Why must people hate Islam?

Thats not a problem with Islam, thats a problem with human nature [see actual democracy, actual socialism, actual secular humanism, etc]

That's complete BS of course.

But, if it were true, Islam has then failed as a religion as it did NOT take human nature into account, hence Allah was at fault.
SAM said:
In other words, it is better for them to follow what we consider right, since we don't want to follow what they consider right.
No: it is better for them to follow what they consider right, and for us to follow what we consider right - that was the situation obtaining, when they were "underground" as you put it.

And that situation seems to be agreeable to "human nature". It seems to conflict with Islam, however.
like the thread title ensues?

First, I don't think you know what "ensues" means.

Second: maybe my point has some metaphysical bearing on that central point. Or maybe it's about some kind of subtle hypocrisy by those whinging discordantly about oppression, while never considering for a moment the act of real societal oppression that goes on under the very name they defend, without reference to its usage.

Complex, isn't it? And yet so simple.
First, I don't think you know what "ensues" means.

i am not the best with words sometimes (any poll on that one?)

Second: maybe my point has some metaphysical bearing on that central point. Or maybe it's about some kind of subtle hypocrisy by those whinging discordantly about oppression, while never considering for a moment the act of real societal oppression that goes on under the very name they defend, without reference to its usage.

Complex, isn't it? And yet so simple.

no fibbing; reduce oppression

real simple

the thread title sucks

why? hmm, they siply hate it, u.s.a just need a reason so it can steal oil, and kill, and attack islamic contries and invade them, it's simple,
The question was this:

India was not a Muslim country at the time, and it was divided by religion. It was liberated by a Hindu. Had they added Jihad to the picture, their war with the UK would still be going on.

ok, in tunisia, we kicked the french asses out of our contry, tunisia at that time coorporated with algeria, and both contries were liberated, tunisia liberated after 50 years, and algeria, infortunetly, 100 years, and it lost 2 million human life so they could free their contry, but in tunisia, it was there stages, first, entering to france politics, starting to digg and digg in it, intell we started to get our freedom by time, then, the fighting stage, then the u.s.a, cause it maked a new organisation to free occupied contries, and put human rights, and give freedom to the countries, after it was under the controll of the britch, and here, tunisia won on the both sides, kicked the french asses, and kicked the "bay" ass, the bay is like a king, but he wasn't a good governor, he was a looser, and he stole the throne for him and his family for ever, when france came, they controlled him, then, tunisians, usd that case, to controll him, and kick the french, then they kicked him,

(tunisia in an islamic contry, since 1400 years) and we used all ways to get teh freedom, do you see that we are in war with france? does it have to do anything with islam? does it always have to do something with islam? do you think it's always about and because of islam? noo... not even in palastine, (but in iraq, it's a very complicated mater, iraq have many nationalities, not all arabs, like different nationalities, like you say white americans and red americans and asians americans, for example, but in iraq, kurd, arabs, shiea, etc... relegion differences, and u.s.a after it went there, it maked all those nationalities realise, and want to make their own contry, so, wars in iraq, and u.s. is the controller, also saddam was a leader, dictoric yes, but he's dictatorship was needed, cause the contry was in mess, and it must be there a dectator se he can rule them all, so they all be like on contry, but the next step, should be democracy, you can't start total democracy anywhere, for example you can't go to iraq and put full democracy, it will make things worse, cause it will make the arab mojority the right to rule, and the rest of nationalities will make things bad, etc... so, it must be a dectator first, then after things calm down, and people forget the independent contries thing, then bring up democracy)

At one time in history every Muslim country was under the tyranny of Britain, France, Italy, .......and now under the US and Isreal .

first, they werent all under the controll, saudi arabia wasn't under any controll. also if you're talking about toaday, also not all, palastine under israeil, iraq and others from west asia under u.s.a, sudan, inner wars, and pleas don't tell me they have inner wars cause of relegion...