Why Hell?

Let me clear this up. When adult people know that the only way to live is to love their neighbors (and enemies), and those people reject that way of life, then they get punished.

Matthew 25:41,46 -- You don't have to worry about this because it's for Christians who see people suffering and refuse to help them. Matthew 25:34-40 is the first half of Christ's admonition to: #1 feed the hungry, #2 welcome strangers, #3 clothe the naked, #4 attend the sick, and #5 visit those in prison:

And, when so-called Christians see someone hungry, lost, naked, sick or in prison, and they simply say "Hey, good luck, I wish you the best" and do nothing (and unless they repent ... because God is a forgiving god) -- they will go to HELL. Because they knew the right thing to do, and they paraded around as though they were Christians, but in their actions they weren't ... they were hypocrites. And if anyone is rubbed the wrong way by hypocritical Christians, guess what? Christ feels it more than anyone else and has the ultimate solution for them.
does not speak of inability to help (see #1)

#1 feed the hungry,
doesn't this include helping them to not become homeless?(help with rent and bills)
alot of churches try to do this, but the needs exceeds the donations, so with so many asking for money and their being so little to share the church is forced into a discretionary role. (i suppose the same applies if you change out the word 'church' and put 'people')

#2 welcome strangers,
i did that once..put him up for the night,he left a mess in my daughters bed (she was out of town for awhile)..eww

#3 clothe the naked,
i got a pile ready to go..

#4 attend the sick,
so if i spend enough attention on how bad i am messed up, does that count?(jk)

#5 visit those in prison:
they prefer conjugal visits.;)
(is that spelled right?)
Ooh - good comeback. Do you have anything of substance; I mean other than what the voices tell you? :rolleyes:

perhaps if you were actually interested in what the book has to say, you'd know that it refers to the voice of god (the holy spirit) communicating with people all the time.
I like to slice the Bible up with an exacto knife, and extract it's messages like fortune cookies.
So what if you've read it in the Bible?
The Quran or the Bhagavad-gita or a number of other religious texts would say different things about God. Why should anyone trust the Bible above other religious scriptures??

Because I studied and compared the major religions and philosophies.

People should trust the Bible above other religious scriptures because you "studied and compared the major religions and philosophies"?

Let's straighten one thing out. The Christian God is different from other gods, so when someone talks about "God", I assume they mean the Christian God, not Allah, not Buddha, not Mithras, not Ahura Mazda, etc.

I so wish you would take this up with Jan Ardena or Lightgigantic!

I was referring to God. I wasn't thinking specifically of the Christian god, but just God.

This kind of reply is what I call a typical Christian attitude ...

Only the Christian Bible describes the Christian God. It's kinduva tautology. See previous answer.

By "a typical Christian attitude" I am referring to the belligerent tone in your comment.

What makes you think I've never read any of it [the Bible]?

Because you said: "To me, it would require blind faith to read the Bible and associate with Christians." And you've indicated that you don't have blind faith.

I have not indicated that; I have only said that I find blind faith repugnant.

Therefore, you've never read the Bible or associated with Christians. I'm sorry that I'm only using scientific logic.

Yes, and this "scientific logic" apparently means to twist around what people say.

I have read the Bible, I grew up among Christians, I went to church, I had Christian friends.

What have I done to offend you?

You're "being a Christian" ...

Let me clear this up. When adult people know that the only way to live is to love their neighbors (and enemies), and those people reject that way of life, then they get punished.

If someone doesn't kill you, it means that they love you?
If you don't kill someone, this means you love them? And they owe it to you to believe you love them if you don't kill them?

There's no do-overs or reincarnations in life. It's a one shot deal.

Really? How do you know that? Are you omniscient?

This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering— since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

So this means I will burn in hell for all eternity?

This is pretty self-explanatory. People such as Hitler are burning in hell.

Forever? For a finite action, they get infinite punishment?
Signal's on fire!
Nice discussion guys.

Allow me to chip in by addressing the OP.
All these thoughts lead to a simple and straight picture. The existence of hell (or heaven) is as possible as the underpants stealing gnomes. Its all make-believe to strike the fear of punishment into the god-fearing.
Where is a good case for its existence other than unreliable scriptures?
What is problem in admitting we don't know?
It's the fear of the unknown that triggers the believe in reward-punishment mechanism.

Hitler isn't burning in hell, it's sad there isn't one for him to burn in.

It also makes me think if all this hell business is true, would we keep our brains after we die? That's the only way we would feel 'pain' and 'heat'.
People should trust the Bible above other religious scriptures because you "studied and compared the major religions and philosophies"?
No, I believe in God because of what I have studied and discerned. Everyone gets to do as they please and decide for themselves. You too.

I was referring to God. I wasn't thinking specifically of the Christian god, but just God.
Okay, so it sounds like you've narrowed your belief down to one God and not a pantheon of gods. See, I didn't know this before.

By "a typical Christian attitude" I am referring to the belligerent tone in your comment.
Which comment?

Signal said:
Cifo said:
Signal said:
What makes you think I've never read any of it [the Bible]?
Because you said: "To me, it would require blind faith to read the Bible and associate with Christians." And you've indicated that you don't have blind faith.
I have not indicated that [I have blind faith]; I have only said that I find blind faith repugnant.
I have read the Bible, I grew up among Christians, I went to church, I had Christian friends.
Okay, now I get it ... you've read the Bible, which I didn't know before.

Yes, and this "scientific logic" apparently means to twist around what people say.
I only thought that you would not do something that you found repugnant.

Signal said:
Cifo said:
What have I done to offend you?
You're "being a Christian" ...
I would never say this, but do I get to say that you offend me by you not being a Christian? I would never say this, of course, because it's not true. You don't offend me. Why would it offend me? But would you allow this offensiveness to go both ways? Is it a two-way street, or is it only PC to beat on the Christians?

What about Muslims? Do you want to tell Muslims that Islam and them "being Muslims" offends you? Would you go to Mecca and shout it in the middle of a suq (a marketplace)? Would you tell them that their Shari'ah laws, honor killings, burqas, child brides, etc offend you?

If someone doesn't kill you, it means that they love you?
If you don't kill someone, this means you love them?
Huh?? I have no idea where this "kill"ing stuff comes from.

And they owe it to you to believe you love them if you don't kill them?
No one owes me anything for any reason. Who am I that someone would owe me something? No one owes me anything, and I want to make that point quite clear. No one owes me anything. Period. We're all grownups here, and we feel, think and do as we please.

Really? How do you know that [there's no do-overs or reincarnations in life]? Are you omniscient?
Again, that's what I believe because I believe in the Christian faith. Otherwise, hey ... we can do as we want because we're coming back to give it another try. It's like the movie Groundhog Day -- rob a bank one day, get laid the next, get hit by a train, jump to your death, pig out on pastries, etc. Have you seen the movie?

So this means I will burn in hell for all eternity [because I am one of those who do not know God]?
Well, actually, because you've said you read the Bible, then you do know God; therefore, your eternal resting place would depend on the second clause: repenting and following Christ.

Forever? For a finite action, they get infinite punishment?
Yup, people like Hitler get infinite punishment. There are no make-up exams or extra-credit projects or summer school. The semester is over, and the final grade is ... uhh ... final.

Look Signal, you've read the bible, and you've made your decision. I cannot convey anything more than what the Bible says. If you have questions, I'll try to answer them; otherwise, I don't have anything else to say here.
Yup, people like Hitler get infinite punishment. There are no make-up exams or extra-credit projects or summer school. The semester is over, and the final grade is ... uhh ... final.

How are you so sure? Know something we don't?:scratchin:
How are you so sure? Know something we don't?:scratchin:

It's what I conclude from what I believe. I don't need to explain the difference between to know and to believe, because it's readily available in dictionaries. I know the difference, and I believe you do too. ;)
It's what I conclude from what I believe. I don't need to explain the difference between to know and to believe, because it's readily available in dictionaries. I know the difference, and I believe you do too. ;)

Fair enough.
But your believing it doesn't make it true.
I know you know that.:)
By "a typical Christian attitude" I am referring to the belligerent tone in your comment.
Which comment?

You know what God wants??

Because I've read the Bible. Can't get it from reading Cosmopolitan or Scientific American or the two sources you provided.

To me, it would require blind faith to read the Bible and associate with Christians.

And this you know without ever having read any of it? Well, best wishes then. You know where to go if you're ever curious.

Okay, now I get it ... you've read the Bible, which I didn't know before.

And yet you made claims about me.

I would never say this, but do I get to say that you offend me by you not being a Christian? I would never say this, of course, because it's not true. You don't offend me. Why would it offend me? But would you allow this offensiveness to go both ways? Is it a two-way street, or is it only PC to beat on the Christians?

The one who considers himself superior is playing the victim, huh?

What about Muslims? Do you want to tell Muslims that Islam and them "being Muslims" offends you? Would you go to Mecca and shout it in the middle of a suq (a marketplace)? Would you tell them that their Shari'ah laws, honor killings, burqas, child brides, etc offend you?

More victim playing by those who have seen the light?

Huh?? I have no idea where this "kill"ing stuff comes from.

From Christians, who lower the standards of love so much that any kind of indifference gets to pass as "love".

We're all grownups here, and we feel, think and do as we please.

And so per God's will!

Otherwise, hey ... we can do as we want because we're coming back to give it another try. It's like the movie Groundhog Day -- rob a bank one day, get laid the next, get hit by a train, jump to your death, pig out on pastries, etc. Have you seen the movie?

Have you seen the whole movie?

Well, actually, because you've said you read the Bible, then you do know God; therefore, your eternal resting place would depend on the second clause: repenting and following Christ.

I do not know whether I know God or not.
But that, characteristically, does not mean anything to a Christian ... !

Look Signal, you've read the bible, and you've made your decision.

Defining my world for me, huh? No, I have not "made my decision".

I cannot convey anything more than what the Bible says.

Oh, yes, you can, and yes, you should. If you were human.
Allow me to chip in by addressing the OP.
All these thoughts lead to a simple and straight picture. The existence of hell (or heaven) is as possible as the underpants stealing gnomes. Its all make-believe to strike the fear of punishment into the god-fearing.
Where is a good case for its existence other than unreliable scriptures?

What is problem in admitting we don't know?

Because there are things that we do know, and that give us some reasons to extrapolate.

It's the fear of the unknown that triggers the believe in reward-punishment mechanism.

Is there any scientific evidence for this claim?
Because there are things that we do know, and that give us some reasons to extrapolate.

Is there any scientific evidence for this claim?

Fair enough. With so many possibilities, anything could be right or everything wrong or some and so on.

No, no scientific evidence for this claim at this moment. It's my opinion.
But can you extrapolate the reason for this belief without any evidence? This seems the best to me.
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Cifo said:
Okay, now I get it ... you've read the Bible, which I didn't know before.
And yet you made claims about me.
You said that reading the Bible or associating with Christians is repugnant to you. I figured that you don't do things that you deemed repugnant.

Signal said:
Cifo said:
I would never say this, but do I get to say that you offend me by you not being a Christian? I would never say this, of course, because it's not true. You don't offend me. Why would it offend me? But would you allow this offensiveness to go both ways? Is it a two-way street, or is it only PC to beat on the Christians?
The one who considers himself superior is playing the victim, huh?
Why would I be superior? I have my beliefs, you have yours. In fact, by believing in Christ, I realize I've committed more sins than if I inspected myself from a non-Christian perspective. Ask questions about the Bible, and I'll try to answer them.

Signal said:
Cifo said:
What about Muslims? Do you want to tell Muslims that Islam and them "being Muslims" offends you? Would you go to Mecca and shout it in the middle of a suq (a marketplace)? Would you tell them that their Shari'ah laws, honor killings, burqas, child brides, etc offend you?
More victim playing by those who have seen the light?
I simply wondered how far the repugnance extends. So I ask you -- Do you find repugnant: honor killings, the "acid treatment", female genital mutilation, child brides and forced marriages?

Signal said:
Cifo said:
Signal said:
If someone doesn't kill you, it means that they love you?
If you don't kill someone, this means you love them?
Huh?? I have no idea where this "kill"ing stuff comes from.
From Christians, who lower the standards of love so much that any kind of indifference gets to pass as "love".
Well then, they're not really Christians, are they. They're hypocrites. Christians can't be painted with a broad brush. On this indifference, someone may have tried to convince you that indifference passes for love, and they may get some people on earth to believe/accept it, but they won't pass the muster with Christ. That is, they will suffer for all eternity.

Signal said:
Have you seen the whole movie [Groundhog Day]?
Yes, I own the movie on DVD, and I've seen the whole movie plenty of times. Very powerful.

Signal said:
I do not know whether I know God or not.
But that, characteristically, does not mean anything to a Christian ... !
I know plenty of Christians who would love you, especially because there seems a horrible amount of hurt in you.

Signal said:
I have not "made my decision".
You said that reading the Bible and associating with Christians is repugnant to you. So, this "not made my decision" statement shows a different side of you.

Signal said:
Cifo said:
I cannot convey anything more than what the Bible says.
Oh, yes, you can, and yes, you should. If you were human.
For Christians, the Bible is the ultimate authority. I cannot give you any other assurances about eternity than what's in the Bible.
Even more victim playing by those who have seen the light?!
lets see the response if the attacks were on a minority person, lets attack gays and see how well that is accepted..

it seems humanity always has to have a scapegoat, this day and age it is the christian (not without merit,but unacceptable none the less)

But perhaps "religious tolerance" indeed means 'to let everyone say they are right and not oppose them in any way'. :rolleyes:

yes let them SAY whatever they like..its when they try to force their beliefs that cause problems.(doesn't matter right/wrong when something is forced)

oppose the force, not the talk..

i have always wondered..if it is truly right and true,wouldn't it have less opposition?
lets see the response if the attacks were on a minority person, lets attack gays and see how well that is accepted..

Yeah, right. More like Christians can dish it out but they can't take it. Gays are attacked by Christians A LOT. In fact they attack a lot of folks they don't see as "holy". Now you want to bellyache that it's done to you guys?