Why Hell?

Really? They would love me for the "horrible amount of hurt in me"?

Well, in that case, they can just go screw themselves, as I will not be someone's opportunity for their delusions of grandeur.

Signal, I would never expect you to tell someone to go screw themselves.
If it wasn't for how much it would weird you out, I'd friend you at this point.:D

NMSquirrel said:
i think the problems begin when that person claims their way is the ONLY way..all others are wrong..yes maybe it is..for them, just because God wants it a certain way in your life, does not mean God wants it the same way in my life....

That's generally what I say, I just add the plurals.
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Cifo said:
Christ talking about hellfire is on point in this thread entitled "Why Hell?" If Hell was Club Med, we wouldn't be having this discussion. The Bible was established as the universal authority about Christ over 1,500 years ago. The revisionists are the ones who lack authority.
It is not established that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.

Christ, the Bible and Christianity are the authorities on reality for Christians. Religion is a funny thing. Its adherents are the ones who define who they revere, what are their holy texts, etc. Those who aren't Christian, don't get to define/redefine Christianity or God.
since when does having compassion equate to having delusions of grandeur? that's ridiculous.
since when does having compassion equate to having delusions of grandeur? that's ridiculous.

Having compassion means making yourself subservient ... spiritually and physically putting yourself in someone else's situation.

I help run a soup kitchen for the poor, homeless, etc. I bring the food and prepare it, I literally serve them their meals, I cater to their tastes, I use sign language for my deaf patrons, I've helped those patrons in wheelchairs, I prepare take home packages, and I clean up after they're gone. I even drive them home in bad weather.

Contrary to what some non-Christians may think, Christians like myself don't do this to earn "brownie points" or to "buy" our way into heaven (because we don't believe in those things), we do it because it's the right thing to do (according to our Christian beliefs).
Having compassion means making yourself subservient ... spiritually and physically putting yourself in someone else's situation.

I help run a soup kitchen for the poor, homeless, etc. I bring the food and prepare it, I literally serve them their meals, I cater to their tastes, I use sign language for my deaf patrons, I've helped those patrons in wheelchairs, I prepare take home packages, and I clean up after they're gone. I even drive them home in bad weather.

Contrary to what some non-Christians may think, Christians like myself don't do this to earn "brownie points" or to "buy" our way into heaven (because we don't believe in those things), we do it because it's the right thing to do (according to our Christian beliefs).

i agree with you, that it's the right thing to do. my comment was in response to signal's assertion.
Having compassion means making yourself subservient ... spiritually and physically putting yourself in someone else's situation.

I help run a soup kitchen for the poor, homeless, etc. I bring the food and prepare it, I literally serve them their meals, I cater to their tastes, I use sign language for my deaf patrons, I've helped those patrons in wheelchairs, I prepare take home packages, and I clean up after they're gone. I even drive them home in bad weather.

That's awesome!

Contrary to what some non-Christians may think, Christians like myself don't do this to earn "brownie points" or to "buy" our way into heaven (because we don't believe in those things), we do it because it's the right thing to do (according to our Christian beliefs).

I agree, it is the right thing to do but not based on any particular religion you chose to subscribe to. I gave a homeless person a few bucks the other day not because of my belief/disbelief in a God or where my thoughts are on Sunday mornings, but instead because it is exactly the right thing to do. Helping others in need. We are, contrary to popular belief, inherently good moral creatures. I believe in humanity.
Having compassion means making yourself subservient ... spiritually and physically putting yourself in someone else's situation.

I don't define doing for others what you would wish for were you in their situation as subservience.

Makes me sound like I'm enabling them or something.

I view it as treating them as equally flawed, fallible, and terrifyingly fragile humans...and as a fellow human we all fall in holes both physical and metaphoric.
So I'd want someone to help me out.

So I help others out when I come across others needing helped out. I observe I'm doing a *bit* better, therefore I attempt to yoinck them up to the same ledge I'm on emotionally, or hand over some spare resources if I've got them.

Kind of random about this. I'm not very organized, and the local Christian interfaith charity people were very nasty to me when I dived their dumpster, so I'd have to drive elsewhere.

Hey, they don't want me diving their dumpster, they should stop throwing out so many useable donations and having a half-empty thrift store!
It is not established that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.
Christ, the Bible and Christianity are the authorities on reality for Christians. Religion is a funny thing. Its adherents are the ones who define who they revere, what are their holy texts, etc. Those who aren't Christian, don't get to define/redefine Christianity or God.

I said it is not established that Christ, the Bible or Christianity are the authorities on reality.

I was not talking about reality for Christians, but simply about reality.

Since you preach, you apparently assume that everyone is in the same reality - and that there is no separate reality "for Christians" or "for agnostics" etc.
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I don't define doing for others what you would wish for were you in their situation as subservience.

It's potential selfishness, manipulation, abuse of those in need.
It's what is sometimes called "idiot compassion" - seeing someone suffer and then doing what one thinks would alleviate that suffering, while having no regard for the needs and wants of the other person and also having little or not understanding of what it takes to make an end to suffering.
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It's what is sometimes called "idiot compassion" - seeing someone suffer and then doing what one thinks would alleviate that suffering, while having no regard for the needs and wants of the other person and also having little or not understanding of what it takes to make an end to suffering.

Yes, you do have to watch out for being a compassionate idiot.;) Have to make sure you're responding to the situation, and the person... not your misconception.
I meant ..were I in need of help, I would like to be helped, in the way I needed helped and not in some other way. Which wouldn't help.

If my alternator's out, a fan motor does not solve the problem.
Nor would an alternator that is for a chevy, as that's not what I'm driving...

But people will get angry if you don't take that chevy alternator...

I do sometimes manage idiot elegance...cluelessly doing the right thing...
Since you preach, you apparently assume that everyone is in the same reality - and that there is no separate reality "for Christians" or "for agnostics" etc.

Preach? Me? :roflmao: :bugeye:
Where did I say that having compassion equates to having delusions of grandeur?

maybe i interpreted this incorrectly?

Originally Posted by Signal
Really? They would love me for the "horrible amount of hurt in me"?

Well, in that case, they can just go screw themselves, as I will not be someone's opportunity for their delusions of grandeur.
maybe i interpreted this incorrectly?

Originally Posted by Signal
Really? They would love me for the "horrible amount of hurt in me"?

Well, in that case, they can just go screw themselves, as I will not be someone's opportunity for their delusions of grandeur.

Apparently, you have interpreted it incorrectly.

Has anyone ever "loved" you "for the horrible amount of hurt in you"?
Hell does not have to be a physical place. It can be also a state of mind. So in that sense Hell is not something completely external to a person but rather more like an internal mental state where a person is suffering mentally and is suffering alone. So the way I see it Hell is more like existential alienation.
Originally Posted by Signal
Really? They would love me for the "horrible amount of hurt in me"?

Well, in that case, they can just go screw themselves,

It was quite patronizing.

...I get annoyed as some of Sig's opinions (welcome to the human race, Signal, everybody annoys me:p) but am really liking per's intellect and sense of humor these days.
In RL, around intact, undamaged people... I find sooner or later many of them just give me this look that says: "You're weird and I don't like you."
It's why I like to dress like a freak, gets the weird right out in the open so they can reject me before I've wasted any time on them.
I am afraid if I hand homeless people money they are going to use it on an addiction, but I do have a tendency to buy them food or hand them some fresh fruit if I've just come from the store.

Hmm...my personal experience is that the mind can only take so much torment before it snaps.

Would a loving God increase our capacity to bear pain, so that he could torture us better for having not believed in His loving Self with no evidence given?
It was quite patronizing.

What was quite patronizing?

...I get annoyed as some of Sig's opinions (welcome to the human race, Signal, everybody annoys me) but am really liking per's intellect and sense of humor these days.


In RL, around intact, undamaged people...

There are "intact, undamaged" people??

I find sooner or later many of them just give me this look that says: "You're weird and I don't like you."

Just because someone doesn't like you doesn't mean they are normal, or intact, undamaged.

Would a loving God increase our capacity to bear pain, so that he could torture us better for having not believed in His loving Self with no evidence given?

I have taken this into consideration, yes. It's what I understand by "eternal damnation".