Wicked thoughts

man, i couldn't have seen this coming in a million years. that's why it was so hard for me to deal with at first. i just simply don't have the imagination it would take to dream some trippy stuff like this up. there's no way.

i'm not trying to be vague. i'll tell you some specifics ok? it all started with a record. i had heard a song on the radio and liked it, and i thought "i'll have to check this band out". heard a second song off the same record on the radio and again, "wow, two great songs off the same record. gotta get it."

i was doing a bunch of traveling at the time and put it off. on my way down to panama city with some friends, the guy i was riding with had the cd in his car and we listened to it. i liked it alot and planned on buying it. didn't get around to it before i was off to italy with my mom and brother.

my brother's a guitar and bass teacher and during a layover on our way home, we were discussing music and my taste in music. he suggested that i get a particular record that a lot of his students were bringing in to learn riffs off of. it was the same record i was planning to get. so i'm like, "ok ok i'll get the record!" as if god was trying to tell me something.

i got the record and proceeded to play it over and over again to the point that it became embarrassing and a little weird. it seemed obsessive, but i was so intruiged by it. honestly, the man's lyrics reminded me so much of things that my friend who has been abducted (yes, by aliens) has told me about her experience. but something was different about this guy.

she was totally happy about what was happening to her. apparently it turns out to be some spiritually enlightening experience with beings of light who hold all the answers to the questions of the universe and she was basking in it. he, on the other hand, was not. to listen to him, it was evident that something had gone terribly wrong and he was suffering. he had been deceived, he was pissed off, miserable, and crying out to someone to help him.

that's when god told me to write him a letter. i found that request to be proposterous. i mean, what the hell was i going to say? "i listened to your record and think you've been abducted by aliens and god wants me to help you"?????? RIGHT. how i could help him i had no idea. so i put it off, and put it off, while i investigated this guy and his band.

turns out they have a quite intense following, and their fans are also fairly obsessed with trying to find out what this guy is singing about. the band even went so far as to make a short film, that was very obscure and symbolic, of what, there were theories all over the place, none confirmed. the fans would speculate on these things on the band's message board and when confronted, the lyricist would refuse to answer and reveal the meaning. he would though say that what he was singing about was his life.

so while i'm out there looking for some explanation of what i was hearing, it was released in the press that the lyricist/vocalist was ill. he had something wrong with his throat and had to cancel the remainder of their tour. then god told me to send him flowers. i hadn't even sent the damn letter yet, and i had no idea how in the hell i would send a rock star flowers. it's not like i could get his address. it just seemed like such an insane request.

so i'm driving to work one afternoon, and god says, "hobby lobby has silk flowers." and i was like, "oh my god, that's it! i can send silk flowers to the band's PO box!" so i went to hobby lobby. god was instructing me the whole time. told me which flowers to buy, what vase to buy. when i got home he told me what each type of flower was symbolic of, and how to arrange them.

so after the arrangement was made, i sat down to write a little "get well soon" note to go with them, and seven paragraphs of beautiful poetry came out of me. i've never ever written poetry or anything else even remotely creative in my life. i'm an accountant for god's sake. i was stunned. i was extremely excited. i knew i was not the author of what had just been written, i was simply the one holding the pen.

after i sent those off, god gave me an extremely weird, to the point of being disturbing, message. he told me that this lyricist was my childhood imaginery friend joey spagota. yes, i did have an imaginery friend as a child and that was the name that my dad and i came up with for him. i tried like hell to put this message out of my mind because it was so nonsensical, but i kept thinking about joey my little play mate, and as i did, another writing was formed.

it was while i was transcribing this writing, which was also to be a letter to the lyricist, that i observed physical manifestations of a spirit inhabiting my body and transcendental writing. it was also during this writing that i had my first interaction with two other spirits (one of whom i received a physical sensation from).

i was also instructed during the writing to put it down and go get my bible and read the book of revelations (which i hadn't touched in years). when i got to the story about the woman and the dragon, the spiritual interaction occured.

i felt a sensation like mild electricity on my upper arms. i became aware somehow that there were two beings standing in front of me. i asked, "______, is that you?" speaking to the lyricist that i had been writing to, assuming that since all this weird shit had to do with him...and as soon as i asked, the sensation on my arms intensified dramatically. the sensation when up my arms, my neck, and resided on my face. i felt like it was a spiritual kiss. it was over in 3 minutes. not like i timed it, but i got that from the guy's lyrics from a later record.

then i received a shitload of prophecy revelation that felt like a wind blowing through my mind.

it was when i was set to mail off the second letter that the stationary started morphing around on my coffee table all on it's own. i took it as a sign that i was not to mail the letter and so i did not.

ok, so that's a little bit of it. :eek:

Something is horribly wrong with you. I'm not kidding, see a professional.
Something is horribly wrong with you. I'm not kidding, see a professional.

something is horribly wrong with you, see a professional!

no need to be kidding.

what you do not see enmos is as she is just that tough on her stance, that is exactly what you are to me!
something is horribly wrong with you, see a professional!

no need to be kidding.

what you do not see enmos is as she is just that tough on her stance, that is exactly what you are to me!

Good for you, but I don't remember addressing you. Get lost.
Good for you, but I don't remember addressing you. Get lost.


........ i see you telling a person over and over to get professional assistance, as if you are qualified to give that kind of advice.

can you articulate anything to assist in the defining of "why"?

yet are telling someone to get help?
enmos, there is nothing wrong with me, this is just how it works ok? you guys ask for specifics. you ask for examples. you ask me to explain. i can't help if this stuff freaks you out. it freaked me out too. that doesn't mean it's not real. it's just not what you're used to hearing or experiencing yourself.
enmos, there is nothing wrong with me, this is just how it works ok? you guys ask for specifics. you ask for examples. you ask me to explain. i can't help if this stuff freaks you out. it freaked me out too. that doesn't mean it's not real. it's just not what you're used to hearing or experiencing yourself.

lori, that is what a scientific mind does; they question

point is, if you cannot define what you are experiencing objectively, then your bias is easy to identify

you lean on the per se actual experience but then practically say 'sorry, you don't have it, na na,nnnna na na"

when the reality is, neither do you!

sure you feel just like every person on earth does equally

sure you experience but so does any of consciousness

problem is, if you cannot articulate it, and willing to fib in defense; then you no better than a pope or caliph or rabbi or head hunter or even a ted haggart

both side are claiming infallibility and yet neither have the full scope or capacity to perform.

it's a common psychosis

........ i see you telling a person over and over to get professional assistance, as if you are qualified to give that kind of advice.

can you articulate anything to assist in the defining of "why"?

yet are telling someone to get help?

I already said that I'm no expert. Read the thread.
All I'm saying is that she could benefit from seeing a professional.
God tells her to buy flowers for some singer and even points out a shop where she can get some nice flowers..
You tell me, would it be a good idea to see a professional ?
lori, that is what a scientific mind does; they question

point is, if you cannot define what you are experiencing objectively, then your bias is easy to identify

you lean on the per se actual experience but then practically say 'sorry, you don't have it, na na,nnnna na na"

when the reality is, neither do you!

sure you feel just like every person on earth does equally

sure you experience but so does any of consciousness

problem is, if you cannot articulate it, and willing to fib in defense; then you no better than a pope or caliph or rabbi or head hunter or even a ted haggart

both side are claiming infallibility and yet neither have the full scope or capacity to perform.

it's a common psychosis

you don't know i don't have these experiences. that is what you'd like to believe! and just because i can't explain the spiritual realm doesn't mean it doesn't exist. and for god's sake, the moment i go, "you don't have it. na, na, na, na", please someone shoot me.

i did in fact just articulate my experience, and i am not a liar.
I already said that I'm no expert. Read the thread.
All I'm saying is that she could benefit from seeing a professional.
God tells her to buy flowers for some singer and even points out a shop where she can get some nice flowers..
You tell me, would it be a good idea to see a professional ?

now when you present it, like that

even i have to be honest and say; "you gotta point there"

it is almost like seeing 18 billion put into a hadron; that is not finding particles but creating them!

i guess it falls under the same idea of "some shit is just too stupid to even read"

"it all started with a record. i had heard a song on the radio"

When did this start, in other words starting from the beginning. What year or approxiamate year was it ?
you don't know i don't have these experiences.

i didn't say the experience was off

i am telling you the definitions are oooooops! (not opinion; fact!)

that is what you'd like to believe! and just because i can't explain the spiritual realm doesn't mean it doesn't exist. and for god's sake, the moment i go, "you don't have it. na, na, na, na", please someone shoot me.

i did in fact just articulate my experience, and i am not a liar.

the experience; i can go with............ i have experienced houses chasing me during an acid trip. I can say, i know what experiences can do to a person.

but when i was back on earth with 2 feet on the ground, then i went back to that tract to see if the houses went back to where i originally found them (not where i left them)

the point is, unless them houses were in the middle of the street waiting for me to come back; then i would have some serious splainin to figure out.....

i allow myself to look for reality when the experience is not being observed, to understand what happened.

you on the other hand have combined a whole bunch of other renditions to patch up your story and no one, no how, nothing, is going to change your mind.......

jump in line darlin............ there be a whole world of the same type!

all i ask is for each to grow

if ya don't wanna, then so be it; i am still learning and will each day

until dead!

then again, who knows maybe tomorrow, i will see god too!

"it all started with a record. i had heard a song on the radio"

When did this start, in other words starting from the beginning. What year or approxiamate year was it ?

november 2004. i must also say though that i had received revelation regarding the abduction experience and aliens prior to that...approximately 1998. it's actually why i came out here to sciforums back then. to warn people. you can imagine how that was received. :(
i didn't say the experience was off

i am telling you the definitions are oooooops! (not opinion; fact!)

the experience; i can go with............ i have experienced houses chasing me during an acid trip. I can say, i know what experiences can do to a person.

but when i was back on earth with 2 feet on the ground, then i went back to that tract to see if the houses went back to where i originally found them (not where i left them)

the point is, unless them houses were in the middle of the street waiting for me to come back; then i would have some serious splainin to figure out.....

i allow myself to look for reality when the experience is not being observed, to understand what happened.

you on the other hand have combined a whole bunch of other renditions to patch up your story and no one, no how, nothing, is going to change your mind.......

jump in line darlin............ there be a whole world of the same type!

all i ask is for each to grow

if ya don't wanna, then so be it; i am still learning and will each day

until dead!

then again, who knows maybe tomorrow, i will see god too!

i'm not on acid, nor was i when all this happened.
i'm not on acid, nor was i when all this happened.

again, you took it as if i said YOU were

it was to point out, that i am not as sensitive to interractions with my environment as you are without substances to lift the minds eye.

i would never discount a native trained in the usages as i also can entertain your experiences

it is your defining of the experience that is a joke

that is why, from me (an esoteric) to the religious, to the scientific mind; all share you have 'less than' a coherant rendition

that is exactly what i have been dealing with for a long long long time

so the steps to take are to combine knowledge to learn how to articulate

that unless the depth is both verifiable and equal among our species, then the renditions and works is incomplete

many many many have EXPERIENCED, lori (r u experienced...jh) but like in all them books the reason why the SINGLE rendition to assist all mankind to understand them same experiences equally


to stubborn to humble yourself down and learn WITH US ALL!

quick defending the YOU and think about US ALL

remember "the self" is the most horrid of

wicked thoughts
again, you took it as if i said YOU were

it was to point out, that i am not as sensitive to interractions with my environment as you are without substances to lift the minds eye.

i would never discount a native trained in the usages as i also can entertain your experiences

it is your defining of the experience that is a joke

that is why, from me (an esoteric) to the religious, to the scientific mind; all share you have 'less than' a coherant rendition

that is exactly what i have been dealing with for a long long long time

so the steps to take are to combine knowledge to learn how to articulate

that unless the depth is both verifiable and equal among our species, then the renditions and works is incomplete

many many many have EXPERIENCED, lori (r u experienced...jh) but like in all them books the reason why the SINGLE rendition to assist all mankind to understand them same experiences equally


to stubborn to humble yourself down and learn WITH US ALL!

quick defending the YOU and think about US ALL

remember "the self" is the most horrid of

wicked thoughts

oh, you're doing the same thing with your mumbo jumbo. get over yourself. if you think for one second i'm going to get the gist of the garbly gook you spew out here you're nuts. i speak like a real person. i describe experiences in a way that can be understood. i'll put my rendition up to yours anyday.
now you regress

oh, you're doing the same thing with your mumbo jumbo.
what line in that post is mumbo?

get over yourself. if you think for one second i'm going to get the gist of the garbly gook you spew out here you're nuts.

hey lori....................... i would rather offer something that can be grounded, then lie just to talk

i speak like a real person.

telling people 'i spoke to god' is what you call that?

i describe experiences in a way that can be understood. i'll put my rendition up to yours anyday.

then define life.

meaning if your god does not enable all of us to 'what is life'........... then your whole ideology is just like most; full of it!

'we the people' are mankind............. and if your beliefs in god are what you like to maintain, then OK; but when you fib, when you lie, when you render BS that is not true, that can perpetuate the BS further; knowing you are full of it; then any and all of us can rip you a new one

just for fun!

you are bound to self

and i don't have much respect for any human being that is more concerned about themselves then others

i say to anyone, please educate me; but lie to me and i own you
now you regress

what line in that post is mumbo?

not that post in particular, but i can not make heads or tails of your light/entanglement stuff, and i venture that a lot of others can't either.

hey lori....................... i would rather offer something that can be grounded, then lie just to talk

i'm not lying.

telling people 'i spoke to god' is what you call that?

do people not know what the word spoke means? to speak? i think most have a handle on that, and a concept of what god is or is supposed to be.

then define life.

i'm living it.

meaning if your god does not enable all of us to 'what is life'........... then your whole ideology is just like most; full of it!

are you trying to tell me you're not alive? LIVE. you are so hung up on your verbosity you're missing the whole point.

'we the people' are mankind............. and if your beliefs in god are what you like to maintain, then OK; but when you fib, when you lie, when you render BS that is not true, that can perpetuate the BS further; knowing you are full of it; then any and all of us can rip you a new one

well let me attest that i don't need to lie for that to happen, and i reiterate. i am not lying.

just for fun!


you are bound to self

you are bound to words.

and i don't have much respect for any human being that is more concerned about themselves then others

this whole thing happened to me because i offered to help someone, and i'm glad i did.

i say to anyone, please educate me; but lie to me and i own you

oh don't you wish.

Ok, first off thanks for sharing. I know that was not necessarily easy to do considering how some would view the experience.

Secondly I humbly suggest that you put all of this:

i'm not trying to be vague. i'll tell you some specifics ok? it all started with a record. i had heard a song on the radio and liked it, and i thought "i'll have to check this band out". heard a second song off the same record on the radio and again, "wow, two great songs off the same record. gotta get it."

i was doing a bunch of traveling at the time and put it off. on my way down to panama city with some friends, the guy i was riding with had the cd in his car and we listened to it. i liked it alot and planned on buying it. didn't get around to it before i was off to italy with my mom and brother.

my brother's a guitar and bass teacher and during a layover on our way home, we were discussing music and my taste in music. he suggested that i get a particular record that a lot of his students were bringing in to learn riffs off of. it was the same record i was planning to get. so i'm like, "ok ok i'll get the record!" as if god was trying to tell me something.

i got the record and proceeded to play it over and over again to the point that it became embarrassing and a little weird. it seemed obsessive, but i was so intruiged by it. honestly, the man's lyrics reminded me so much of things that my friend who has been abducted (yes, by aliens) has told me about her experience. but something was different about this guy.

she was totally happy about what was happening to her. apparently it turns out to be some spiritually enlightening experience with beings of light who hold all the answers to the questions of the universe and she was basking in it. he, on the other hand, was not. to listen to him, it was evident that something had gone terribly wrong and he was suffering. he had been deceived, he was pissed off, miserable, and crying out to someone to help him.

In the category of coincendental.

The reason is, it's not that unusual at all. Many people myself included get obsessed over music, if they do a good job of it that's what they hope will happen. Then people will promote them and buy more albums when the next one comes out.

The lyrics reminded you, but again, his lyrics are vaque and it could mean something totally different in his mind. It's also very common for people to try to find hidden meaning in the lyrics because they are intentionally done so.

Pink Floyd the Wall for example.

I am a song writer and guitarist. I used to write songs that were very frank and to the point.

I now write songs that are more elusive and gray. It allows the listener to find a place to fit in the song as opposed to feeling that fingers are being pointed.

turns out they have a quite intense following, and their fans are also fairly obsessed with trying to find out what this guy is singing about. the band even went so far as to make a short film, that was very obscure and symbolic, of what, there were theories all over the place, none confirmed. the fans would speculate on these things on the band's message board and when confronted, the lyricist would refuse to answer and reveal the meaning. he would though say that what he was singing about was his life.

It's a good tactic and he is not the first to do so.

The statements below

it was evident that something had gone terribly wrong and he was suffering. he had been deceived, he was pissed off, miserable, and crying out to someone to help him. that's when god told me to write him a letter

was ill. he had something wrong with his throat and had to cancel the remainder of their tour. then god told me to send him flowers

god was instructing me the whole time. told me which flowers to buy, what vase to buy. when i got home he told me what each type of flower was symbolic of, and how to arrange them.

so after the arrangement was made, i sat down to write a little "get well soon" note to go with them, and seven paragraphs of beautiful poetry came out of me. i've never ever written poetry or anything else even remotely creative in my life. i'm an accountant for god's sake

after i sent those off, god gave me an extremely weird, to the point of being disturbing, message. he told me that this lyricist was my childhood imaginery friend joey spagota. yes, i did have an imaginery friend as a child and that was the name that my dad and i came up with for him. i tried like hell to put this message out of my mind because it was so nonsensical, but i kept thinking about joey my little play mate, and as i did, another writing was formed.

Were you or are you infatuated with Trent ? Were you are you in love with him or his persona ?

And this,

it was while i was transcribing this writing, which was also to be a letter to the lyricist, that i observed physical manifestations of a spirit inhabiting my body and transcendental writing. it was also during this writing that i had my first interaction with two other spirits (one of whom i received a physical sensation from).

i felt a sensation like mild electricity on my upper arms. i became aware somehow that there were two beings standing in front of me. i asked, "______, is that you?" speaking to the lyricist that i had been writing to, assuming that since all this weird shit had to do with him...and as soon as i asked, the sensation on my arms intensified dramatically. the sensation when up my arms, my neck, and resided on my face. i felt like it was a spiritual kiss. it was over in 3 minutes. not like i timed it, but i got that from the guy's lyrics from a later record.

There are signs of an anxiety like attack. I had one once, it felt out of body as well. Not too unsimilar to yours. But I understood the source of mine as being very earthly.

i was also instructed during the writing to put it down and go get my bible and read the book of revelations (which i hadn't touched in years). when i got to the story about the woman and the dragon, the spiritual interaction occured.

You know they almost didn't put that book in the bible. It was a toss up, they decided to add it because they wanted a good ending !

it was when i was set to mail off the second letter that the stationary started morphing around on my coffee table all on it's own. i took it as a sign that i was not to mail the letter and so i did not.

If you weren't on mind altering drugs, then you should see a professional about it for testing. I am not making any judgements, but if I were you I would. I am not saying your crazy, but they might find a cause.

You have been very brave in telling me what you experienced because there are those who would call you a liar, or nuts or whatever and that is not what I want to come accross.

But it's not everyday that people experience this last part. The other parts are explainable with more help and information from you. But this last part is something beyond that and if it were me, I would think I was going crazy and seek out help from those who could either understand and treat it, or tell me they could find nothing wrong with me.

They may be others who experience something similar and have identified what causes it.

I would want to know as much as I could about the state of myself if things started moving about the table on their own.

Thanks for sharing that is indeed very interesting.

I have another question. How did you come to end up on the vids ?

You said you were an accountant ?
I would want to know as much as I could about the state of myself if things started moving about the table on their own.

maybe ;)
not that post in particular, but i can not make heads or tails of your light/entanglement stuff, and i venture that a lot of others can't either.
that is what i am learning how to do, share what them properties are into words that can assist others.

if all people just said; "ooo that is too much", then rocket science would never have occurred

you can't build a computer from scratch either, others know far more than you do; doesn't mean you say, "well god told me to plug it in and tap the keys'

think of what a physics professor must go thru trying to teach his students a particle is neither a wave or particle but both ideas apply in certain frames.

It doesn't mean the conveyance is perfect, but they are trying to share a real set of observable, repeatable and experimental evidence; into words/math/appicability and for comprehension.

Lori, you don't care about us, or how people can learn what you experienced; you want people to just accept what you say and live with it.

well i don't as i know magic, omnipotence and all that 'talking to god' crap are all lies; unequivocally!

as unless every person on this earth, can talk to god, then your belief is simply an opinion based on something that occurred but you too ignorant to be able to articulate it;

and just don't care to even learn how!

talk about a jerk................ anyone too selfish to be fair and honest with us equally is more that a jerk!