Who kills more atheists?

And yet, there seem to be no dead atheists and plenty of dead Muslims, hmm

I think it's quite apparent to most members here that you would like nothing more than to see all atheists dead. The question is, where would you start if you decided to go about killing them? Atheists are not an organised collective, they are merely different people from all different walks of life that happen to not have belief in gods.

When any person goes about killing in large numbers, you'll find some of the dead were atheists. To target atheists specifically would be difficult to accomplish for reasons just mentioned.
What an idiot.

When Muslims strap on bombs and kill people while they scream their gods name, it's all politics. But when Communists institute their ideologies, it's all atheism.

What an idiot.

I thought the point was that atheists seem to feel victimized by theists. But, in fact, it is hard to find large numbers of atheists killed by theists unless you include communists in atheists, which they must be, and notice who actually has killed communists. Christian nations with the support of their mainly atheistic technical classes.

Very few people are ONLY whatever -ism we can strap on to them.

Secular Americans, for example, need to face the fact that the main killers of anyone who could be considered an atheist have been Christians - pretend or otherwise - and that many of these killings, for example, took place in Latin America with the approval and often training and monetary support of the CIA.

We should also note that Christians and atheists, de facto or open ones, were responsible for the destruction of, for example, Native American cultures. You can see seeds of this kind of thinking on Bells thread where otherwise rational people are defending the use of the word 'savages' in relation to South American tribal members and basically supporting Manifest Destiny, yet again.

Atheists never notice that they are just as likely as anyone else to judge another group subhuman - and not just communist atheists - and set up policies that end up being very destructive for these people.

While theists have a magical belief in their religion's ability to make people good, atheists seem to think their atheist has moved them up some evolutionary ladder. A bureaucratic death is still a death. A bureaucratic genocide is still a genocide.
SAM said:
Believe you me, I don't just see the hatred, I feel it and experience it. Give an atheist some anonymity and he really lets you know what he thinks.
Likewise a theist. But assuming that theists one doesn't know are ubiquitously motivated by hatred, in their theism, is hardly supported.

Dawkins, for example, draws no such conclusion from the disturbing hate mail he and every other public atheist receives by the bushel.

Whereas our friend arsalan does, repeatedly on this forum, draw conclusions of hatred from no evidence whatsoever except his own (even erroneous) assumption of atheistic underpinnings to opinions contradicting his.

And IIRC you are on record as describing Dawkins's writings as expressions of his personal hatred.

For example.

Because the assumption of hatred motivating one's opponents, often on little or no evidence, seems far more common among the strongly theistic (and the politically rightwing authoritarian, a possibly confounding correlation) than among others.
simon said:
Atheists never notice that they are just as likely as anyone else to judge another group subhuman
Never ? I would say they notice somewhat more often, on probability, and not from their atheism but from other correlated factors.
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There haven't been very many atheists killed because there aren't many. It's only been fairly recently that they can reveal themselves without too much recrimination. Stalin, Mao, etc. killed in the name of Socialist Revolution.
I think it's quite apparent to most members here that you would like nothing more than to see all atheists dead. The question is, where would you start if you decided to go about killing them? Atheists are not an organised collective, they are merely different people from all different walks of life that happen to not have belief in gods.

When any person goes about killing in large numbers, you'll find some of the dead were atheists. To target atheists specifically would be difficult to accomplish for reasons just mentioned.

Geez making excuses for lack of dead athiests now? Pathetic.

While theists have a magical belief in their religion's ability to make people good, atheists seem to think their atheist has moved them up some evolutionary ladder. .

Or they could simply refuse to recognise that atheists who kill are doing so inspite of a "lack of belief". And in very many horrendous numbers. Simply bracket whatever ideology they follow into a "religion". Every ideology apparently is a religion, except for the ones followed by those massive forebrainers who think theirs do not qualify.

There haven't been very many atheists killed because there aren't many. It's only been fairly recently that they can reveal themselves without too much recrimination. Stalin, Mao, etc. killed in the name of Socialist Revolution.

Why don't you ask the Chinese how few atheists there are? Or the Russians? or the Cambodians? Just ask them
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Or they could simply refuse to recognise that atheists who kill are doing so inspite of a "lack of belief". And in very many horrendous numbers. Simply bracket whatever ideology they follow into a "religion". Every ideology apparently is a religion, except for the ones followed by those massive forebrainers who think theirs do not qualify.
I think the misunderstanding is related to ideas like collateral damage and a hatred of emotions.

In other words 'The West' thinks it is morally superior to kill because one does not really give a shit about those one kills. "Our goal was not to kill them. We realized that many would die and we did not care about this. But our intention was to open markets, make ourselves safe, etc."

If anyone kills or threatens to kill and are angry they are inferior and by nature barbarians, irrational, savages, etc.
I thought the point was that atheists seem to feel victimized by theists.
M*W: You pose an interesting argument. I don't feel "victimized" by theists, but I stupidly allowed myself to be victimized by christians when I was one of them. As an atheist, I don't feel I can be victimized anymore by the religious. The unfortunate part of this equation is that christians don't realize they are brainwashed. I guess you could say I was one of the "lucky" christians who became aware of my christian victimization. The religious folk on this forum do not have the capacity to victimize the atheists, because their rants are nothing but ridiculous rhetoric.
Why don't you ask the Chinese how few atheists there are? Or the Russians? or the Cambodians? Just ask them

Not that many, less and less are repeating the official line about religion. The actual number of atheists in those countries are very small. Adherents.com says that only 14% of Chinese say they are "irreligious".
M*W: You pose an interesting argument. I don't feel "victimized" by theists, but I stupidly allowed myself to be victimized by christians when I was one of them. As an atheist, I don't feel I can be victimized anymore by the religious. The unfortunate part of this equation is that christians don't realize they are brainwashed. I guess you could say I was one of the "lucky" christians who became aware of my christian victimization. The religious folk on this forum do not have the capacity to victimize the atheists, because their rants are nothing but ridiculous rhetoric.
May I draw the conclusion from this that you believe a higher quality rhetoric could victimize someone?
I think most people do not realize they are brainwashed.
Geez making excuses for lack of dead athiests now? Pathetic

Your stupidity aside, I would contend that - given world religiosity - there will always be a lack of dead atheists in comparison to dead theists - but that was not the focus of what I said or what you asked. Indeed I do believe I ended on a question that might help you answer your own question.

You want to kill atheists, as many as possible. Where do you start?

If you'd like to fuck around a little bit more then let me know, if your question was a serious one perhaps you should take your head out of your rectum and start paying attention? I don't have much time for idiots, regardless to how many idiotic posts they've managed to amass.
So, who kills more atheists? Other atheists. That was a simple one


Once again kindly answer this question..

"You want to kill atheists, as many as possible. Where do you start?"

Surely it's not a problem to answer, heh Sam?

In either case I don't see where your statement comes from. Other atheists kill more atheists? Where does that come from?

Answer the question Sam...
May I draw the conclusion from this that you believe a higher quality rhetoric could victimize someone? I think most people do not realize they are brainwashed.
M*W: I don't know about a "higher quality of rhetoric," but I agree with you that "most people do not realize they are brainwashed."

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Gullible is as gullible does." ~ M*W

Once again kindly answer this question..

"You want to kill atheists, as many as possible. Where do you start?"

Surely it's not a problem to answer, heh Sam?

In either case I don't see where your statement comes from. Other atheists kill more atheists? Where does that come from?

Answer the question Sam...

When atheists are in power they kill everyone. When they are not in power, they build weapons of mass destruction and kill everyone. They whine about discrimination and when you ask what discrimination they point to a majority exhibiting their religious beliefs in the society they live in. However, when a society declares itself atheist, you'll be killed even if you mumble a prayer in public and they'll burn down and destroy all public displays of religiosity. When they are a minority they whine about persecution and yet cannot locate a single atheist who has been killed for his (lack of) beliefs. But when they are in power, you can count bodies in the millions.

And to top it all they disavow despotic atheists in power as religious, argue that their lack of belief is an epistemologically sound argument and declare that all theists are atheists to Gods other than their own. By that argument, all atheists are only killed by other atheists.
When atheists are in power they kill everyone. When they are not in power, they build weapons of mass destruction and kill everyone.

Curiously absolutely nothing you said answered the question I asked you. Third time lucky perhaps, need I restate it or draw a picture perhaps - they say I'm quite good with MS Paint?

As for your statement quoted, I see little reason to go through the very same thing all over again that has been done with you countless times by countless people. You can continue along your path of ignorance all you want but kindly stop repeating it constantly as if there is anything of merit in it.

However, when a society declares itself atheist, you'll be killed even if you mumble a prayer in public and they'll burn down and destroy all public displays of religiosity.

Verbal flatulence - along with the rest of your rant.

Anyway, once you've got it all off your chest for the thousandth time since March, do try and answer the question.
SAM said:
When atheists are in power they kill everyone. When they are not in power, they build weapons of mass destruction and kill everyone. They whine about discrimination and when you ask what discrimination they point to a majority exhibiting their religious beliefs in the society they live in. However, when a society declares itself atheist, you'll be killed even if you mumble a prayer in public and they'll burn down and destroy all public displays of religiosity. When they are a minority they whine about persecution and yet cannot locate a single atheist who has been killed for his (lack of) beliefs. But when they are in power, you can count bodies in the millions.
Because all it takes is one atheist in power, and the huge bulk of theistic, superstitious, people he commands start obeying his orders to indiscriminate slaughter.

The sheer power of atheism, allowing its possessor to command people's minds in this fashion, is probably a major attraction for evil people - which explains why evil and atheism are so often found conjoined, in the world as seen through theological categories.

Either that, or there's a major delusion involved in all this. We note that the statement "cannot locate a single atheist who has been killed for their (lack of ) belief " is simply false - many have been located, despite their comparative sparsity in the requisite circumstances. So that's a clue.
I just love the irony in the anti-theist positions being strongly taken


I think that irony is one we can all enjoy and in fact is more fun than this debate.