Communicating With Extraterrestrials

Originally posted by SnakeLord
I am what most would dub a 'shrink', and although this hasn't been an area I have gone into for a long time, your story is not all that uncommon amongst people that have been abused - which also in itself meant no surprise with your "I'm gay" speech.

Interestingly an old friend of mine used to tell me of his encounters with extraterrestrials. He is bisexual, if not exclusively homosexual. Divorced parents who moved thousands of miles from each other, he lived with his mother and step-father. He also told stories of his younger brother who had down syndrome and would repeatedly bite objects for some reason, usually tables. I never met this person, and I don't recall if there were pictures, or what his brother's name was.
They genetically engineered humans for the purpose of spiritual awakening. They decided to found the earth branch of the Fellowship through me because I am receptive to their mission. I must say that I am no guru. I am a fellow pilgrim along with everyone else. I do not see myself as a spiritual leader, but simply a sharer of information given to me by our common spiritual leader, Yeshua.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

They engineered us so that we could create our own spiritual awakening? They engineered us from apes? They wanted apes to become spiritually awakened? Why would they allow the B.S story in the bible? Why not clear that up for us with one major "official" visit?

So.. this craft was what, hovering above your house? And you were then sucked out of your window and up into the craft hovering above your house or were you sucked magically through the roof and into space? It's all in the details.

I am what most would dub a 'shrink', and although this hasn't been an area I have gone into for a long time, your story is not all that uncommon amongst people that have been abused - which also in itself meant no surprise with your "I'm gay" speech.

Take into account that I am not trying to insult you, but that these things need to be considered when people discuss stories of this nature.

The fact of the matter is that my qualifications would put your 'pastoral counseling' to shame, (no offence). The point being that neither would actually make it easier for you to distinguish fantasy from reality if you were the one with the brain problem. So someone with an apparent PhD sees a leprechaun. Does his PhD determine whether it was a real leprechaun or not? Certainly not.

During the first occurrence, the craft was outside my home. During the second, outside the car on the way home from church.

No offence taken. Everyone thinks their PhD is better anyone else's. I did not bring my education into this conversation. It is only part of the conversation now because some other posters like to compare education. I have no taste for it.

A PhD in itself does not determine anything. I am simply here to share my experiences. I have no control over how people interpret those experiences.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Interestingly an old friend of mine used to tell me of his encounters with extraterrestrials. He is bisexual, if not exclusively homosexual. Divorced parents who moved thousands of miles from each other, he lived with his mother and step-father. He also told stories of his younger brother who had down syndrome and would repeatedly bite objects for some reason, usually tables. I never met this person, and I don't recall if there were pictures, or what his brother's name was.

In my work, most of the people I have met who have had ET encounters have some history of abuse. Psychologists and psychiatrists typically have a field day with such information. I believe it proves nothing other than that abused people may be more sensitive to ET encounters.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

They engineered us so that we could create our own spiritual awakening? They engineered us from apes? They wanted apes to become spiritually awakened? Why would they allow the B.S story in the bible? Why not clear that up for us with one major "official" visit?

Yes, from an ape species. It was done in order to "speed up" spiritual evolution on our planet.

Why don't they just do everything for us? I think the answer is simple. Spiritual evolution requires some work on our part.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
Hello Daniel,

Thankyou for your post. I was very interested in it, because I am the emissary of an advanced survivor of a destroyed alien race from another dimension called MYUU, which could in your terminology be considered a 'ascended extraterrestial guide'. MYUU also has a deep spiritual interest in about 50% of the human population and is attempting to realize his own message of love to them. His religion, Reformed Myuunitarianism, already has several converts and as of 2007 is the fastest-growing religion in the world! In the same vein, MYUU would like to make intercourse with other extraterrestrial intelligences as quickly as possible, or possibly several together at the same time.

I would like to thank you for communicating your experience. I think it is helpful to discuss these things among ourselves. I would like to add that I am also in constant communication with my extraterrestial guide, as he is located within my head.

Go in the Peace or Indifference of MYUU.

Geoff P, Emissary and Godhead
First Reformed Myuunitarian Church of Myuu

All hail the great Myuu!!
FYI, spiritconnect, there was a book published in 1978 called Messages From Michael--written by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro--it was about a group-mind of about a thousand souls that got in touch with a band of people who call themselves The Michael Group. The entity Michael stated in the last chapter of the book that there were about ten million ensouled species in the Galaxy.

FYI, spiritconnect, there was a book published in 1978 called Messages From Michael--written by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro--it was about a group-mind of about a thousand souls that got in touch with a band of people who call themselves The Michael Group. The entity Michael stated in the last chapter of the book that there were about ten million ensouled species in the Galaxy.

That sounds quite interesting. I am not aware of the book, but I will give it a read. Thanks for the information.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
spiritconnect said:
I did not bring my education into this conversation.
you little lier, you've done nothing but put your education in conversation, every one of your posts say's Dr, and who first mentioned a PhD you nobody else,
page 1 post 12 spiritconnect said:
though I will mention that I have a PhD in Pastoral Counseling,
if your going to lie, at least lie convincingly.

but having said that, your lying to yourself and other anyway, so you would probably not know the difference.

King of the wild frontier,
Jack of all trades and master of none,
fellowship of the ring.

you little lier, you've done nothing but put your education in conversation, every one of your posts say's Dr, and who first mentioned a PhD you nobody else, if your going to lie, at least lie convincingly.

but having said that, your lying to yourself and other anyway, so you would probably not know the difference.

King of the wild frontier,
Jack of all trades and master of none,
fellowship of the ring.

I stand corrected. You are right that I brought up my education in reference to telling the difference between psychological disorders.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
In my work, most of the people I have met who have had ET encounters have some history of abuse. Psychologists and psychiatrists typically have a field day with such information. I believe it proves nothing other than that abused people may be more sensitive to ET encounters.

Or perhaps that when they desperately needed support and love and couldn't get it from the very people who were abusing them they invented beings who did love them.
I stand corrected. You are right that I brought up my education in reference to telling the difference between psychological disorders.

Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
have you any evidence besides your word, to verify what your saying as true, because as I said in an earlier post, unless you have, what you are saying, can be taken with a pinch of salt, pure BS, and all the education in the world means nothing.
you will be looked upon as quite mad. which by the looks of the replies your getting, is what people think you are, unless of course the person replying is equally deluded.

in regard to psychological disorders, your PhD is worthless in this field, telling a patient god will help/aliens will help, who is suffering from said disorder, will only compound the problem, especially without any evidence, it is cruel callous and foolish in the extreme.
FYI, spiritconnect, there was a book published in 1978 called Messages From Michael--written by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro--it was about a group-mind of about a thousand souls that got in touch with a band of people who call themselves The Michael Group. The entity Michael stated in the last chapter of the book that there were about ten million ensouled species in the Galaxy.

Yeah but these dudes are from a whole another(lol -bad grammer intended) galaxy.

So it's aaaaaall about India, isn't it? Everything anyone posts, it's always India that does it better, innit?

If someone made a link entitled "Icebergs are cool", you'd be right in there all "Oh yeah? Well the icebergs in INDIA are really cool! They way beat your stupid Baffin Island 'bergs, homes. Oh yeah, I said it."

Get off your Indian high horse. Indian giver.
So it's aaaaaall about India, isn't it? Everything anyone posts, it's always India that does it better, innit?

If someone made a link entitled "Icebergs are cool", you'd be right in there all "Oh yeah? Well the icebergs in INDIA are really cool! They way beat your stupid Baffin Island 'bergs, homes. Oh yeah, I said it."

Get off your Indian high horse. Indian giver.

Sure haven't you heard of the Gangotri glacier? It feeds the holy Ganges River. :itold:

I wonder if aliens have something to do with that. :eek: