Your time upon this earth is ending...


I have to correct you there! Lawdog is not a religious fundamentalist - rather he is a Religious Fanatic, yeah you read me!!, he is no different from the Muslim Fanatics of this world.

I am a religious fundamentalist and bible bashing is certainly not a scriptural inspired doctrine.

What good can you point to that comes from religious fundamentalism?

What good do you expect to come from it?

What makes you so absolutely, universally, certain that you are right?
Since you guys are so Philosophical and Wise, let me tell you a reality!

Not a single mature person in this planet does not have a religion. Atheism is a religion - hello!!!! Evolution is a religion!! Patriotism is a religion!
a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny;

Religion, sometimes used interchangeably with faith, is commonly defined as belief concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine, and the practices and institutions associated with such belief.

A framework of beliefs relating to supernatural or superhuman beings or forces that transcend the everyday material world.

Listen you complete morons. All the definitions agree. Religion is about supernatural shit. Get a fucking dictionary.

God damn you're stupid. Can't we get some intelligent theists in this forum? You're all fucking morons!
God gives people the freedom to disbelieve in His Church, though they take serious risks in doing so, because outside the Church a christian is left alone, among the wolves.

Then it appears either you or lori will be going to hell - which one, I wonder?
Atheism is a religion - hello!!!!

You might want to understand the definitions of the words you through around, so that you don't look like a complete fool. Goodbye!!!

The fact that we are communicating using all this technology is a product of religious fundamental.

For two thousand years, it has been the work of Christian Fundamentalists that have put Mankind where it is today. Leading scientists are beginning to realise (even though they will not publicly state it), that during the periods 1600's to the 1800's, nearly all Scientists were Conservative christians or had been influenced by Christian principles. The great Isaac Newton, who kick-started the Modern Age, spent almost 80% of his time dedicated to the interpretation of the Scriptures. His christian views would be called Fundamental, or a much better term would be Conservative.

I think the problem is that many people do not really understand Conservative or Fundamentalist Christians?

People fear what they cannot understand - this is because everything in todays society is attached to a Physical Reality.

For a Fundamentalist Christian, the essence of our strength is Faith, and unfortunately many will be able to "see" it because faith is a Spiritual Reality!!!

I hope I didn't get any of you confused.

I know the meanings of the words that I used, what I was hoping was that your so called Philosophical Mentality would make you see what i was meaning.

Obviously, your "wise" words are borrowed!!
Nevertheless, I hope you get this one - "Which third Eye are you Using?"

All those you mentioned were products of their age and interpreted religion much differently than you do today. They were theists, yes.

Today, most scientists reject religion. The most brilliant reject it the most. And before you bring up Einstein:

- I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. - Albert Einstein

- Strange is our situation here on Earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that man is here for the sake of other men -- above all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends. - Albert Einstein

- I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms. - Albert Einstein
Raithere said:
The difference is that God is the one who stuck us in the water in the first place.
Here you are not seeing clearly. God consented to create you as part of the human race, which because of Adam's sin needs salvation.
Raithere said:
What do you say to the man who throws you in the ocean to drown and then offers to rescue you but only if you first swear to do everything he tells you? And if you don't, he'll throw you back in.
You mean like "swim forward and grab the rope" and "this helicopter is real and can fly away with you" and "hold on to the rope, have faith, you'll make it, dont let go or the storm might carry you off" or "dont doubt, the pilot's a good one""

"Promise me you will cease looking into scientific explanations for things"

"Promise me you will kill your children if I ask you"

"Promise me you will try to convert people to my way against their will"


Don't you realize that you are exactly what the next Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin are looking for? Your mind set is one of slavish, ignorant, following without reason.

Why do you do it?
§outh§tar said:
why is the rest of humankind punished for Adam's sin?
Its a spiritual disease, passed on generation after generation. God partially heals this disease with grace.
superluminal said:
"Promise me you will cease looking into scientific explanations for things"
"Promise me you will kill your children if I ask you"
"Promise me you will try to convert people to my way against their will"
Don't you realize that you are exactly what the next Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin are looking for? Your mind set is one of slavish, ignorant, following without reason.

Why do you do it?
You just dont like what I am saying, and since you cant disprove it, or argue with any credibility against the Truth, you rely on reactionary and sensationalist comparisons that are absurd. Will you next call the Pope's teachings the same, or compare him to Hitler?
Lawdog said:
Its a spiritual disease, passed on generation after generation. God partially heals this disease with grace.

It's a thought disease passed on from generation to generation. You are afflicted.
Lawdog said:
Its a spiritual disease, passed on generation after generation. God partially heals this disease with grace.

Why does God allow this disease to be passed on in order to inflict people who would otherwise be in his good graces?
Once a spiritual state is assumed, it can only be changed by a miracle of God. Every sin has repercussions in this life, which God does not take away but may alter if you ask him.

For example, someone caught for stealing a car might easily gain forgiveness if he asks God to forgive him. However, God will allow the state to punish him. Alleviation of temporal punishment can be asked for.

In Adam's case, his disobedience effected his descendents badly, that was the price of his sin.

God makes something good outof a bad thing: Out of Adam's disobedience mankind is brought immeasurably closer to God by knowing the person of Christ.
superluminal said:
Theists battling theists.

It's natural. Theists defend their specific religion. But it's not just theists who are battling... HUMANS are the ones who are battling.

superluminal said:
You're all fucking morons!

Of course they're morons, otherwise you couldn't remain yourself.

Your time upon this earth is ending...

It doesn't matter.

There is no God but me. I punish myself, I send myself to heaven and hell. This is just a movie.

Albert Einstein said:
Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.

Einstein hasn't seen much yet.

(Q) said:
You might want to understand the definitions of the words you through around, so that you don't look like a complete fool.

It doesn't matter if he looks like a fool.

God makes something good outof a bad thing: Out of Adam's disobedience mankind is brought immeasurably closer to God by knowing the person of Christ.


I was not gonna mention Einstein. This is because his record as a believer in The Creator could be likened to the fluctuations in the Oil Prices. During his young days , he never hesitated to qoute the Scriptures. Then when he became the Phenomenon that he was, he started to say statements that you have quoted.

But one thing is for sure - towards the end of his marvellous life, dear Einstein gave credit to the Creator. When the question was put to him if there was a God out there, Einstein simply said, "That Old One, he still has a few tricks..."

Sorry, I have never been good at quotes, because I think its petty.

Note: "A man may say many things in his life. But hi's true feelings are hidden in his last words" - Jadon