Who kills more atheists?

Funny how suddenly people are claiming communists werent atheists. OR that if they killed people they didnt do it because they were atheists but for other political factors. But God help you if you try to claim the same thing for theists...

Double standard hypocrisy
Some communists have been atheists, others haven't. Stalin found it necessary to launch a full scale campaign against theism - hardly a sign that his subjects were atheists, when they murdered the kulaks, say.

Pol Pot's inner circle was mostly atheist, and killed many in Cambodia especially emptying out the refugee concentrations in the cities. The US Air Force was mostly theist, and killed many in Cambodia driving them into the refugee concentrations in the cities. Which killed more ? How many of the actual killers were atheistic or theistic ? How do you classify animist tribesmen in this ?

Mindreading of this nature is foolish. The biggest and most significant mass murdering of humans in the past thousand years was done by Europeans, mostly theists, in the colonization of the New World and the development of the slave trade in Africa. They were ably assisted in the latter mass murdering by the resident theists in North Africa and Arabia. But how many of these humans were atheist ? Hard to say. How many were killed in the name of the Deity involved, for reasons of theism ? Again hard to say.

Meanwhile we have people trying to argue that Hitler was atheist, that the theist - enabled famines of India don't count the same as the atheist- enabled ones of China, that people who worship Leaders and light candles to their pictures and read their books of Laws and Wisdoms are strictly theists, and so forth.

It's a vain endeavor, this mindreading stuff. Much better to go by what can be known - how do the murderers themselves justify their murders? And here we find theism playing a much more prominent role than atheism.
Atheists have murdered more innocent people than Islam and Christianity combined. The biggest murderers in world history are without exception Atheists: Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.
And you forgot to mention, Tamerlane, Ivan the Terrible, Robespierre, Francois Duvalier, Nicolae Ceausescu, Idi Amin, torquemada, saddam hussain, constantine XI, oliver cromwell. etc... all were despots including yours, some were (lutheran(Hitler) or otherwise) catholics, some muslim, some neither.
You need to look up what a despot is, what there religious Affiliation is, isn't really relevant now is it.
Funny how suddenly people are claiming communists werent atheists. OR that if they killed people they didnt do it because they were atheists but for other political factors. But God help you if you try to claim the same thing for theists...
Nobody is claiming that the likes of pol pot and stalin weren't atheist. however them being atheist does not make all atheist communists, thats like saying all catholics are evil killers because torquemada was, or all lutheran catholics are killers of jews just because Hitler was. etc... do you see how ludicrous it sound, there cant be any atheists who are capitalist, with your logic can there, but is that the case, in reality.
Take a look at Geezers post 32 on page 2 and then think about what you stated, you may realize where you err then.
Ok dont call them communists. Call them atheists. That sure makes atheists look good...


Add on top of that people like Milton Friedman and his economic theory which is the main cause of economic turmoil in many 3rd world countries and now Iraq...
Some communists have been atheists, others haven't. Stalin found it necessary to launch a full scale campaign against theism - hardly a sign that his subjects were atheists, when they murdered the kulaks, say.

Hmm theists don't kill theists? Genghis Khan killed Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Shamanists. So did Taimur (in addition to destroying temples and mosques, that is).

So no one is killing atheists, then? Only theists?

So no one is killing atheists, then? Only theists?
Nah, everyone deep down is really an atheist at heart, they are just too terrified to admit it for fear of not being included with the in-crowd.

Nah, everyone deep down is really an atheist at heart, they are just too terrified to admit it for fear of not being included with the in-crowd.

Its just interesting to me that with all the supposed prejudice against atheists, there really is no one who cares enough to actually kill them. They are probably the only minority to experience bias without violence (see for example, any genocide directed against minorities). At least, the lack of any statistics would appear to indicate that.

Which would mean that being an atheist, whether to one God or all, is statistically more likely to lead to violence. How about that? :eek:

Its just interesting to me that with all the supposed prejudice against atheists, there really is no one who cares enough to actually kill them. They are probably the only minority to experience bias without violence (see for example, any genocide directed against minorities). At least, the lack of any statistics would appear to indicate that.
The problem is that you can't easily tell an atheist from their appearance or accent, so unless they admit to their atheism, they can't be easily identified so they can be killed.

Now we know Muslims are told to hate atheists so in those communities no intelligent atheist is going to admit their perspective, are they? So there is no way to know how many real atheists there are in the world.

Which would mean that being an atheist, whether to one God or all, is statistically more likely to lead to violence. How about that?
Huh? You mean if an atheist openly admits their position then the theists are likely to him him/her?
Now we know Muslims are told to hate atheists so in those communities no intelligent atheist is going to admit their perspective, are they?

Are they now... Quite how many Muslims are told to hate Atheists and where exactly...

Now we know Muslims are told to hate atheists so in those communities no intelligent atheist is going to admit their perspective, are they? So there is no way to know how many real atheists there are in the world.

Hmm if you statistically compare athiests who killed Muslims and Muslims who killed atheists, which number is higher?
Hmm if you statistically compare athiests who killed Muslims and Muslims who killed atheists, which number is higher?

When a murderous atheist bent on furthering the cause of atheism is on the loose:

If one maintains atheist status then their chances of not being killed are greater.

If one assumes it is easier for an atheist to become a theist while in the face of imminent danger then the number of atheists killed by atheists is negatively affected (lessened).

If one assumes it is easier for theists to become atheists while in the face of imminent danger then the number of atheists killed by atheists is also negatively affected (lessened).

A person's best chance for survival in this situation would be the willingness to become atheists in a last ditch effort to appease their potential killer and for atheists to remain atheists for the same reason.
I find atheism is a rather difficult solution (because it is ridiculous and logically absurd).

What you think of the statement love is god, but god isn't love.

I think the whole religion ID apart of explaining things like thunder and earthquakes. Is really yust based on love for your partner, etc.
You have to admit god acts a bid like a women with the all mighty plan who actualy a secret. It actually reminds me of a joke of oscar wild when 2 guy's meet one is looking sad so the other one asked what's the matter. And the other guy responds I don't understand my women whereupon the first guy replies you don't have to understand then you have to love them.

Further on religion had it's merrits in the old days when the first the first society's where formed aftherall the guy who runed things could sell his position better using fancy lights and a ticket for a eternal aftherlife then yust a threat abouth pocking his stick where the sun doesn't shine. It's yust better diplomasy.

Logical spoken to get back on that there is offcourse the omnipotents or infinitie, stating that god could not have been infinite or he didn't create us aftherall how could something that's infinite create something finite, even if you infinitly split something infinite you still have infinite.
Most discrimination and persecution in the world is against Theists (Christians and Jews in particular).


I find atheism is a rather difficult solution (because it is ridiculous and logically absurd).

You're talking out of your ass.
I can't imagine that there have been too many instances throughout history when an atheist has killed anyone, theist or otherwise, in the name of religion. So having one less reason to kill should automatically affect the number of atheists killed by atheists.

Do atheists kill atheists in the name of God? Oxymoronic way of saying can't happen.

Do theists kill atheists in the name of God? Sure they do.