Who kills more atheists?

Don't hold your breathe on that, lol.
Yeah? I'm pretty close to doing it myself sometimes.

Atheists don't hold beliefs,
Ooops incorrect! Of course atheists have beliefs...

it is the whole point of atheism, they lack belief in gods.
Exactly. Atheists lack belief in gods, not in what's the right or wrong thing to do.

Hence why they can play act, to survive.
Or get a point across VERY forcefully...

It would only be hypocrisy if the had beliefs, and went against them.
Or even maybe: NOT having a belief in gods and behaving as if you did?
Yeah? I'm pretty close to doing it myself sometimes.
Ooops incorrect! Of course atheists have beliefs...
being facetious, you knew what I meant.
What beliefs are you referring too.
an atheist has an objective knowledge, but beliefs are subjective.
Exactly. Atheists lack belief in gods, not in what's the right or wrong thing to do.
lol, but in order to survive, a whole new game emerges.
Or get a point across VERY forcefully...
lol, if being forceful gets them killed it defeats the object.
Or even maybe: NOT having a belief in gods and behaving as if you did?
thats not hypocrisy, thats a survival strategy.
What beliefs are you referring too.
Sets of personal principles maybe?
Have you no particular beliefs you'd risk death for?

lol, if being forceful gets them killed it defeats the object.
No, it doesn't necessarily. One person may make the point strongly enough that the rest of his "group" survives...

thats not hypocrisy, thats a survival strategy.
So your atheism isn't strongly held?
You'd pay lip service to religion?
Where WOULD you draw the line when it comes to conformity's sake?
How many more are there one can wonder?
Probably not very many. Reza said Iranians are religious. Which is why he wishes they were Xian, as then they'd be just like "Europeans". Anyway, it's not to say he is not a patriot. He also told me that if America attacked his country he would have to return home and defend Iran.

Anyway, yes there probably are a small number of athiests but most likely not many. (Although to tell you the truth who would know? I'd guess more people would be Baha'i or Zoroastrian or something like this than be atheist in such a religous country?

Finally. Could Reza provide you with figures about the last atheists killed in Iran? How many? When?
You know, I asked Reza to come to this site. He said, man, I don't want to talk about religion and then insinuated I have some "issues" for doing so.

So, to tell you the truth, I really don't talk too much religion with Reza anymore. I think I was starting to really irritate him. Not just because of my direct questions but also because I "don't / can't really 'get it' " - or according to him anyway. Why have the argument I say, so I don't really bother him with too much of that stuff.

NOTE: I also made a BIG mistake of saying Saddam may have kind of been a good person in that he may have been looking out for Iraq's best interests. Needless to say I don't talk about Politics or Religion anymore with Reza. That's probably why they have these internet sites - I mean, remember when Kadark flew off the handle ...
As was pointed out, there aren't likely to be many because most atheists would simply pretend to be theists if threatened with death. Most middle eastern countries still officially have the death penalty for anyone who becomes an atheist. The result is that when someone becomes an atheist, they don't advertise it.
That's right.

How many people were specifically killed in Communist countries for being religious? Are there even stats on that? I don't think "being religous" was a reason for the death penalty, even on the books - usually may have been a reason for "reeducation".

But anyway, my Chinese buddy told me his family (after 5 years of reeducation) said prayers to General Mao before dinner. I'd say that's a religion in my view. I mean, CoS don't have a God but they are religous.
But anyway, my Chinese buddy told me his family (after 5 years of reeducation) said prayers to General Mao before dinner. I'd say that's a religion in my view.

No, remember Nasor's earlier quote:
As was pointed out, there aren't likely to be many because most atheists would simply pretend to be theists if threatened with death.

Adapt and stay alive. Pretending in this case doesn't automatically make you a theist unless you think Mao is god.
which god are you referring too. there are over 2850. not including the Hindu gods, if you mean did they follow a doctrine, then yes.
However, they are no different to you, in regard to non-belief of gods, or do you follow every one. Are you a communist?.

So the doctrine they were following was promoting atheism and science? How do you explain that? Why were they promoting atheism in a manner similar to atheists on this site?
Hmm so atheists today are afeared of something that happened a few thousand years ago? Okay.
SAM said:
So no atheists are being killed for their beliefs?
As pointed out, that's hard to say.

In the past forty years or so, somewhere between 0 and 10 million people have been killed for not believing in a particular God, depending on how you count these things and what you mean by a God (does Mao count? Stalin? North Korea's recently acquired Deity ?) Whether any of them were atheists killed for their atheism somehow is a matter of mind reading and definition, not statistics.
One could also say that they are killed by those who do not believe in their God. Is that right?
SAM said:
ne could also say that they are killed by those who do not believe in their God. Is that right?
Sometimes - again, with lots of mindreading and making a few assumptions.
So the doctrine they were following was promoting atheism and science? How do you explain that?
Wrong on both counts, they were just another form of religion. Acting as a government. just like Islamic, countries the similarities between the two are uncanny. Why do you think saddams idol was stalin.
Why were they promoting atheism in a manner similar to atheists on this site?
Where does it say in the communist manifesto to promote atheism?. All Marx said was that religion was the opium of the masses, and all that happened was they swapped one for another.
Any extremely dogmatic beliefs like communism are at least 99.9% similar to any religious beliefs.
There are atheist, in all forms of government, they are not exclusive to communism.
I've not come across atheist on this site or any other that are openly promoting atheism,
if stating the facts, and giving incite into what is real and what is not is promoting atheism,
then I'm a Dutchman,
oops! nu heb ik het gedaan, ga ik het Nederlands moeten spreken, van nu af aan.(translation: oops now look what I've done, I'll have to speak dutch from now on)
Just kidding, lol.
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