Why must people hate Islam?

It was a civil war, which was substantially solved with violence, which the losers now claim they want to solve through appeal to western humanitarian ideals (while continuing the violence, just in case). What a joke.
This thread should be moved to politics or history :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
Hate is the wrong word. We should not hate Islam, but simply understand it as an irrational and potentially dangerous ideology.
Some welcome questioning of premises in light of new information.

I think you know what I meant by dangerous..... I wasn't talking about questioning 'authority'... don't change the context for the word, you certainly didn't use it for that reason when referring to Islam.

Peace be unto you ;)
I think you know what I meant by dangerous.....

No, what do you mean when you say the disbelief in magical invisible beings is dangerous? Perhaps, dangerous to a psychiatrists bank account?
Is that why Germany hated Jews?

the people were germans (the divide was the religious beliefs that restricted the population; many of the who's owned the banks and businesses, and when the 'party' wanted to break the versailes treaty; they would not (opposing the politics at the time)

kind of like the 20% of israelis (within the borders) will not support a religious state (muslims will not and why the new PM wants to kick them out as well the concentration camp called GAZA exists)

same MO, by germans, once again.
Look who declared war on America before the Iraq war even began:

not interested in the tangent

Is that why America hates Muslims?

america created al queda

we armed them

we trained them

they were our allies against the russians for years and years

and when the cold war ended, the US pulled its forces back and the russians leveled villages

now them who were our allies, hate us

it aint the religion

it aint you and me (as people)

it is what our government does/did/do and are still doing

(ie... look at your blind eyes for an example)
It was a civil war, which was substantially solved with violence, which the losers now claim they want to solve through appeal to western humanitarian ideals (while continuing the violence, just in case). What a joke.


your whole approach to this is a joke

'civil war'??????????

nothing civil about the corruption and bias (ie... look at the thread title)
the people were germans (the divide was the religious beliefs that restricted the population
Wrong, the Nazis believed the divide was racial. Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that Jews were an inferior race and that by intermarrying with Germans they were destroying the German race too.

Since you say some Jews boycotted Germany for electing a racist leader, do you think that boycott justified Germany's attempt to exterminate the Jews? If so, wouldn't 9/11 justify an attempt by America to exterminate the Muslims?

america created al queda

we armed them

we trained them

they were our allies against the russians for years and years

and when the cold war ended, the US pulled its forces back and the russians leveled villages

now them who were our allies, hate us

it aint the religion

it aint you and me (as people)

it is what our government does/did/do and are still doing

(ie... look at your blind eyes for an example)
Not interested in the tangent.
So what, some of them are extremists and terrorists!
Think about it. In midevil times Pope Urban (in my opinion one of the WORST MEN TO EVER WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH) ordered a violent attack on Jeursalem to take it from the Muslims. In the process they brutally killed muslims and jews in a successful attempt to take over Jeursalem. This is now called the crusades. This is the first crusade of the holy land. Many others preceded. Many Muslims died, many Jews died. Many were taken as slaves and now the Islamic people are portrayed as evil!?! WHAT THE FUCK! This is just plain ridiculus. Why hate them, Christians basically started terrorism in religion... What do you guys think?

it sort of is , actually , is like the family fued ( not to be disrespectful ) , only its being going on for Hundreds of years , get over it

There's a difference between hating Islam and not liking people who are Islamic.

Islam is like White Supremacy. There are a lot of very nice and pleasant WASPs out there. But, if you happen to be a Black person, well, it's kind of hard not to hate a WASP when they keep telling everyone the Black person will burn in hell and the Black person's culture is inferior and you kids shouldn't hang around the Black person and they refuse to shake the hand of Black people.

See, this is a problem, but, it's one we're working towards solving.

There's a difference between hating Islam and not liking people who are Islamic.

Islam is like White Supremacy. There are a lot of very nice and pleasant WASPs out there. But, if you happen to be a Black person, well, it's kind of hard not to hate a WASP when they keep telling everyone the Black person will burn in hell and the Black person's culture is inferior and you kids shouldn't hang around the Black person and they refuse to shake the hand of Black people.

See, this is a problem, but, it's one we're working towards solving.


wow , well put!!!!!
Have you seen this?

Seen what, SAM?

The fact that you absolutely, resolutely, refuse to see more than one side to this millenia old conflict? I see that - quite outstanding, in fact...

See, the major difference between you and the rest of us on this forum, even your fellow Muslims, for the most part understand that this issue is quite complex, has been going on for hundreds of years, and will continue... Until both groups realize one simple fact - there is no simple solution, compromise is a requirement...

Now that statement will probably piss off both sides, however, being the intelligent being that you are...

Do you disagree with this statement? Do you see any possible answer not involving compromise to one degree or another?
Islam is like White Supremacy.
No it's not:

  1. White supremacy discourages intermarriage. Islam sees all races as equal.
  2. Black people can't convert to being white. Anyone can convert to Islam.
  3. Islam doesn't say all non-Muslims will go to hell. Who does or does not go to hell is known only to Allah.

You could say that Islamic extremism is like white supremacy, but that's only a fraction of Islam.
No it's not:

  1. White supremacy discourages intermarriage. Islam sees all races as equal.
  2. Black people can't convert to being white. Anyone can convert to Islam.
  3. Islam doesn't say all non-Muslims will go to hell. Who does or does not go to hell is known only to Allah.

You could say that Islamic extremism is like white supremacy, but that's only a fraction of Islam.
Does Islam see ANY other religions as equally as valid a belief system? Nope.

What does Islam suggest is the fate for Muslims who convert to atheism?

Does Islam teach Muslims to think that all other religious books and all other religions all across the world are equal to Islam or inferior to Islam and in some way flawed.

Is it the case that only the Muslims magical Qur'an is perfect and only Muslim follow the true faith or could it be that many other prophets have come before and after Mohammad and all of these other belief systems are equally as valid as Islam and all of these other religious books carry and equal amount of truth as the Qur'an?

I think as you answer these questions you'll soon discover Islam is a classic example a bigoted ideology only instead of skin color it's religious belief. And the irony is that people change their the religious belief they were raised to believe in about as often as they change the skin color they were born with - which is to say, not that often.

OK, let me just ask you this. Suppose that sometime in the future, somehow Mecca was conquered by Scientology. And where the Kabaa once stood, now in its place was a large statue to the Alien Emperor Xenu (whom Scientologist worshiped). Muslims were no longer allowed to enter the Xenu sacred Temple. What would you think of this?