Who kills more atheists?

I can't imagine that there have been too many instances throughout history when an atheist has killed anyone, theist or otherwise, in the name of religion. So having one less reason to kill should automatically affect the number of atheists killed by atheists.

Do atheists kill atheists in the name of God? Oxymoronic way of saying can't happen.

Do theists kill atheists in the name of God? Sure they do.

Plenty of athiests have killed in the name of rejecting God. After all, as atheists like to say, even theists are atheists to some God! ;)
Plenty of athiests have killed in the name of rejecting God.

Look closely, I said atheists would not kill other atheists in the name of God. Your thread title is about who is killing more atheists.

Its obvious you want to talk about atheists killing theists.
Are there any statistics as to where atheists are most likely to be actually killed for lack of belief? I'm not referring to laws (we have anti-homosexuality laws in India which everyone ignores, for instance), but actual violence against atheists.
You could argue that 'western' conflicts with communists were religious wars against atheists. Certainly much of middle american viewed the Vietnam was as such. Support for the war against the USSR in Afghanistan was couched in these terms for many and by many. Many fascist regimes based some of their abuse, torture and killing of leftists along religious lines, ie. that these were godless atheists undermining tradtional religious values. This latter being true of course since many tradtional values espoused by, for example, the Catholic church were challenged by godless leftists (and god believing leftists also, of course) in Latin America. So inter society and intra-society killings of atheists has taken place. I am afraid I cannot say who has killed the most and I am way too lazy to try to find out.

And in case any should assume I support the killing of godless lefties, well, I don't. Or any combination of atheist theist left and right, though I suppose I get along best with both theist and atheist left. I can't quite climb in the tiny box the theist right wants me to climb into. I like moving my arms, legs and genitals.
SAM said:
Plenty of athiests have killed in the name of rejecting God.
For example ?

Certainly the Stalinist and Maoist murders don't count here.

And we aren't going to be confusing religion with deity again, of course.

So - - -
SAM said:
Hmm if you statistically compare athiests who killed Muslims and Muslims who killed atheists, which number is higher?
Interesting question. Atheists are hard to find in the vicinity of powerful Muslims who can kill easily, for some reason.
And yet, there seem to be no dead atheists and plenty of dead Muslims, hmm?
SAM said:
And yet, there seem to be no dead atheists and plenty of dead Muslims, hmm?
We've established the problems connected with seeing atheists. And besides, it depends on where you look as well.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

The Christians and Jews are doing more killing than dying, Muslims the opposite, these days - but they have been more tolerant of atheists, or at least curbed in their oppressions in recent generations, and have reaped the benefits of secular curiosity and exploration. Among the benefits, superior weaponry.
Stalin, Pol Pot, et. all. killed their political enemies, just like the Catholic church did for centuries. The Kmer Rouge did not officially object to religion, and the Russian following of the Russian Orthodox church runs about 70%, one should assume that hasn't changed much since USSR times, only the ability to practice it in public has changed.
The Khmer Rouge used to force Muslims to eat pork (if they refused, they were killed), defrocked monks and killed people who were caught praying. I'd say that constitutes an "official objection" to religion.

Before 1975 the Khmer Rouge tolerated the activities of the community of Buddhist monks, or sangha, in the liberated areas in order to win popular support. This changed abruptly after the fall of Phnom Penh. The country's 40,000 to 60,000 Buddhist monks, regarded by the regime as social parasites, were defrocked and forced into labor brigades. Many monks were executed; temples and pagodas were destroyed or turned into storehouses or jails. Images of the Buddha were defaced and dumped into rivers and lakes. People who were discovered praying or expressing religious sentiments in other ways were often killed. The Christian and Muslim communities also were persecuted. The Roman Catholic cathedral of Phnom Penh was completely razed. The Khmer Rouge forced Muslims to eat pork, which they regard as an abomination. Many of those who refused were killed. Christian clergy and Muslim leaders were executed.
SAM said:
The Khmer Rouge used to force Muslims to eat pork (if they refused, they were killed), defrocked monks and killed people who were caught praying. I'd say that constitutes an "official objection" to religion.
Some religions, anyway. The ones that got in the way of following the Leader.

Now, about theism, atheism, and their role in killings - - -
Some religions, anyway. The ones that got in the way of following the Leader.

Now, about theism, atheism, and their role in killings - - -

So Muslims not eating pork gets in the way of following the leader? A Pig, I presume. Like the statues that had to be defaced and thrown in the rivers and the people caught praying who just had to be eliminated.
The Khmer Rouge used to force Muslims to eat pork (if they refused, they were killed), defrocked monks and killed people who were caught praying. I'd say that constitutes an "official objection" to religion.

Muslims have historically reacted the same way to other religions. The Khmer would kill you just for wearing glasses or picking berries. They aren't a good example of atheists killing in the name of atheism.
Muslims have historically reacted the same way to other religions. The Khmer would kill you just for wearing glasses or picking berries. They aren't a good example of atheists killing in the name of atheism.

Yeah, clearly a lack of belief means one can randomly pick attributes to kill for.

Frequently the Khmer Rouge ''killed people by cutting out their livers with a knife. . . . Often they ate the livers. . . . Babies were thrown up in the air and came down on bayonets.'' To save bullets, the Khmer Rouge murdered innocents by practicing what they called vay choul, which consisted of ''beating people with the back of a hoe.''

Geez Louise.
Not at all, they had a very strong faith in the righteousness of their political ideology, of which the punishment of some forms of religion was but a small part.
Not at all, they had a very strong faith in the righteousness of their political ideology, of which the punishment of some forms of religion was but a small part.

Sounds like just about every other militant atheist out there. A man with an ideology who happens to hate religion.
SAM said:
Sounds like just about every other militant atheist out there. A man with an ideology who happens to hate religion.
That word again. The devout see hatred everywhere, for some reason.

SAM said:
Frequently the Khmer Rouge ''killed people by cutting out their livers with a knife. . . . Often they ate the livers. . . . Babies were thrown up in the air and came down on bayonets.'' To save bullets, the Khmer Rouge murdered innocents by practicing what they called vay choul, which consisted of ''beating people with the back of a hoe.''

Geez Louise.
Sounds like Rwanda. Except Rwanda was more brutal, and the stories were better verified.

And instead of having been bombed into psychosis by theists, the Rwandans were the theists. Their psychosis was home grown.
That word again. The devout see hatred everywhere, for some reason.

Believe you me, I don't just see the hatred, I feel it and experience it. Give an atheist some anonymity and he really lets you know what he thinks.

Sounds like Rwanda. Except Rwanda was more brutal, and the stories were better verified.

And instead of having been bombed into psychosis by theists, the Rwandans were the theists. Their psychosis was home grown.

Who imports their psychosis? I'd say the Rwandans were an excellent example of violently rejecting another's beliefs.
And yet, there seem to be no dead atheists and plenty of dead Muslims, hmm?
But Latin America. But dead North Vietnamese or dead North Koreans. Certainly part of US foreign policy has been based on a hatred of atheism and religious rhetoric and support was a part of wars against atheistic regimes. And also as I said above atheists were also targeted by purportedly Christian regimes in South America. I am not sure if right wing atheists been targeted, but this is neither here nor there.
But Latin America. But dead North Vietnamese or dead North Koreans. Certainly part of US foreign policy has been based on a hatred of atheism and religious rhetoric and support was a part of wars against atheistic regimes. And also as I said above atheists were also targeted by purportedly Christian regimes in South America. I am not sure if right wing atheists been targeted, but this is neither here nor there.

Finally! :p

Yup, absolutely correct. The Cold war was a struggle between atheist "terrorists" on the one hand and the righteous "saviours" on the other. Kudos for being the first one to get it. :thumbsup:
Finally! :p

Yup, absolutely correct. The Cold war was a struggle between atheist "terrorists" on the one hand and the righteous "saviours" on the other. Kudos for being the first one to get it. :thumbsup:
I can't tell if any of the sarcasm is aimed at me. I'm not a fan of either total state socialisms or corporate oligarchies. I think there was a small island in the Pacific that was free of these options, but then someone bought it.
Finally! :p

Yup, absolutely correct. The Cold war was a struggle between atheist "terrorists" on the one hand and the righteous "saviours" on the other. Kudos for being the first one to get it. :thumbsup:

What an idiot.

When Muslims strap on bombs and kill people while they scream their gods name, it's all politics. But when Communists institute their ideologies, it's all atheism.

What an idiot.