Your time upon this earth is ending...

just as an aside:
It's a bit like my relationship with my pet budgie called Buddie. [ a small bird a little bigger than a Finch]
If only he could get past his fear he would be my friend. Yet he hides in his open cage like a frightened rabbit scurrying this way and that at every sound I make, timid and in fear, never knowing the falacy of his fearful existence. [or even aware of the friendship I offer]

If he over come his fear both his and my life would be greatly enhanced.

To fear the one you love is no love at all....

So Lawdog, can you honestly say you have love for your God or is it a fraud of devotion driven by your fear of your God?
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Lawdog said:
Here you are not seeing clearly. God consented to create you as part of the human race, which because of Adam's sin needs salvation.
What do Adam's actions have to do with me?

Can you provide a rational ethical justification for condemning a child for the sins of the father? Perhaps we should follow his example and throw the children of convicts in prison with their fathers. How do you justify such a bankrupt morality? Might makes right?

You mean like "swim forward and grab the rope" and "this helicopter is real and can fly away with you" and "hold on to the rope, have faith, you'll make it, dont let go or the storm might carry you off" or "dont doubt, the pilot's a good one""
The difference between you and me, Lawdog, is that I am a strong swimmer. I don't need rescuing.

You're here in the water, clinging to your Bible and hoping that it'll serve as a flotation device when all that it will really do is get soggy. I spent my time learning how to swim and I am no longer afraid.


Will you next call the Pope's teachings the same, or compare him to Hitler?

Worse. There is no comparison in humanity for the physical and intellectual evil that the pope and his office have inflicted on humanity. I wish nothing but to have a moderately sized asteroid vaporize vatican city with the pope at ground zero.

Can you, for just a moment, reflect on the history of religion and justify it as a compassionate and caring human being?
Christ never promised peace in this world.

Why dont you learn his teachings before you condemn them?

I know his teachings, and they're stupid. Jesus was not very intelligent gauging by the scriptures. I assume that this is why the common man is so easily duped by them.
Lawdog and Raithere,

Okay, Lawdog can you stop distorting the meaning of condemnation as stated in the Scriptures. When talking about Condemnation you have to go back to the Origin - The Garden of Eden. In sinning our Forefather Adam was removed from the Presence of The Creator. When this was done, a vital component for our Survival as Human Beings was lost. You see, being near the Presence of The Creator is a vital ingredient to our body. It is like a food - without food we die, but in this case, the Presence of The Creator is a food that makes us Immortal.

This should come as no surprise since the Original Plan was for Adam, his wife - Eve, and all their descendants, to have Everlasting Life.

Will we ever come again into the Presence of The Creator? Well, that is what The Christ is offering. Why deny yourself (and therefore condemn your body) of the food it rightfully deserves - The Presence of The Creator.

We all will get back what is rightfully ours after the Second Coming of The Christ - there is still time for you Skeptics.

Hurry!, the End Times is almost at hand.

Please explain to me the origin of races (negro, asian, indian, native american, eskimo...) as explained in the bible.
Okay, now I have to assume that Superluminal has not been exposed to basic scientific teachings. (I could be wrong)

Haven't you heard of something called Genetics and Natural Selection?
Before you claim that these are Evolutionary elements, let me clarify that Evolution requires the third element of Mutation. Without mutation, there can be no evolution.

But the racial diversity that we have today is the result of Genetics and Natural Selection - these agree with the Scriptures.

Note: Did you know that it is a foregone conclusion that 99.9% of mutations result in Death or Sterility?

Okay, now I have to assume that Superluminal has not been exposed to basic scientific teachings. (I could be wrong)

Damn, this is getting almost surreally funny.
Jadon said:
Lawdog and Raithere,

Okay, Lawdog can you stop distorting the meaning of condemnation as stated in the Scriptures. When talking about Condemnation you have to go back to the Origin - The Garden of Eden. In sinning our Forefather Adam was removed from the Presence of The Creator. When this was done, a vital component for our Survival as Human Beings was lost. You see, being near the Presence of The Creator is a vital ingredient to our body. It is like a food - without food we die, but in this case, the Presence of The Creator is a food that makes us Immortal..
i have said before, people choose Hell, God only ratifies your own self condemnation. You should read the original post.
Hey Jadon! Ohh, Ohhh! Did you know that basic scientific "teachings" completely disprove the bible and any idea of a god?! Did ya?