Wicked thoughts

just what it says...whatever it takes.

Does this mean trying to start the collapse ? or help it along ?

what should we do? build another church? light another candle? sing another song? elect the "right" politician this time. come on...

We don't give up first off. We keep trying secondly.

i don't assume that. it's just different. or really, it's rather the same. that's the thing...the suffering has been going on for as long as we know our history here on earth. but now, in this time, the impact of evil and the potential for destruction, are quite escalated.

Well this is where I disagree with the premise that it so bad and is getting worse. People have been saying the same things for thousands of years and yet we keep chugging along ignoring those who have predicted it. But they don't ignore it because they are stupid and unaware, they just don't believe it.

I would say that our greatest risk for not surviving as a species was when our numbers were small in comparison. Where an illness could have ended us and the lions, tigers and bears would have ruled.

We may take a huge hit at some point from some source but I just don't believe in end times.

“ You are not more special or less special then me or anyone else. ”

i know that. why would you say that?

Nothing you have said specifically, it's more from a self centered vision that I see you have. In other words, the world is going to end so it must happen in my lifetime because I must be here to see it. Self importance in other words.

It is hard to imagine ourselves as fairly meaningless to the history of the world. But to your friends and family and others you may help along the way in the present you are not meaningless and they would surely miss you not being there.

i'm not giving up. i have to live in this world every day and i do. i'm doing the best i can


i do. i have a very fulfilling life. i'm not sure where this impression of me is coming from. just because i see the bad in the world doesn't mean i don't see the good. just because i think we'll see the end in this lifetime doesn't mean i'm cowering in some corner crying and wailing. i have a great life. i'm very blessed.

Well I guess the impression comes from thinking the end of the world is coming and in your lifetime.

“ We will be here when you and I are gone, if you want to maintain your self induced nightmarish vision of the world then be prepared for a lot of disappointment as the years pass. ”

it's not self-induced, and i really shouldn't have to argue this point unless you live in a cave and are isolated from world events.

I don't live in a cave, I see the same horrible things go on but I also see the great things. The reason that I felt you were contradicting yourself and being hypocrytical is that you are saying we must have the best intentions in our thoughts and desires but you want to see the world end to cleanse our suffering. But your speaking for us all as if you know how the rest of us feel about the world we live in.

If we understand there is bad along with the good and we should keep fighting for the less fortunate to make the world a better place and don't want to give up our lives here on earth because there is much to do to create a better world. Who are you to say we are wrong and that we should just give up because it's going to happen.

You can't simultaneously say both things exist in your mind. Which is it, fight the good cause here or not.

“ Because it's not going to happen. You will wake up one day and find you wasted your life away for nothing. ”

i'm not wasting my life. where in the world is this coming from????? i'm a very productive person. i don't understand.

I guess it appears that you are somewhat fixated on the end times. I could be wrong about that but that is what I have understood from some of your posts. If I am wrong let me know. But if you are and you were my best friend I would try to get you to change that opinion and to try and see the good and enjoy your life here on earth. That's all.

Many people waste their life away because they se no hope.

You obviously care but at what point does it start to affect you in a negative way.

“ I'm sorry but I don't appreciate the ramblngs of end of the world soothsayers. ”

ramblings. this is my opinion, and it's quite disrespectful of you to purposely carry on a lengthy discussion with me, and just because you don't like or agree with my point of view to use the word ramblings to describe my communication. that was very rude.

It was not mean't to be rude to you but I can see that now as written, I apologize if I offended you. We have had a good conversation but as the conversation has gone on, you are making it very clear that you feel the end is the only way to solve the issues we have here on earth. I don't agree with that and I think it is an easy way out, a way to disengage.

When I hear end of the world talk from any source religious or other I tend to put a wall up because it doesn't go anywhere. Like the guy on the street corner with the sign. He isn't bringing anything to the table at that point. It ceases to be conversation between two people and turns into a one sided discussion with yourself.

In other words if you believe the world is going to end and there is nothing that will change that, what's the point ?
The end is coming!

In a mere 1,000,000,000 years or so the planet will die!

Repent sinner!!!
Does this mean trying to start the collapse ? or help it along ?

We don't give up first off. We keep trying secondly.

Well this is where I disagree with the premise that it so bad and is getting worse. People have been saying the same things for thousands of years and yet we keep chugging along ignoring those who have predicted it. But they don't ignore it because they are stupid and unaware, they just don't believe it.

I would say that our greatest risk for not surviving as a species was when our numbers were small in comparison. Where an illness could have ended us and the lions, tigers and bears would have ruled.

We may take a huge hit at some point from some source but I just don't believe in end times.

Nothing you have said specifically, it's more from a self centered vision that I see you have. In other words, the world is going to end so it must happen in my lifetime because I must be here to see it. Self importance in other words.

It is hard to imagine ourselves as fairly meaningless to the history of the world. But to your friends and family and others you may help along the way in the present you are not meaningless and they would surely miss you not being there.


Well I guess the impression comes from thinking the end of the world is coming and in your lifetime.

I don't live in a cave, I see the same horrible things go on but I also see the great things. The reason that I felt you were contradicting yourself and being hypocrytical is that you are saying we must have the best intentions in our thoughts and desires but you want to see the world end to cleanse our suffering. But your speaking for us all as if you know how the rest of us feel about the world we live in.

If we understand there is bad along with the good and we should keep fighting for the less fortunate to make the world a better place and don't want to give up our lives here on earth because there is much to do to create a better world. Who are you to say we are wrong and that we should just give up because it's going to happen.

You can't simultaneously say both things exist in your mind. Which is it, fight the good cause here or not.

I guess it appears that you are somewhat fixated on the end times. I could be wrong about that but that is what I have understood from some of your posts. If I am wrong let me know. But if you are and you were my best friend I would try to get you to change that opinion and to try and see the good and enjoy your life here on earth. That's all.

Many people waste their life away because they se no hope.

You obviously care but at what point does it start to affect you in a negative way.

It was not mean't to be rude to you but I can see that now as written, I apologize if I offended you. We have had a good conversation but as the conversation has gone on, you are making it very clear that you feel the end is the only way to solve the issues we have here on earth. I don't agree with that and I think it is an easy way out, a way to disengage.

When I hear end of the world talk from any source religious or other I tend to put a wall up because it doesn't go anywhere. Like the guy on the street corner with the sign. He isn't bringing anything to the table at that point. It ceases to be conversation between two people and turns into a one sided discussion with yourself.

In other words if you believe the world is going to end and there is nothing that will change that, what's the point ?

This is a transition. The end of one age and the beginning of another. I honestly think that what I've been through will somehow help some people through the transition.
This is a transition. The end of one age and the beginning of another. I honestly think that what I've been through will somehow help some people through the transition.

The end means the end.

How are you going to help someone transition ?

You stated earlier that it would not be gods will but of our own doing. Are you saying that you would help them seek god ?

I am little confused as you also said that you were not religious.

I can understand someone believing in god but not a particular religion. In fact that makes more sense to me even though I am atheist/agnostic.

But those who claim they know the way and the only way are backing their religious teachings as the only way.
This is a transition. The end of one age and the beginning of another. I honestly think that what I've been through will somehow help some people through the transition.

The real end times will have no transition!

The Sun will swell in the sky! The earth will BURN to a cynder. Its orbit will decay and it will plunge in to the SUN and be vaporized forever gone!!!

Repent now sinner! The end times are upon us in only 1,000,000,000 years or so!!!
Its orbit will decay and it will plunge in to the SUN and be vaporized forever gone!!!

The Earth will be lifeless long before that. Before getting engulfed by the suns outer layer it will get hotter and hotter here until the rivers and oceans evaporate.
And actually, it's orbit will widen ;)

In about 5,000,000,000 years.
The end means the end.

Well then I'm not talking about the end. I'm talking about some being birthed into a new kingdom.

How are you going to help someone transition ?

Not me but what's happened to me (spiritual stuff). Like from a witnessing standpoint. You know how a lot of people are always screaming for proof? Well I got some.

You stated earlier that it would not be gods will but of our own doing. Are you saying that you would help them seek god ?

It'll be both. Nothing happens outside gods will. And I'm not gonna preach if that's what you mean. God's not hard to find. Deciding whether you want to know apparently is.

I am little confused as you also said that you were not religious.

I know religious people talk of some of the same things but that's not where I'm getting this stuff. If I told most religious people what happened to me and what it means they'd think I was possessed or influenced by evil (this has been tested). They won't be any more happy with what I have to say than anyone else, maybe less.

I can understand someone believing in god but not a particular religion. In fact that makes more sense to me even though I am atheist/agnostic.

But those who claim they know the way and the only way are backing their religious teachings as the only way.

Its just what happened to me is all. I can't help what it means. And actually this same message has been told in many different ways throughout time.
The real end times will have no transition!

The Sun will swell in the sky! The earth will BURN to a cynder. Its orbit will decay and it will plunge in to the SUN and be vaporized forever gone!!!

Repent now sinner! The end times are upon us in only 1,000,000,000 years or so!!!

I'm not talking about the end of the planet, but the end of society as we know it.
What is your proof ?

There are other people involved in what's happened to me. They actually did it to me on purpose for this reason. And its been witnessed and documented without any physical corraboration whatsoever.
but i do think that the plan is for us to know good and evil. i think that choice is a huge thing. free will.

I wonder if you see the contradiction in this statement. If god planned for us to know good and evil, then coming to know good and evil wasn't a "free will" thing but a part of this gods plan.
I wonder if you see the contradiction in this statement. If god planned for us to know good and evil, then coming to know good and evil wasn't a "free will" thing but a part of this gods plan.

Well what are you going to do with your knowledge?
There are other people involved in what's happened to me. They actually did it to me on purpose for this reason. And its been witnessed and documented without any physical corraboration whatsoever.

What do you mean, witnessed and documented without any physical corraboration ?
They can apparently astral project, which I have never done, and know very little about.

Who are they ?

Your friends ? or god, if they were talking gods ?

Now it's getting weird.

You said proof ?

You know what that means when asking others to believe what you are saying, correct ?

I mean, wouldn't you expect me to prove that I was visited by an alien.

Extrodinary claims require extrodinary evidence. Whenever a previous unknown is claimed the proof has to be definitive.
The Earth will be lifeless long before that.

Before what? plunging into the sun? Sure. We go lifeless in between .5 and 1 billion years by the estimates I've seen and we plunge into the sun when the "surface" engulfs us and wears down our orbital speed. 5 billion seems fine but really who will care by then?

And actually, it's orbit will widen

That I hadn't heard before, what is the resaoning behind a widening orbit?
Well then I'm not talking about the end. I'm talking about some being birthed into a new kingdom.

Like moving to England while you are pregnant?

(spiritual stuff)

That might be a bit vague.

You know how a lot of people are always screaming for proof? Well I got some.

Yes, you've said that. We are now looking for the actual proof part.

God's not hard to find. Deciding whether you want to know apparently is.

Actually that was the easy part. I seek the truth, where ever it takes me. If your god is not true, then we probably won't see eye to eye.

They won't be any more happy with what I have to say than anyone else, maybe less.

As long as its true, we will eventually find agreement.

Its just what happened to me is all. I can't help what it means. And actually this same message has been told in many different ways throughout time.

Experience can be odd stuff. It can be internal, external, a mix. It can be mistaken for one thing when it is something else. Having the experience is just the beginning. Understanding the experience and then figuring out how to convey that understanding in a valid and replaceable manner, that is the stuff which can move the world.