Why must people hate Islam?

while you were alive?

why would anyone try and use, what a history book says to support TODAY's atrocities?

I can tell you don't really understand. Jews have learned from the past, say couple thousand years that they're better off not being in the trust of anyone, because it leads to massive abuse. Jews arriving in the ME saw the repugnant ways in which their coreligionists were treated by the Islamic majority, and even the Christian minority, which were also ironically dhimmis themselves. They took steps to become independent, which were fanatically resisted as a challenge to what had been perceived as religious orthodoxy in the ME for that same period. Hence today. It isn't a justification, but an explanation.

you should stop tapping keys and take notes....

in both posts, you put up BS to side track giving a direct answer

stay focused

I have excellent focus. For example, you are a fool. Why is your interest suddenly money and not morality?
because 'we the people' paid for it

They didn't need 3 or 30 billion dollars of weapons to attack Gaza. In fact, if it weren't for the deterence of the Israeli military, they would have had to fight even more visciously against several enemy nations resulting in millions dead. Leaving Israel to die at the hands of radical Islamic scum is not a viable option.
I can tell you don't really understand. Jews have learned from the past, say couple thousand years that they're better off not being in the trust of anyone,

no person is born jew

each human being had to learn all that distrust and hate

kind of like blacks in america.... many WERE taught, that whitie is the bad guy, when in reality and over time they stepped out of the mold realizing, they equal (by law, reality and against what any bigot tries to tell them)

people can learn to be human before the BS of beliefs, as it is natural

ie... many kids play together, no matter the race, until their parents drag them away and tell them something stupid

because it leads to massive abuse.
the lies do

Jews arriving in the ME saw the repugnant ways in which their coreligionists were treated by the Islamic majority, and even the Christian minority, which were also ironically dhimmis themselves.


all three have shared jeruselem for a long long time (the complex has been mixed since the muslims took hold; that is more proof of the EQUALITY nature of islam)

They took steps to become independent,
like what, put fences up

created a concentration camp

remove voting rights to a huge portion of the population

and now, surrounding the mount and trying to find ANYTHING (reason) to forcefully occupy the dome

when them religious ortho's have been rubbing elbows for 100's of years side by side

I have excellent focus. For example, you are a fool. Why is your interest suddenly money and not morality?

you not only don't have any focus (the thread is on why people hate israel)

ooops (hate islam)

and the money issue is tha I want our money back

'we the people' (american's) don't do religious divided STATEs

either the dividing fools step back and use compassion over the 'chosen ones' mentality of "right to the land by god" (of a religious belief)

or stop funding the machine underwriting the divide.

Equality is my moral foundation while you using some history book to show why they deserve to continue.

i will bet there are more muslims born, living and of that very land, then the count of jews occupying and their bloodline.

and if you want to go back into history, then grab deuteronmy and find, MOSES (per beliefs) wrote, that god said 'do not cross the jordan' (they took the golan 67')

so you can't produce anything further back on the subject (clear enough)
They didn't need 3 or 30 billion dollars of weapons to attack Gaza. In fact, if it weren't for the deterence of the Israeli military, they would have had to fight even more visciously against several enemy nations resulting in millions dead. Leaving Israel to die at the hands of radical Islamic scum is not a viable option.

and why is iran or any nation, population or human being claiming to wipe israel 'off the map'?

it sure aint that the quran told them too

it is because some folks around the world are not like you (believing)

hey, you can post up what ever you like

i hate the whole subject, personally

because i know, that unless something puts the fools in check

nothing but a full blow fireworks show will unfold

and if one western backed plane, bomb, drone, or mysterious asteroid accidently fell onto the russian scientists within iran.....

the UN nuclear watch dog himself said

DUBAI — Amid media reports about an imminent military strike against Iran over its nuclear program, the UN nuclear atomic watchdog chief warned that an attack on Tehran would turn the Middle East into a fireball.
"A military strike (against Iran) would in my opinion be worse than anything else," Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said in an interview with Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television.

"It would transform the Middle East region into a ball of fire."

you can think it is all hunky dory over there

it scares the crap out of me

and i see it as; 'we the people' are the only ones who can stop it (not by pre-emptive force, but by being responsible for what has occurred)

force at this point is not an option

it will either be compassion that wins, or buy suntan lotion and popcorn
it sure aint that the quran told them too

I disagree. People that think that religious war will result in your transportation to eternal paradise are not people I would trust with nuclear weapons.
Or people who think they have been told by god how to run a country....that has nuclear weapons....
I disagree. People that think that religious war will result in your transportation to eternal paradise are not people I would trust with nuclear weapons.

funny........... as i see it, they already have the weapons and why the 'watchdog' made the statement

go back in history, they have a few russian subs (for decades)

and if religion is what you are contesting; then why would a religion claim, that building a temple and sacraficing lambs will bring in the messiah?

why did the migration even occur, if not religiously bound?

ie... you see ONE side and not the other


hey SG, if you think it is so right, then please GO there.......

because i know, that if IF, the 'gate' is leveled (just like OT says IT WILL BE), then the foundations of all three ladies (religions bound the mount) will fall apart

i rather like one side of the inevitable but i just wish there was something that could be done, to avoid it.

and you share a fine example of why it will not be stopped

about 3 years back i made a claim, that if any survive, they will be the ones who see the atrocities and when asked how they got away, the survives will all say i ran
no person is born jew


each human being had to learn all that distrust and hate

Okaaay. And?

people can learn to be human before the BS of beliefs, as it is natural

That's great. What did it have to do with my point? Explain clearly.

the lies do

Explain. What lies? And which ones lead to abuse? And why?

Sorry; it isn't.

all three have shared jeruselem for a long long time (the complex has been mixed since the muslims took hold; that is more proof of the EQUALITY nature of islam)

Bull. The Wall has been steadily encroached on for years, for example:


Read onward in the link from there. Not to mention the massive riots that occur when Israel projects any interest at all in the Temple Mount - which is their structure, by the way.

ike what, put fences up

blah blah

Unfortunately, all those things fell after the fact. Maybe, if Jews had been treated like human beings and not ghettoized for thousands of years there - as the above link also suggests - there wouldn't be any problem now.

'we the people' (american's) don't do religious divided STATEs

You mean we don't do Jewish states or we don't do Islamic ones?

and if you want to go back into history, then grab deuteronmy and find, MOSES (per beliefs) wrote, that god said 'do not cross the jordan' (they took the golan 67')

so you can't produce anything further back on the subject (clear enough)

Too bad your reference just worked for me, though, huh?

First off, your reference is a tiny bit archaic. But that's fine: Moses - as your cite says - didn't say that they couldn't have the land east of the Jordan. So - what's the problem with them having Israel, then?
why did the migration even occur, if not religiously bound?

It was cultural and practical, since it was already a home for Jews, not just religious. But the actual events and human tragedies did not logically follow from the premise of migration. Granted, if the Jews weren't there, none of this would have happened, but the situation was an outcome of complex factors.
it is a belief, not a bloodline

(error A1, that many cannot comprehend)

That's great. What did it have to do with my point? Explain clearly.
beliefs are learned

Explain. What lies? And which ones lead to abuse? And why?
that a religion is born into a person (kind of like genetically imposing speach and words into a mind)

Read onward in the link from there. Not to mention the massive riots that occur when Israel projects any interest at all in the Temple Mount - which is their structure, by the way.

old history,

then you bring up the digging that zion archeologist are doing trying to find the "ark of the covenant"

do the american indigenous allow archeologist on their ancient sites without approval?

Unfortunately, all those things fell after the fact. Maybe, if Jews had been treated like human beings and not ghettoized for thousands of years there - as the above link also suggests - there wouldn't be any problem now.

and like any culture across the EARTH, all have something to say about how they were abused......

You mean we don't do Jewish states or we don't do Islamic ones?

i am american; i don't support ANY bigotry

First off, your reference is a tiny bit archaic. But that's fine: Moses - as your cite says - didn't say that they couldn't have the land east of the Jordan. So - what's the problem with them having Israel, then?

The reference is not archaic..... it is what was written within their own beliefs but many do not observe some parts of the documentation

ie... they think, they are in zion and no one, except the messofaman, opens up shop

so from the self-chosen mentality of having a right to a land, by belief (not reality) to the intent of building a temple on occupied soil, (the mount) (hill; the word megiddo means 'the hill')

to creating the media biased desception (what you following) thru to maintianing a concentration camp oppressing peasants

all under the guise (to my congress) of creating a democratic free state

it has all been a sham
It was cultural and practical,

how so?

since it was already a home for Jews, not just religious.
ok, and the brittish accepted as many as the place could handle

but they kept coming

But the actual events and human tragedies did not logically follow from the premise of migration.
cruise liner was beached, and zionist rebels blew up the hull and engines to make sure no one could move it

the migration and influx brought in too many people for the land to sustain (the mass migration)

It is why so many palestinian ran into egypt and they closed their boarders

and then gaza were the refugees uprooted from their homes (kids staring thru the fences at while occupiers were living in the homes, their gggggggreat grand pappies built with their own hands)

Granted, if the Jews weren't there, none of this would have happened, but the situation was an outcome of complex factors.

my case in point

islam/muslims hate no one except when oppression backs them into a corner

just like any human being
Your premise the Arabs fled because the land could not sustain so many people is ridiculous. Indeed, the Arabs were attracted to the region as Jews were, mostly for economic reasons.

islam/muslims hate no one except when oppression backs them into a corner
I guess modernity is the new oppression.
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Your premise the Arabs fled because the land could not sustain so many people is ridiculous.

arabs? (moses was an arab)

do you mean palestinians?

ie... what do you think gaza is? are they just lost people, who magically blinked into a concentration camp?

no they are not, they are the peasants removed from within the borders (fences) of what is now israel
Indeed, the Arabs were attracted to the region as Jews were, mostly for economic reasons.

the palestinians raised olives from fields generations and generations old, and the occupiers, leveled them

they were there for hundreds of years before the migration (ww2)
The Palestinians in Gaza, for the most part, fled the oncoming Arab armies threatening to destroy Israel. When they define themselves as the enemy, why should Israel let them back? The ones that didn't flee still live there!
The Palestinians in Gaza, for the most part, fled the oncoming Arab armies threatening to destroy Israel.

can you share where that came from (your idea)

as any who reads history know, israel crossed into syria in a pre-emptive strike, just like they talking about with iran

israel has horsepower times 10 on iran, and israel holds a concentration camp and has created a religious state without the vote of the people (equally)

so i would not be holding too much credibility to a regime that is not only well armed but biased, incompassionate, and maintains the values of inequality, politically, religiously and rendered by clear example

When they define themselves as the enemy, why should Israel let them back? The ones that didn't flee still live there!

but not equal

none of them are equal as human beings

that is the oppression
but not equal

none of them are equal as human beings

that is the oppression

No one's perfect. Our own country has had problems with civil rights, even when black people did not (for the most part) organize into militas to kill innocent people for political purposes.
No one's perfect. Our own country has had problems with civil rights, even when black people did not (for the most part) organize into militas to kill innocent people for political purposes.

they had martin luther king (or even pres lincoln)

while the utter team had the KKK

what's your point, except side stepping (as oooosual)?

can you support your claim, that gaza is filled with willing people who left there homes to avoid the conflict?
I do not claim that, as some people in Gaza are no doubt native to that small area. It's common knowledge that a great flood of Arab refugees fled the violence. MLK never encouraged suicide bombing in the name of God and civil rights.
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I do not claim that, as some people in Gaza are no doubt native to that small area. It's common knowledge that a great flood of Arab refugees fled the violence.

what refugees?

they lived in the occupied land and became refugees, when the migrating germans, austrian, americans, russians and you name it; migratory zionist moved into their homes, land.....

MLK never encouraged suicide bombing in the name of God and civil rights.

i know, it was the KKK and bigots that imposed the cruelty

just like it was the zionist who began the terrorizing of brits who tried to stop the migration into palestine

you know, the migrates into palestine, uprooting the peasant with force....

what many see as the 'good guys' are often the most horid.

i guess you couldn't see that could you, just like in this whole debate; you can't see who the who's are of the oppression