Why must people hate Islam?

Not to be perverse but it hasn't worked for Jews or atheists
I think it has worked towards Jews in my society. I can't speak for other societies. But, many Jews are successfully integrated into society. As I understand it, many Jews are converts. The religion is being reinterpreted. IMO.

As for atheists, yes, they too are being given the smack down when they get to big for their britches. There's an article in this weeks Newsweek:
Two White Guys Walk Into a Bar …
Let's move beyond faith versus reason.

Americans are no more happy to deal with intolerant Jew as they are of intolerant Christians as they are of intolerant atheists.

I imagine that me and most Muslims want to see a somewhat similar future. As in prosperous, supportive and open-minded where people live safely and have an opportunity to try their best and be rewarded for their efforts. Most people would like to live in such societies - which is why so many Muslims migrate to Europe and "The West" as well as Japan.

The irony is that as societies obtain these ideals - they naturally tend towards agnostic and/or atheism - the evidence seems to suggest that it's a natural human condition to be skeptic.
SAM said:
IMO social ostracizing is MUCH more effective in eliminating inappropriate behavior.

Not to be perverse but it hasn't worked for Jews or atheists
You sure about that? They are pretty scarce, in places. And they seem to be inordinately devoted to "appropriate behavior", in other places, for some reason.
Because they are terrorists who want the oil of Muslims under different pretexts .
So you think that the Chinese and Thai and Philippians hate "ISLAM" because they want the oil of the Muslims? Rather simple minded don't you think? Not only that it doesn't answer the OP.

The OP was about hating Islam not about hating Muslims. Anyone can hate a person for whatever reasons. Why do they hate this ideology? That's the OP.
So you think that the Chinese and Thai and Philippians hate "ISLAM" because they want the oil of the Muslims? Rather simple minded don't you think? Not only that it doesn't answer the OP.

The OP was about hating Islam not about hating Muslims. Anyone can hate a person for whatever reasons. Why do they hate this ideology? That's the OP.
Chinese and Thai eat rats and snakes....so do you really take them seriously ?
The Filipinos are fanatic Catholics who think the pope is the representative of God on earth....can you honestly take such morons seriously ?.
Propaganda and lies make anyone hates anyone else . So many media and Administrations were and are launching a massive propaganda on both Islam and Muslims . If tomorrow the US says Islam is good the whole followers will do the same . Politics is evil these days .
Chinese and Thai eat rats and snakes....so do you really take them seriously ?
The Filipinos are fanatic Catholics who think the pope is the representative of God on earth....can you honestly take such morons seriously ?.
Propaganda and lies make anyone hates anyone else . So many media and Administrations were and are launching a massive propaganda on both Islam and Muslims . If tomorrow the US says Islam is good the whole followers will do the same . Politics is evil these days .
It seems to me there's a problem between Muslims and Thai, Chinese, Philippians, Indians, Greeks, French, Americans, Spanish, Singaporeans, numerous African nations, hell even among themselves! Could it possibly be, oh I don't know, that raising your kids with an intolerant racist-like mentality where ONLY your book is true and ONLY your God is real, just maybe might cause them to grow up into intolerant arsehole bigots that piss off everyone around them that are not Muslim?

Who's fault was it when the Taliban blew up those 2500 year old Buddhas? Something that Muslims had been trying to do for centuries but couldn't because they were so damn big - well, that is, until they got their hands on TNT. Now there's an interesting lesson to learn. Like giving matches to a mentally challenged child and letting him play with them in the house :bugeye:

I'd rather dine on rat than live next to someone who refuses to shake my hand because I'm a non-Muslim.
You sure about that? They are pretty scarce, in places. And they seem to be inordinately devoted to "appropriate behavior", in other places, for some reason.

So, has it worked?

Why do YOU think so many people from such diverse backgrounds and cultures around the globe hate Islam?

They're Americans and have no clue? Outside of America, I have never been treated differently for my religion except by nutjobs like the Shiv Sena.

Meanwhile there are more people who hate atheists and homosexuals around the globe and a whole lot more who think black people are subhuman. The inability of some people to let go of their innate racism/sexism/homophobia and cluelessness is not really a reason for me to navel gaze.
SAM said:
You sure about that? They are pretty scarce, in places. And they seem to be inordinately devoted to "appropriate behavior", in other places, for some reason.

So, has it worked?
Seems to have, if we are still talking about the same thing. Define "worked". It makes Jews and atheists scarce and invisible, which is probably a reasonable approximation to the goal, eh?
SAM said:
Why do YOU think so many people from such diverse backgrounds and cultures around the globe hate Islam?

They're Americans and have no clue? Outside of America, I have never been treated differently for my religion except by nutjobs like the Shiv Sena.
Other Muslims have.
Seems to have, if we are still talking about the same thing. Define "worked". It makes Jews and atheists scarce and invisible, which is probably a reasonable approximation to the goal, eh?

Is that the goal then? It seems to me that it works not at all, except by creating militant atheists and militant Jews. But perhaps you have a different experience.
SAM said:
Is that the goal then? It seems to me that it works not at all, except by creating militant atheists and militant Jews. But perhaps you have a different experience.
Not a different experience - we are dealing with the same information. Possibly I have fewer resentments to defend?

A nudge toward noticing what's missing - like the atheist intellectual community of Saudi Arabia - is one of the more important advantages of an ecological viewpoint.
Not at all, I lived there. Does atheism need advertising to exist? Does silencing them make them go away? In fact, the Saudi Arabian experience is a good example for my point of view over Michaels.
SAM said:
Not at all, I lived there. Does atheism need advertising to exist? Does silencing them make them go away?
There is little or no visible atheist intellectual community in Saudi Arabia. And no, that is probably not because there are no atheists.

Who cares whether they go away or not?
SAM said:
In fact, the Saudi Arabian experience is a good example for my point of view over Michaels.
Argument from personal resentments, rather than thought, does not much speak for a point of view.
There is little or no atheist intellectual community in Saudi Arabia. And no, that is probably not because there are no atheists.

Who cares whether they go away or not?

The Saudis do apparently, just as the Chinese care about Uighur Muslims or the Americans care about bearded robed individuals who sound foreign. It all comes down to Michaels claim

Michael said:
IMO social ostracizing is MUCH more effective in eliminating inappropriate behavior.

Does it work? Has their behaviour been eliminated?
SAM said:
Does it work? Has their behaviour been eliminated?
The behavior of atheists in Saudi Arabia is all but invisible. Complete success is an unreasonable standard of effectiveness.
SAM said:
Who cares whether they go away or not?

The Saudis do apparently, just as the Chinese care about Uighur Muslims or the Americans care about bearded robed individuals who sound foreign.
Now what? Are you agreeing with Michael?
No I don't think silencing an opinion is the same as changing behaviour.

Perhaps Michael [and you] are referring to making theists, specifically Muslims, go underground with their delusions? Like they do in China or the former Soviet Union?

If so, then yes I suppose one could say that Saudi Arabia is an exceptional model for the elimination of unwanted behaviour by social ostracism.
SAM said:
No I don't think silencing an opinion is the same as changing behaviour.
It is if the behavior was the expression of opinion.
SAM said:
Perhaps Michael [and you] are referring to making theists, specifically Muslims, go underground with their delusions?
I'm not - Michael was, I believe. My contribution was about the effectiveness of certain means, in that and similar endeavors.
SAM said:
If so, then yes I suppose one could say that Saudi Arabia is an exceptional model for the elimination of unwanted behaviour by social ostracism.
Yes. Along with several others.