Wicked thoughts


Ok, first off thanks for sharing. I know that was not necessarily easy to do considering how some would view the experience.

Thank YOU for being so respectful and humble.

Secondly I humbly suggest that you put all of this:

In the category of coincendental.

The reason is, it's not that unusual at all. Many people myself included get obsessed over music, if they do a good job of it that's what they hope will happen. Then people will promote them and buy more albums when the next one comes out.

The lyrics reminded you, but again, his lyrics are vaque and it could mean something totally different in his mind. It's also very common for people to try to find hidden meaning in the lyrics because they are intentionally done so.

Pink Floyd the Wall for example.

I am a song writer and guitarist. I used to write songs that were very frank and to the point.

I now write songs that are more elusive and gray. It allows the listener to find a place to fit in the song as opposed to feeling that fingers are being pointed.

It's a good tactic and he is not the first to do so.

I just cannot do what you're suggesting. I just can't. Its just been way too much. Way to specific. I know it sounds vague to you but it is extremely specific to me having gone through it. If I were to chalk this up to 1000 coincedences then I would have to consider myself crazy. There's a lot that's gone on. All substantiating. Way too much to type or try to explain entirely. It would take so long.

The statements below

Were you or are you infatuated with Trent ? Were you are you in love with him or his persona ?

Firstly, this singer I'm talking about is not trent. I didn't even know trent was involved with all this when this particular stuff was going on. He is involved though. Turns out he's the project coordinator so to speak. And it turns out that he was the other being present when I received my "kiss", I'm pretty sure. When I did find out he was involved and in charge, and I familiarized myself with his music I did become infatuated with him for three reasons. One, because of the nature of the project. We were supposed to be accomplishing something good and divine. Two, because by that time, which was about 2 years later, I had become extremely frustrated and and isolated and angry and pretty desperate, and I identified with him. And three, because he and his music had always turned me off in the past, I had no idea what a grade a cocksucker he really is. I assumed a lot of things about him because of the nature of the project, my identification with him, and who he was supposed to be, that as far as I can tell looking at him now, are just not true. As for the singer that I am talking about, I was totally unfamiliar with him until I bought his record. Upon familiarizing myself with him initially, I hate to say this because I adore him now, I was afraid of him and intimidated by him and did not find him attractive at all. I did however feel much sympathy for him. My feelings changed when I got to know more about him and I must say he is a much changed man today thank god. Not angry and sad and so very dark like he was before.

And this,

There are signs of an anxiety like attack. I had one once, it felt out of body as well. Not too unsimilar to yours. But I understood the source of mine as being very earthly.

I've had 2 anxiety attacks in my life and this experience didn't resemble those at all. And I wasn't anxious when it happened at all. I know they can be spontanious sometimes but I was actually quite relaxed. The experience was almost rapturous feeling.

If you weren't on mind altering drugs, then you should see a professional about it for testing. I am not making any judgements, but if I were you I would. I am not saying your crazy, but they might find a cause.

You have been very brave in telling me what you experienced because there are those who would call you a liar, or nuts or whatever and that is not what I want to come accross.

But it's not everyday that people experience this last part. The other parts are explainable with more help and information from you. But this last part is something beyond that and if it were me, I would think I was going crazy and seek out help from those who could either understand and treat it, or tell me they could find nothing wrong with me.

They may be others who experience something similar and have identified what causes it.

I would want to know as much as I could about the state of myself if things started moving about the table on their own.
Thanks for sharing that is indeed very interesting.
Well, I wasn't on drugs, and nothing like that had ever happened before, and hasn't happened since. But honestly, so much other wierd shit had happened in relation to this thing already that by the time that happened I wasn't surprised or startled at all. I just sat there and watched in amusement thinking "well this is new". I felt very calm and peaceful as if it were just another piece of weirdness to add to the puzzle that was becoming my life.

I have another question. How did you come to end up on the vids ?

You said you were an accountant ?

That wasn't really me in the videos. I thought you were joking when you asked that before. Most of those videos were made before this ever happened to me. And I've never had any physical real world interactions with these artists. Even the flowers I sent were returned unopened about a month after I sent them. The girls in the vids are actresses but when I watched the vids and heard the lyrics I knew they were about me because of what I'd been through. Sorry to have been confusing.
Again, how do those experiences prove there is a god?

None of my experiences are going to prove to you that there is a god. They might spark some interest, they might not. My experience has led me to conclude that there is. I in no way expect you or anyone else to take my word for it. Maybe I shouldn't have said I have proof that will shut somebody up. What I have seen is evidence that will more than likely stir up some conversation and interest when investigated, and I think it will be. And that may lead others to seek as I have and they can draw their own conclusions.

For now, at least, I am not asking you to prove those things happened to you & that they're not delusions or whatever.
WHY did those experiences lead you to conclude there is a god?
Suppose I have exactly the same experiences, we're discussing it & you say it's interaction with God yet I don't see it.
I already said that I'm no expert. Read the thread.
All I'm saying is that she could benefit from seeing a professional.
God tells her to buy flowers for some singer and even points out a shop where she can get some nice flowers..
You tell me, would it be a good idea to see a professional ?

Why ask him? He makes even less sense.
again, you took it as if i said YOU were

it was to point out, that i am not as sensitive to interractions with my environment as you are without substances to lift the minds eye.

i would never discount a native trained in the usages as i also can entertain your experiences

it is your defining of the experience that is a joke

that is why, from me (an esoteric) to the religious, to the scientific mind; all share you have 'less than' a coherant rendition

that is exactly what i have been dealing with for a long long long time

so the steps to take are to combine knowledge to learn how to articulate

that unless the depth is both verifiable and equal among our species, then the renditions and works is incomplete

many many many have EXPERIENCED, lori (r u experienced...jh) but like in all them books the reason why the SINGLE rendition to assist all mankind to understand them same experiences equally


to stubborn to humble yourself down and learn WITH US ALL!

quick defending the YOU and think about US ALL

remember "the self" is the most horrid of

wicked thoughts

You have no business telling someone they're not being coherent or that what they say needs to be verified. You have no business telling someone they should be grounded or not to be a jerk.
Don't preach what you won't practice.
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That wasn't really me in the videos. I thought you were joking when you asked that before. Sorry to have been confusing.

Yeah, no worries. This is where I got the idea.

Nin closer (I'm the naked chick with the jesus blindfold on)

Nin perfect drug (I'm the little girl)

Afi girl's not grey (I'm the girl following the bunny)

But now I understand, that is not you physically.

They didn't look like the same person but with all the make up and crap they can do, wasn't sure.
Do you think it's possible that this

I did become infatuated with him for three reasons. One, because of the nature of the project. We were supposed to be accomplishing something good and divine. Two, because by that time, which was about 2 years later, I had become extremely frustrated and and isolated and angry and pretty desperate, and I identified with him. And three, because he and his music had always turned me off in the past

Had something to do with these events.

it was evident that something had gone terribly wrong and he was suffering. he had been deceived, he was pissed off, miserable, and crying out to someone to help him. that's when god told me to write him a letter

was ill. he had something wrong with his throat and had to cancel the remainder of their tour. then god told me to send him flowers

god was instructing me the whole time. told me which flowers to buy, what vase to buy. when i got home he told me what each type of flower was symbolic of, and how to arrange them.

The reason I wondered about that is love and desire are incredibly powerful. Sometimes they are most powerful when we don't know them really, they are beyond our knowing and thus we give them god or goddess like powers. They can do no wrong because of the image we have of them.

In that state we can and often do things that are far outside of our comfort zone or skills.

When I was young I dated a beautiful girl I was head over heels for, but I chased and she led me on and on. I would write amazing poetry and she loved it. I never write poetry but I spent the time doing it for her and it flowed out of my heart because essentially, she was perfect and pure in my mind. I was infatuated like never before.

She wasn't pure or perfect of course but it took a while to figure that out, because I had blinders on, love blinders. Turns out I wasn't the only one. Felt like an idiot. Only wrote poetry on one occasion since, for my wife.

I've had 2 anxiety attacks in my life and this experience didn't resemble those at all. And I wasn't anxious when it happened at all. I know they can be spontanious sometimes but I was actually quite relaxed. The experience was almost rapturous feeling.

Do you think it could possibly be something similar ?

It's pretty clear you feel they had a different feel to them, but they still could have been. This is a symptom of an anxiety attack.

* Feeling detached or unreal

Here is a sign that you may be susceptible

* Do you believe that something bad will happen if certain things aren’t done a certain way?

However, this would only possibly touch on the detached, out of body feeling that you got at times.

This also doesn't imply an anxiety disorder, but like what I had, thinking so deeply about the world and trying to take it all in yourself, the overwhelming magnitude of it all and bang. It collapses on top of you like a ton of bricks.

It's like you are taking the pain and the punishment for everyone else, but it's all in your mind. No one else is helped by it, no one else really cares or may even know what you just went through.

The strange thing is, when I had my one and only attack, I was listening to a song by one of my favorite bands, the words were corresponding to what I was deeply thinking about.

To me it wasn't god, it was reality, the reality of the incredible dilemma and the reality that things would have to get far worse than they would get better. I realized how small and insignificant we as individuals are. It was like a wave over me and I couldn't stop it.

Well, I wasn't on drugs, and nothing like that had ever happened before, and hasn't happened since. But honestly, so much other wierd shit had happened in relation to this thing already that by the time that happened I wasn't surprised or startled at all. I just sat there and watched in amusement thinking "well this is new". I felt very calm and peaceful as if it were just another piece of weirdness to add to the puzzle that was becoming my life.

Yes , well as I said this is beyond what I can imagine.

I have taken acid and shrooms and seen some crazy shit, but not when I was sober. If I saw that when I was sober I would first stop taking acid and shrooms lol, and then I would try to find out if there was any other explanation that was related to anxiety or other mind disorders.

Once that was done, all you can do is keep going on and make the best of it.

It sounds like you are convinced that it can only be one thing, one could argue that because you believe, you are looking for what corresponds with the belief, whereas since I don't believe I would look for another possible answer.

Since I can't truly know your experience, it is something you need to decide for yourself and be happy with. I hope you pursue several expert opinions, they can at least confirm or deny the more down to earth possibilities.

First of all what is our current condition that you are referring to that needs to be resisted and limited ?

The use in our lives of the knowledge of evil. We do not need to resist our knowledge of Good.

No I look at statements like this as evidence that they do:

"God created us to dwell in animal bodies"

That statement does not imply that we share the same type of Spirit.

if it did then a statement like:

" God created us to dwell in bodies made of protons neutrons and electrons"

Would mean that rocks and air where living spiritual beings.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
That statement does not imply that we share the same type of Spirit.

if it did then a statement like:

" God created us to dwell in bodies made of protons neutrons and electrons"

Spirit ? So you saying that animals don't have a soul, that we are the only ones ?

They are only here for our entertainment ?
“ Originally Posted by jpappl

First of all what is our current condition that you are referring to that needs to be resisted and limited ? ”

The use in our lives of the knowledge of evil. We do not need to resist our knowledge of Good.

Is a person good, if they help the poor and take care of the less fortunate but do not believe in god ?
Is a person good, if they help the poor and take care of the less fortunate but do not believe in god ?

No. Because if you spend your time doing 99% good and 1% evil then you fall short of perfection and therefore are no longer good.

I see it all the time. People judging someone to be good from a relative standpoint of human thinking not a absolute standpoint of Gods perfection.

Anything less that 100% Good is no longer good. It is tarnished. It falls short of what is Good.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days.

I have read what you have revealed in this thread and i wish to share some thoughts with you.

Having read your thoughts i am surprised how similar they are to mine. I will not be telling you to go and see a professional as others have said directly and others are trying to say indirectly. Those who will not believe will not believe any kind of sharing you give can be reasoned away. If you are being used as a tool of God then the only people you can be of benefit to are those who are open to the truth of God. I have learnt that it is imposable to save anyone though human effort. All glory is to God and no human shall be able to boast upon the day of judgement.

An observation has been made that your experiences "even if real" does not prove the existence of God, If they are real then they point to some intelligence beyond the physical world seeking to interact with you for it's purpose. As a Christian i believe in intelligences beyond the physical world who seek to interact with men and they are not of God but they are of satan seeking to deceive many in these end times.

I believe the great deception foretold in the book of revelation will be one of a false Messiah and his agents bringing about a false Armageddon preceding the true Armageddon to open a small window in time to allow them to deceive the world. So that all who have rejected the love of the truth will be deceived and will follow the beast so that they may be condemned and be destroyed at the coming of the true Messiah.

I must be very cautious here in what i say. I do not declare that the intelligence interacting with you is of satan, but as i read your posts i see you refer to astral projection and you taking part in achieving things in the end times by your own efforts.

Firstly when God wants to talk with someone He does not need them to go into any altered conscious state or engage in astral projection techniques. When God comes to us it is by His power, He has no need for us to make an opening for Him. Also as a Christian i believe that Jesus has achieved all things and will achieve the defeat of the satanic upon His return. I will not be doing the defeating by my efforts.

It could be that i have misread you posts. Maybe it is the others who used these techniques to reach you and God is allowing you to be contacted in this way so as to catch them in His trap. Maybe you will infiltrate their world and use the truth of God to tear down fortresses of deception in the minds of those who believe they are deceiving you.

I hope so.

I have many things in common with you. Your love of children :) and your decision not to have any because of the times we are in. I look forward to the day when we are , as the bible says Children in Spirit again with Jesus in eternity. One Day we will be innocents again. One day the world will be restored to an eternal garden of Eden. I hope to play with you there :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Is a person good, if they help the poor and take care of the less fortunate but do not believe in god ?

No. Because if you spend your time doing 99% good and 1% evil then you fall short of perfection and therefore are no longer good.

I see it all the time. People judging someone to be good from a relative standpoint of human thinking not a absolute standpoint of Gods perfection.

Anything less that 100% Good is no longer good. It is tarnished. It falls short of what is Good.

All Praise The Ancient Dazed

If you spend your time doing 99% evil and 1% good then you fall short of perfection and therefore are no longer evil.

I see it all the time. People judging someone to be evil from a relative standpoint of human thinking not a absolute standpoint of Gods perfection.

Anything less than 100% Evil is no longer evil. It is tarnished. It falls short of what is Evil.

No. Because if you spend your time doing 99% good and 1% evil then you fall short of perfection and therefore are no longer good.

I see it all the time. People judging someone to be good from a relative standpoint of human thinking not a absolute standpoint of Gods perfection.

Anything less that 100% Good is no longer good. It is tarnished. It falls short of what is Good.

That wasn't my question. Because that would be an impossible accomplishment.

My question was is it in you opinion, a requirement to believe in god to be considered good ?
just to throw in 2 cents here, if you believe in the same god i do, you know there's something terribly wrong with all of us, and that's no good.

ps...i'll get back to answer the other posts eventually. i've been crazy busy lately. sorry for the delay.

That wasn't my question. Because that would be an impossible accomplishment.

My question was is it in you opinion, a requirement to believe in god to be considered good ?

Believing God does not make you good.

Believing God puts you into a position where you will be Redeemed and restored to a Good state of being in the future and to be that way for ever more.

While we live in this current state of being we can never be perfect and therefore we can never be good. But by faith in God we can give God justification in being our justifier through just forgiveness given to one who is repentant.

It is Justice to forgive the repentant.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
just to throw in 2 cents here, if you believe in the same god i do, you know there's something terribly wrong with all of us, and that's no good.

Yes. I know there is something wrong with us. And it is terrible.

But satan also knows there is something wrong with us, he started it with the help of accepting humans. And it is not beyond his cunning to come out and tell us there is something wrong with us, it is not beyond his cunning to do a great impersonation of God. To offer a form or righteousness while all the time denying the true righteousness that saves. It is not beyond the cunning of satan to bring into formation religions and spiritual movements that seemingly mirror the truth of God, but when you look into the deeply you often find a stumbling stone placed strategically within them designed to make that faith worth nothing in the eternal sense of the matter.

Have you read about Balaam and his tactics to undermine the Israelites relationship with God. He did not council the king to attack or to curse the Israelites, on the country, he counselled him to embrace them and invite them to their pagan temples and festivities. In doing so he made the Israelites play the harlot with idols and brought the wrath of God upon them. Religions that have been set up as near mirror images to the truth of the Messiah Jesus ( but with built in stumbling stones ) seek to do the same thing. Win a victory over the gospel truth by outwardly embracing it and standing as the promoters and defenders of the gospel but all the while bringing forth twisted doctrines of the thoughts of men that lead men into rebellion against the Gospel itself.

Jude 1
11 Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.
12 These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about[a] by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots;

All praise The Ancient of Days
You expect my life story to be reiterated on a message board?

Not really. That might tell me about you, but it wouldn't be about any deity.

If you would like to know a deity, no one is stopping you but you. Seek...knock. No one is responsible for doing that on your behalf.

I can't see what isn't there to be seen. I'm not interested in false beliefs.
it all started with a record. i had heard a song on the radio and liked it, and i thought "i'll have to check this band out".

Be specific. Which record? Which song? Which band?

Is liking a song really so remarkable for you?

heard a second song off the same record on the radio and again, "wow, two great songs off the same record. gotta get it."

Usually I only mark a record "gotta get" if I like all the songs on it, like Led Zeppelin 4, Fleetwood Mac Rumors, Cosmosis Cosmology, Astral Projection Trust in Trance, ...

as if god was trying to tell me something.

Not in the least. Some one having a current pop hit's CD is unremarkable. Your brother, who knows your taste, recommending a current pop hit is unremarkable.

i got the record and proceeded to play it over and over

Pretty common. I can't count the times I've played an album I really like a lot.

the man's


things that my friend who has been abducted (yes, by aliens) has told me about her experience.

Did she get an anal probe? Damn aliens!

something was different about this guy.

He was a successful pop star instead of your girlfriend?

he had been deceived, he was pissed off, miserable, and crying out to someone to help him.

If you like that you might try Enigma - Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi.

that's when god told me to write him a letter.

Told you how? Why should we think it was god?

"i listened to your record and think you've been abducted by aliens and god wants me to help you"??????

I doubt that would be the craziest thing a fan ever wrote him.

turns out they have a quite intense following, and their fans are also fairly obsessed with trying to find out what this guy is singing about.

Marketing gold mine.

the band even went so far as to make a short film

Ever hear of the Blair Witch Project?

he would though say that what he was singing about was his life.

Reminds me of Don McLean and America Pie.

god told me to send him flowers.

How? Why is this god?

would send a rock star flowers.

They have a press agent and a record label. You can also check the net these days.

god was instructing me the whole time. told me which flowers to buy, what vase to buy. when i got home he told me what each type of flower was symbolic of, and how to arrange them.

So is god like really bored and into micro management?

seven paragraphs of beautiful poetry came out of me.

The muse doesn't care if you are an accountant.

he told me that this lyricist was my childhood imaginary friend joey spagota.

Um, no and this sort of thinking is how crazy fans end up hurting themselves and others.

yes, i did have an imaginery friend as a child and that was the name that my dad and i came up with for him.

Are you really surprised a voice in your head has access to info in your head?

it was while i was transcribing this writing, which was also to be a letter to the lyricist, that i observed physical manifestations of a spirit inhabiting my body and transcendental writing.

Actually its called automatic writing and is not that hard to do. People often use their non dominant hand and even will write backwards or mirror write while doing it.

it was also during this writing that i had my first interaction with two other spirits (one of whom i received a physical sensation from).

So how are these different than "god?"

i was also instructed during the writing to put it down and go get my bible and read the book of revelations (which i hadn't touched in years). when i got to the story about the woman and the dragon, the spiritual interaction occurred.

i felt a sensation like mild electricity ... it was over in 3 minutes. not like i timed it, but i got that from the guy's lyrics from a later record.

Interesting, sounds like a disturbance in the temporal lobes. But even if it was real, these guys aren't god as I recall.

then i received a shitload of prophecy revelation that felt like a wind blowing through my mind.

This could be interesting. Do you have any near term, like July 2009, prophecies that we can verify. Several would be nice to reduce the possibility of chance hits.

the stationary started morphing around on my coffee table all on it's own.

Ok, assuming you weren't on some quality substance at the time and weren't doing anything which can cause visual disturbances like a vision quest or sleep dep, I would say I suspect some kind of mild seizure of the temporal lobes. These often produce the symptoms you describe.

But what is lacking is anything which seems the least godlike. We have some unremarkable coincidences, standard obsessive fan behavior and some weird experiences that sound like a mild seizure of the temporal lobes.

But actual, direct, unambiguous prophecies which are still in the future, but near enough to verify, that would be interesting. It would at least show access to information outside the current understanding of normal time.
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