Communicating With Extraterrestrials

Regardless if the experience was induced by his unconscious or by E.Ts, I want to hear more about what he has learned about this.

Why? Most likely, it's all just delusional fantasy. Are you interested in reading other peoples fantasies?

Most of the people in this thread have been straight mean to this guy, disrespecting him and/or his experiences, making fun of his education, making fun of everything he says.

He's here to scam people, hence HE is the one who is mean, disrespectful and lying, hence he deserves every bit of it.

And he has been nothing but aware of this, and has taken nothing personal, he is always mindful about his responses and respectful towards others, even to those who make fun of him.

That is the earmark of a charlatan and a fraud. He can't take personally for that which he doesn't care. You and I are merely "marks" to him.
Why? Most likely, it's all just delusional fantasy. Are you interested in reading other peoples fantasies?

He is not crazy, so either he is a lier or he is telling the truth. If he is lying, I want to see how far is he able to go, and if he is telling the truth, why miss the chance?

He's here to scam people, hence HE is the one who is mean, disrespectful and lying, hence he deserves every bit of it.

Scam for what? He is not asking for money or anything. Again: how do you know he is a lyer? we shouldn´t be so judgemental and give the guy a break.

That is the earmark of a charlatan and a fraud. He can't take personally for that which he doesn't care. You and I are merely "marks" to him.

NO, that is the earmark of a person who is in control of his emotions. This is the first step towards any spiritual initiation.
Scam for what? He is not asking for money or anything

It is worth noting that one of the very first things you would do when wanting to know more about his story is to.....

buy his book.

Vacuum cleaner salesmen will tell you anything in order to sell a vaccum cleaner. Fact.
It is worth noting that one of the very first things you would do when wanting to know more about his story is to.....

buy his book.

Vacuum cleaner salesmen will tell you anything in order to sell a vaccum cleaner. Fact.

I agree, but if someone tells me to "buy his book" in order to know more, then I could make accusations of a scam.

He haven´t done that so far has he? If not, lets keep it real.
I agree, but if someone tells me to "buy his book" in order to know more, then I could make accusations of a scam.

He haven´t done that so far has he? If not, lets keep it real.

Nobody ever does, but you should be able to tell by the starting pitch. They don't come to you and say "buy a hoover", they word it nicely where you're, (in your own mind), never committed to anything. Of course the minute you let them in the door it's bad news.

I would at first question why a person who has supposedly been abducted by aliens would come and tell people on this religious subsection, (seeings as aliens aren't specifically religion related). I would then, as I have done, question the claims and wait for answers.

that is the earmark of a person who is in control of his emotions. This is the first step towards any spiritual initiation

Amusingly enough, it's also the first step towards becoming a rich salesman. You know, you can chuck anything at a vacuum cleaner salesmen and they'll still smile and sell you a vacuum cleaner. They don't take anything personally simply because they're after the sale.
It can be profitable, e.g. if you are Deepak Chopra or David Duchovny "the truth is out there"

Notwithstanding your penchant for exposing people, I think the fact that Payne has revealed his name and credentials is clear indication that he is not attempting to pass himself off as something he is not. His CV and background is apparently accessible to anyone who wishes to do so, as you have so amply proved.

The same cannot be said for everyone who posts in this forum, so I fail to see why you are so excited. You can argue the points he is making rather than attack him personally.:bugeye:

Thank you, S.A.M. I am ready to get back on topic, and will start replying when that happens.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

This is just Hinduism!

Why do we need ETs to teach this?!

Dear UltiTruth,

Those are simply the basic principles they have shared. The point of The Fellowship of Yeshua is less about those principles, and more about entering into communion with our ET guides. We realize that life works based on the seven principles, but the meat of daily spiritual living comes down to being in constant communication with our guides.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua


I would like to hear the whole story. Can you give full graphic details?

Dear UltiTruth,

My communications with Gabriel and Yeshua began when I was four years old. This was in 1982. I clearly remember the night it began. About an hour or so after I was tucked in, a bright light shone through my bedroom window. There was no automated sound outside, but the wind was pretty rough. I was gently lifted up in the air and out through the window. The window was not open. Somehow, I passed through the glass.

I was lifted up in this strong white beam of light, and I could clearly see the shape and colors of the UFO above me. It was triangular in shape, with three orange lights on each corner, and a pulsating gentle orange glow underneath in the center. As I neared the bottom of the craft, the area of orange glow slowly opened to reveal a blinding whiteness inside. Once inside the craft, it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light. As soon as they did, I could see a group of beings, probably about 10-15 in number standing in front of me.

I was not at all scared at the time. It was as if something was controlling my fear. Rather, I had a deep sense of well-being and peace. I could feel the love emanating from these beings, and I could not help sending loving thoughts back to them. The two beings in front of the group, who I soon learned were Gabriel and Yeshua, stepped forward and began telepthically communicating with me. They have mouths, but they did not move when the communication was occurring. All communication has been telepathic since the beginning.

They only communicated very simple concepts to me at first, those that I would be able to understand as a four year old child. They "told" me their names, that there was nothing to fear from them, that they loved me, and that they would continue to visit me.

My second meeting with Gabriel and Yeshua occurred when I was seven. My mother and I were on the way home from a church meeting one evening, and we saw a craft about a mile in front of our car. It was the same shape, with the same colored lights as when I was four years old. We pulled over on the side of the road, and I was suddenly pulled from the vehicle in a stream of light. My mother was suspended in time, and to this day, she only remembers seeing the UFO - nothing afterwards.

The meeting aboard the UFO was basically a repeat of the meeting when I was four years old. The major difference was that they told me that time that I would have a special purpose as I got older. They did not give details about what that purpose was, but they mentioned that it would be spiritual in nature. I did not know what that mission was until I was 22, when they finally told me it would be my task to establish the earth branch of The Fellowship of Yeshua.

Since the age of 22, Gabriel and Yeshua have continually given me their spiritual philosophy, the philosophy which is part of the multiversal Fellowship of Yeshua. The Fellowship exists on every populated planet throughout the multiverse on which a being has agreed to work with an ET ascended guide. The goal of Yeshua is to establish regional meetings of the Fellowship of Yeshua with local guides throughout the major cities on earth. Just this year (2007), Yeshua encouraged me to begin publishing books based on the spiritual philosophy he has imparted to me.

That's my experience in a nutshell up to this point.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

I just don´t care if the dude is lying or not, I don´t care who he is, and I don´t care about his University diploma. But I´m interested on what he´s got to say about his conversations with these "entities". Regardless if the experience was induced by his unconscious or by E.Ts, I want to hear more about what he has learned about this.
If some people get “taken in by this”, then is their problem, and you cannot do anything about that, except to let them learn from their mistakes.

If I find that the conversations are illiterate BS, then I wouldn´t give that much of a thought, and move on to another thread. But if his conversations and experiences have something to think about, then I would be interested in what else he has got to say.

Most of the people in this thread have been straight mean to this guy, disrespecting him and/or his experiences, making fun of his education, making fun of everything he says. And he has been nothing but aware of this, and has taken nothing personal, he is always mindful about his responses and respectful towards others, even to those who make fun of him. He has shown more wise behavior in just this thread than the vast majority of the people in all threads of this forum; even if his statements are a bit “extravagant”, I can live with that, and see what else he has got to say.

Thank you, Wisdom Seeker. Please see my response to UltiTruth for some answers to your questions on the "abductions."

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Ah, but Yeshua was a very common name among Hebrews. Are you saying that they were all named after ETs...or they were ETs dressed up as Hebrews?

Good point, and I appreciate your humor~

Just the Hebrew prophet we commonly know as Jesus Christ was the ET, Yeshua, in the flesh.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Nobody ever does, but you should be able to tell by the starting pitch. They don't come to you and say "buy a hoover", they word it nicely where you're, (in your own mind), never committed to anything. Of course the minute you let them in the door it's bad news.

I would at first question why a person who has supposedly been abducted by aliens would come and tell people on this religious subsection, (seeings as aliens aren't specifically religion related). I would then, as I have done, question the claims and wait for answers.

Amusingly enough, it's also the first step towards becoming a rich salesman. You know, you can chuck anything at a vacuum cleaner salesmen and they'll still smile and sell you a vacuum cleaner. They don't take anything personally simply because they're after the sale.

Dear SnakeLord,

I suppose it is a bit strange that a person who has been in contact with ETs would be so willing to lay himself out on the mercy of individuals who will probably think he is crazy. I can only give two reason why I do it on a religious discussion board: (1) I believe the spiritual messages I have received have the power to bring humanity into spiritual awakening, (2) Yeshua has asked me to do this. I do not really care if people think I am crazy, or if they think I am trying to scam anyone. I am doing what I believe will help a lot of people, and I cannot expect to win the favor of all in my methodology.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
I agree, but if someone tells me to "buy his book" in order to know more, then I could make accusations of a scam.

He haven´t done that so far has he? If not, lets keep it real.

The fact that others here can recognize a scam before it takes place shouldn't be surprising, nor should it be a problem to expose it.

His OP was a billboard, 12 feet high, with neon lights flashing. Can't miss it.
Just the Hebrew prophet we commonly know as Jesus Christ was the ET, Yeshua, in the flesh.
Ok, so Jesus was actually an ET dressed up as a first century hebrew...correct?

Who took on a common hebrew name and human form so as to avoid spooking the natives?

Do the ETs use names when they communicate with each other?

Ok, so Jesus was actually an ET dressed up as a first century hebrew...correct?

Who took on a common hebrew name and human form so as to avoid spooking the natives?

Do the ETs use names when they communicate with each other?

That's right (to your first 2 statements / questions).

Yeshua and Gabriel refer to each other by those names. I have never heard them address other ET beings, so I am not sure outside of my experience with Yeshua and Gabriel.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
Yeshua and Gabriel refer to each other by those names. I have never heard them address other ET beings, so I am not sure outside of my experience with Yeshua and Gabriel.
Do they use verbal language when communicating with each other?

Or is it all telepathic?