Communicating With Extraterrestrials

Originally posted by spiritconnect
My first meetings with Gabriel and Yeshua were at the ages of four and seven respectively. During these first meetings, I met with them on board their spacecraft. Since the age of 22, I have met with them in two main ways: (1) via telepathic meditation, and (2) via dream-state astral travel.

Okay. Obviously with such unusual claims there will be a lot of questions. At the age of four, you met with Gabriel on his spacecraft? It sounds like you were physically aboard the spacecraft. Can you describe Gabriel and the spacecraft? Did you meet with Yeshua in the same way? As for your meditation, I could see how it might help you focus, and I have read stories of people trying to reach other levels of consciousness or perform hyper-mental actions. Have you always been able to communicate in this manner, or did you have to learn by trial and error? Please be as descriptive as possible. It would also be interesting to read about their conversations with you.
This is cool Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, I´m interested in hearing more about the words that have been shared to you by those entities.
"Our Seven Principles
These are the 7 principles of the Fellowship: 1. We believe in a loving Universal Spirit; 2. We believe that all creation is a manifestation of the Universal Spirit; 3. We believe in soul reincarnation and the law of karma; 4. We believe in ascended soul beings who work to lead us into wisdom and truth; 5. We believe it is possible to have contact with these ascended beings; 6. We believe that all creation is inherently sacred; and, 7. We believe in the final reunion of all creation with the Spirit."
"Our Seven Principles
These are the 7 principles of the Fellowship: 1. We believe in a loving Universal Spirit; 2. We believe that all creation is a manifestation of the Universal Spirit; 3. We believe in soul reincarnation and the law of karma; 4. We believe in ascended soul beings who work to lead us into wisdom and truth; 5. We believe it is possible to have contact with these ascended beings; 6. We believe that all creation is inherently sacred; and, 7. We believe in the final reunion of all creation with the Spirit."

I also believe those things :)
I will mention that I have a PhD in Pastoral Counseling, and am aware of the differences among dreams, hallucinations, schizophrenia, and ET contact.

And a degree in "pastoral counselling" qualifies you how exactly to distinguish between the first three (confirmed and real occurrences) and the fourth (unconfirmed and probably unreal)?

How aware of the difference between these phenomona were you at the age of four?
How aware of the difference between these phenomona were you at the age of four?
Even when I was three I could tell the diffrence between a hallucinogenic UFO and an extraterrestrial UFO. The latter are always blue. I mean, like always.
Dear Posters,

It is a common, though not very creative...

Most (and i was say in the ninety-percentile) people whom make claims of the kind you have made have that 'not very creative' response. What this means is that claimers (including yourself) whom issue this type of response value creativity over truth. It's a dead give away.

...ET contact as a symptom of a hallucinogenic disorder or schizophrenia.

Humans halluciante naturally in a variety of ways. There is no disorder with it and alot of people have difficulty discerning hallucination from reality. Schizophrenia is a disorder and there are plenty of people with it whom can distinguish the 'voices' from reality.

I will not defend my sanity here, though I will mention that I have a PhD in Pastoral Counseling, and am aware of the differences among dreams, hallucinations, schizophrenia, and ET contact.

Ok then I am going to ask for evidence. What are the differences between hypnagogic hallucaintion, hypnopompic halluncination, dreams, and schizophrenia? How does the experiencer distinguish between each of these and reality?
Father and Mother, along with the Universal Council for Spiritual Awakening, currently reside on a planet within the Andromeda galaxy.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Well Andromeda is a BIG Galaxy - can you narrow it down a bit?

East side - west side?

How do they travel 2.5 million light years so fast?
From your website:
The first question you may have is, “How can I grow spiritually by meeting my ascended soul guides?”

Nope, the first question would be: "what evidence do you have that any of this is something other than a fantasy?"
How do they travel 2.5 million light years so fast?

They use the spatial trajector (space folding technology).
Captain Janeway has already come across it although unfortunately,their two technologies were incompatible.:bawl:
why do extraterrestrials always have 'mythical' names like yeshua (jesus) and gabriel (angel in the bible) and ptah (egyptian god)?
Hello Daniel,

Thankyou for your post. I was very interested in it, because I am the emissary of an advanced survivor of a destroyed alien race from another dimension called MYUU, which could in your terminology be considered a 'ascended extraterrestial guide'. MYUU also has a deep spiritual interest in about 50% of the human population and is attempting to realize his own message of love to them. His religion, Reformed Myuunitarianism, already has several converts and as of 2007 is the fastest-growing religion in the world! In the same vein, MYUU would like to make intercourse with other extraterrestrial intelligences as quickly as possible, or possibly several together at the same time.

I would like to thank you for communicating your experience. I think it is helpful to discuss these things among ourselves. I would like to add that I am also in constant communication with my extraterrestial guide, as he is located within my head.

Go in the Peace or Indifference of MYUU.

Geoff P, Emissary and Godhead
First Reformed Myuunitarian Church of Myuu

Are you a certified counselor?
Since you live in South Korea, how do you get re-certified?
Why are they no longer meeting with you as an adult?

I am a certified pastoral counselor. I take courses every year to maintain certification. They are still meeting with me, just not physically.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

well, why would you expect anything else, extraordinary claims, require extraordinary evidence. well you will need to if you cant supply evidence for you claims, because that all you will be thought of without it, a complete loon.then you need to supply evidence, else your aledged PhD, just becomes an appeal to authority.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr sir duke prince lord of the manor king geeser
Emissary to the great all powerful
Flying Spaghetti Monster and his noodley appendage.

Evidence is different to different people. I have an idea of the evidence you mean, though, and Yeshua and Gabriel most likely will not submit themselves to a petri dish. I, for one, am glad of that.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

So Paul, where did you receive your Ph.D.? Was your thesis published? May we read it anywhere?

My PhD is from the University of Sedona. My major was Pastoral Counseling Psychology. My dissertation can be requested from the University.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua

Okay. Obviously with such unusual claims there will be a lot of questions. At the age of four, you met with Gabriel on his spacecraft? It sounds like you were physically aboard the spacecraft. Can you describe Gabriel and the spacecraft? Did you meet with Yeshua in the same way? As for your meditation, I could see how it might help you focus, and I have read stories of people trying to reach other levels of consciousness or perform hyper-mental actions. Have you always been able to communicate in this manner, or did you have to learn by trial and error? Please be as descriptive as possible. It would also be interesting to read about their conversations with you.

I met with Gabriel and Yeshua initially aboard their craft. The craft was trinagular in shape, almost completely black on the outside except for three orange lights on the corners of the triangle and an orange glow coming from the middle bottom. Once inside, the interior was brightly lit. I saw no controls of any kind. There was a group of ET beings with Gabriel and Yeshua in the front of the group. They did not speak as we speak. They communicated to me via telepathy.

Blessings & Peace,
Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, Emissary
The Fellowship of Yeshua
From the link:

"Fast Completion - Self-Paced All Home Study Distance Learning - All Three levels, Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral Structured to be completed in one year. Extensions granted for later completions."

One year, and you can call yourself a doctor?
