Communicating With Extraterrestrials

Well then, if human names are merely what they have taken on in the past to blend in with an ancient human community, why would they continue to use them within the context of an entirely different time and culture?

Why not call themselves Bob...when contacting 21st century North Americans?

Well then, if human names are merely what they have taken on in the past to blend in with an ancient human community, why would they continue to use them within the context of an entirely different time and culture?

Why not call themselves Bob...when contacting 21st century North Americans?

I do not remember saying that Yeshua and Gabriel are not their real names.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
I suppose it is a bit strange that a person who has been in contact with ETs would be so willing to lay himself out on the mercy of individuals who will probably think he is crazy.

It's not strange at all: crazy people generally seek out someone, anyone, that will accept their story. Acceptance helps keep the belief alive.

Keeping a belief alive and supported is essential - because it stops one having little option but to face upto the truth. I'll make an example from the little that you have mentioned..

You have been 'abducted' twice during your very young years, went to church, these abductees were religiously named/mannered beings, your mother was "suspended in time". This could very much point at child abuse. Your mother seemingly knew nothing about it, (the suspended in time), and the abuse would have come from someone at the church/church related.

I could go on, but the point was merely that if your brain is shielding a memory from you it will often create 'out of this world' stories in order to protect you and with alien abduction it shows that these things were beyond your control and the control of those around you such as your mother. Getting others to acknowledge your 'story' makes it easier for you to keep that story alive in your own mind. Did they go through any of this with you in your 'pastoral counseling' course?

(1) I believe the spiritual messages I have received have the power to bring humanity into spiritual awakening

If there was even a remote chance of that you wouldn't be some anonymous guy on the internet, and even if you got yourself a slot on prime time TV, it just wont happen.

(2) Yeshua has asked me to do this.

The snake asked Eve to eat a fruit.
I could go on, but the point was merely that if your brain is shielding a memory from you it will often create 'out of this world' stories in order to protect you and with alien abduction it shows that these things were beyond your control and the control of those around you such as your mother.


This opens up a whole area relating to cult leaders who project apparent huge charisma and behave like 'chosen ones' and often end up controlling, abusing or destroying their followers.

Fredquently an abused person will create a hugely inflated 'false ego' to cover the gaping hole in their psyche where the healthy original ego resided. Such people are incapable of genuine emotional contact with others - all their relationships are power based and any intimations of 'love' are false.

Their behaviour is almost entirely mimicked from healthy others.

Sam Vaknin has written extensively on this subject - the Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
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In fact the more I think about it the more our friend fits the MO.

The belief that one is special (our friend is an 'Emissary') means these people never feel they have to put in the same work as others and hence the easy qualifications.

The belief that love is some abstract concept coming from the stars when in actual fact its inextricably part of physical intimacy and emotional warmth.

The invitation to email contact - an open offer to begin an abusive relationship?
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I think the topic that has to be addressed from the outset is your credibility. (Still waiting for a reply on the name of the bookshop, by the way.)

I'm sorry. I must have missed something in a former post. Which bookshop are you referring to?

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
How come Dr. Payne isn't responding to my inquiries? Not even an acknowledgement. Is it because I represent a different alien? Hmm. Kind of offended.

How come Dr. Payne isn't responding to my inquiries? Not even an acknowledgement. Is it because I represent a different alien? Hmm. Kind of offended.

Maybe he thinks you're :crazy:
I do not remember saying that Yeshua and Gabriel are not their real names.
Well theres only two choices huh.

Either the ETs landed and took on Hebrew names and forms to fit into first century Judea...

Or, they come from a planet where everyone has Hebrew names???
Well theres only two choices huh.

Either the ETs landed and took on Hebrew names and forms to fit into first century Judea...

Or, they come from a planet where everyone has Hebrew names???

No third choice?;)