Wicked thoughts

Ok, can you help me out a bit with the whole God experiencing thing ?
How does it happen ? Can you describe a typical occurrence to me ?

Its so varied but can probably be best described as what seems like a series of weird coincedences that are way too meaningful and prolific to be coincedences. And that's not even considering other spiritual experiences I've had that involved more specific and tangible things like channeling and trancendental (sp) writing and telepathic conversation and physical sensations and manifestations and shit morphing around on my coffee table all by itself. Dude I've had some off the hook freaky shit happen to me.
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“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Fortelling what ? ”

What happened to me. That nin nails song closer and the video for it was produced a long time before this happened to me.

Before what happened to you. You say the video was produced and then something happened.

What was it specifically that makes you believe it was a sign or information directly from god ?
I have to say that going by a video or any number of videos, considering how weird and off the wall they are on purpose, is not a good way to look for or consider as signs from above.

I also understood you say that the guy is an ass. So what gives ?

I wouldn't take any and I mean anything that I saw in a video or a book no matter how coincendental it was as a sign from the above.

Especially a bunch of good not even great musicians.

It's all imagery to obscure the music in the first place.

Video killed the radio star don't ya know.
I've seen some crazy shit while on acid before. Had some strange experiences without being on acid but I place them in the coincedence file, not because I don't believe in gods, but because there were reasonable explanations.

I broke my neck in a car accident and survived with only minor nerve damage in one shoulder. Is that a sign from god ?

No, because lots of people have broken their necks in car accidents and survived realativly intact. Just lucky.
By the way, you were great in the vids congrats, it must have been fun, or at least I hope it was.
We should love each other spiritually, but there is nothing wrong some good wholesome lust every once in a while.
Before what happened to you. You say the video was produced and then something happened.

What was it specifically that makes you believe it was a sign or information directly from god ?

Oh, well I would consider that to be more of a sign from the artist himself. I don't understand how but he knew this was going to happen long before it did. He dreamed it I think or dreamed it into reality somehow. I don't know how.
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I have to say that going by a video or any number of videos, considering how weird and off the wall they are on purpose, is not a good way to look for or consider as signs from above.

I also understood you say that the guy is an ass. So what gives ?

I wouldn't take any and I mean anything that I saw in a video or a book no matter how coincendental it was as a sign from the above.

Especially a bunch of good not even great musicians.

It's all imagery to obscure the music in the first place.

Video killed the radio star don't ya know.

Trent reznor is an ass. Its too specific. I was led into this by responding to a cry for help from a musician (not trent but another), and a strange request by god. Then all this weird shit happened and when I listened to the lyrics and watched the imagery of the artists involved, it identified and kind of explained what happened to me. I don't understand some of it. I'm somewhat removed by circumstance and experience. These people did this to me on purpose because they needed help and needed to prove something. Remember I said they can astral project? They interacted with me that way and also observed me. Their their lyrics and depictions reflect the interactions and observations quite vividly. These specific interactions are different from my ongoing relationship with god. Actually my relationship with god is why I think I was able to help them.
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Not here at least.

A deity would be nice.

You expect my life story to be reiterated on a message board? That's extremely unrealistic. But I have in fact shared quite a bit. Much more in the way of personal experience than I've witnessed from you and many others. I'm not out here intellectually masterbating such is common practice in this forum.

If you would like to know a deity, no one is stopping you but you. Seek...knock. No one is responsible for doing that on your behalf.

Again, how do those experiences prove there is a god?

None of my experiences are going to prove to you that there is a god. They might spark some interest, they might not. My experience has led me to conclude that there is. I in no way expect you or anyone else to take my word for it. Maybe I shouldn't have said I have proof that will shut somebody up. What I have seen is evidence that will more than likely stir up some conversation and interest when investigated, and I think it will be. And that may lead others to seek as I have and they can draw their own conclusions.
Oh well I woulf consider that to be more of a sign from the artist himself. I don't understand how but he knew this was going to happen long before it did. He dreamed it I think or dreamed it into reality somehow. I don't know how.

Dreamed what ? What happened ? that corresponds with his dreams or what he dreamed into reality.
Dreamed what ? What happened ? that corresponds with his dreams or what he dreamed into reality.

what happened to me. i don't know the "other side" of this story. i don't know how it is that these artists accomplished what they have. all i know is that what they've sung about for decades now (particularly trent), and what they've depicted in their art, is exactly what ended up happening to me, and i know they were involved, either by interacting with me or observing me from some astral plane that i am entirely unfamiliar with. :shrug:
Trent reznor is an ass. Its too specific. I was led into this by responding to a cry for help from a musician (not trent but another, and a strange request by god. Then all this weird shit happened and when I listened to the lyrics and watched the imagery of the artists involved, it identified and kind of explained what happened to me. I don't understand some of it. I'm somewhat removed by circumstance and experience. These people did this to me on purpose because they needed help and needed to prove something. Remember I said they can astral project? They interacted with me that way and also observed me. Their their lyrics and depictions reflect the interactions and observations quite vividly. These specific interactions are different from my ongoing relationship with god. Actually my relationship with god is why I think I was able to help them.

Lori, with all due respect. I think what you experienced is seeing or finding meaning in things that you were already looking for.

That is a common thing to happen to people.

I am not saying your being vague on purpose, but your being vague. Telling me that this happened and then that happened and all this shit happened and keeps happening but you not saying what that is. Just that it is.

If I felt that I experienced a sign from god or information from god it would obviously be such a significant event to have specifics, I would know when, where and what the weather was like at the time.

People still have those kinds of recollections when events like JFK being shot ocurred.
I'm not sure if I understand. Are you being funny?

No not at all. The vids skip around quite a bit on the NIN. The one with the bunny is a little more watchable.

But not everyone can put on make up and change their look and videotape well. I can't, I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.

I could never be an actor and I am bad at telling jokes.
know is that what they've sung about for decades now (particularly trent), and what they've depicted in their art, is exactly what ended up happening to me, and i know they were involved

You believe they were involved.

Again, how can you decipher anything from their vids. They are a mess, they have no meaning whatsoever. They are purposely vague and without meaning so to distract from having to have any serious thought or meaning.
Lori, with all due respect. I think what you experienced is seeing or finding meaning in things that you were already looking for.

That is a common thing to happen to people.

I am not saying your being vague on purpose, but your being vague. Telling me that this happened and then that happened and all this shit happened and keeps happening but you not saying what that is. Just that it is.

If I felt that I experienced a sign from god or information from god it would obviously be such a significant event to have specifics, I would know when, where and what the weather was like at the time.

People still have those kinds of recollections when events like JFK being shot ocurred.

man, i couldn't have seen this coming in a million years. that's why it was so hard for me to deal with at first. i just simply don't have the imagination it would take to dream some trippy stuff like this up. there's no way.

i'm not trying to be vague. i'll tell you some specifics ok? it all started with a record. i had heard a song on the radio and liked it, and i thought "i'll have to check this band out". heard a second song off the same record on the radio and again, "wow, two great songs off the same record. gotta get it."

i was doing a bunch of traveling at the time and put it off. on my way down to panama city with some friends, the guy i was riding with had the cd in his car and we listened to it. i liked it alot and planned on buying it. didn't get around to it before i was off to italy with my mom and brother.

my brother's a guitar and bass teacher and during a layover on our way home, we were discussing music and my taste in music. he suggested that i get a particular record that a lot of his students were bringing in to learn riffs off of. it was the same record i was planning to get. so i'm like, "ok ok i'll get the record!" as if god was trying to tell me something.

i got the record and proceeded to play it over and over again to the point that it became embarrassing and a little weird. it seemed obsessive, but i was so intruiged by it. honestly, the man's lyrics reminded me so much of things that my friend who has been abducted (yes, by aliens) has told me about her experience. but something was different about this guy.

she was totally happy about what was happening to her. apparently it turns out to be some spiritually enlightening experience with beings of light who hold all the answers to the questions of the universe and she was basking in it. he, on the other hand, was not. to listen to him, it was evident that something had gone terribly wrong and he was suffering. he had been deceived, he was pissed off, miserable, and crying out to someone to help him.

that's when god told me to write him a letter. i found that request to be proposterous. i mean, what the hell was i going to say? "i listened to your record and think you've been abducted by aliens and god wants me to help you"?????? RIGHT. how i could help him i had no idea. so i put it off, and put it off, while i investigated this guy and his band.

turns out they have a quite intense following, and their fans are also fairly obsessed with trying to find out what this guy is singing about. the band even went so far as to make a short film, that was very obscure and symbolic, of what, there were theories all over the place, none confirmed. the fans would speculate on these things on the band's message board and when confronted, the lyricist would refuse to answer and reveal the meaning. he would though say that what he was singing about was his life.

so while i'm out there looking for some explanation of what i was hearing, it was released in the press that the lyricist/vocalist was ill. he had something wrong with his throat and had to cancel the remainder of their tour. then god told me to send him flowers. i hadn't even sent the damn letter yet, and i had no idea how in the hell i would send a rock star flowers. it's not like i could get his address. it just seemed like such an insane request.

so i'm driving to work one afternoon, and god says, "hobby lobby has silk flowers." and i was like, "oh my god, that's it! i can send silk flowers to the band's PO box!" so i went to hobby lobby. god was instructing me the whole time. told me which flowers to buy, what vase to buy. when i got home he told me what each type of flower was symbolic of, and how to arrange them.

so after the arrangement was made, i sat down to write a little "get well soon" note to go with them, and seven paragraphs of beautiful poetry came out of me. i've never ever written poetry or anything else even remotely creative in my life. i'm an accountant for god's sake. i was stunned. i was extremely excited. i knew i was not the author of what had just been written, i was simply the one holding the pen.

after i sent those off, god gave me an extremely weird, to the point of being disturbing, message. he told me that this lyricist was my childhood imaginery friend joey spagota. yes, i did have an imaginery friend as a child and that was the name that my dad and i came up with for him. i tried like hell to put this message out of my mind because it was so nonsensical, but i kept thinking about joey my little play mate, and as i did, another writing was formed.

it was while i was transcribing this writing, which was also to be a letter to the lyricist, that i observed physical manifestations of a spirit inhabiting my body and transcendental writing. it was also during this writing that i had my first interaction with two other spirits (one of whom i received a physical sensation from).

i was also instructed during the writing to put it down and go get my bible and read the book of revelations (which i hadn't touched in years). when i got to the story about the woman and the dragon, the spiritual interaction occured.

i felt a sensation like mild electricity on my upper arms. i became aware somehow that there were two beings standing in front of me. i asked, "______, is that you?" speaking to the lyricist that i had been writing to, assuming that since all this weird shit had to do with him...and as soon as i asked, the sensation on my arms intensified dramatically. the sensation when up my arms, my neck, and resided on my face. i felt like it was a spiritual kiss. it was over in 3 minutes. not like i timed it, but i got that from the guy's lyrics from a later record.

then i received a shitload of prophecy revelation that felt like a wind blowing through my mind.

it was when i was set to mail off the second letter that the stationary started morphing around on my coffee table all on it's own. i took it as a sign that i was not to mail the letter and so i did not.

ok, so that's a little bit of it. :eek:
You believe they were involved.

Again, how can you decipher anything from their vids. They are a mess, they have no meaning whatsoever. They are purposely vague and without meaning so to distract from having to have any serious thought or meaning.

that's the thing jpappl. they mean something to me because they are describing an experience that i actually had. :eek: