Why must people hate Islam?

Michael you have a clear problem.

You think that if someone claims they are right about something, would automatically make them racist...

I am 100% confident and believe that the Federal Reserve System is immoral, unethical, and a criminal organization. But I am in no means a racist towards those who do not think the same way as me... I can say they are all wrong, but still I'm not being a racist...

Peace be unto you ;)
Michael you have a clear problem.

You think that if someone claims they are right about something, would automatically make them racist...

I am 100% confident and believe that the Federal Reserve System is immoral, unethical, and a criminal organization. But I am in no means a racist towards those who do not think the same way as me... I can say they are all wrong, but still I'm not being a racist...

Peace be unto you ;)
As I said, it's like someone changing their skin color - not likely to happen.

I don't like strawberry ice cream. My opinion of it is it doesn't taste nice. I'd be an intolerant twit if I started teaching my children that there was something wrong with and flawed with people who did like the taste.

I'm curious. Some Christians teach their children that the Qur'an was inspired by Satan. They teach their children that Muslims have been led away from the Truth. Led away from God by the Deceiver Satan. They tell their kids that Muslims have rejected Jesus the Messiah and so they will burn in Hellfire for eternity. They teach their kids that Muslim beliefs are Satanic. Islam is Evil. That Muslims are violent because they follow Satan. That Mohammad was possibly possessed by Satan and that the Qur'an is a false book of lies. And that this is why God has turned away from the Islamic nations and why they are backwards a repressed. Muslims are being punished for following the ways of Satan.

Do you think this is good 786? I'm not a Christian but I know for a fact that such an example would be pretty much right on the money. So? What are your thoughts?

Suppose that sometime in the future, Mecca was conquered by Scientologists. They taught that the Qur'an was flawed and where the Kabaa once stood, now in its place was a large statue to the Alien Emperor Xenu (whom Scientologists worshiped). Muslims were no longer allowed to enter Mecca as this was now the Xenunic sacred Temple city.
What would you think of this?
Your example is NOT right on the money...

Your liking of strawberry is different then knowing that Federal Reserve System is criminal. There is a difference between knowing, or at least assuming to know, then to like and dislike something.

Peace be unto you ;)
Your example is NOT right on the money...

Your liking of strawberry is different then knowing that Federal Reserve System is criminal. There is a difference between knowing, or at least assuming to know, then to like and dislike something.

Peace be unto you ;)
Maybe the Federal Reserve System is criminal? I'm open to the possibilty you may indeed be correct. I don't think that's the case. I'm sure the Federal Reserve System helps to ensure that the wealthy elite remain wealthy elites but I'm sure they've seen to it long ago that the laws favor them. Which is why I'm hoping a depression will bring out the pitchforks and fire :)

So, yes 786, it is possible you may be correct - even if as of now I'm leaning you are wrong.

Now, what about the Qur'an 786? I think it was made up and was not inspired by any God. Is that possible 786? Is it possible I could be correct?

I was still curious as to if you think the manner in which some Christians teach their children about the evil that is Islam - well, is that good 786?

Also, suppose (you are able to make a supposition?) that sometime in the future, Mecca was conquered by Scientologists. They taught that the Qur'an was flawed and where the Kabaa once stood, now in its place was a large statue to the Alien Emperor Xenu (whom Scientologists worshiped). Muslims were no longer allowed to enter Mecca as this was now the Xenunic sacred Temple city.
What would you think of this?
I'm not starting the worthless crap about possibilities.

My response was about racism.... you're going in circles about possibilities... having a staunch worldview doesn't make you racist...

Peace be unto you ;)
I'm not starting the worthless crap about possibilities.

My response was about racism.... you're going in circles about possibilities... having a staunch worldview doesn't make you racist...

Peace be unto you ;)
Actually it does. You see, when people hold a staunch worldview that Whites are the superior race - well, we call that bigotry. WASPs are therefor called bigots.

Now, in the past this was probably a pretty good thing. I mean, go back 100 years ago and pretty much everyone thought White people were superior in pretty much every way, including their religion of Christianity, to anyone else. Albeit the Japanese did give them pause for thought.

You see, we now think this line of reasoning is immoral.

So, 786, you didn't tell me what you thought about Christians teaching their children that the Qur'an is the work of Satan and Mohammad was his bitch? I mean, you probably think it's OK for you to teach people that the Bible is flawed? Surely you then must think it's right and good to teach children that Muslims are under the spell of Satan and Islam is evil. I mean, why else would Muslim nations be so violent? Satan. Right? It's all Satan.

Me, I think this is wrong. But, then again, I think WASP mentality is wrong as well.
So, why do people hate Islam? For the same sort of reasons they hate any other bigotry. Speaking of which, here's something interesting I came across. It actually fits with something SAM posted a long time ago.

In the 7th century, and over the course of at least 16 years (several decades in the case of some provinces), the Sassanid Empire was overthrown by the Arabs. Although the administration of the state was rapidly Islamicized and subsumed under the Umayyad Caliphate, "there was little serious pressure" exerted on newly subjected peoples to adopt Islam. Islamic jurists considered only Muslims to be perfectly moral, and "unbelievers might as well be left to their inequities, so long as these did not vex their overlords."

Boyce, Mary (1979), Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-415-23903-6 (note to catalogue searchers: the spine of this edition misprints the title "Zoroastrians" as "Zoroastians", and this may lead to catalogue errors)
Is this the way you think 786? Are only Muslims perfectly moral and all others not so?

I'm sure Xenu does not exist.
However, I will concede that it's possible Xenu does actually exist.

I'm equally as sure that Goddesses and Gods do not exist either.
However, I will concede that yes it's possible they do actually exist.

Think about our friend the WASP. Mr WASP thinks White people are the superior race. Mr. WASP doesn't preach violence, he just teaches his kids that God only loved White people and non-White people will burn in hell with all the other lesser animals God created for Mr. WASP and his fellow WASPy friends amusement.

Now, if I say to Mr. WASP: "Mr. WASP, is it possible that just maybe non-White people are equal to White people?" And then Mr. WASP says: Yes, it very well may be possible that non-White people are indeed equal with Whites". I'd say Mr. WASP has just put one step in a positive direction. BUT, if Mr. WASP says: Look Michael, I have a staunch worldview that deems Whites superior. Now, I aint looking to do no pestern with non-Whites. Leave-em be. But Iza sure Whites is superior. Huck Huck Huck... Well, I'd have to say to Mr. WASP: Don't bitch when people say they Hate White Supremacy. Expect them to. Actually expect them to attack you and your intolerant belief until it no longer exists. Or only lurks in the shadows with all the other muck.

Think about exactly why people do hate White Supremacy.

Societies are progressing past your belief system Mr. WASP. With or without you and whether you like it or can't stand it. Now, I don't make the rules Mr. WASP - but this is just the way things got to go. So, you'll have to live with it, because it's going to continue to be like this until your intolerant ideology is itself changed. Which we can see happening each and every day :)

Thank Xenu ;)
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Wrong, the Nazis believed the divide was racial.

the same thing nazi-germans are doing with palestinians; the gaza (concentration camp)

Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that Jews were an inferior race and that by intermarrying with Germans they were destroying the German race too.

name a jew that intermarries with a muslim (both just people)

Since you say some Jews boycotted Germany for electing a racist leader,
i didn't say, i posted a link to a news article sharing that the judiastic synagogues declared war on Germany years before ww2 started any type of isolating of people.

do you think that boycott justified Germany's attempt to exterminate the Jews?
no, but at least WE ALL CAN SEE, it was not random hate like many have been lead to believe.

ie.. some histories believed, are BS

If so, wouldn't 9/11 justify an attempt by America to exterminate the Muslims?

you can justify bigotry anyway you like; don't make it right

i consider 911 a phone call from the oppressed because the utter lines are all too busy to give a shit

and now almost 10 years later and still, just by judging from your post, many american's are as blind as a bat
There's a difference between hating Islam and not liking people who are Islamic.

Islam is like White Supremacy. There are a lot of very nice and pleasant WASPs out there. But, if you happen to be a Black person, well, it's kind of hard not to hate a WASP when they keep telling everyone the Black person will burn in hell and the Black person's culture is inferior and you kids shouldn't hang around the Black person and they refuse to shake the hand of Black people.

See, this is a problem, but, it's one we're working towards solving.


you a sick pup
having a staunch worldview doesn't make you racist...

Is that what you call it? Islam calls us non-believers "Losers" which is far more than just claiming a "staunch worldview"
I am 100% confident and believe that the Federal Reserve System is immoral, unethical, and a criminal organization.

Yes, but you also are 100% confident and believe your god exists along with a fiery lake for us "Losers" - just another delusion on your part.

I can say they are all wrong, but still I'm not being a racist...

Yet, your religion holds a special place for us "Losers" that would have us roasting for an eternity simply because you say we are all wrong.
you a sick pup
You obviously missed the point. BUT, what's good is you had this gut reaction of revulsion to notions of racial superiority.

That's a good thing Bishadi.

Just 50 years ago most White people were inclined to think they were better, in some way, than dark skinned colored people.

In 50 years time I think most people will have a gut reaction of revulsion to notions of religious superiority.

People who staunchly believe their religion is the only true path and their religious book is the only perfect book from God - well, they will be viewed just as all the other bigots are viewed. You know, we now have laws against preaching racial bigotry. It may only be a matter of time before we enact laws making the preaching of religious superiority a crime. I would NOT be for enacting such laws. IMO social ostracizing is MUCH more effective in eliminating inappropriate behavior.

Without a major paradigm shift, such as the Goddess coming to Earth herself and sorting things out, then I suppose societies will automatically come to the conclusion that religious superiority is immoral.

Just imagine, in the USA, many Christians now think there are many paths to God and being a christian is just one of them. :eek: Yeah, that's great progress in only a single generation. Even half a generation.
IMO social ostracizing is MUCH more effective in eliminating inappropriate behavior.

Not to be perverse but it hasn't worked for Jews or atheists