Your time upon this earth is ending...

Ok then, completely ignore what I attest to regarding my own self and believe what you want to anyway. Typical atheist...

Why do you bother having conversations? You should just save your energy and talk to yourself.

Ok, I'm going to say this again real slow and use sign language too just incase...
















Which I'm sure is very difficult concept for an atheist to grasp. But please do try, because otherwise, the conversation is boring and repetitive.
You see lori, you can't honestly answer the question because either way, you're sunk, as is every other theist who claims they know the word of god. It is just one of the vast number of inconsistencies and contradictions that show religion as little more than fantasy.

Of course, like all theists, they know in their minds theirs is the correct interpretation and damned be everyone else. You are no different in that regard.

When one attends a sermon, they are listening to an interpretation of whoever gives the sermon. Each persons interpretation is different from that they are hearing, yet you will never see them stand up during the sermon and disagree, would you?

Can you imagine the chaos that would abound if everyone decided to stand up and debate their versions during a sermon?

I doubt it would ever happen.
(Q) said:
Of course, like all theists, they know in their minds theirs is the correct interpretation and damned be everyone else. You are no different in that regard.

That is the exact opposite of what I just attested to. Like I said...why don't you just talk to yourself then?

When one attends a sermon, they are listening to an interpretation of whoever gives the sermon. Each persons interpretation is different from that they are hearing, yet you will never see them stand up during the sermon and disagree, would you?

Can you imagine the chaos that would abound if everyone decided to stand up and debate their versions during a sermon?

I doubt it would ever happen.

It would if the Holy Spirit told me different. And that's exactly why I don't go to church.
Actually Lori, while I hate to intrude, I think you're just missing what Q is asking you. I actually picked up on it the first time round and I thought everyone else would have by now aswell. Try re-reading your earlier post, and the replies made by Q. It might help.
That is the exact opposite of what I just attested to.

Then, you are following false words and a false interpretation. Fantasy.

It would if the Holy Spirit told me different.

The Holy Spirit has told others to go to church, the Holy Spirit has told others completely different things than you, yet each person believes in what they are told by the Holy Spirit, regardless that what they've been told by the Holy Spirit is completely opposite to what you've been told by the Holy Spirit.

So, has the Holy Spirit been lying to you or them? If them, you are the only one who has been given the one true word of god, therefore everyone else is wrong.

why don't you just talk to yourself then?

I feel like I am talking to myself.
I told you it's personal, between someone and the Spirit. There may be differences according to an individual's path, but no contradictions. Are you naive enough to believe everyone who says that they are "led by the Spirit"? If you are, then I'm going to laugh at you.

See, this is exactly why it's not up to me or anyone else to interpret anything for you. YOU get to know God. YOU become born again. YOU seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Then YOU will know what YOU need to know. WhY are you so concerned about what the rest of us think or say anyway? FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF. That's what God wants, which is why He designed "the process" to be what it is. You don't get proof from anyone but Him, and you get it personally...just for you and no one else.
Are you naive enough to believe everyone who says that they are "led by the Spirit"? If you are, then I'm going to laugh at you.

Laugh at me, laugh as hard as you can because that is exactly what I think of you.

WhY are you so concerned about what the rest of us think or say anyway?

It's very simple, but extremly difficult for you to comprehend. If everyones views on religion are difference from one another and they all claim to have the word of god, then not everyone can be correct, you included. And if only one person is correct, who are they because I want to meet that person in order to get the word of god. Simple, isn't it?

FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF. That's what God wants, which is why He designed "the process" to be what it is.

What process?

And besides, if god gives me the incorrect word, which is what is happening to each and every individual, why should I accept it?

Why do you accept it if its wrong? How would I know its not just a fantasy?

You certainly don't?
(Q) said:
Are you naive enough to believe everyone who says that they are "led by the Spirit"? If you are, then I'm going to laugh at you.

Laugh at me, laugh as hard as you can because that is exactly what I think of you.

Now you're contradicting yourself.

WhY are you so concerned about what the rest of us think or say anyway?

It's very simple, but extremly difficult for you to comprehend. If everyones views on religion are difference from one another and they all claim to have the word of god, then not everyone can be correct, you included. And if only one person is correct, who are they because I want to meet that person in order to get the word of god. Simple, isn't it?

Yea, it's simple and I get it, why don't you? The answer is that "one person" is not a person. You get the Word from God Himself. Why is this concept so difficult for you?

FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF. That's what God wants, which is why He designed "the process" to be what it is.

What process?

The "process" of spiritual enlightenment. Seek, knock, born again, counsel...

And besides, if god gives me the incorrect word, which is what is happening to each and every individual, why should I accept it?

Why do you accept it if its wrong? How would I know its not just a fantasy?

You certainly don't?

God doesn't give anything incorrectly or inconsistently. Don't tell me what I know. The fact is that you don't know anything about being born again or the Holy Spirit, and you never will unless you want to. You want to think it's a fantasy, think it, and then you will never know. It's always your choice.
Now you're contradicting yourself.


The answer is that "one person" is not a person.

Huh, huh?

You get the Word from God Himself. Why is this concept so difficult for you?

I have been trying to explain that to you but your bipolar disorder is tuning me out.

The "process" of spiritual enlightenment. Seek, knock, born again, counsel...

Hop, skip and jump. Wtf are you talking about? Is this another fantasy you just conjured up?

God doesn't give anything incorrectly or inconsistently.

Then you are claiming that you alone possess the one true word of god, since everyone else's version is different than yours.

The fact is that you don't know anything about being born again or the Holy Spirit, and you never will unless you want to.

Strawman argument. Getting desperate? Loss of words? hehe
(Q) said:
Now you're contradicting yourself.


The answer is that "one person" is not a person.

Huh, huh?

You get the Word from God Himself. Why is this concept so difficult for you?

I have been trying to explain that to you but your bipolar disorder is tuning me out.

The "process" of spiritual enlightenment. Seek, knock, born again, counsel...

Hop, skip and jump. Wtf are you talking about? Is this another fantasy you just conjured up?

God doesn't give anything incorrectly or inconsistently.

Then you are claiming that you alone possess the one true word of god, since everyone else's version is different than yours.

The fact is that you don't know anything about being born again or the Holy Spirit, and you never will unless you want to.

Strawman argument. Getting desperate? Loss of words? hehe

No, you just have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and you're not willing to learn from, or listen to someone who does, which makes this conversation useless.
Actually what is useless is to explain a bit of logic to a theist, which is basically what Q has been trying to comprehend from you, however Lori you are ilogical. It makes no sense if each individual inteprets god differently. So the preist who molested the little boy, was he intrepreting the Spirit to suit him?. It must of suited many preists because it was several around the globe who have molested children. Aren't these people full of the Holy Spirit?. Don't they interpret god to fullfill their own need?. Aren't they just following what the "holy Spirit" has told them?. Did the Holy Spirit mandate the man to shoot fellow parishners, and then comit suitside himself?. Com'on dood, this delusion that each interprets god's spirit their own way, is making actual criminals of supposedly decent god fearing people.

Godless said:
So the preist who molested the little boy, was he intrepreting the Spirit to suit him?.
Are you citing RCC Priests?
Godless said:
It must of suited many preists because it was several around the globe who have molested children. Aren't these people full of the Holy Spirit?.
No. They are full of Helly spirits.
Godless said:
Don't they interpret god to fullfill their own need?
Maybe. But they don't know what God/god/s mean/s.
No. They are full of Helly spirits.

As I pointed out to Dalahar on another thread: you cannot in any way pass blame onto the devil/demons. None have been guilty at any time in history of any such thing, and are nothing more than a convenient scapegoat for god who has condoned and ordered such things openly in the bible.