Wicked thoughts

I'm not talking about the end of the planet, but the end of society as we know it.

Oh is that all? That happens about every couple generations. Infact we are a bit over due and starting to get a bit stagnant.
There are other people involved in what's happened to me. They actually did it to me on purpose for this reason. And its been witnessed and documented without any physical corraboration whatsoever.

Again just a wee bit vague and lacking in details.

Also while possibly interesting, I don't see the god part yet.
That I hadn't heard before, what is the reasoning behind a widening orbit?
The same reason that the Moon's orbit is widening.
In brief:
As the size of the Sun approaches Earth's orbit, the Earth pulls a small tidal bulge out from the Sun. The bulge is carried ahead of the Earth by the Sun's rotation. The bulge pulls on the Earth, increasing it's speed and nudging it into a higher orbit.

I have no idea who, if anyone, has run the numbers and figured out whether or not this will be sufficient to keep the Earth out of the Sun.
Who are they ?

Your friends ? or god, if they were talking gods ?

Now it's getting weird.

Its beyond weird but I guess its all what you get used to. Some of the people are musicians and the events are depicted in their work.

You said proof ?

You know what that means when asking others to believe what you are saying, correct ?

I mean, wouldn't you expect me to prove that I was visited by an alien.

Extrodinary claims require extrodinary evidence. Whenever a previous unknown is claimed the proof has to be definitive.

No I wouldn't expect that. Why would I? I wouldn't assume you were lying but also why would you care if I believed you or not? Then there's the consideration of what kind of evidence would I expect you to provide? I've always thought that request (physical proof of a personal and/or spiritual interaction) was kind of a retarded one to make. But it seems that one day I'll get to shut those retards up anyway. As a side note one of my best friends who I met out here on sciforums over a decade ago has been abducted since she was a kid and has told me a lot about her experiences. She lived a couple of hours away and after we had been talking on line and over the phone for years I traveled to visit her and much to my surprise we experienced missing time together while I was there.
Its beyond weird but I guess its all what you get used to. Some of the people are musicians and the events are depicted in their work.

This is not a privilege just you enjoy. Several people claim to hear messages from musical recordings, even when songs are played backwards. Is this what you are referring to, good & evil lyrics disguised within a recording?
Like moving to England while you are pregnant?

Lol. Its like "thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven".

That might be a bit vague.

Well my experiences have been pretty volumous. I've talked some detail in other threads. What would you like to know specifically? When this shit first started happening I thought I needed to write a book but soon realized it was even too volumous for that.

Yes, you've said that. We are now looking for the actual proof part.

Ok. Like I said, other people are providing that. Timing is a factor I suppose.

Actually that was the easy part. I seek the truth, where ever it takes me. If your god is not true, then we probably won't see eye to eye.

As long as its true, we will eventually find agreement.

This is good to hear. :)

Experience can be odd stuff. It can be internal, external, a mix. It can be mistaken for one thing when it is something else. Having the experience is just the beginning. Understanding the experience and then figuring out how to convey that understanding in a valid and replaceable manner, that is the stuff which can move the world.

I concur. When this stuff first started happening I about drove myself nuts trying to figure it all out and ended up realizing that the most sane thing to do was to trust my intentions and leave my perceptions up to fate.
This is not a privilege just you enjoy. Several people claim to hear messages from musical recordings, even when songs are played backwards. Is this what you are referring to, good & evil lyrics disguised within a recording?

I know and I don't doubt those experiences one bit but as they are someone else's they're not mine to share. Mine are a bit more grounded than those seem though. These people actually depict and describe my experiences and spiritual interactions with them in their work.

No I wouldn't expect that. Why would I? I wouldn't assume you were lying but also why would you care if I believed you or not?

Which is why I didn't ask for the proof, I am assuming if you had it available you would have presented it or offered to present it.

Then there's the consideration of what kind of evidence would I expect you to provide?

Damn good evidence considering the claim. And you should expect the same. Your asking someone to believe that which they are skeptical of, you should not expect anyone to believe you without the evidence that provides proof of the claim.

It is your burden because you have made the claim.

However, if you believe it to be true that is all that should matter to you, just not to me.

The difficulty comes when you keep alluding to the proof you have but can not provide it. It doesn't wash and makes the claim even more dubious.

It then becomes a fallback position that has no relevance.

For example. Why do you think the world is going to end in your lifetime ?
Because I spoke to god, he told me. Can you prove god spoke to you ? No.

Where do we go from there. It goes in circles.

Some of the people are musicians and the events are depicted in their work.

You mean the musicians are the voice of god. ? "Some" do you mean gods ?

Which is why I didn't ask for the proof, I am assuming if you had it available you would have presented it or offered to present it.

Damn good evidence considering the claim. And you should expect the same. Your asking someone to believe that which they are skeptical of, you should not expect anyone to believe you without the evidence that provides proof of the claim.

It is your burden because you have made the claim.

However, if you believe it to be true that is all that should matter to you, just not to me.

The difficulty comes when you keep alluding to the proof you have but can not provide it. It doesn't wash and makes the claim even more dubious.

It then becomes a fallback position that has no relevance.

For example. Why do you think the world is going to end in your lifetime ?
Because I spoke to god, he told me. Can you prove god spoke to you ? No.

Where do we go from there. It goes in circles.

You mean the musicians are the voice of god. ? "Some" do you mean gods ?

I think you might be making an incorrect assumption about me because I don't care if anyone believes me. I can't control that. I don't see that as a responsibility. All I'm doing is honestly describing my experience. What anyone decides to think about it is their business. I think you might be confusing my experiences too. I've had spiritual interaction with what I perceive as god but have also experienced isolated interactions with human individuals, some of whom are musicians who have confirmed those experiences to me through their work and I imagine will confirm those experiences to others through this body of work as well if others so desire to investigate. That is the proof I'm refering to.
I think you might be making an incorrect assumption about me because I don't care if anyone believes me. I can't control that. I don't see that as a responsibility. All I'm doing is honestly describing my experience. What anyone decides to think about it is their business. I think you might be confusing my experiences too. I've had spiritual interaction with what I perceive as god but have also experienced isolated interactions with human individuals, some of whom are musicians who have confirmed those experiences to me through their work and I imagine will confirm those experiences to others through this body of work as well if others so desire to investigate. That is the proof I'm refering to.

Yes, well I don't expect you to care what I think.

What's important to you is whats important to you.

Is it possible you could be mis-interpreting the meaning of the songs ? The words of the songs ?

"Your so vain you probably think this song is about you" kind of thing.

I hear a lot of songs that have meaning to me, but I don't think for a minute they had me in mind, just people like me and them apparently.
Yes, well I don't expect you to care what I think.

What's important to you is whats important to you.

Is it possible you could be mis-interpreting the meaning of the songs ? The words of the songs ?

"Your so vain you probably think this song is about you" kind of thing.

I hear a lot of songs that have meaning to me, but I don't think for a minute they had me in mind, just people like me and them apparently.

Well its not that I don't care what you think, lol. Maybe that was an insensitive way to put it. I just can't really be responsible for it. As for misinterpreting, the interactions have been pretty specific and extremely unusual. Believe me when I say it blew my fucking mind to bits upon realizing what was going on. If you want to observe it yourself I can suggest some vids.

Nin closer (I'm the naked chick with the jesus blindfold on)

Nin perfect drug (I'm the little girl)

Afi girl's not grey (I'm the girl following the bunny)

Afi love like winter and miss murder

Just about every HIM video ever made

Priestess lay down

That should be a start.
That I hadn't heard before, what is the resaoning behind a widening orbit?

Because of the sun's mass decreasing.

Found a source:
In a few billion years, the Sun will fuse the last of its hydrogen into helium, turn into a red giant and expand to 250 times its current size. At first, the Sun's loss of mass will loosen its gravitational pull on Earth, which will allow the planet to migrate to a wider orbit about 7.6 billion years from now.
Ok. Like I said, other people are providing that. Timing is a factor I suppose

With respect Lori but I remember you saying this same thing, what... 3+ years ago?
With respect Lori but I remember you saying this same thing, what... 3+ years ago?

Yes sir. I became aware of the weirdness in a traumatic sense in 2004. Some of these people had been foretelling it though for decades. Namely dickhead reznor.
Another good vid is for a nin song called we're in this together. I'm the girl he's psychically trying to find and ends up making eye contact with on the train in the midst of a bunch of blind people. Listen to the lyrics to all these songs as well.
What happened to me. That nin nails song closer and the video for it was produced a long time before this happened to me.

Do you actually believe that they were specifically foretelling what would happen to you ?