangle and an orange glow coming from the middle bottom

So.. you managed to see the outside of their spaceship? Was that during a spacewalk where you repaired their quantum slip drive?

Sarcasm aside, how did you manage to see the outside of the spacecraft?

They did not speak as we speak. They communicated to me via telepathy.

What exactly did they 'say'?
Well, a degree in pastoral counseling qualifies me to distinguish those things because I learned about them during my PhD studies. I was not aware of anything but my experience at the age of four. I do not believe I ever said I had PhD level awareness at the age of four.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

That degree in pastoral counseling qualifies you for squat.

Anyone who can write a check and mail it to Sedona is equally qualified. Online fraud, and you were duped.

But, for you to sign your name with 'Dr.' in every post is not only a pathetic embarrassment to you, but an insult to those who've spent years studying their professions.

So.. you managed to see the outside of their spaceship? Was that during a spacewalk where you repaired their quantum slip drive?

Sarcasm aside, how did you manage to see the outside of the spacecraft?

What exactly did they 'say'?

I saw the outside of their craft as I was drawn up into it. Remember I was four and seven at the time, so their communication to me took my age into account. They "told" me of their love for me and humanity, that I was a child of their race, and that they would visit me again.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

That degree in pastoral counseling qualifies you for squat.

Anyone who can write a check and mail it to Sedona is equally qualified. Online fraud, and you were duped.

But, for you to sign your name with 'Dr.' in every post is not only a pathetic embarrassment to you, but an insult to those who've spent years studying their professions.

You, as everyone, are entitled to their opinion. I researched for nearly 2 years and wrote a 200 page dissertation. I did not just send in a check, though I also paid tuition.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Nope, but why not answer me? Tell us all about their technology, please.

I suppose you are either missing the whole point of The Fellowship, or are simply trying to drag me off topic. Their technology and their place of "residence" is unimportant to them and to me. They have no interest in telling me useless information. The purpose of the Fellowship is spiritual awakening, period.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
I suppose you are either missing the whole point of The Fellowship, or are simply trying to drag me off topic. Their technology and their place of "residence" is unimportant to them and to me. They have no interest in telling me useless information. The purpose of the Fellowship is spiritual awakening, period.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Ok how did they find you, or humans in general?
You, as everyone, are entitled to their opinion. I researched for nearly 2 years and wrote a 200 page dissertation. I did not just send in a check, though I also paid tuition.

You are no doctor and your so-called education is bogus. That's not an opinion, that is a fact.

Ok how did they find you, or humans in general?

They genetically engineered humans for the purpose of spiritual awakening. They decided to found the earth branch of the Fellowship through me because I am receptive to their mission. I must say that I am no guru. I am a fellow pilgrim along with everyone else. I do not see myself as a spiritual leader, but simply a sharer of information given to me by our common spiritual leader, Yeshua.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

You are no doctor and your so-called education is bogus. That's not an opinion, that is a fact.

Your stance is on the record. I have no beef with you, nor will I discuss this particular issue further.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne
The Fellowship of Yeshua
I saw the outside of their craft as I was drawn up into it.

So.. this craft was what, hovering above your house? And you were then sucked out of your window and up into the craft hovering above your house or were you sucked magically through the roof and into space? It's all in the details.

Remember I was four and seven at the time, so their communication to me took my age into account. They "told" me of their love for me and humanity, that I was a child of their race, and that they would visit me again.

I am what most would dub a 'shrink', and although this hasn't been an area I have gone into for a long time, your story is not all that uncommon amongst people that have been abused - which also in itself meant no surprise with your "I'm gay" speech.

Take into account that I am not trying to insult you, but that these things need to be considered when people discuss stories of this nature.

Well, a degree in pastoral counseling qualifies me to distinguish those things because I learned about them during my PhD studies.

The fact of the matter is that my qualifications would put your 'pastoral counseling' to shame, (no offence). The point being that neither would actually make it easier for you to distinguish fantasy from reality if you were the one with the brain problem. So someone with an apparent PhD sees a leprechaun. Does his PhD determine whether it was a real leprechaun or not? Certainly not.