Wicked thoughts

I thought I would mention something that occurred to me was relevant to this thread. I've had sex 2x in the past 8 years. By choice. I don't mind saying u practically have to beat them off with a stick (no pun intended). The 1st time (not my 1st time), I was walking into walls drunk after 3 yrs of celibacy and a guy that I would have otherwise never given the time of day touched me and before I knew what I was doing I was doing it, and when I realized I was doing it u stopped, asked him to leave, and cried. The 2nd time was last christmas with a man I've been in love with for 27 yrs. He was my 1st boyfriend when I was 15 and we're still very close. I had sex with him not because I was challenging my ideals, but the practicality of them. If I were to have a child I would want him to be the father. But I realized after what I knew before, that I don't want to have a child. Not the way the world is now. I'm very apacolyptic minded and I just don't think its the right thing for me to do right now. I don't want to use birth control. The idea of it seems hideous to me now, though when I was younger I was on it for many years. So given my ideals and desires I see no reason to get married or have sex so I don't. I want to be a foster mom, and though I'm not religious per se, I kind of consider myself a nun of sorts. There's a lot of kids and parents out there that could use my help and so I'd rather put my energy into that.
Do you find celibacy easy? I've been celibate for some time now, since my last breakup, but its not by choice, I just don't do casual well. And I find it hard.
I was celibate for almost 9 months. It was difficult for me, but sleeping with someone was even harder.
I have the greatest of respect for people who can choose to be celibate, whether that's for religious reasons or otherwise. I couldn't be celibate but I'd much rather abstain from an unhealthy relationship rather than use a mediocre relationship to quell my exuberant sexual appetite. Luckily I've never really had a problem with lack of either a satisfying relationship or lack of sex. If I didn't have someone I felt fulfilled me in terms of what I want from a relationship I'd wait until someone came along and masturbate until I felt I'd met someone I could have a fulfilling, healthy, sexual relationship with.

For those people who have had periods of celibacy was that self imposed and was it difficult? Also, was their any masturbation involved in these periods of celibacy? Because if there was I'd question if that was celibacy really. I understand some people don't have sexual urges or when choosing celibacy they abstain from all sexual stimulation, both physically, visually and mentally, but I think given that we are sexual creatures by nature I wonder how difficult that is for those who do choose it for whatever reasons they have. I know myself well enough to say I'd find celibacy too hard to abstain from sexual activity at all or even in limited ways.
For those people who have had periods of celibacy was that self imposed and was it difficult?

Yes. And yes. After the love of my life, though, I felt sex with someone else, at least for the first six months of singlehood, would have torn me apart. I'm like you, though, in the sense I have a voracious appetite.

Also, was their any masturbation involved in these periods of celibacy?

Was there ever! :D

Because if there was I'd question if that was celibacy really. I understand some people don't have sexual urges or when choosing celibacy they abstain from all sexual stimulation, both physically, visually and mentally, but I think given that we are sexual creatures by nature I wonder how difficult that is for those who do choose it for whatever reasons they have. I know myself well enough to say I'd find celibacy too hard to abstain from sexual activity at all or even in limited ways.

Celibacy isn't being dead. :p I don't think it's possible not to think about sex once in awhile.
Was there ever! :D

Rather than that being celibacy, would you just say that you were unready to enter into a sexual relationship with another person then? After all ceibacy is an abstinence of all sexual activity.

Celibacy isn't being dead. :p I don't think it's possible not to think about sex once in awhile.

I think that's too much of a generalisation to say no one can not think about sex personally. I think some people do. I do think we as a species are governed by our sexuality but I couldn't say we all are, as there's always the exception to the rule.
Rather than that being celibacy, would you just say that you were unready to enter into a sexual relationship with another person then? After all ceibacy is an abstinence of all sexual activity.

Says who?

I would bet my bottom dollar most celibate people are whacking off.

I think that's too much of a generalisation to say no one can not think about sex personally. I think some people do. I do think we as a species are governed by our sexuality but I couldn't say we all are, as there's always the exception to the rule.

Amen. The only rule that ever held true is that for every rule, there are some exceptions.
Says wiki, youdictionary.com, Buddhist monks and nuns who have taken ordination vows, Roman Catholic monks and nuns who have taken ordination vows, Anglican priests who have taken a vow of celibacy, Hindu Sannyasists, vedic Brahmacharyats, Zionists to name a few.
Sure, but what about after your married ?

By the way I think you can only comit adultery if your married.

Adultry is having sexual relations with another persons husband/wife. So you can be a single person having sexual relations with a person married to another person. Therefore you can comit adultry when you are single.

After your married you can still comit adultry with another persons husband/wife.

If you have sex with a married person who is not married to you then you have comited physical Adultry.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes, I mean if we all took care of ourselves instead of having to pay institutions to do an extremely poor job of doing it for us, all the while robbing us blind. If we all worked for ourselves and for the betterment of the community as a whole instead of working to make some fat cat a little bit richer and having nothing left over because the institutions are robbing us blind. I'm speaking idealisms and I thinj what's wrong with a lot of religion is that it can't seem to separate it's ideals from our reality.

Idealism in this world is the biggest waste of emotional investment ever made. Untold millions have been exploited and lead into destruction because they had Idealism in this world.

Get people to believe their idealism in this world can be realised if they do what you tell them. Then you can make them commit the most abominable acts of cruelty and turn their world into a nightmare.

Idealism has its place, that’s with God.

Realism has its place, that’s with mankind.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Idealism: Humans could be great if they tried.

Reality: Humans are moronic scum unworthy of life. Humans have no desire to be "great". Humans would rather wallow in their collective suckiness.

See one who starts with idealism in mankind comes finally to the realism that mankind is faulty and it leads to hatred/ contempt of their fellow man, also i suspect the emotion of betrayal.

But if on starts from the position of realism in relation to mankind then one cannot be betrayed, one cannot be disappointed or angered by mankind. Therefore hatred does not happen. But compassion for the suffering caused by others fault's can develop. Also forgiveness of others and oneself is much much easier to come to.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Do you find celibacy easy? I've been celibate for some time now, since my last breakup, but its not by choice, I just don't do casual well. And I find it hard.

At first yes and no. It was what was customary, but like what katandar says below. I got to a point where what was going on in my head and what was going on with my body were such 2 different things, that like a pavlov dog I didn't want to anymore.
I have the greatest of respect for people who can choose to be celibate, whether that's for religious reasons or otherwise. I couldn't be celibate but I'd much rather abstain from an unhealthy relationship rather than use a mediocre relationship to quell my exuberant sexual appetite. Luckily I've never really had a problem with lack of either a satisfying relationship or lack of sex. If I didn't have someone I felt fulfilled me in terms of what I want from a relationship I'd wait until someone came along and masturbate until I felt I'd met someone I could have a fulfilling, healthy, sexual relationship with.

For those people who have had periods of celibacy was that self imposed and was it difficult? Also, was their any masturbation involved in these periods of celibacy? Because if there was I'd question if that was celibacy really. I understand some people don't have sexual urges or when choosing celibacy they abstain from all sexual stimulation, both physically, visually and mentally, but I think given that we are sexual creatures by nature I wonder how difficult that is for those who do choose it for whatever reasons they have. I know myself well enough to say I'd find celibacy too hard to abstain from sexual activity at all or even in limited ways.

I think there's somewhat of a physical withdrawal. I've gone through spells where I will become the master of my own domain, but afterwards, though I sleep easy, it makes me feel even lonelier. Like if I don't settle for anyone else, why should I settle for this? And like a pavlov dog...
Would you agree then that someone who claims to be a christian but commits a crime is not a christian while he was committing the crime ?

Moment of weakness ?

Seems either the religion doesn't want any bad publicity or it's just plain lying to itself.

A Christian who commits a wrong is still a Christian.

A christian who commits a wrong and in their minds proclaim the wrong to be not wrong but acceptable behaviour. That person is not a Christian.

Being a Christian is about Believing Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Idealism in this world is the biggest waste of emotional investment ever made. Untold millions have been exploited and lead into destruction because they had Idealism in this world.

Get people to believe their idealism in this world can be realised if they do what you tell them. Then you can make them commit the most abominable acts of cruelty and turn their world into a nightmare.

Idealism has its place, that’s with God.

Realism has its place, that’s with mankind.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I live my own ideals. They are only for me. God's ideals are obvious to those who are truly seeking.
Sorry about the u's for I's, I'm on a phone here.

No problem Lori.

You know, why don't you just make sure they have protection or better yet, bring it yourself.

I had a girlfriend who had a really great sense of humor, the first time she and I made love, as we got closer she pulled out a condom, she opened it up and it was like 10+ inches long pre-stretched, and she said.

I'm looking for a man who can fill this ?

After a long very nervous pause we both started busting up.

It broke the ice.

Embrace your lustfull and wicked thoughts, lol.
Adultry is having sexual relations with another persons husband/wife. So you can be a single person having sexual relations with a person married to another person. Therefore you can comit adultry when you are single.

After your married you can still comit adultry with another persons husband/wife.

If you have sex with a married person who is not married to you then you have comited physical Adultry.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

As I understand it, it's only adultery for the married party.

But either way, there has to be a married person for it to be considered. That term does not belong describing two, non-married persons.
A Christian who commits a wrong is still a Christian.

Ok I'm with you,

A christian who commits a wrong and in their minds proclaim the wrong to be not wrong but acceptable behaviour. That person is not a Christian.

Ok, now I lost ya. Yep, nope don't understand that.