Why must people hate Islam?

It is if the behavior was the expression of opinion.

Kinda like banning people on forums? If you don't hear the opinions, the people don't exist? I see it as the equivalent of putting fingers in both ears, closing your eyes and going lalalala :p

The Saudis are not that stupid. Just under a king who likes the status quo.

The Chinese on the other hand, seemed quite convinced it works
SAM said:
Kinda like banning people on forums? If you don't hear the opinions, the people don't exist? I see it as the equivalent of putting fingers in both ears, closing your eyes and going lalalala
The interest is not in making people nonexistent, but in making them harmless.

SAM said:
The Saudis are not that stupid. Just under a king who likes the status quo.
So? Works anyway.

SAM said:
The Chinese on the other hand, seemed quite convinced it works
The Chinese tend to abandon that means when it "fails", and send in the tanks. Since it fails rarely in China, the tanks seldom roll.
The interest is not in making people nonexistent, but in making them harmless.

By sending them underground?

So? Works anyway.

The Chinese tend to abandon that means when it "fails", and send in the tanks. Since it fails rarely in China, the tanks seldom roll.

Yeah, repression is an active state of governance when instituted as policy. Requires constant vigilance. :p
Firstly, if true those were some interesting posts in the thread link to atheistic in KSA. Banning people's behavior sends them underground - I advocate shinning a light on it and exposing it for the bigotry it is. IMO it is wrong to teach White Supremacy or Religious Supremacy. That's just the My Opinion. To a White Supremest or a Religious Supremest - well, they of course think I'm the arsehole and they're fine. Probably 99.9% of WASPs are peaceful people who simply want to live their lives making sure the White Race remains pure and their kids don't hang out with Negros and for Gods sake don't procreate with one. They certainly aren't for murdering Blacks - just moving away from them, and hey, maybe moving them back to the jungles of Africa where they can be with their own kind might be an idea. Pay them to leave or something? They share a lot of common traits with Religious Supremests.

Why were the Buddhas destroyed?
Why is one sect of Islam being banned in Indonesia and people murdered by other Muslims for belonging to it?
Why were innocent Black men strung up in trees for speaking to a White woman 50 years ago?

Can we move past the caveman traditions into the modern world?

These any many more fascinating questions will be answered in the next episode of Sciforums :p

Again, the Saudi's made it ILLEGAL to be atheist I specifically said I would NOT support that sort of thing. I am sure that the social contract will do the trick.
Again, the Saudi's made it ILLEGAL to be atheist I specifically said I would NOT support that sort of thing. I am sure that the social contract will do the trick.

Same question: where has this worked? Not with atheists, for one. I mean, we all know that atheists are godless creatures who don't believe in morality and follow satanic practices. To be pitied and rescued if their souls are not to be consigned to hell fire for all eternity.
It seems to me there's a problem between Muslims and Thai, Chinese, Philippians, Indians, Greeks, French, Americans, Spanish, Singaporeans, numerous African nations, hell even among themselves! Could it possibly be, oh I don't know, that raising your kids with an intolerant racist-like mentality where ONLY your book is true and ONLY your God is real, just maybe might cause them to grow up into intolerant arsehole bigots that piss off everyone around them that are not Muslim?

Who's fault was it when the Taliban blew up those 2500 year old Buddhas? Something that Muslims had been trying to do for centuries but couldn't because they were so damn big - well, that is, until they got their hands on TNT. Now there's an interesting lesson to learn. Like giving matches to a mentally challenged child and letting him play with them in the house :bugeye:

I'd rather dine on rat than live next to someone who refuses to shake my hand because I'm a non-Muslim.
Are you nuts or what ?.
What about the civil wars between Christians in Congo, Columbia, Ivory Coast......etc ?. Your reply is simply wrong and childish .
Buddhas are signs of ignorance and stupidity since stones are doing nothing to humans . Did you cry when they tried to destroy them ?!.
it is a belief, not a bloodline

(error A1, that many cannot comprehend)

You didn't answer the important part of my question: so what? So what? Belief, born: so what?

that a religion is born into a person (kind of like genetically imposing speach and words into a mind)

Again: so what? Where are you going with this?

old history,

then you bring up the digging that zion archeologist are doing trying to find the "ark of the covenant"

do the american indigenous allow archeologist on their ancient sites without approval?

First off, the Jews are indigenous to the region. Who exactly should they be seeking approval from? So long as their dig isn't disturbing anyone else's temple, what's the problem?

and like any culture across the EARTH, all have something to say about how they were abused......

Regrettably, this does not speak to the point, which was: Unfortunately, all those things fell after the fact. Maybe, if Jews had been treated like human beings and not ghettoized for thousands of years there - as the above link also suggests - there wouldn't be any problem now.


i am american; i don't support ANY bigotry

Well then, you should be at least as critical of Hamas as of the Israelis.

so from the self-chosen mentality of having a right to a land, by belief (not reality) to the intent of building a temple on occupied soil, (the mount) (hill; the word megiddo means 'the hill')

Hardly alone in this viewpoint, then: see "Saudi Arabia".
You didn't answer the important part of my question: so what? So what? Belief, born: so what?

Again: so what? Where are you going with this?
all ranting

First off, the Jews are indigenous to the region.
by what PROOF; the torah?

jeff, you an idiot

ie... the indigenous of north america are on reservations; does that mean they can dig under fort knox, by right?

you are one lost puppy

Regrettably, this does not speak to the point, which was: Unfortunately, all those things fell after the fact. Maybe, if Jews had been treated like human beings and not ghettoized for thousands of years there - as the above link also suggests - there wouldn't be any problem now.

no hoax about the people born in palestine now being treated like criminals by the german blooded nazis (anyone with eyes can see that)
Well then, you should be at least as critical of Hamas as of the Israelis.

i don't like any violence between people

and you are biased on the BS as if history, that ONE side deserves the right, based on a religious book

Hardly alone in this viewpoint, then: see "Saudi Arabia".

what does the saudis, living on profit from the business of oil have to do with

so from the self-chosen mentality of having a right to a land, by belief (not reality) to the intent of building a temple on occupied soil, (the mount) (hill; the word megiddo means 'the hill')

you a trip doooood
all ranting

Well why are you ranting, then? What for?

by what PROOF; the torah?

You just cited it yourself. I think the history of Cyrus corroborates at least part of their story.

jeff, you an idiot

Me idiot? Why me idiot?

ie... the indigenous of north america are on reservations; does that mean they can dig under fort knox, by right?

First you have to ask yourself whether or not these comparisons are accurate. Then you have to ask yourself what the intention of archaeological excavation around the Mount is. So what is it then? Hmm?

no hoax about the people born in palestine now being treated like criminals by the german blooded nazis (anyone with eyes can see that)

Ooooh - nice implication of Jewish people with their oppressors there. It underscores your foolishness.

and you are biased on the BS as if history, that ONE side deserves the right, based on a religious book

Wrong again. You haven't even asked what my rationale is.

what does the saudis, living on profit from the business of oil have to do with

Don't they claim religious rights to Saudi Arabia for all time? Can I go visit Mecca yet? Why or why not?
You just cited it yourself. I think the history of Cyrus corroborates at least part of their story.
but maybe's don't account for actual oppression (occuring right now)

First you have to ask yourself whether or not these comparisons are accurate.
accurate??????? you the monkey who said they indigenous to THAT LAND........ how can there be a better comparison?

Then you have to ask yourself what the intention of archaeological excavation around the Mount is. So what is it then? Hmm?
i know what it is, to find the ark of the covenant (another belief) of that very book you consider the final say on who own what

heck the indigenous to america have more right to this land, then any religious quack of any of the three religions have to palestine. (ie... religion don't make a people, the land does (it feeds you)

Ooooh - nice implication of Jewish people with their oppressors there. It underscores your foolishness.
they are the self prescribed people of GOD, as if being GOD"S CHOSEN (it is their religion)

and why, they hold themselves to no responsibility of their actions over any people and are doing what they have been taught is what GOD wants.

i call what i see, not what i feel

i know the religion (anyone can read the same thing too)

i know the people (i married one)

i can see what is occuring (anyone can read and see the same thing too)

i am not biased on the subject other than i call what i see, not what i feel (just being honest)

jeff.............. go play elsewhere
but maybe's don't account for actual oppression (occuring right now)

And you're skipping back and forth in the argument.

accurate??????? you the monkey who said they indigenous to THAT LAND........ how can there be a better comparison?

It's evident you don't know what a comparison is. Or "accurate"?

i know what it is, to find the ark of the covenant (another belief) of that very book you consider the final say on who own what

And that is literally one thing you know.

heck the indigenous to america have more right to this land, then any religious quack of any of the three religions have to palestine. (ie... religion don't make a people, the land does (it feeds you)

That's great. I'm married to a status native. When are you moving out? I'll have your stuff. Thanks.

and why, they hold themselves to no responsibility of their actions over any people and are doing what they have been taught is what GOD wants.

Massive overgeneralization.

i call what i see, not what i feel

How about calling what makes sense, or is reasonable?

jeff.............. go play elsewhere

Sorry. I like it here.

So now back to the points you didn't get to above: Unfortunately, all those things fell after the fact. Maybe, if Jews had been treated like human beings and not ghettoized for thousands of years there - as the above link also suggests - there wouldn't be any problem now.
And you're skipping back and forth in the argument.
sorry quite the opposite
the thread is on today, not what a religious book tells you

and i say, hate the oppressors not the believers or liars (deal with it)

That's great. I'm married to a status native. When are you moving out? I'll have your stuff. Thanks.
typical pig, wants more stuff

ask your bedfellow what pahana is?
Massive overgeneralization.
how much more massive you want it, you believe they have the right and i bet you aint even jewish

How about calling what makes sense, or is reasonable?
you an idiot

So now back to the points you didn't get to above: Unfortunately, all those things fell after the fact. Maybe, if Jews had been treated like human beings and not ghettoized for thousands of years there - as the above link also suggests - there wouldn't be any problem now.

we all know you using fake history to support the oppression and abuse of peasants (Gaza being held within a concentration camp)

i can be found to say;

the best way to observe an anti-christ is by watching christians


you a forked tongue deciever if i ever been in contact with one

any word mispelled there?
sorry quite the opposite
the thread is on today, not what a religious book tells you

and i say, hate the oppressors not the believers or liars (deal with it)

No, you do say to hate the believers, and whatever you determine to be "liars" or those guilty (in your mind) of "false witness". So, you're a bigot. Deal with it.

typical pig, wants more stuff

ask your bedfellow what pahana is?

Don't call me pig, bitch.

My wife never heard of the word. I looked it up. It's Hopi, shit for brains. So you think all natives are the same?

how much more massive you want it, you believe they have the right and i bet you aint even jewish

you an idiot

Save your whining. You haven't asked, and you don't know, and you don't want to know because you have your underwear tied into a knot. So STFU.

we all know you using fake history to support the oppression and abuse of peasants (Gaza being held within a concentration camp)

Hey - false witness. Do I get to persecute you now?


you a forked tongue deciever if i ever been in contact with one

any word mispelled there?

Yeah. My name, "misspelled", "deceiver", and you grammatically fucked up the use of "you" and "been".
No, you do say to hate the believers, and whatever you determine to be "liars" or those guilty (in your mind) of "false witness". So, you're a bigot. Deal with it.

i am but i will not hate a muslim/islam for any reason you ever posted

i said hate the oppressors (idiots who maintain concentration camps in our modern day era; not your history books)

Don't call me pig, bitch.

My wife never heard of the word.
did you ask? because if she is reading these posts, you may not be the same man anymore

I looked it up.
so you are she or is she a you?

It's Hopi, shit for brains. So you think all natives are the same?

i am native, i r real life from mother earth


Save your whining. You haven't asked, and you don't know, and you don't want to know because you have your underwear tied into a knot. So STFU.
so now ever clip of your posts has you in denial and/or finger pointing

emotions are cool

Hey - false witness. Do I get to persecute you now?
i said this we all know you using fake history to support the oppression and abuse of peasants (Gaza being held within a concentration camp)

and you calling me a liar?

i think you are cracking up man, take a seat and breath (innnnnnn outttttt innnnn outtttt)

you have no idea how many others are going to go thru the same thing soon enough (have you seen what is happening in the science arena?)

Yeah. My name, "misspelled", "deceiver", and you grammatically fucked up the use of "you" and "been".

i wonder how many foul words you and the dog are allowed to use before someone puts your handle on hold for a bit
Same question: where has this worked? Not with atheists, for one. I mean, we all know that atheists are godless creatures who don't believe in morality and follow satanic practices. To be pitied and rescued if their souls are not to be consigned to hell fire for all eternity.
It's working as you speak. We now have an "Black" man as POTUS. Just a couple years ago this would have been almost unthinkable, a couple decades ago impossible and a couple generations ago he'd have been a Slave.

It is now unseemly to say the word "Nigger". Or to call a black man "Boy". We do not need to outlaw the words - people of their own accord cringe, frown and look disgusted when they hear someone speak like this. EVEN if it were their Preacher. Their revulsion itself is enough to temper and modify their behavior of the Bigot. Of course with media and education we can almost completely nullify racial bigotry. Not completely and that may mean it's a predisposition arsing from our tribal past (or not) - but, things are getting better that's for sure.

No one speaks as if they "Own" their wife. If they did they'd be seen as a neanderthal thug. etc...

Was Zoroastrianism actually made illegal in Persia? I don't think it was??? BUT, the social pressure to convert to Islam produced an Islamic Iran today.

Is being a bigot turd illegal? I don't think it is? BUT, social pressure not to be one is producing a more racially tolerant society today and more so in the future.
i am but i will not hate a muslim/islam for any reason you ever posted

Nor have I asked you to do so, nor would I ask you to do so; but then again, you are an idiot, after all. Rather, I would ask you to hate the connection that is so commonly made between Islam and politics, or perhaps the reading of Islam that forces such a connection to be sought.

Oh: and don't write "Islam" or "Muslim" in small letters. Sam informs me that it's racist. Or some kind of -ist.

Then again, you did just admit to your own bigotry. Bigotry against whom, Bish?

i said hate the oppressors (idiots who maintain concentration camps in our modern day era; not your history books)

How about the oppressors of the Copts? Do you hate them? Of the Christians in Iraq? Or does it just go the one way? Do you insist on learning nothing from history? How far does your consideration of history go? Far enough to justify your prejudices?

did you ask? because if she is reading these posts, you may not be the same man anymore


so you are she or is she a you?

Explain. This is ridiculous. For lack of anything to say, you're trying to bait my wife?


i am native, i r real life from mother earth


Not the same thing as in the discussion; point disregarded.

i said this we all know you using fake history to support the oppression and abuse of peasants (Gaza being held within a concentration camp)

Wrong again. Want to try asking now?

and you calling me a liar?

You bear a lot of false witness. I'm wondering when you will stop.

you have no idea how many others are going to go thru the same thing soon enough (have you seen what is happening in the science arena?)

Is that the arena that continues to advance every day and gets millions of dollars in research support? Have you seen what is happening in that arena? It's really astounding.

i wonder how many foul words you and the dog are allowed to use before someone puts your handle on hold for a bit

It depends. If the other guy completely lacks lucidity and starts off the name-calling by describing you as a "pig" or a "dog", then I think they don't mind so much.

Or: don't want no shit don't start no shit.
Are you nuts or what ?.
What about the civil wars between Christians in Congo, Columbia, Ivory Coast......etc ?. Your reply is simply wrong and childish .
I wouldn't mind knowing more - elaborate.

Buddhas are signs of ignorance and stupidity since stones are doing nothing to humans . Did you cry when they tried to destroy them ?!.
That's your opinion. And you're an idiot so we don't expect all that much from you. I for one wonder if you're not really someones' sockpuppet? I mean, no one is really so dense.

Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.
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Nor have I asked you to do so,
it is what the thread is about. (sorry troll, i thought you knew that)

Rather, I would ask you to hate the connection that is so commonly made between Islam and politics, or perhaps the reading of Islam that forces such a connection to be sought.

what? that is exactly what you are doing, combining a belief with politics (geeze; you need more help than i thought)


Explain. This is ridiculous. For lack of anything to say, you're trying to bait my wife?
it meant, i don't believe you asked her, that you were answering for her; or that you are her (not sure which hand; but i bet its a 50/50 chance)