Wicked thoughts

because "It is an impossible position to maintain. Fighting natures strongest impulse" and guilt pays big.

Using guilt as a tool, good point. It's funny or not, they the religious institutions, have successfully created this fear of what is natural and normal and made it so that admitting you are human is a weakness.
So according to this we are all adulterers ?

That’s right... Ding

Thanks for the explanation.

Either way they are both sinners.

Yep we are all sinners. That’s a cornerstone of Christian belief. And we will be sinners till the day God changes us.

Is Dave a christian again if he acknowledges it later ? How late is too late ?

Yeah, if it is a true acknowledgment. I guess it is too late when Dave dies.

What happens to Bob's repressed natural feelings ?

Bob will not succeed in repressing anything. Bob is a sinner and will remain so. It is not about succeeding in repressing anything it is about acknowledging Gods will to be true and proper.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What happens to Bob's repressed natural feelings ? ”

Bob will not succeed in repressing anything. Bob is a sinner and will remain so. It is not about succeeding in repressing anything it is about acknowledging Gods will to be true and proper.

So are you saying that God is flawed ?, why would he not create us to be true and proper in the first place ?. Again, the idea that god created us flawed so we have to fight our instincts and desires to strive for perfection in his eyes is a stretch.

If we are only supposed to have sex for pro-creation, then the lower animal forms are more perfect than we are, god got it right with them but not us, or other primates for that matter.

Does that make sense to you ?
i think that people can change if they really seek the truth from god, care about what's right, and focus on their intentions. that's why i don't like this list of rules. abiding by a list of rules will not purify your intent. all it does is attempt to cover up the fact that you have a rotten one.
i think that people can change if they really seek the truth from god, care about what's right, and focus on their intentions. that's why i don't like this list of rules. abiding by a list of rules will not purify your intent. all it does is attempt to cover up the fact that you have a rotten one.

I agree with what you say about the persons intent, how they treat others etc, but I don't feel that one needs to seek the truth from god. Because if you believe that is true, it was god who made us all screwed up in the first place.

We can't pick and choose. If god made us, then the bad has to be credited to god as well as the good.
I agree with what you say about the persons intent, how they treat others etc, but I don't feel that one needs to seek the truth from god. Because if you believe that is true, it was god who made us all screwed up in the first place.

We can't pick and choose. If god made us, then the bad has to be credited to god as well as the good.

it's true yes, you can attribute it all to his creation. he created that law that governs it. this is a master plan. how would we ever want to do what is right, if we don't know what is right or why? we take his word for it? no way. the only way we will understand why the law is what it is and works the way it does is to live it, experience it, and test it. so now we all know.
it's true yes, you can attribute it all to his creation. he created that law that governs it. this is a master plan. how would we ever want to do what is right, if we don't know what is right or why? we take his word for it? no way. the only way we will understand why the law is what it is and works the way it does is to live it, experience it, and test it. so now we all know.

So what you saying is the god wants us to screw up and learn from our experiences.

What about someone who does a lot of bad things all their life, gets away with it and lives a life most of us can only dream about.

Did they cheat god ? Did they beat god ?

What is right and what is wrong ?

If the word of god was so perfect it should be for all ages from the beginning of time to a future we can not pretend to know.

That clearly is not the case with regards to humanity.
So what you saying is the god wants us to screw up and learn from our experiences.

What about someone who does a lot of bad things all their life, gets away with it and lives a life most of us can only dream about.

Did they cheat god ? Did they beat god ?

What is right and what is wrong ?

If the word of god was so perfect it should be for all ages from the beginning of time to a future we can not pretend to know.

That clearly is not the case with regards to humanity.

someone who does a lot of bad things in their life...whether they "get away with it" or not (which is debateable because who would want to be this guy), the bad things still have a consequence, and the affect is known. we suffer the consequences of all of us in this world. "a life most of us can only dream about"...someone who is hollow and materialistic without compassion for the ones who suffer to make his dream come true? you know what i believe? i believe that judgement is the true realization of the affects of your decisions and actions and intentions in this world. like the ripple effect that you can't see. at the end, it is presented to you in it's entirety.
someone who does a lot of bad things in their life...whether they "get away with it" or not (which is debateable because who would want to be this guy),

yes and I am certainly don't condone that kind of behavior. But as an example, let's take a guy who cheats and steals his way to the top but you and I don't know this. In other words, he has done damage to many but we are unaware of his prior actions. He is sitting in the big home, driving the nice car, has advantages that most do not. Until your judgement day he is a shining star.

It starts to become subjective. I feel the pope is a monster because he advocates denying contraceptives to those who are most in need of them. At the same time he is revered by a billion people as being this great man. To me the damage he has done and will do can not be calculated.

You are anti-materialistic, so it sounds and so am I. I don't place people in postions of importance in my life based on their wealth. But I used it as example of how the rules put forth in the name of religion can be avoided, twisted and perverted and yet the person can still be revered.

Yet to honestly face what is reality and say this is me this is what I am, I have these desires, these instincts etc that I not acting according to gods laws and therefore a bad person.

To me it's all just hypocrytical.

i believe that judgement is the true realization of the affects of your decisions and actions and intentions in this world. like the ripple effect that you can't see. at the end, it is presented to you in it's entirety.

Well what about the Pope then. I don't believe there is any text in any religion that called for the banning of contraceptives.
You know what I think is so perfect about the law is that it comes down to what you want. If you want to hold yourself in higher regard than others then you're not going to fit in. There are and will be those who will be willing through experience and knowledge to do what they know is right all of the time, and you have to be willing to seek to find. I think that the problem with the religious often times is that they have a hard time reconciling the idealism in the bilble with the real world today. And they ignore a lot of pertinent doctrine for a power play. You don't know the pope's intentions so you can't judge but you can suffer at the hands of a wrong decision. The truth is that if there wasn't something inherently wrong with us we wouldn't live this way and people wouldn't suffer. The question is this...do you want to change?
The truth is that if there wasn't something inherently wrong with us we wouldn't live this way and people wouldn't suffer. The question is this...do you want to change?

So your god make you inherently wrong? He must be evil!
So your god make you inherently wrong? He must be evil!

god created evil. it's inherent in law. it's merely transgression. this is the story of the fall of man. we chose to know good and evil as god does. the only way to know good and evil is to experience it. now we know. it's good to be able to make informed decisions, don't you think?

There are and will be those who will be willing through experience and knowledge to do what they know is right all of the time, and you have to be willing to seek to find

But we don't have to believe in or seek god to do the right thing. This is not a pre-requisite as there are good and bad people off all faiths and no faith.

problem with the religious often times is that they have a hard time reconciling the idealism in the bilble with the real world today. And they ignore a lot of pertinent doctrine for a power play. You don't know the pope's intentions so you can't judge but you can suffer at the hands of a wrong decision


The truth is that if there wasn't something inherently wrong with us we wouldn't live this way and people wouldn't suffer. The question is this...do you want to change?

But why is it wrong. For example, lust and desire. If it is natural, a part of who and what we are, why is it wrong. I don't want to change being human. I am good person. I am conscientous to the feelings of others and the effect my actions have on them, but it doesn't change the fact that even though I am married I still lust after and desire other beautiful women in my mind and I always will. The day I stop doing that is the day I will be worried.

But we don't have to believe in or seek god to do the right thing. This is not a pre-requisite as there are good and bad people off all faiths and no faith.

seek the truth. knock and the door will open. who/what opens the door? maybe it's just the way it works huh? it must be law.

But why is it wrong. For example, lust and desire. If it is natural, a part of who and what we are, why is it wrong. I don't want to change being human. I am good person. I am conscientous to the feelings of others and the effect my actions have on them, but it doesn't change the fact that even though I am married I still lust after and desire other beautiful women in my mind and I always will. The day I stop doing that is the day I will be worried.

if you acted upon lust, would the consequences be ok with you? your wife? the woman you lust for? her potential husband? children? if you were to conceive a child with her will you take care of it? be a real father? when you lust, are you considering all of these things? are you really seeing this woman as a whole being, or are you just focused on something in particular? are you using her? abusing her? are you focused on your own animalistic needs in complete disregard for anything else? or are you truly focused on a communion with this woman in every sense? an appreciation of her whole being and her life and welfare? with any action you take, are you concerned about the greater good? or are you just concerned with yourself and/or dick?
seek the truth. knock and the door will open. who/what opens the door? maybe it's just the way it works huh? it must be law.

Well apparently, if god made us the way we are the truth is already in us, which is what comes naturally. Also, apparently, seeking god does not guarantee one to be good, note your own comments about how some abuse the power. Nor does it make one bad. So again the seeking of god is not a requirement for one to be good.

if you acted upon lust, would the consequences be ok with you? your wife? the woman you lust for? her potential husband? children? if you were to conceive a child with her will you take care of it? be a real father? when you lust, are you considering all of these things? are you really seeing this woman as a whole being, or are you just focused on something in particular? are you using her? abusing her? are you focused on your own animalistic needs in complete disregard for anything else? or are you truly focused on a communion with this woman in every sense? an appreciation of her whole being and her life and welfare? with any action you take, are you concerned about the greater good? or are you just concerned with yourself and/or dick?

One can have lust and desire in ones mind and not act on it. I have never cheated on my wife and would not. I devote all of my energy and effort to my family. But it doesn't change the fact that I still lust after other women in my mind, I happen to find beautiful women, well beautiful and attracting.

It's natural, which is what the post is about. It doesn't have to be considered wrong because it is there and there is no denying it. In fact I would argue it's this effort to stop or deny the desire that gets most in trouble.

Ultimately, you are fighting nature.
Well apparently, if god made us the way we are the truth is already in us, which is what comes naturally. Also, apparently, seeking god does not guarantee one to be good, note your own comments about how some abuse the power. Nor does it make one bad. So again the seeking of god is not a requirement for one to be good.

One can have lust and desire in ones mind and not act on it. I have never cheated on my wife and would not. I devote all of my energy and effort to my family. But it doesn't change the fact that I still lust after other women in my mind, I happen to find beautiful women, well beautiful and attracting.

It's natural, which is what the post is about. It doesn't have to be considered wrong because it is there and there is no denying it. In fact I would argue it's this effort to stop or deny the desire that gets most in trouble.

Ultimately, you are fighting nature.

i didn't say seek god, i said seek the truth. the truth can be found all over the place, and inside you is a great place to start.

and there is nothing wrong with thinking a woman is beautiful. i think lots of people are beautiful. people are beautiful! well, some...ok, lots. but what i am pointing out is your focus. why are people beautiful? does this desire in you exist in a vacuum? if you think that lusting after someone is such a good idea, then why don't you act on it? is your desire based solely upon physical appearance? some people would call you shallow. lots of people are nice to look at. does that mean you should fuck them all? is physical attraction the only reason you want to have sex with someone?
i didn't say seek god, i said seek the truth. the truth can be found all over the place, and inside you is a great place to start.

Ahh, ok this I can relate to and agree

if you think that lusting after someone is such a good idea, then why don't you act on it?

Because I have already acted upon it and have 2 kids and a wife now. LOL. But to your point. I don't act on my desires for others because of the impact it would have on my wife and kids and more to the point it is not who I am.

is your desire based solely upon physical appearance? some people would call you shallow. lots of people are nice to look at. does that mean you should fuck them all? is physical attraction the only reason you want to have sex with someone?

No physical attraction is not the only reason, but in general, yes physical appearance is what drives most men. That can change as soon as you get to know them, it could either make the desire stronger or weaken it. I am far from shallow. But I can't help looking and desiring attractive women, and the funny thing is the old saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

There are models I don't find attractive and there are what some would consider average that I am attracted to. It's strange, but it's certain features that create this lust. What about you, I would imagine you have your types, you those who catch your eye and draw you in ?