Wicked thoughts

I guess if you take the lust and greed out of sex its just no fun huh?

Of course, you gotta have the lust and the greed.

He has another skit where there is an attractive woman in a dress, laying down at the park. He is riding his bike and walking buy to try and get a look up her skirt, from a variety of angles. She is watching him do all this and gets fed up, goes to change and comes back out in a bikini.

At the point the man walks off all frustrated and mad. Because of course it was the temptation the desire that is what drove him mad. The tease. Once she was in a bikini the mystery was over.

So very funny stuff, but pictures speak a thousand words.

But he is good at lustfull and wicked.
I used to watch benny hill all the time when I was a kid. He's very funny. My point was though that if everyone truly loved, were comitted to, and took care of each other...were selfless, and if our society were not centered around greed, there would be absolutely no sexual inhibition, and absolutely no need for birth control.
I understand that various religions have their own rules regarding sex before marriage and sex using prevention.

My question is why do they want to make sex other than for pro-creation dirty and wrong ?
simply because sex without procreation in mind often results in unwanted progeny ... and the degradation of society basically proceeds at the rate of one generation of unwanted progeny after another

It is an impossible position to maintain. Fighting natures strongest impulse.
hence the state of affairs of the world is what it is


Here's a funny clip, one of my favorites that better explains it.

thus as far as material desire goes, repression is practically non-different from expression
I used to watch benny hill all the time when I was a kid. He's very funny. My point was though that if everyone truly loved, were comitted to, and took care of each other...were selfless, and if our society were not centered around greed, there would be absolutely no sexual inhibition, and absolutely no need for birth control.

Not sure what you mean by this:

"there would be absolutely no sexual inhibition, and absolutely no need for birth control"

Wouldn't we just have a ton of kids ?

Maybe I am mis-understanding that part.

I understand the part about greed and I was only playing and joking with the idea.
“ Originally Posted by jpappl
I understand that various religions have their own rules regarding sex before marriage and sex using prevention.

My question is why do they want to make sex other than for pro-creation dirty and wrong ? ”

simply because sex without procreation in mind often results in unwanted progeny ... and the degradation of society basically proceeds at the rate of one generation of unwanted progeny after another

Yes but sex is not wrong. So why not just use birth control.

It seems to me it's as simple as putting on a seat belt.
Yes but sex is not wrong. So why not just use birth control.

It seems to me it's as simple as putting on a seat belt.
You really think that birth control puts an end to the problem of unwanted progeny?

You don't think that sex life taken out of the context of procreation has any social implications on the bringing forth of progeny?
“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Yes but sex is not wrong. So why not just use birth control.

It seems to me it's as simple as putting on a seat belt. ”

You really think that birth control puts an end to the problem of unwanted progeny?

Yes, that's why they call in birth CONTROL.

You don't think that sex life taken out of the context of procreation has any social implications on the bringing forth of progeny?

Huh. Please try the sentence again, can't understand.

yet despite the presence of birth control we are still left with problem of unwanted progeny


Yes beacuse people don't have access to it, can't afford it, are too stupid to use when they have it.

Then you have, because of how societies view sex, people, especially younger people afraid to go to the store and get it, religious institution who forbid it, lack of parent support and communication.

I mean this mess is created because of our fear of lust and wicked desires, instead of understanding these are within us and not to be oppressed but explored and managed.
Yes beacuse people don't have access to it, can't afford it, are too stupid to use when they have it.

Then you have, because of how societies view sex, people, especially younger people afraid to go to the store and get it, religious institution who forbid it, lack of parent support and communication.
actually I was referring to those communities that fulfill all the above requirements.

I mean this mess is created because of our fear of lust and wicked desires, instead of understanding these are within us and not to be oppressed but explored and managed.
or alternatively, establishing sex life outside of the parameters of procreation bears a social influence on parents-to-be.
So if you were married and divorced you could not get married again ?

Chastity is only preserved in the institution of marriage. Therefore, if someone gets married with the knowledge that the individual has been previously married, and been chaste to the ex-spouse, there is nothing wrong with marrying such an individual.

In Islamic cultures, do they promote and allow the use of contraception or do they forbid it ?

Contraceptions are allowed. I have never read anything to contradict this view. However, Islam encourages that a couple should not avoid having children due to fear of poverty, as God shall provide for them. As SAM mentioned, it needs to be approved by both the husband and the wife.
You mean, if we had no jobs to go to and everything was paid for. Sure a few more kids would be fun.

Yes, I mean if we all took care of ourselves instead of having to pay institutions to do an extremely poor job of doing it for us, all the while robbing us blind. If we all worked for ourselves and for the betterment of the community as a whole instead of working to make some fat cat a little bit richer and having nothing left over because the institutions are robbing us blind. I'm speaking idealisms and I thinj what's wrong with a lot of religion is that it can't seem to separate it's ideals from our reality.
Idealism: Humans could be great if they tried.

Reality: Humans are moronic scum unworthy of life. Humans have no desire to be "great". Humans would rather wallow in their collective suckiness.

Ton of kids? Sounds great! Let's train them up a la "Children of the Corn" and get rid of the adults. :)

Chastity is only preserved in the institution of marriage. Therefore, if someone gets married with the knowledge that the individual has been previously married, and been chaste to the ex-spouse, there is nothing wrong with marrying such an individual.

So to clarify, if they were married it's ok, but if they were not married, and had a sexual relationship with another then it would not be allowed , Correct ?

Contraceptions are allowed. I have never read anything to contradict this view. However, Islam encourages that a couple should not avoid having children due to fear of poverty, as God shall provide for them. As SAM mentioned, it needs to be approved by both the husband and the wife.

So this encouragement that they should not avoid having children, could you elaborate on this.
There is a Quranic verse which says do not kill your children for fear of want or poverty. Some people extend this to include contraception. Its a major stretch, IMHO.
There is a Quranic verse which says do not kill your children for fear of want or poverty. Some people extend this to include contraception. Its a major stretch, IMHO.

Some people or religious leaders as well.

So it's similar to how catholics view contraception.
Some individuals yeah. The classical Islamic schools of law by and large do not forbid it.